Quadruple split

Chapter 1435 Gunshot

Three hours later, Gawen met Merlin again at the Mages Guild in Trenn, the capital of the Chauvin Empire. To be more precise, the character should have been re-established. All levels, specializations, skills, items and even some talents had been reset. The new character 'Merlin' is an out-and-out level 0 white account (Merlin didn't even complete the novice guidance mission, so he has no basic professional level).

However, although the entire role has been washed away, Mr. Merlin still looks like he is in good spirits and has not been hit at all. After a simple greeting, he immediately asked Gawen to take him back to Garros. The underground workshop of the Duke's residence was eager to analyze the data obtained previously.

Fortunately for Jia Wen, this analysis was not very long. It only took less than half an hour. Merlin, who looked completely the same as before his death, had stopped operating and started sucking contentedly. Coffee in a thermos.

By the way, when Merlin rebuilt the character for the first two times, the races were goblins and elves respectively. However, because the character's birth point was too remote, the old man simply committed suicide. When he created the character for the third time, the race was Once again, he was randomly returned to the dwarf, and his birthplace was also the Hussein Territory of the Violet Empire where there were 'small offices' nearby. Then he hurriedly returned to the Chauvin Empire before nightfall.

By the way, after Merlin completed the analysis of the data just now, his engineering has been unlocked again. The three professions of [Grand Designer], [Grand Craftsman], and [Battlefield Engineer] have been directly upgraded to level 30. Engineering Specialization was also re-unlocked, directly reaching level 49. In the process, several talents including but not limited to [Scholar] and [Dehumanization] were recovered.

This is one of the few benefits of the death system for players. To put it simply, there is a high probability that the talents you lose will be recovered during the game, and it is also easier to gain specializations and professions with higher levels in the past. Gain experience points from various channels. This benefit is less beneficial for combat professionals such as mages and warriors, because they still need to re-build the character's basic qualities such as magic power and physical fitness. However, for basic qualities such as engineers and alchemists, For a profession that does not rely on the strength of the character, it is not particularly difficult to climb back to a higher level in a short period of time. After all, the player is just reborn and does not have amnesia. There is no reason to know how to fight bombs and mix potions before death. Not after resurrection.

Of course, the premise of this benefit is that the player has a good understanding of his own profession, instead of just using skills according to the script to automatically complete various simplified operations. For Merlin, this restriction is basically equivalent to non-existence. You must know that even The two bodies of Osiris and Arthur were put together piece by piece by him, not to mention various other inventions.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, it would be easier to let someone like Merlin use his skills to perform fool-like operations without using his brain than to kill him directly.

All in all, if Gawen's guess was correct, she believed that Merlin would be able to return to the level he was at when he died in half a month at most, because he did not have a fighting profession in the first place.

But this is not the point. Jiawen knows very well that today’s topic is not whether Master Merlin is afraid of death, but something called [Sin-Soaked Crystal]. Judging from the old man’s expression, this experiment seems to have gone well. .

As expected, Merlin soon broke the silence and motioned to classmate Jiawen to come and listen with a smile on her face, and the latter naturally came over obediently with a meek expression. After all, that [sin-soaked crystal] was like a person like her with a 'sin' in her talent. It's also more or less related.

"Crystalization requires a special implant device. This thing does not exist yet. Although it is not impossible to make it, I don't have much time to waste on it now, so at this stage, the cost-effectiveness of the bullet is relatively high."

Merlin got straight to the point and said in a rather relaxed and bright tone: "It should be noted that this thing cannot be used as a means of attack in theory. In view of the fact that the material that makes up the crystal is too fragile and there is no superior substitute, whether it is [Sin-Immersed Crystal] The attack power of [Sin Soaking Bullet] is very weak. My conclusion is that as long as you have a basic combat profession with a level above 10, even a mage with a relatively weak physique will find it difficult to break through the defense with this thing."


Gawen nodded without thinking and immediately understood the meaning of Merlin's words 'cannot be used as a means of attack'.

