Quadruple split

Chapter 1176 The Fatal Game Begins (II)

"You two, please stay."

As Shu Ling's words fell, Futaba stopped almost instantly, while Frank Hughes, who was walking next to him, was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head in confusion and anxiety, while nervously He looked at Shu Ling and shrank behind Futaba.

The reason is simple. Unlike Frank Hughes who was caught off guard, Futaba immediately received a notification from the system that 'the triggering conditions for the subsequent task line have been met' after completing the satisfactory task just now, so he was very well prepared mentally.

Of course, Mo Tan has the same mission, but given that the person standing next to Futaba at this moment is Frank Hughes, a little appropriate shock is more appropriate.

"You can't be promising. He has already told us who he is."

Futaba glared at Mo Tan in confusion, then turned to Shu Ling, slightly raising the corner of her mouth and asked: "So, is there anything else?"

Standing up from behind the spacious desk, Shu Ling, whose emotions were not obvious, walked slowly to the two of them, nodded slightly and said, "Yes."


Futaba's words were concise and concise, perhaps because she had just received a benefit from someone else and was planning more benefits. This girl who was particularly venomous today did not follow her previous style and let the book spirit "let it go", but let the book spirit "let it go". he said'.

"First of all, I need to emphasize something, Ms. Futaba."

The book spirit turned his attention to the thin black parchment in Futaba's hand, and said calmly: "Although I have already divided the first area to the thirty-eighth area... that is, all the theoretically available areas in our current layer can help After all your books have been summarized, and their locations and summaries have been copied to you, this is still not enough for you to complete your transformation in a short period of time."

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the tower spirit with a slightly focused gaze: "Are you kidding me?"

"That's not the case. After all, I only promised you to 'recommend books', not to 'solve problems'."

Shu Ling shook his head and said calmly: "In fact, I have tried my best within the scope that I can handle easily. The thirty-fifth district is okay, but the knowledge in the forbidden book area should not be classified in theory." It's within the reward, but I still give you the essence of the 36th to 38th floors as a gift."

Futaba laughed dryly, squinted and said, "Just skip the bargaining and just tell me your purpose."

"'Proposal' is a more accurate word than 'purpose'."

The book spirit corrected him, and then he listened to Futaba's advice and said bluntly: "As a spirit born from this library, my essence is not a 'wise man' or a 'collector', but a I am a pure 'knowledge seeker', but I can only 'seek' and 'observe'."

Futaba smacked her lips impatiently: "Let's get to the point."

"The point is, neither knowledge nor truth can be easily sought or observed."

Shu Ling's expression was calm, but there was a heavy meaning in his words: "And there is no 'possibility' in books. Unlike living beings like you, no matter how profound a book is, They are just 'dead wisdom', or in other words, they have never lived from the beginning."

Futaba cursed, obviously not interested in Shu Ling's profound summary just now.

But Frank Hughes thoughtfully put his index finger on his chin and said hesitantly: "So, Mr. Shu Ling, what you want is to use our two 'living lives' to explore the non-existence." With the possibilities in books?”

"Completely correct."

The book spirit nodded approvingly, and while looking around at the countless heavy bookshelves looming in the mist, he said: "Although I also have my own 'personality,' I have read countless books in this building over and over again. Going through this matter itself has reduced my 'possibilities' to the minimum. Many times, when I have no other choice, I will even regard some things that should be controversial as the truth, because there is no comparison and no identification. "

"so what?"

Futaba yawned and asked lazily: "Are you going to let us stay here with you and read a book? Then we will have brainstorming sessions every now and then, and have a few debates to broaden our horizons?"

"It's actually not that troublesome."

The book spirit laughed, then raised his hand and unfolded a 'book' with no title, no author's name, and no printing unit. Simply put, there was nothing on the cover, and after opening it, there was just a lot of white paper inside. In front of the two of them: "If you are willing, I can provide a stage now for you to write a new story in this stagnant illusion."

"Write... a story?"

Futaba repeated something in a low voice, then suddenly frowned and said, "Wait a minute, do you think this useless man next to me wants to come too?"

Shu Ling nodded slightly: "If Mr. Frank is willing."


Futaba was aggressive and shouted to Shuling angrily: "Didn't you just say that he is different from me and does not meet the requirements? Why now..."

"If you mean 'being able to bring me unknown knowledge', Mr. Frank is indeed far less qualified than you, Ms. Futaba. After all, there is an 'essential' difference between you."

Shuling calmly interrupted Futaba's questioning, and then gently patted the wordless book in his hand: "But we are talking about another thing now."

Futaba took a deep breath, turned to Frank Hughes behind him and asked, "What do you think?"

"Well, to be honest, I haven't figured it out yet."

Mo Tan scratched his hair and shrugged to Shu Ling: "So, can I trouble you to explain it more clearly?"


The book spirit nodded very cooperatively, with a look of expectation in his eyes: "To explain briefly, as the 'spirit' of this library, although I do not have any actual authority, I can still... under certain circumstances...such as We are currently on the third level of the Restricted Book Zone where there are multiple high-quality energy sources to do something."

Frank immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Through my own accumulation and some media, I projected in this forbidden book area where there are countless 'gaps' due to the large amount of mounting space, and synchronized the consciousness of the two people with this carrier."

Shu Ling patted the book in his hand again and said calmly: "Place you in a certain story."

Futaba raised her middle finger and pushed up her glasses, then started to pace back and forth between Shu Ling and Mo Tan with her hands on her hands, muttering quickly: "Using unstable gaps to interfere with the order of space, through something similar to pseudo The method of spatial flow interferes with the basic laws at a shallow level, and then uses the 'mysterious' characteristics of the library itself to forcibly create a mini-like inherent barrier... there is something... there is something, you fat boy!"

