Quadruple split

Chapter 1434 Playing with Fire

To be honest, after hearing Merlin's remarks, Jia Wen was indeed a little shocked and was immediately put off by the old man, but after thinking about it again, she felt that it was extremely reasonable.

As the saying goes, in the past, Likhman led thunder from the sky to prove the truth of atheism, and later, there was Old Man Mei who swallowed sinful bullets and practiced the path of science.

What is the spirit of inquiry? This is the spirit of inquiry!

For a moment, Jiawen's admiration for Merlin... didn't improve much, but she still felt that this old man had a big heart, and he wouldn't live without it.

"Then the matter is settled."

Seeing that Gawen didn't seem to have any objections, Merlin showed a look of sudden understanding. He immediately grinned and dumped a large amount of information, equipment, accessories, reports, and logs in the bag into a storage ring, carefully He put it away in the drawer, then put the thermos bottle given by Ji Xiaodao on the table, and stood up happily: "Shall we go?"

Jia Wen was suddenly startled again and said in astonishment: "Now?"

"Right now, if you act more quickly, you can pick me up from the Mages Guild."

Merlin nodded cheerfully, and then left the lounge with a swift stride, heading straight to the experimental area not far away opposite, with a resolute movement.

In desperation, Jiawen had no choice but to follow quickly, and together with Merlin, they ran to the No. 3 test site in a hurry, and walked in with a rather subtle look on their face.

She was really curious now, whether the old academician who was trotting all the way in front was acting like this because his life in the game was not valuable, or whether he would act like this when he encountered anything that could arouse his interest.

After thinking about it, Gawen felt that it was both, but the proportion of the former should be higher. After all, Merlin is a scientific monster who thinks highly of himself. Even if he is willing to exchange his life for a certain truth, the object must be able to A major discovery that has been included in textbooks.

In other words, in reality, Academician Mu Changchun would probably not put himself in danger just because of any small research, but if the situation required it, it seemed not impossible.

All in all, she was just thinking about random things as she and Merlin walked to the entrance of the testing ground, and then stopped, intending to watch the other person die.

As a result, Merlin did look back at her in confusion and asked curiously: "What are you doing standing there? Come in."


Jia Wen was confused at the time, and pointed at herself with a surprised look on her face: "Should I go in too?"

"Nonsense, with my shooting expertise, even if I hit my head, I may not be able to hit."

Merlin nodded as expected and said impatiently: "And I also need your help in sorting out the experiment log. Damn it, I don't want to waste my time doing this to help an elderly person."

"Okay, but I may not be able to help you with the experiment logs or anything like that. To be honest, I can't understand the things you usually mess with at all."

Jia Wen, who graduated from the management school of a well-known university in S city, laughed dryly. After confessing that his education level was not enough, he asked curiously: "Why don't you ask Bishop Bai or Archduke Garros to come over?"

"Both of them have been contaminated by Mo Mo's power. It's best not to come into contact with this project until I understand what this [Sin-soaked Crystal] is."

Merlin shook his head without thinking, and then sighed sadly: "Well, let's do this. I'll teach you how to use a simple system to perform fool-proof input operations later, and then I'll tell you how to automatically generate basic logs and reports. That's all. It takes less than ten steps, so it should be fine, right?”

Jia Wen saw that she might not be able to avoid this, so she had no choice but to nod her head: "Okay, I'll do my best."

"Oh, it would be nice if I had an assistant. Now there are three people in a temporary experimental team. I alone do 90% of the work, and Osiris and Garros together do 10% of the work. It makes me upset just thinking about it.”

Merlin opened the gate of the third testing ground through his authority and muttered: "Little Miss Gawen, do you know of any more talented young people who can help me fight? I can pay for my assistant." Yes, three guarantees per month..."

"Not to mention whether anyone I know can do the job."

Jia Wen interrupted Merlin without thinking and said sternly: "If your identity is accidentally leaked, you can get into a lot of trouble just by the projects you run in this game."