To put it simply, opponents above level 10 are immune to this thing, and opponents below level 10 can be easily killed even without this thing.

"Then what I want to say is that the only people within the known range who can make this thing have a positive effect should theoretically be you, me and the little girl Silent Prayer."

Merlin picked up a [Sin Soaking Bullet], shook it, and said calmly: "Little Miss Silent Prayer, don't think about it for now. I will give you a few special [Sin Soaking Bullets] in a while, combined with your current character panel. And the basic attributes, as long as you don’t upgrade too much recently, you can complete the defense breakthrough by using [Shadow Spear] to blast your temples from zero distance.”

Jia Wen blinked, raised his right hand and made an eight sign, then pointed his index finger at his forehead and said in shock: "Break my own defense?"

"If you want to use it, of course you need to break your own defenses."

Merlin grinned and said with a smile: "Of course, I don't actually recommend you to use this thing, because as far as you are concerned, the side effects of this thing are a bit serious."

Gawen frowned and asked bluntly: "What are the side effects?"

"First of all, you will suffer severe pain, and there is no severe pain reduced by the system. In terms of intensity..."

Merlin suddenly paused when he said this, and then asked hesitantly: "Have you ever given birth to a child?"

"Master Merlin..."

Gawen dropped her shoulders weakly and said helplessly: "I have been single for more than 20 years."

"oh oh!"

Merlin nodded immediately, and then continued to ask: "So have you ever given birth to a child?"


Gawen gave the old man in front of her a rare look, and then added helplessly: "But if you want to use labor-like pain as an example, I probably know what it feels like. I went to the hospital to experience it when I was bored."

Merlin nodded slightly and asked, "So, how do you feel about that feeling?"

"If it's a short period of time, no problem."

"How soon?"

"Two hours, maybe."

"No, if I can't bear it in two hours..."

"I started sweating within two hours."


Merlin looked at Gawen with great interest, grinned and said, "The little girl has a very strong will."

The latter raised the corners of his mouth reservedly and said nothing more.

Fortunately, Merlin himself is an old man, otherwise Jiawen might not be able to catch this topic.

"Let's put it this way, you should know the popular but not rigorous 12-level pain. Assuming that childbirth is 12-level pain, then after being affected by this thing..."

Merlin shook the [Sin Soaking Bullet] in his hand and said solemnly: "Your body will endure pain of about 35 to 39 levels."

Jia Wen nodded, and then asked keenly: "Is it just the body?"

"It's difficult to quantify mental discomfort, but if we put it all together, it's probably around level 60."

"A moment?"

"Continue until the end."

"That's really incredible."

Jia Wen's expression turned stern, and then she asked Merlin: "Were you suffering that level of pain just now?"

"Well, that's right, so I almost dropped the line at first."

Merlin nodded indifferently and said, "You should also know that the system protects players. Once the pain they endure exceeds a certain level, the connection will be forcibly disconnected for the player's safety. However, the pain here is more flexible. You The higher the tolerance, the lower the probability of being kicked off the line."

"I see."

Gawen immediately felt in awe of Merlin, and then asked: "Is this just the first side effect?"

"It's also the most serious side effect."

Merlin nodded slightly, and then said briskly: "The second side effect is relatively simple, it will cause death."

Jia Wen was slightly stunned: "Will he die?"

"Yes, he will die."

Merlin clapped his hands and said briskly: "Actually, I was not killed by the flames before, but I died due to continuous blood loss, because after fusion with [Sin-soaking Bomb], it is almost impossible to recover by any means. HP, so even if I don’t do anything, I can’t escape being killed by this power, and after a simple analysis, I came to the conclusion that ‘I will definitely die if I am below the epic level’.”

"I see."

Gawen didn't digest it for too long, but stared at the [sin-soaked bullet] between Merlin's fingers with increasing interest: "So, what can you get for such a high price?"

"Hard to say."

Merlin shook his head and shrugged, "But he will be very strong."

Gawen frowned slightly and repeated curiously: "It's hard to say, but will it be very strong?"

