Quadruple split

Chapter 1175 The Fatal Game Begins (I)

As we all know, the Academy City Comprehensive Library is the largest building of its kind in the entire continent. Thanks to the efforts of countless generations of great masters, the amount of books in it can be said to be vast, even if we ignore the books in the forbidden book area that are not suitable for public disclosure. The content and the knowledge contained in it are also overwhelming. It can be said to be all-encompassing and all-encompassing.

Under this premise, the book spirit who claims to "know the contents of all books" can definitely be said to be one of the most knowledgeable people in the world, even though it is not strictly an individual.

In other words, for Shu Ling, the threshold for the word ‘unknown’ should not be too high.

On the premise of acquiring personality and thinking ability, it can also draw inferences from one instance to other cases. Therefore, if someone does not respect martial ethics and wants to use trickery to deceive or deceive it, an old comrade who is hundreds of years old, other than The difficulty is by no means ordinary.

The knowledge used for exchange must be valuable and meaningful.

This was Shuling's request after Futaba sat down in the ship's new single room without Frank around.

The channels for you to acquire knowledge are not only readings in the library. Everyone who enters the library may bring you new information.

This was Shuling's kind reminder before Futaba cleared her throat and prepared to start sex.

After all, as a occult derivative who is tireless, always able to extract knowledge from various students' exchanges, and truly keeps pace with the times, Shu Ling feels that he is still difficult to conquer.

Although Futaba was aware of the other party's confidence, she still felt that Shu Ling was simply giving it away. Obviously, she didn't want the other party to feel it, she wanted her to feel it!

She felt that as a new young man of the 21st century with both good morals and academics, she would definitely be able to easily break the guard of the fat, middle-aged scholar in front of her.

Time traveler!

As a player, I am basically a time traveler in this three-acre area of ​​the Innocence Realm!

Needless to say how awesome the time traveler is, right? Except for Wang Mang and Cai Yue Subaru, who are either unlucky or unlucky, who among all time travelers has not achieved fame and fortune?

Moreover, Mr. Wang Mangwang has had some success, although in the end he was able to perform the [Big Meteor Technique] and overturned the situation under an almost ridiculous force difference, and he overturned in front of the emperor Guangwu, the son of the lost plane. , but he can still be regarded as a generational hero.

As for Natsuki Subaru, it was a bit miserable, but he had Rem.

All in all, Time Traveler Niuguo is the right choice.

So in front of myself as a time traveler, the book spirit of a small and broken library——

half an hour later

Game time AM10:47

Academy City Comprehensive Library, Restricted Book Zone? layer, impression space


The angry girl slapped the table hard and said angrily: "This won't work, and that won't work either. What the hell are you doing!"

In front of the furious beautiful girl, the book spirit sitting behind the same desk as in the room outside just shook his head calmly and said in his ordinary middle-aged voice passing by: "It's a pity, although 'The Immortal Dance' 'It is indeed a brand new term to me, but this kind of routine is actually not uncommon. There are at least 3,000 cases of Amway that have been clearly recorded in the library alone. Putting aside about 70% of the fabrications, there is evidence. There are nearly 600 cases that can be examined, and I can list some of the more representative ones, such as the heroic queen Gilgamesh in a half-dragon cowherd shop in 3779 of the Holy Calendar..."

"Shut up!"

Futaba loudly interrupted Ta Ling's example, then slammed her head on the table and frantically scratched her long, voluptuous orange hair, and screamed like she was venting: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Shu Ling, on the other hand, still looked at her calmly and patiently, without making any comments.

In fact, it was not Futaba's original intention to bring out the non-mainstream knowledge of 'Senjin Jump'. Although she did have some bad taste in her personality, this girl really wanted a quick victory at the beginning and planned to conquer as quickly as possible. The fat boy in front of him has acquired knowledge that will most likely improve him.


but! ! !

In the face of Futaba's various modern knowledge, Shu Ling, who was supposed to be shocked by the world, showed an unimaginable calmness and was not moved at all!

