Quadruple split

Chapter 1400 Just a mission

"Don't underestimate me~"

Mo Tan smiled at Ya Ya, and after Gawen returned to him under the latter's coercion, he said briskly: "As an enemy, I believe this friend will be very difficult to deal with. He will attack after you take action. Taking the initiative to express cooperation is just a temporary consideration after weighing the situation."

Yaya narrowed his eyes dangerously and bared his teeth at Mo Tan: "You mean, as long as this stupid person becomes serious, he can easily get rid of this girl?"

"I'm just worried that you might get hurt because of your carelessness."

Mo Tan did not deny Yaya's words, but gave a tactful and sophistical answer.

"Well, you know you feel sorry for me."

However, Yaya nodded very helpfully, and then weighed the two ferocious weapons held in her hands - [The Violent Person] and the [Flesh Splitter], frowned and said: "But since it is so difficult to deal with Why don’t you just kill him?”

Mo Tan shrugged, first blinked at Gawen who looked helpless, and then gently explained to Yaya: "First of all, it's because this unknown gentleman has something in his hands that interests me...or maybe It is quite interesting information, and secondly, although he is difficult to deal with as an enemy, in many cases, the so-called 'position' can be changed depending on the current situation."

"It's too complicated, make it simpler!"

Ya Ya impatiently made a threatening sound of "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

"To put it simply, if the problem can be solved through dialogue and negotiation, I personally don't like the use of violence."

Mo Tan slowly stroked the blade of [Xiao] with his index finger and said softly: "Although I suddenly realized that my talent for violence seems to be quite high."

Jia Wen laughed twice and twitched the corner of his mouth with difficulty: "You are too modest."

"Okay, whatever you say will be fine."

Ya Ya yawned, walked up to Mo Tan and rubbed the latter's cheek skillfully and naturally, then wagging her tail and walked back to the entrance of the alley: "Anyway, as long as I block the road well and don't let you go, It’s fine if anyone else comes over, right?”

Mo Tan smiled fondly, nodded and said, "That's right, thank you for your hard work."

"Idleness is also idleness."

Yaya snorted softly and turned to glare at Mo Tan: "It's not because I want to help you."

Then he strolled away.

after a brief silence

"Tsundere dog girl NPC?"

Jia Wen raised her eyebrows and suddenly laughed narrowly: "Coupled with Miss Yege's beauty who is hard not to fall in love with, Brother Mo is really lucky."

The moment Yaya disappeared from perception, Mo Tan's expression dropped, and the pressure suddenly became several times stronger. Mo Tan smiled silently and said lightly: "You misunderstood."

Gawen smiled even more happily: "I'm not mistaken... ugh!"

A long stick with a black gold color and a jade dragon pattern printed on it was directly pressed against the abdomen and hit the wall. Jiawen was caught off guard and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"No misunderstanding, it has nothing to do with the topic we are discussing now."

Mo Tan, who was holding the [Dawn·Longyuan Stick], said lightly, and casually smashed Jiawen's right arm in front of his chest into a [fractured] state, until the [Shadow Spear] turned into dots of black light and dissipated in the After getting into the air, he continued: "Sorry, although it may be a little rude, but after all, time is limited, and there are too many things I want to confirm, so I can only use this method to set a tone for our subsequent exchanges."

Gawen, who was slumped on the ground, glanced helplessly at his right arm, which had been twisted at 90 degrees at a very weird angle, and said with a wry smile: "I have to say, this is really a good tone."

"Then can we continue our previous topic?"

Mo Tan walked slowly to Jia Wen, knelt down and smiled at the latter: "Or do you still want to continue struggling?"

The latter blinked: "Are you patient enough?"

"There are still some left."

Mo Tan nodded honestly, and then added: "But not much."

"very good."

Upon hearing this, Jia Wen immediately took out three dice like magic and threw them on the ground. The whole person appeared at [18 o'clock] and disappeared where he was, followed by a deafening loud noise. There was a sound in the distance, and a few minutes later, Yaya, who had just left, appeared again in front of Mo Tan with Gawen, and threw the latter on the ground like a puddle of mud.

It is worth mentioning that the current image of Gawen at this moment is exactly the same as that of the character 'Mo'. Except that the armor on his body was almost smashed, while his own equipment was undamaged, ordinary people would not be able to detect anything at all. the difference.

It's a pity that Ya Ya is not an ordinary person——

"This guy is going to walk out like you."

Yaya kicked his foot and took a hit from the [Giant Crusher] (Altaïr's Blade·Flesh Splitter+Altaïr's Blade·Violent) in front of him. His body, now as angry as a gossamer, trembled proudly at Mo Tan. Twitching his ears: "Wang immediately smelled it. The smell on her body was not yours at all, but the smell of a woman."

Under the girl's little leather boots, Jiawen spit out blood in response to the situation.

"Thank you~"

Mo Tan nodded, and then quickly added before Yaya grabbed the words: "Whether it's because you are idle, or because you want to help me."


Yaya shook her ears, made a face at Mo Tan, and then trotted away again. If you ignore the handle she carried on her shoulders, it was about two meters long, and the drill bit and gears were covered with blood and rust (Ji Xiao [Giant Destroyer], a battle-damaged version of the skin specially modified by Ge Ge for Yaya, this picture definitely looks quite cute.

There was another brief silence

"I apologize to you on Yaya's behalf, ma'am, she may have acted a little too lightly."

Mo Tan leaned over and pulled himself up from the ground. After discovering that the other person's right arm had returned to normal at some point, he said in an admiring tone: "It seems that you are very good at maintaining your health."

The next second, along with a 'crackling' sound, Gawen's organs and bones, which had been almost completely displaced by the [Giant Destroyer], returned to their original state. The dragon man nodded and asked curiously: "I would like to ask, besides letting you help me just now and change your speech to honorific, what other benefits can the status of 'ma'am' bring me? What? Gentleman."

