Quadruple split

Chapter 1443 Final Chapter (I): Thunder Extinction

Mo Tan did not respond to Jia Wen's complaints, but just paused, leaving an afterimage in the air, and then he slashed at Jia Wen from the left and right together with the afterimage, the former towards Jia Wen's body, and the latter towards Jia Wen's body. Slash towards Jiawen's shadow.

Mu Xuejian's specialty - [Sword Clone]!

Although he is not as good as Mu Xuejian in terms of understanding of sword skills and corresponding talents, Mo Tan, who has just flipped through the "Sword Guide", used his physical fitness to make up for his lack of skills at this moment, forcibly separate a figure and kill him in advance. The move where Jiawen and Shadow changed positions was blocked.

And at the moment when he suddenly 'split into two', Yi Zuo, who was originally following him, immediately got an attack angle, and it was a perfect angle that matched almost all the paladin's attack methods!

Without any hesitation, Yi Zuo, who had just recovered from the impact of being 'borrowed the sword', looked up and saw the enemy not far in front of him. He immediately held the sword in both hands and used it to advance to the level of epic. A lot of holy power was poured into the long sword, and he made a simple straight thrust.

Different from the special effects-filled slashes of Great Bright Knight Kevin, Yi Zuo's sword looks very simple. Even the sword has only a thin gleam of brilliance. At first glance, it looks almost like an ordinary sword. There is no difference between A, but in fact, her sword is similar to [Collapse Fist] and [Charging Fist] in the monk skill system. It looks simple and unpretentious, far from [Wind·Fire·Thunder] and [Flow Fist]. Things like "Cloud Catching Shadow Kill" are cool, but they are really powerful and heavy. Even Gawen now would lose half of his life if he was rushed forward like this.

There was no way, Yi Zuo had no intention of using this move, but the opportunity Mo Tan created for him was too good, so under his fighting instinct, the sword in his hand was already handed out before his brain could fully react. .

"It's too much!"

Without any hesitation, Jiawen roared in protest and immediately threw the Shadow Spear high, pulled out a sharp dagger from the bag, cut off his left arm directly at the shoulder, and got rid of it. Foster's summoned creature jumped back hard, and in the process he chanted two dark night spells, using [Cloud of Silent Shadow] and [Shadow Booby Mine] to explode the big hand burning with raging flames, and then another Without hesitation, he dropped the dagger and fired a [flash bomb] with the shadow gun that had returned to his hand at some point!

Yes, it was just an ordinary skill [Flash Bomb] with no lethality, but at the moment when the light came on, Gawen completed another round of displacement by virtue of the shadow that was cast behind him at this moment, and finally It was out of the attack range of Mo Tan and Yi Zuo, and the former's [Sword Clone] that could not be perfectly controlled was consumed.


Raising her hand, she fired a bullet with an electromagnetic effect at Yi Zou. Jia Wen quickly flew back and recited something in a low voice at a fast speed. Soon, her body was spraying blood in a "popping" manner. The shoulder healed quickly. Although a new arm did not grow immediately, based on the previous regeneration speed, it probably only took a second or two.

However, Mo Tan did not intend to give Gawen even a second of opportunity. He fluttered his wings and shot directly towards the opponent, and in the process he let out a deafening roar.

That was not a human howl, but a dragon's roar that was almost heart-stopping!

After being caught off guard and shocked, Jia Wen still failed to finish reciting the holy words that could instantly repair her injuries. Seeing that Mo Tan was about to rush in front of her, she had no choice but to use the dozen or so people deployed earlier. A warhead and shoot it towards Yi Zuo.

That's right, the target is Yi Zuo, not Mo Tan!

Gawen knew very well that although a dozen bullets might injure the opponent, it would be difficult to kill him in one hit. However, Yi Xue who somehow became defenseless and did not even look at the threats behind him was an excellent example. Target, in this case, even if Gawen does not use [Devil Dice], even if Yi Zuo is a knight known for his defense, he can easily be killed instantly.

Therefore, Jia Wen deliberately slowed down the firing speed of the bullet, leaving Mo Tan, who was rushing toward him at full speed, with two options. First, ignore Yi Zuo's situation and attack him directly. Although it was possible to kill the woman, the woman The knight will probably have to answer here; secondly, before it's too late, turn around immediately and block a round of damage for the female knight, so that you have time and energy to mend the broken arm!