Facing Futaba's exclamation, which was either praise or criticism, Shu Ling just nodded lightly: "It seems that Ms. Futaba has understood."

"Although I understand it, I actually don't understand it at all."

Futaba snorted lightly, then twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "Okay, you can continue to explain."

Shu Ling smiled, then turned around, facing the rows of bookshelves that quietly emerged from the mist at some point: "I will select suitable stories for you, and continue to observe and adjust during the process. Fortunately, although the knowledge I absorbed is like a pool of stagnant water, it is still enough to support me in controlling the surrounding environment to 'interact' with you."

After a brief silence, Mo Tan and Futaba looked at each other, and both caught a strong 'interest' in each other's eyes.

Obviously, when they heard this, their minds were still bright, and they had basically fully understood the wishes of Mr. Shu Ling in front of them.

Like a child who is unreasonable and dissatisfied with desires, this 'spirit' that was bred by countless knowledge has had enough of the 'stagnant water' that is always the same in its mouth.

Although he lacks emotions, he is ultimately different from Tal Rasha's Shutalian, Diana's Little Star, Kenneth's Trim, and Azan's Dorami. He is alive.

The pursuit of new things is almost an instinct for many intelligent creatures, not to mention this book spirit who was born from the "desire for knowledge".

"Can I understand that what you call a story is exactly the knowledge you possess."

Frank Hughes looked at the book spirit with burning eyes and subconsciously clasped his hands: "And what you want to see is the impact and butterfly effect that we can have when we enter the story?"

Futaba's beautiful eyes were also firmly locked on Shu Ling's face: "Send us into the 'story' that has become an established fact and is of interest to you, and observe how far we can do it... we must do it For this kind of thing, even if it is a simple story, even if you have authority close to that of God, it still requires a huge amount of calculation to ensure that there are no fatal logical errors. Can you really do this kind of thing? "

"Of course I can't do it if it's just me."

Shuling bluntly stated that his level was insufficient, but then added: "But if we can use the power of this library, we can barely control what you call the 'inherent barrier', Miss Futaba."

Mo Tan blinked curiously and asked, "But Mr. Shu Ling, didn't you say that you don't have any authority?"

“This form of borrowing does not require permission, because I can be regarded as a part of this library, and things that require permission to practice are acquired rules and do not conflict with what I want to do. "

Shu Ling bent down and placed the wordless book in his hand on the ground, and said softly: "In fact, since a long time ago, under the influence of the forbidden book area, this library itself can be regarded as some kind of 'mysterious phenomenon' .”

"I'm tempted."

Futaba smacked her lips and glanced at Frank: "What do you think?"

"As a bard, this opportunity can almost be said to be a gift from God. Of course I want to seize it, but..."

Mo Tan frowned and hesitated a little uneasily: "What about the risks?"

Although he had already come to the conclusion that it was 'probably safe' by studying the mission description, Futaba nodded in agreement and asked Shu Ling: "This is what I want to ask too."

"There is no risk."

The latter answered without hesitation, explaining: "First of all, after the two spirits have synchronized with the carrier I created...that is, the book in front of you, I will leave your bodies behind This place is well taken care of and puts you in a state similar to meditation. Once something unexpected happens, as long as I intervene a little bit, you will wake up from the 'story' immediately."

"What about the spirit?"

Futaba immediately asked the second question and said in a deep voice: "How do you ensure that there will be no accidents for us entering the 'story'? If I am not wrong, the more exciting the story, the more dangerous it will be."

"That's natural."

Shu Ling nodded slightly and replied without thinking: "But this is still not a problem, because a 'story' is just a 'story' after all. No matter how realistic it is, as long as I, the narrator, am not willing to hurt you, nothing will really happen to you. , but in order to maintain the authenticity of the story, you may indeed be 'injured' inside, but I will carefully control this scale."

Futaba clapped her hands: "Okay, I have no problem."

Shu Ling immediately turned to Mo Tan: "So, where is Mr. Frank?"

Of course Mr. Frank has a problem. After all, he is not the player Tan Mo at this moment, but an NPC born and raised in the Innocence Continent. He is also an NPC with lovers and concerns. Naturally, he cannot be as free and easy as Futaba, so …

"There's just one problem."

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "How can I confirm that you don't want to hurt us?"

This is a very tricky question but difficult to ignore.

The correct answer to this question is, 'You two are from another world, and I can't interfere with your true [spirituality] at all.' But Shuling cannot answer that way, because Frank Hughes is not from another world.

Therefore, Mo Tan seemed to have added a lot of difficulty to himself invisibly. After all, he was basically sure that he would not be threatened in this regard.

But this is definitely not a wrong question, because for him, as long as there is a dead guy with four eyes next to him, he can never be too careful, and playing Frank Hughes well is the foundation of the foundation.

However, Shu Ling was not stumped by this tricky question. Instead, he smiled and said, "Because I can't hurt you."


Mo Tan was slightly startled and asked: "It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't?"

"That's right, although I never thought about hurting you two, in fact, even if I wanted to, I couldn't put it into practice."

"The reason is?"

"The reason is that I have no right to harm you."


"The pass in your hand shows the identity of your guest. Please note that you are a guest, not an uninvited guest."

"what do you mean?"

"The library will not harm its guests, and I am part of the library, so..."

"You can't do it even if you want to?"

"Yes, I couldn't do it even if I wanted to."

Chapter 1,169: End

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