"I'm sorry, this is the highest level of grace I can show at this stage."

Mo Tan shook his head and did not pursue the topic of 'health maintenance' that Gawen could distract him from. He just said calmly: "By the way, my patience is running out."

"Okay, I surrender."

Jia Wen raised her hands helplessly, smiling bitterly against the appearance that looked exactly like Mo Tan: "But before I confess and be lenient, can I ask a few more questions?"

Mo Tan did not speak, but continued to look at Gawen calmly, and in the latter's eyes, this silence was equivalent to acquiescence.

"I'm very curious. If I not only reproduced your appearance, but also reproduced your scent, could I break through that girl's guard?"

Gawen showed Mo's signature reassuring smile and said softly: "Also, there are two exits to this alley. If I had chosen another one before, what would be waiting for me? Woolen cloth?"

Mo Tan didn't hesitate at all, and replied without thinking the moment Gawen finished speaking: "Even if you can perfectly reproduce my scent, it will be difficult to break through Yaya's defense, because when you reach her range of perception, Finally, she will ask you a question, and only I know the answer to that question."

"Very good, I have to say, I feel much more balanced after listening to your answer."

Jia Wen breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "It really is a flawless arrangement."

"It's just relatively perfect, far from flawless."

Mo Tan replied humbly, and then said: "As for the other alley, there is also a very close friend of mine guarding there. It is also a question that only I know the answer to. Are you satisfied with this answer? "

Obviously, although he said it very politely, this sentence "Are you satisfied?" is already Mo Tan's ultimatum to Gawen. We can understand its subtext as "I am about to express my dissatisfaction with you."

"Of course, of course, very satisfied, I couldn't be more satisfied~"

Jia Wen nodded knowingly, and then suddenly transformed into another appearance in a burst of distortion.

It was a flower elf with a graceful and slender figure, a dignified and pretty appearance. She had long pink hair. She was wearing a robe that could be classified as a 'robe' but was very revealing. She was holding a book in her hand. The classics with dark green characters were circulating, and he smiled sweetly at Mo Tan. His pure and sweet temperament, coupled with the thing in his hand that should be some kind of cult, can be said to be pure and lustful.

"Please don't get me wrong."

Before Mo Tan could speak, Jia Wen, whose appearance and temperament were about 30% similar to the original body, bowed slightly and said softly in her sweet voice, which was about 20% similar to the original body: "I don't want to use myself at this moment. The relatively superior appearance shakes you, but I just want to express respect for myself with my true colors."

【What is the true face...】

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the woman in front of him, whom he had never seen before, but had heard the relevant description, and murmured silently in his heart.

A flower elf woman with long pink hair, good looks, and a firearm as her main weapon. She looks about twenty-five years old. This person looks like Futaba and Cordova during the Battle of Marshall. The 'hermaphrodite' described is almost identical.

The fundamental reason why Futaba calls her 'hermaphrodite' is that this person has the ability to change into various forms. During the Violet Civil War, she even almost killed 'Tanmo' with the vest of a leopard man. The royal capital, Salamoun.

That's it.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He didn't believe that this was the other party's true face. He was even sure that the other party's core purpose at this moment was to 'shake himself with his superior appearance'. Mo Tan laughed, completely distinguishing the other party from the previous one. Equated with the mysterious figure who helped Archduke Buffy Marshall during the civil strife in the Violet Empire.

"Very good, I see your respect."

Mo Tan answered calmly, and then continued to look at Jia Wen intently.

The latter did not show off, but honestly confessed: "Whether it was the last time I impersonated you, that is, the alignment was [Lawful Good], the race was half-dragon, and the player [Ye Song] had a very good personal relationship with 'Mo' ; Or this time, the camp is pretending to be [Absolutely Neutral], the race is human, and the players [Chen Wang Yu] and [Ye Song] have deep friendships. The outstanding 'Black Brahma' priest among the younger generation of the Dawn Sect is actually born out of Same reason.”

"Same reason?"

Mo Tan frowned and urged: "Expand it carefully and don't overlook any detail."

"as you wish."

Jiawen nodded in cooperation, and while her waist kept rising and falling with this movement, she said in a deep voice: "The reason why I did this, and the reason why I got this information and information, is actually very simple. That’s… they’re all on my to-do list.”

【? ! 】

This unexpected answer caught Mo Tan off guard, and he was stunned for a rare two seconds. However, Gawen did not take the opportunity to escape, but said everything as if she had really given up struggling, and continued to use her sweet voice. Xian explained: "You should also have discovered that I have the ability to easily transform into other forms, regardless of gender, race or characteristics, which is the same as the [Hundreds of Things" given to 'Cole Shuren'. [Qian Zi] is a legendary quality equipment, and its effect is more powerful, but the existence of this effect requires paying a price..."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then immediately asked: "So, is the price you mentioned..."

"That's right, this legendary equipment comes with a legendary quest chain."

While gently stroking her cheek, Jia Wen said with a wry smile: "I need to perform various roles. Only by successfully performing can I maintain the quality of [Qian Zi] and obtain some other rewards. The price of mission failure is Directly reducing the quality of the equipment will also forcibly reduce my highest level profession by 10 levels."

Mo Tan did not answer, but just motioned for the other party to continue.

"There are no rules for these tasks, and the characters you play are all kinds of things. Some are very simple, just selling fruit for two hours, and some are very difficult, such as having to act as a villain for nearly a month. NPC chief of staff, and some very strange and unclear ones, such as..."

"Playing as [Absolutely Neutral] Hei Fan and [Lawful Good] Mo, even players can become the target of interpretation."


Chapter 1391: End

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