Based on Jiawen's preliminary understanding of this 'Brother Mo', she thought that the latter would choose the second option. After all, she is a player who can be reborn even after being killed, and Yizuo Jielet is a real NPC. It's completely gone!

As a result, Jiawen's question came up, but Mo Tan did not choose either 'ignore Yizuo' or 'ignore Jiawen', but chose——

Obtuse angle!

boom--! ! !

With a roar, Yizuo Jileite, who was charging at high speed, was thrown into the air with a cry of surprise. He narrowly avoided the bullets fired by Gawen from dozens of ways until he fell back. Only then did the ground realize that it seemed like it had taken a full circle before the gate of hell.

Jia Wen, on the other hand, restrained herself from thinking about why the target was flying, and immediately controlled the dozen bullets that had been 'hidden' by Yi Zhao, making them attack Mo Tan in the same straight line.

Now that something has happened, it is always more important to stop losses in time and maximize profits than to investigate the causes and consequences!

It's a pity that although Gawen's reaction was quick, the distance between those bullets and Mo Tan was still a bit far, so Mo Tan still avoided the bullets with [Stiff], [Penetration], [Shattered Armor], and [Coma] in time. ], [Petrified] bullets, and of course, those bullets with [Poison], [Electricity], [Flame], [Silence], and [Fear] effects, he did not dodge.

In other words, he didn't avoid it on purpose.

All in all, after this shooting, Mo Tan's health, which was already more than half, dropped to less than 40%. But the problem is that with seven layers of [Determination] superimposed on him, all attributes were directly increased by an additional 35%. , and this is based on the premise that the final effect of [Herrscher's Determination] comes with a 50% all-attribute bonus, a 150-point strength and constitution bonus, and a 100-point dexterity and intelligence bonus!

In other words, just the talent of [The Herrscher's Determination] directly doubled Mo Tan's basic attributes at this moment!

If the personal combat power rankings were not based on the all-round quality of the character, but changed in real time based on the current status of the character, 'Mo' would have jumped to the top three in the list at this moment. Of course, this was because no one else had entered. In a similar situation, after all, everyone has more or less things at the bottom of the box, but they just won't use them casually.

But this is not a casual situation. Mo Tan knows very well that if he cannot kill Jiawen in a short time, then after his strongest state for ten minutes is over, the only thing waiting here is to kill one person. In the end, even in this situation, the other three are not without danger.

So he can't leave any chance to the other party!

In an instant, countless rays of dark purple blade light spread out with Mo Tan as the center, directly engulfing Jia Wen's entire body, even though the latter immediately used several powerful auxiliary and defensive power of the God of Fertility. Technique, but under the continuous slashing with violent electric light, he was still suppressed and unable to move. Not only that, with the rapid increase in the frequency of slashing, a strong electric field was formed in the surrounding air, directly knocking Jiawen He was firmly locked in place, so that he could only passively use magic to resolve Mo Tan's offensive, but he had no chance to counterattack or evade!

In the eyes of Yi Zou, Jadeka and Foster, countless storm-like blade lights have completely enveloped the two of them. At this moment, they are spreading layer by layer, constantly assimilating the surrounding environment, and are spreading in the surrounding environment. After the thunder element is filled to a certain level, it re-fuses back into the slashing attack, directly doubling the original extremely ferocious elemental damage, forming a jaw-dropping horror cycle!

This is a sword skill that Mo Tan completed with the talent bonus based on one of the first skills he learned [Angry Red Lotus] after stimulating the dragon bloodline in his body to its human form. It has both high frequency and high frequency. [Thunder Crazy Lotus] has many characteristics such as output, restricted movement, environmental control, perpetual motion and many more!

In view of the low basic attack power of [Akatsuki Ruthless Sword] in hand, in the later stages of this move, [Thunder Crazy Lotus], which is almost entirely composed of elemental damage, not only makes up for Mo Tan's lack of physical attack power, but also competes with Jadeka The fire magic has extremely high compatibility. Without him even saying a word, the old mage has already summoned more than six walls of fire, which were directly integrated into the 'minefield' around Motan. Next, as the actual controller of this thunder field, Mo Tan quickly acquired the fire attribute in the light of his blade, constantly hitting the two most violent elements on Gawen's endless defensive magic!