Among them, in addition to the evaluation of the IT technology at the bottom of the box that "although it is profound and unknown, it cannot be practiced in this world, so it is meaningless", all kinds of daily life actually belong to Shuling. Within the known range!

Is this reasonable?

"That makes sense, Ms. Futaba."

The book spirit shrugged in a humane manner and said softly: "I have reminded you before, everyone who enters the library can bring me new information, and in this Academy City, people like you Although there are not many such 'outsiders', they are not a minority either."

Futaba clenched his silver teeth and stared at the fat boy in front of him: "You said... there are many 'outsiders' like me in this city?"

"Not much, but not much."

Shu Ling gave a straight answer and said without thinking: "At least as far as I know, there are at least two educational institutions in Academy City composed entirely of you aliens, and the knowledge they impart seems to be the same as yours. The knowledge in the world, well, those students are all frequent visitors to the library."

Futaba twitched the corners of his lips and asked in a dry voice: "What's wrong with those damn kids? Why do you want to come to your place to study while learning local knowledge from our world?"

"If I guess correctly, those students should be killing time."

Shu Ling looked at a magazine that appeared in front of him at some point, and said calmly: "According to my observation, they don't seem to like their current 'coursework', so unlike other students, they have nothing to do with the collaborating school." The reason for applying to study in the library seems to be more to pass the time and relax, and accordingly..."

"Because those interesting 'otherworld students' have no desire for knowledge, so you can't invite them, but they have learned a lot of knowledge about other worlds through the chatter between these people, haha."

The eyes behind the lenses narrowed slightly. The girl raised her right hand, used her slender index finger to brush aside a strand of hair hanging on her shoulders, and murmured in a low voice: "How about contacting that bitch and playing a little prank?" Woolen cloth?"

An interesting idea appeared in Futaba's mind, but she ran to the back of her mind the next moment. The reason was simple. No matter what she planned to do in reality after going offline, the top priority at this moment was to deal with the person in front of her. Shuling completes the 'deal'.

This is not a simple matter, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed here for half an hour and still not left.

However, it is not difficult to say how difficult it is.

"Let's put it this way..."

Futaba took a breath and slowly sat up straight: "As long as it is something you don't know, is applicable to your world, is qualified to be included in this library, and has not yet been included, it is considered qualified. ,Right?"

Shu Ling nodded slightly and reminded: "However, please note that literary works made up on the spot are not included in this list, because I cannot verify its influence, so assuming that you created a collection of poems impromptu, even if its quality It is higher than many reading materials in the library, and I cannot agree with them.”

"Really? What a pity. I originally planned to silently write "Two Hundred and Five Tang Poems" for you on the spot."

Futaba smiled, but his face did not show any emotion that could be associated with 'pity', and then said lazily: "A whole stack of paper, a whole pen."

The next second, twelve pieces of well-made parchment appeared in front of Futaba, with a beautiful quill lying next to it.

"I just said it, Ms. Futaba."

Although he met the other party's request, Shu Ling reminded him again: "Those things that cannot be verified..."

"Stop talking, and don't question my understanding."

Futaba snorted, casually picked up the quill pen that seemed to have no need to worry about the ink reserve, and began to write quickly: "You will know in a moment whether it is qualified or not!"

at the same time

The room where Frank Hughes and Futaba first entered

"Nice to work with, man~"

After changing his style from half an hour ago, Mo Tan, who was lazily leaning on the back of the chair with his two long legs on the corner of the table, had a smile on his face, and he happily flirted with the book spirit in front of him. Thumbs up: "That silly bitch really didn't notice the problem."

The slightly chubby middle-aged man who looked exactly like the book spirit next door who was reading Futaba's book and was actually the doppelganger shook his head and said meticulously: "I just fulfilled my obligation to you. The content of the transaction, Mr. Tanmo, other than that, I am very concerned about you and Ms. Futaba..."

"Treat everyone equally and impartially, I understand, I understand."

