Quadruple split

Chapter 1444 Final Chapter (II): Sun-Bright Madness

[Ah ha, I really ended up at grandma’s house this time. 】

[Obviously I even used that thing, but in the end I still couldn’t kill even one person. 】

【Are we really playing the same game...】

[Although it is quite interesting, I always feel very tired. 】

[The boss shouldn’t be angry, right? Probably not, after all, he must know more inside information, but apart from a little basic information, he didn't say any extra words. 】

[However, if this is some kind of test, I am afraid that the answer sheet I handed in is completely unreadable. 】

[Or...is this a warning? 】

[Tsk, no matter what, I feel that the rest of my life will not be boring at all~]

[Speaking of which, after the character dies, does the screen have to be black for so long before the character can be rebuilt? A dark room? 】

[No, I remember that Mr. Merlin contacted me not long after he died. 】

[It’s so uncomfortable. Can the side effects of the impregnated bomb be brought to the login space? 】


"Sure enough, I'm not dead..."

After murmuring in a low voice, Jiawen, who was finally able to control her body, slowly opened her eyes, and then saw a familiar figure sitting opposite her, lazily shaking a cup of something that didn't look cheap. wine.

Next to Gawen's 'acquaintance', a black-haired boy with delicate features and sculpted pink face...or rather, a boy suddenly raised his head, smiled slightly at her, and spoke in a soft, childish voice. He affirmed: "Yes, you are still alive."

"Eh? Are you awake already?"

The half-elf next to the boy immediately put down his wine glass, turned to look at Gawen in surprise, and laughed happily after being stunned for a few seconds: "Long time no see, old friend, how are you doing recently?"

Jiawen was not stunned. She just slowly stood up after a brief silence and sat upright in a more ladylike posture than before. Her tone was a little confused: "Do you know me?"

"Don't underestimate the Griffin Dynasty's intelligence agency."

Raising his hand to brush two strands of hair hanging by his ears, the half-elf in a black dress blinked and showed a seductive smile to Gawen: "Even if they haven't behaved well in the past few decades, It's satisfactory, but that's just because I, the so-called top person in charge, is always passive and slow in my work."

"What you said is the same as if you didn't say it."

Gawen's originally calm expression suddenly relaxed, and then he picked up the bottle of [Odin 9489] in the other person's hand rudely, filled the beautiful crystal vessel in front of him, and poured it into the face of the noble and elegant man in front of him. The coquettish friend raised a toast: "Long time no see, Her Royal Highness Princess Eliza Logan, cheers to your beauty."

"You're well, dear Gavin."

Eliza took a sip of the bright red wine in the glass and winked at Gawen: "By the way, I just lied to you. Our intelligence agency is a bunch of rubbish, but I have confirmed it now."

Jia Wen shrugged indifferently and chuckled: "It doesn't matter. Since you have already thought of defrauding me, even if I haven't been deceived by you just now, you will expose my identity sooner or later, so I might as well just do it It’s better to admit it, so that everyone can worry less.”

"Oh, it's still the same as before, so calm and downright annoying."

Eliza sighed leisurely, and then asked rather narrowly: "But you seemed very embarrassed just now~"

Gawen nodded crisply and affirmed without hesitation: "Of course, in fact, I am really curious about how I survived. In addition, it is a pleasure to meet you, His Highness Day Black."

After saying that, Jiawen nodded to the Son of the Sun who was sitting obediently next to Eliza. Not only did he not treat the latter as a child at all, but he extended his right hand very solemnly.

After all, neither a genuine young lady nor a teenager who likes to pretend to be mature will resist this kind of equal respect. In fact, this level of 'property' can be said to be a good win for a child of Blake's age. Sensitivity is a super killer, and Gawen’s current image is both beautiful and friendly. If nothing else happens...


Princess Eliza, who had an unexpected transformation, suddenly slapped Gawen away, then nervously held Blake in her arms, and said sternly to her friend across the table: "This child is mine, don't make any mistakes! "


Even Gawen couldn't help but be stunned after Eliza made this move, but she was only stunned for a moment, and then after noticing Blake's face turned red, she sincerely praised: "The two of them are indeed a perfect match. , Although His Highness Black is a little younger, Elisa is a half-elf after all, so this gap is really not a problem in front of you."

"You are joking, Ms. Gavin."

Blake, who could maintain perfect proportion when facing anyone except Elisa, calmly shook his head and explained: "Sister Elisa and I are not in that kind of relationship, although I don't intend to deny it. My own feelings, but unfortunately, we are just ordinary good friends now... Wow!?"

Five seconds later, Her Royal Highness, who left Black, licked the corners of her mouth with unsatisfied intention, and winked playfully at Her Majesty the Son, who was slumped in a chair with her cheeks red and hot: "Okay, now we can kiss. We are good friends, are you still sorry?"

That's right, just now, Her Highness Eliza Logan neatly blocked the mouth of the Holy Son of the Sun next to her for five seconds, and it wasn't a peck like a dragonfly, but a direct blow to the latter. It was a kiss that was so stimulating that it broke defenses and was genuine in every sense of the word. Not to mention the client who was about to faint. Even Jia Wen, who was sitting opposite, was startled. She didn't expect that her best friend would suddenly come to her like this. One out.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen someone molesting a child?"

