Quadruple split

Chapter 1401 Necessary setbacks

Legendary level equipment can almost be said to be the perfect and yet to be replaced [Qianzi] of [Baai].

The difficulty is erratic and the content is rich in the role-playing system [Quest Chain].

There is also the punishment mechanism that seems extremely strict, but is quite reasonable.

All kinds of factors were superimposed together and turned into an answer that was jaw-dropping, but had to admit that it did make some sense. Gawen frankly presented it in front of Mo Tan.

If this game is not [Innocence Bound], but any spiritual virtual game with a similar style, this answer is infinitely close to nonsense, but this is the only one that is different in every aspect, from NPC to system. In a game with ridiculous intelligence that can even directly break the latitude barrier, there is a soil that can turn that fantasy-like answer into reality.

Mo Tan did not question whether the system could achieve this level, because he knew very well that whether it was the initial [premonition] or the subsequent promotion talents derived from each of his characters, it meant that he knew the system of this game very well. Own.

In some cases, this knowledge is no less than what Idong knew, and some accidents that occasionally happened made Mo Tan very clear that the 'system sauce' he was talking about was not a rigid, stubborn, and rigid AI. It is an omnipotent existence that not only possesses the ability to think independently, but also has a bit of skin in some cases, although this omnipotence is only limited to the [Innocent Realm].

So although it was regrettable, the explanation given by the other party was indeed reasonable and tenable, and even completely consistent with Mo Tan's ideal answer.

And this is also what he expects. After all, compared to someone who knows his 'secret' appearing out of nowhere, he is more able to accept that the reason why the other party is able to do this is simply because the system has opened a backdoor for it and leaked it. A lot of it is just about myself.

[If this is the case, that would be a good thing. 】

Heaving a sigh of relief, Mo Tan made this judgment in his heart.

The reason is very simple. After replacing "the other party knows his secret" with "the other party acts as a wingman for him with the help of the system", the nature of this matter not only loses its seriousness, but even becomes very comforting. After all, no matter what In any case, that piece of equipment named [Qianzi] is far better than [Hundred States] in terms of effect, and the flower elf in front of me...or the person who is currently using the female appearance of the flower elf, in terms of acting skills and adaptability She must also be stronger than Cole, and the tasks given to her by the system are almost tailor-made to help her overcome difficulties.

So for Mo Tan, this should be a happy thing.

After all, the other party did not learn much information, but just followed the system's tasks like a puppet on a string. As a system that has expressed goodwill to itself several times... it can also be said that it has expressed that it has no malicious intentions. Since it In the past six months, he has not revealed his serious illness to the game operator, the police or the hospital, so it can be considered harmless for the time being.

Although the system is not defenseless, and there is no trust relationship between the two parties, Mo Tan knows very well that unless he quits the game cleanly, as long as he plays [Innocence Boundary] for a day, he may not be able to escape from the system. Control, but he enjoys it when this control does not pose a threat to him and can even help him occasionally.

To sum up, the answer given by Jia Wen can be said to have met all of Mo Tan's psychological expectations. Not only did he give a reliable enough answer to the matter of 'knowing too much', but he also provided a reliable answer to the question of "knowing too much". Buffy Marshall was cleansed of her evil deeds. Although she didn’t know whether the other party had information about the coup in the Violet Empire a few months ago, given her inherent style, she was still willing to take care of such small details appropriately. , after all, even if there is no impact for the time being, it is not a bad thing to lay the groundwork first, at least it will be easier to tell lies in the future.

This time the silence lasted longer than before.

About two minutes later...

"So, that's your answer?"

Mo Tan took a breath and asked the flower elf in front of him with burning eyes: "A role-playing quest chain?"

"That's right, so now I really regret coming to Academy City to join in the fun."

Jia Wen shrugged and said helplessly: "After all, in most cases, every mission will be somewhere not far from me. If I hadn't come here, I'm afraid there wouldn't be this situation now."

Mo Tan nodded noncommittally, and even Jiawen couldn't read anything from his calm and indifferent expression.

However, after barely grasping the rhythm, Gawen became more and more relaxed. After all, the other party who had 'lost patience' did not continue to put pressure on herself, but began to ask for details. This kind of thing was considered a matter in itself. This kind of attitude was something he wanted to express, so he continued to explain himself.

"To be honest, this mission is the most difficult one since I obtained [Qian Zi]."

While gently stroking the book with dark green characters in her arms, Jia Wen talked eloquently: "Because the person you need to play is the player, and you have to perform the role well in front of the target's acquaintances, even if there are [thousands of people] It is even more difficult to provide assistance. There are so many blind spots that cannot be avoided, such as friends’ messages, plus those messages that I cannot inquire about or observe in reality... To be honest, I am still here to learn today. It was my first time shopping in Garden City since then, but I only spent a short time shopping."

After saying that, he gave Mo Tan a slightly resentful look, but it was really annoying from the bottom of his heart.

"Then can I understand that you have been near me and Hei Fan during this time?"

Mo Tan didn't give the slightest feedback to Gawen's sad little expression, and just said lightly: "To observe us in detail."

Jia Wen nodded, and then said helplessly: "You can understand it this way, but this kind of thing is simple to say, but the actual operation is very difficult. For the time being, I have a sub-class that can summon some small things, and I can occasionally summon some small things. The five senses are shared with those summoned objects placed near the Linyin Inn, but your perception is so sharp that you discovered me almost instantly the first two times."

Mo Tan frowned and asked concisely: "Warlock? Sulfur insect?"

"That's right, so I just watched you from a distance, but it wasn't actually too difficult. After all, I have [Qian Zi] to disguise myself."