Mo Tan smiled, raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't worry, Fatty, I didn't intend to let you stand on my side. In fact, although it goes against the original intention, I quite enjoy standing with that bastard." The feeling of being on the same starting line. Can you understand?"

Shu Ling was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head and said: "Based on the information you provided me before, Mr. Tan Mo, you and Ms. Shuangye do not have a healthy competitive relationship. In fact, it is the two of you who want to kill each other. long-cherished wish, so even though I do not lack wisdom and have a personality that is difficult for artificial auxiliary spirits to awaken, it is still difficult to understand the emotion you expressed."

"Haha, it's okay."

Mo Tan smiled casually, spread his hands and said, "I don't think the problem is with you. After all, neither I nor that flat-faced guy with four eyes are normal people."

"Even in your own world?"

"It's obvious."


After a brief conversation, neither Mo Tan nor the Shu Ling in front of him continued to speak, but silently allowed time to pass by.

Finally, nearly half an hour passed——

"She did it."

Shu Ling suddenly broke the silence, with a faint smile on his lips: "It is worthy of admiration and amazing."

Mo Tan was not surprised at all. He just casually put on the glasses that Frank Hughes never left, and asked with interest: "How did she do it? Is it the knowledge about another world that I missed before?"

"Not really."

Shu Ling shook his head, as if he didn't mind chatting with Mo Tan more without affecting the 'fairness': "During this period, plus the time you came to Academy City before, Mr. Tan Mo, what do you think about it?" My popular science…or rather the blocking of Ms. Futaba was very detailed, and I also gave her enough hints.”

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "Oh, that's a hint."

"Yes, hint. After all, although I am not an efficiency supremacist, I do not advocate wasting time."

Shu Ling, who seemed to be in a happy mood, nodded and stood up with some difficulty: "Ms. Futaba quickly understood what I meant, so she chose the knowledge of this world as a bargaining chip."

The smile on Mo Tan's face grew stronger: "She succeeded?"

"It's obvious."

The book spirit raised his hand, and a parchment with several densely written pages and the number of words still increasing rapidly appeared in front of him: ""Conjecture about the Interaction of Homo-Elements", this is an article that was included in the magazine a few months ago. Although the paper from the Sixth Joint Laboratory in the City of Miracles has been determined to be 'discloseable' content, as of now, that article is just a title in the 'to be included' directory."

Because he had deliberately learned about the field of occultism a long time ago, and when he was a 'Black Brahma', he received a lot of first-person bragging from someone through friend messages, so Mo Tan was very interested in this article about Futaba. It is not unfamiliar for papers to be said to be profound and even serve as a stepping stone to the City of Miracles.

Of course, it’s not a stranger at all, but he doesn’t know the specific content.

And Shu Ling, who also learned about this paper through the library's "catalog to be included," naturally didn't know either.

Although this paper titled "Conjecture about the Interaction of Homoparametric Elements" is not yet the kind of subversive knowledge that has unique cross-epochal significance, judging from the fact that it can appear on the library's catalog to be included, it is undoubtedly It meets the requirements of Shuling.

So Futaba, who guessed this, wrote down the paper silently without hesitation and gave it to Shu Ling as a bargaining chip.

It is true that even without Futaba's dictation, Academy City, which has always had good relations with major forces, would have been able to obtain this paper in a few months and send it to the library, but the book with an extremely strong thirst for knowledge Ling still doesn't feel that he has suffered a loss.


"It's easy."

Returning to the space where she was first invited, Futaba happily gave Frank Hughes, who looked a little nervous, a wink: "What, are you worried about me?"

As a result, the latter nodded vigorously and said seriously: "Well, I'm very worried."

"have a finger in the pie."

Futaba curled her lips, walked up to Mo Tan and patted his shoulder hard: "Okay, the matter is done, let's go back!"


Mo Tan Congshan Ruliu nodded and stood up.


"You two, please stay."

Chapter 1,168: End

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