Not only that, after Yi Zuo arrived, Mo Tan even took the initiative to fine-tune the surrounding minefields. Simply put, he relied on the innate power of thunder in his blood to absorb specific locations, and in a short time Within time, a gap was opened for the female knight to provide long-distance slashing support!

And Mo Tan himself has always stood between the three points and lines of Jiawen, Gap, and Yi Zuo. Whenever Yi Zuo swings a slash, he will add a slash composed of pure thunder elements, and Immediately change the position of the gap in the next moment, completely giving the opponent no chance to break through.

As for Foster, he also ushered in the most ideal battlefield for a summoner. That is, although he was on the battlefield, there was no interference or restraint from anyone at all. He could calmly arrange the environment for summoning creatures. He just chuckled. , calmed the restless fluctuations in the surrounding space, and slowly summoned the outer edge of the mine field with Motan and Gawen as the center, placing [White Walkers], [Soul Reavers], and [Aberrations] extremely elegantly. ], [Free Ether Puppet], [Lemur Lord], [Dimensional Insect Hive] and many other summoned objects, their expressions are as happy as completing a work of art.

Finally, Jiawen, whose health had dropped to less than 40%, laughed. She suddenly lowered the frequency of using Holy Words, raised her eyebrows at Mo Tan, who had been maintaining a torrential offensive, and said, "How did you just use Yi?" Saved by Zuo Jileite?"

"I have a little dabbling in engineering. When I came here, I brought a lot of impact mines that I had made before, the kind that were manually activated."

Mo Tan answered unhurriedly, but the sword light in his hand was a little faster: "Considering that the angle of the bullets you stopped before was very dangerous, I will drop one every three meters when I rush over. It’s an impact mine, and I carry the remote control device in my left hand behind my back, so it’s normal that you can’t see it.”

"Have you even reached this step?"

In an instant, another 8% of his health was cut off. Not only did he lose his left arm, but he was also covered in blood. Jiawen, who had several layers of [Bleeding], [Burning], and [Paralysis] superimposed on his status bar, laughed. Continued to ask: "You hid very well before, was it because you could distinguish my bullets?"

"Theoretically, it's impossible to tell, but when those bullets are stationary, it's easy to observe. Then you just need to remember the position when they were stagnant, and selectively avoid them when they move fast enough. It’s not that difficult.”

As if he guessed what the other party wanted to do, Mo Tan said cooperatively: "Any more questions?"


The violent blade light of the blow passed over his right leg, and Gawen, who fell to the ground, nodded vigorously and asked with a smile: "Do you think I am suitable for fighting?"

"Not suitable."

"Is it weak?"

"Very weak."

"How weak?"

"It sucks."

"Well, thanks for being honest."

Gawen shrugged and spread out his bloody and scorched right hand: "I have no problem."

"Now that I've answered your question."

Mo Tan took a deep breath, sealed the gap that originally provided Yi Zuo with auxiliary attacks, and asked in a deep voice: "Then can you answer my question?"

"Since you're such a gentleman, it depends."

Jia Wen did not look at the surrounding thunderstorm that gradually subsided because Mo Tan stopped, but smiled lightly: "But let's forget about those questions that you know are impossible to answer. You don't want to waste any more time, right?"

"Where does your strength come from?"

Mo Tan hesitated for less than half a second, and then asked in a concise and concise manner.

"Fairy Bean, a disposable consumable of epic quality. If you eat it, you will become more powerful."

"It's a lie."

"There's no rule that I have to answer with the truth, right?"

"Okay, bye then."

"I don't want to see you again~"

Gawen shook her head, stood up unsteadily, closed her eyes, and even stood on tiptoes, like a shy girl waiting for a kiss from her lover.

And Mo Tan didn't show any politeness to her. He directly raised the long sword in his hand and suddenly appeared behind Jia Wen. At the same time, hundreds of flashes of light as numerous as cherry blossoms and as powerful as lightning suddenly lit up. At that moment, Jiawen and Jiawen vanished into thin air at the same time——

【Thunder Sakura·Thousand Tribulation Flash】

To be continued

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