Gawen pulled her cheeks that could be easily broken, and then her expression suddenly turned gloomy: "The most troublesome thing is Pastor Hei Fan. He spends most of his time in the Holy Religion Union called [Favor]. In the hotel in the background, there is no way for my summoned creatures to get in, and because of the strict scheduling mechanism there, it is difficult for me to pretend to be a waiter or something and observe it up close."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and reminded: "But you performed quite well today."

"Mainly thanks to the fighting competition and the War League. After all, that kind of place is a public place, which at least allows me to observe the similarities. After all, we are from a major in acting. Although we are not even third-rate in the industry, we can at any rate It is also more powerful than those so-called front-line jokes from decades ago that actually didn’t even know how to act.”

Jia Wen complained angrily, then shrugged and said: "And I don't think my performance today was very good. I don't know if it's an illusion. The Saint of Forgotten Words seems to have been keeping a distance from me..."


Mo Tan said casually, and after a brief pause asked: "So, your mission must have failed, right? Or is there some other mechanism that I don't know about?"

Jiawen pouted resentfully, then shook his head and said: "It won't be a direct failure, but the completion rate during the settlement will probably not exceed 50%. If nothing unexpected happens, I should be able to do it in the next period of time." It’s super hard.”

As for the hard work, Jia Wen didn't elaborate, and Mo Tan didn't ask any more questions. The two just looked at each other in silence for a few minutes, and then grinned at the same time.

"It seems that my answer is quite satisfactory?"

Seeing Mo Tan hang the long sword back on his waist, Jia Wen, who knew that he had finally succeeded in 'passing the test', breathed a sigh of relief, and then winked at the former playfully: "If necessary, I can continue to cooperate. Just keep playing this scene, even though the completion level is probably gone."

However, Mo Tan shook his head and said calmly: "No need to worry, I can handle the rest myself. You can leave."

"Well, thank you very much, then let's say goodbye..."

"I send you."

"Eh? If you want to behave like a gentleman now, isn't it a little late?"

"If you want to be caught again, it's okay to leave by yourself."

"Brother Mo, you are obviously a very attractive man, but you are not very good at pleasing people. At this time, shouldn't you say a few nice words?"

"It varies from person to person."

"Haha, I understand, I understand. It's true. After all, no one will take a second look at a little guy like me when Miss Ye Ge is with me every day. So please give it to me, Mo Xiao elder brother."


In this way, without saying anything more, the two of them walked side by side towards the entrance of the alley, and soon met Yaya who was squatting on the wall, looking bored.

Relying on his extremely excellent sense of smell and wild intuition, Yaya ran to Mo Tan and hugged his arm without even asking the previously discussed questions, completely ignoring Jia Wen who was walking behind.

The latter was also very sensible. He leaned over and bowed to Mo Tan before leaving with brisk steps, not bothering at all about this unexpected failure.

after all……

[At least it’s a prevarication. 】

Gawen, who was back on the street, breathed a silent sigh of relief, and then changed her image the moment she blended into the crowd, turning into a very inconspicuous-looking bald teacher, clenching her hands in her sleeves.

I was careless after all.

I originally thought it was just an easy mission with a personal nature, but in the end I was almost trapped and killed in the alley just now. Although I finally escaped, the feeling of humiliation in my heart did not decrease by half, and even became stronger. stand up.

The mission failed, just like the previous one in the Violet Empire. They had obviously taken control of the situation, but in the end they still lost inexplicably.

A certain kind of extremely anxious emotion gradually began to spread in Gawen's heart, but she suppressed it with her cold and suffocating reason.

No matter what, I finally found the optimal solution in the shortest time, and while saving my life, I kept the secret, which was considered as a timely stop of losses to the greatest extent possible.

Although this setback is annoying, it is not without gain. At least I will not bring the funny confidence back to the southwest and back to my boss.

I have to say that since I completed the task of assassinating Arthur and successfully escaped from Griffin and returned to the Chauvin Empire, I have indeed experienced some subtle changes in my mentality. It is an imperceptible sense of superiority. With the accumulation of various resources including [Thousand Faces], the illusion was born in one's heart inadvertently.

An illusion that ‘I can do anything’.

Although in most cases, this is actually a very objective self-evaluation, Gawen still doesn't like this mentality that even if there is only a slim possibility, it may still cause trouble for herself.

In reality, Bai Fujin does not need to worry about this kind of problem, because after more than ten years of dormancy, she has already established her own service system, no matter it is a difficult problem that would make countless high-quality businessmen feel troubled , or it is a trivial matter that is so simple that even a cook can figure it out, she can use this system to complete the corresponding work in the most appropriate, optimal, secure and cost-effective way.

But Gawen in [The Boundary of Innocence] is different. Although her abilities and qualities have not been compromised at all in the game, she has not yet truly reached her best state, even with [Thousand Faces]. 】This kind of heaven-defying equipment, even if there is a large amount of resources and manpower support, even if there is a confidant like A Qing by her side, it is still difficult for her to fully exert her abilities until she completely completes the adjustment.

So for her at this stage, failure and setbacks are not bad things.

But from another perspective, based on Jiawen's current position in the Sin Lord system, she is the one who cannot fail. The reason is very simple. Everything that needs her to handle is too important.

In summary--

[Could it be that the real reason why the boss assigned me this task was not out of his own needs, but because he wanted me to gain from this matter at the minimum cost... Wait a minute! 】

The moment Liuli Pavilion came into view, Jiawen's pupils, which had changed three times on the road, shrank instantly!

Keep things simple!

How could something that 'could cause some trouble' in that person's eyes be allowed to pass so easily!

Damn it, I was fooled!

Chapter 1,392: End

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