"That's it, because you are one of the few people who can withstand this power. I will give you some [sin-soaking bombs]. You will have to judge when to use them. It has nothing to do with me as a scientific researcher. As for more, wait. I’ll study it later when I have time.”

Merlin waved his hand lazily and announced the farewell neatly.

So, Jiawen left as usual, and a few days before she left for Academy City to attend the meeting, she received three finished [sin-soaking bombs].

At that time, Jiawen didn't pay much attention and just put it in his luggage, thinking that people like him would have little chance of using this thing.

Yes, she thought so at the time.

【It hurts...】

In a daze, he heard his own sharp roar.

It was really out of place, although it was indeed an unprecedented experience.

But such a piercing scream is really a bit too noisy.

Fortunately, it only sounded deep in my heart, so it didn't stop me from narrowing my eyes and smiling.

Although I don’t know why I am laughing, it is much more decent than crying.

Earth-shaking changes have not occurred. Whether it is the world or oneself, there is no change as in the perception. It seems that those previous imaginations are just to scare myself.

Or maybe he is a freak compared to normal people who are tortured to the point of madness.


The strange thing is not myself, and of course it cannot be the world. The thought of being too shameful makes people blush just thinking about it.

Sure enough, it's just that the compatibility is slightly different.

Yes, it's a bit too much, almost to the point of death.

Yes, I was born in this world, but I was betrayed by too many things.

Admittedly, it was not a betrayal in the subjective sense, but it still made me feel tired after all.

However, precisely because of this, I have never had any psychological burden.

Really, it has never happened before, it just feels natural and logical.

It's a pity that brother Fuxi is really terrible.

He didn't have the qualifications to conquer himself, so it was natural for him to be betrayed.

The reason why Ah Qing chose this side was just a simple desire to survive.

all in all……

Oops, I got a little off topic.

The pain that can make me lose my mind to such a degree is really a bit beyond my limits. Fortunately, the astrologer took great care of me, otherwise it would be understandable even if I was kicked out of the game unexpectedly.

No, it's rare to meet such a sensible boss. It's too disappointing to be caught in a trap like this.

Let’s start working~

Jia Wen opened his eyes in a real sense and emerged from his deep consciousness to see a sword light as fast as the wind.


With a soft sigh, Gawen and his own shadow instantly changed their positions, and when the latter's right arm was swept by a sword, he lazily pulled the trigger, and fired a shot upward while lying on the ground. A floating bomb sent Mo Tan, who was about to land, back into the air.


The gunfire rang out again. Under the characteristics of the Shadow Gun, a bullet with strong thrust knocked Yi Zuo's long sword half an inch, causing the golden slash that had already missed the target to fly directly into the air. The ink sandalwood is crossed out.


Three gunshots rang out, and a [tar bomb] that triggered the burning effect hit the ground half a meter behind Gawen, directly igniting the alien beast summoned by Foster and screaming as it passed Gawen. Pass.


In the fourth shot, Liz, who had just completed the change of direction, was hit in the right hand by a bullet with a hard nature. The ferocious ax gun stopped about two centimeters on the side of Gawen's neck.

Boom! !

Two bullets with the [Silence] effect hit Jadeka and Lightning Baisi at the same time, directly disrupting their control of magic power. The [Fire Cage] rising from the ground and the [Gravity Pressure] pressed down in the air. The ball] dissipated in the air in an instant.

Click - bang -

While leaping into the air, turning on [Ready] to reset the cooling time of [Floating Bullets], and directly refilling the bullets in the Shadow Gun through [Quick Reload], Gawen shot himself. After jumping, he followed up and forced himself into the air to avoid Yaya's [Shock Wave].


There was a thin layer of ice attached to Spider's chain sword. Although it was broken into pieces in an instant, her [Blood Strike], which came first and then later, was in vain.


Gawen, who landed firmly on Cole's shoulder during the fall, said hello cordially, and then put the muzzle of the gun against the latter's forehead, smiling like a flower——



Chapter 1,426: End

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