"Haha, it seems you have probably guessed what kind of person I am."

Merlin smacked his lips, and performed a simple identity authentication for Jiawen, and then led the latter to the testing site. While adjusting the pile of equipment listed not far from the door, he sighed lazily: "That's right. If this matter is accidentally exposed, even in the game, it will be easy for people to talk about it."

Gawen smiled slightly and suddenly suggested: "Speaking of which, if you have apprentices, I mean students outside the game, you can find a few reliable people to help here. I remember the relationship between mentors and apprentices. They are generally quite close.”

"Good guy, you want to poach people from me for Mo Xiaozi?"

The mature Merlin glanced at Jia Wen teasingly, then shook his head and said: "No way, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that my laboratory is relatively unpopular, and most of them graduated this summer. Before the official start of school, I only have A female student can do whatever she wants. Although that girl has a good mind, she is different from you. She is more simple and kind-hearted, so she is not suitable for this place."

Jiawen burst out laughing and glared at Merlin with feigned anger: "How do you speak, old man? What do you mean by being different from me and being simpler and kinder?"

"Literally, don't mind, don't mind. I'm just complimenting you."

Merlin laughed, then dragged Gawen to his side, pointed at the huge screen in front of him and said: "When the experiment starts, you first press the red one, then shoot me, and then press the blue one. If If I can still speak, just follow my instructions. If I can't speak anymore, just check my friend messages. If I don't even send friend messages, wait until I return to normal or die suddenly. If I die, continue Press the white one three times.”

Jia Wen nodded and looked at the magic crystal screen in front of him with a solemn gaze: "This wallpaper of yours is... Hiya Sada Maho?"

Merlin turned his head and glanced at Gawen with some surprise: "Expert, you can recognize this. You must not have been born when Stone Gate became popular, right?"

"That's an excellent piece of work."

Gawen grinned and made a scissor gesture to Merlin: "I still have two sets of the earliest version of the original painting album, which have been out of print for many years."

Merlin's eyes suddenly widened: "Oh, little girl Jiawen, you are really well-versed. You have spent a lot of money, right?"

Jiawen smiled reservedly and did not answer. After all, she had already passed the level of showing off her wealth. She deliberately mentioned this just to enhance the relationship between colleagues. Of course, she also wanted to take the opportunity to get to know the real Academician Mu Changchun. the goal of.

After all, he is an academician, and even a relatively undistinguished academician is not something that ordinary businessmen can just get to know.

It was a pity that the old man had no intention of continuing the conversation. After adjusting the equipment, he quickly brought the topic back.

"Let's talk about our friends later. The equipment has been debugged. You can sit here."

Merlin patted the stool next to him that was a little too high for Gawen, and then trotted all the way to the center of the testing ground. He stood upright and then asked in a loud voice, "Hey! Gawen!" Little girl, can you guarantee that you will hit me in the head with a shot?"

"should be no problem."

While lowering the height of his chair, Gawen shouted at the same volume to Merlin who was more than ten meters away: "Are you sure you won't be killed instantly? Even if you use the lowest-level whiteboard gun, your current level may not be able to carry it. You have to live there.”

"It's not a big problem. [Crime-impregnated bombs] have no lethality to begin with. I'm afraid that thing won't be able to penetrate my skull."

Merlin shook his head, and then shouted very simply: "Shoot!"


Without any hesitation, as soon as Merlin finished speaking and before she could react, Jiawen quickly pressed the red button, and at the same time, the jet-black crystal bullet was released from a handful of [ordinary quality] 】, the usage requirement is simply "None", the whiteboard flintlock gun was fired, directly hitting the old man's head, leaving a small black hole in the center of his eyebrow.

This kind of unexpected high-speed shooting can effectively reduce the target's pain. Even if the opponent is Merlin who doesn't care about the suffering of others, he also doesn't care about his own suffering. Gawen still tries to reduce the old man's troubles as much as possible.

Then, seeing that Merlin did not disappear directly into white light, or even fall down, Gawen, who guessed that the opponent was still alive, sat on the chair with peace of mind and pressed the blue button.

Suddenly, a pleasant beep began to sound around the test site, and the equipment around Jiawen also hummed into working mode.

And then--

"Hey! You missed the mark."

Merlin, who had a black hole on his forehead, jumped twice on the spot and waved his hand at Gawen dissatisfied: "Didn't you say there should be no problem!?"

Gawen: "..."

After reacting for a full five seconds, it was only when Merlin was about to jump again that Gawen stood up and loudly said to the former: "It's not empty. Check your own health and touch your forehead."

"My health points are full, okay!"

Merlin rolled his eyes, then raised his hand and touched the hole in the center of his forehead.

Merlin: "..."

The atmosphere was so tense for a while.

To put it simply, Gawen shot him in the head according to Merlin's instructions, but the opponent didn't lose a drop of blood. He thought Gawen had hit him crookedly, so he touched his forehead, hey! Big holes!

Just like that, only a minute passed in silence. It wasn't until Gawen was about to say something to lighten the atmosphere that the situation suddenly changed.

Merlin's eyes were dyed pitch black at some point, literally pitch black. Both his sclera and pupils turned into pure and deep black.

Other than that, absolutely nothing has changed.

That's right, there really was no change at all. If it weren't for Gawen's eyesight that was half a shooter, she wouldn't even have noticed the strangeness in Merlin's eyes.

But that is no longer important, because the person involved has already noticed the changes in his body.

"Aha... So that's what happened..."

I saw Merlin smacking his lips first, then tapping his head lightly, muttering with a somewhat troubled expression: "So the function of this thing is... uh... refreshing? To save coffee? No, no, no. ... No, no, no... I have to analyze the status bar first... Oh, I have to remember it, I have to remember it..."

Then, Merlin strolled back to Gawen, sat on the chair that Gawen had voluntarily moved away from him, and quickly entered a large number of things that Gawen could not understand at all. This went on for ten minutes, and he wrote at least After more than two thousand words, he stretched out contentedly, his expression relieved.

Only then did Gawen cautiously ask, "Have you figured it out?"

"Just give it a try."

Merlin nodded, and then ignored Gawen. He just jumped off the chair lightly, trotted to the center of the test site, took out some alchemy materials from his almost empty bag, and took it thoughtfully. He tossed it back and forth in his hand, and after a while he shouted without looking back: "Press those two buttons in the upper left corner together."


Jiawen immediately copied it without saying anything, and then saw a metal dummy rising from the ground not far in front of Merlin.

"Black absinthe, salt spring water, full moon locust, golden powder."

Merlin murmured in a low voice, while raising his hand and waving lightly, and then saw several items from the pile of basic materials on the ground fly directly to its hand, and in a burst of distortion, turned into two reagents filled with crimson liquid.

[Strong Combustion Catalyst Type II] is the name Merlin gave to this liquid a few months ago. Its purpose, as the name suggests, is simply to support combustion. It has no special effect in itself. It is just a simple auxiliary consumable. It is generally used in alchemy. Warm containers such as crucibles during the process.

The ingredients are the four that Merlin just read about, and the theoretical cooking time is 4 hours.

That's right, although Merlin only took one second to make two bottles of [Strong Combustion Catalyst II], in fact, their theoretical brewing time was four hours.

Not only that, when Merlin placed something like an alcohol lamp on the ground, he sprinkled about three drops of [Enhanced Combustion Accelerator Type II? 】After that, it is reasonable to say that the "alcohol lamp" that should directly turn into a ball of torch and burn out within five seconds does not show the above-mentioned normal phenomenon.


In just one second, it turned into a bright white fireball with a radius of about seven meters and a temperature of nearly 3,000 degrees Celsius!

Chapter 1,425: End

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