Elisa, who didn't expect an answer from Blake (because the child had completely shut down), turned around and glared at Gawen, then smiled and bit Blake's earlobe, which was already starting to feel hot, and murmured in a low voice: "But just now That moment was indeed my sister’s first kiss. I was at peace when I was in China, as the bad woman sitting opposite can testify.”

Because he briefly lost the ability to speak, Blake did not answer Eliza, but shivered slightly, curled up on the chair, and buried his face in his knees shyly. In fact, if If this was an anime, his little head would have started to smoke.

Jia Wen smiled lightly and asked, "Although this is indeed the case, is the testimony given by the bad woman really convincing?"

"I'm afraid it's enough~"

Elisa frowned, then held her chin thoughtfully and muttered: "Especially since I have been tired of little Blake during this period, I may give him a feeling of 'Sister Elisa may not be very good at all. The illusion of being careful."

Gawen glanced at Blake, who was still in a trance, and then briskly changed the subject: "So, how did you find me, recognize me, and save me?"

"It was Brother Black who found you and saved you. I only recognized you after he shared his vision of the sun with me. My dear friend, after all, your temperament is the most special among all the girls I have ever seen. one of."

Eliza answered briskly, and then explained concisely: "In fact, the two of us were just taking an ordinary walk, but this child suddenly found an excuse to ditch me and run away alone. But I finally found him, and he was in an attic watching you being beaten."

Jiawen raised her eyebrows: "What then?"

"Then I acted coquettishly and coquettishly with him, and he let me watch it too."

Eliza smiled sweetly and said with a smile: "Later I recognized you and told him that you were my friend and could only help within my ability, and he rescued you. , that kiss just now was a reward."

Gawen was silent for a while, then turned to look at Blake and said calmly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

His Royal Highness the Holy Son, who had only come to his senses at this moment, avoided Elisa's gaze and shook his head: "I have already checked your body. You will not survive."


Eliza hugged Blake's arm in surprise and asked curiously: "Why?!"

"Some kind of force is constantly causing Ms. Gawen's body to collapse. I just tried to help clean it up, but it only had a minimal delay."

Blake pursed his lips and replied obediently: "But if sister wishes, I can try again."


Unexpectedly, Eliza shook her head without thinking and said without hesitation: "Let her die. I just wanted to confirm her identity."

Jia Wen nodded slightly, smiled and said, "Yes, that's good."

"Well, in that case... I'm offended."

Blake, who knew that the result would not change, didn't say much. He just raised his hand and directly pulled a female figure with long blond hair, a slim figure, and a light green priest robe from Gawen's body. Pull it out!

It is the dream saint Patty Halsatz who is dormant in Gawen's body!

"If I remember correctly, this should be the last saint of the Dream Kingdom, right? There are corresponding records in some non-public materials of my religion. I didn't expect that she is still alive."

Lazy, he looked up at Patty, who was imprisoned in mid-air by a ball of sun flames and was screaming in pain. After finally digesting the shyness just now, the young man unconsciously pressed his index finger on the table. The thirteen-year-old Mi He looked up at his beautiful black eyes, and after a while he turned his gaze to Jiawen: "So, she is serving Izanar, the God of Lies, right now?"

Not at all surprised that this young man had directly seen through her own beliefs, Gawen just shook her head calmly: "No, Patty is still loyal to the fallen goddess of dreams, and the reason that supports her survival until now is Revenge against the cult group that occupied the Dreamland Theocracy."

"Brother, who is Izanar, the God of Lies? Is Gawen her follower?"

When Eliza saw that Blake was not looking at her, she immediately hugged his arm angrily to create a sense of presence.

"A god with a relatively casual personality. Except for some shallow believers in the dark world, almost no one will believe in him, and there are no sects or missionaries under his command."

Black gave the answer obediently, and coughed lightly with a red face: "If sister is interested in the matter of the Dreamland Theocracy, I will tell you later."

"All right."

Eliza rubbed Blake's face with a satisfied look on her face, then hugged the latter's arm and settled down: "You guys can continue talking~"

"Are you close to Patty Halsides?"

After nodding to Eliza happily, Blake turned to look at Gawen again, and added: "I mean, if I want to purify her, Ms. Gawen, do you have any objections? "

Gawen was stunned for a moment, and then noticed Patty's gaze directed at her from mid-air. She immediately smiled and nodded to the saint who had just helped him a lot, and then said sternly to Blake, "No objection."


As the dazzling sun flames suddenly tightened, the last saint of the Dream Kingdom didn't even have time to utter a scream or curse. The last mark she left on the world was destroyed, and the boy was completely shaken.

"That's good. After all, I hate this kind of fanatical heresy."

Blake smiled at Gawen with relief and touched the tip of his nose a little embarrassedly: "Although her piety is admirable, she still feels a little uncomfortable."

The young man had a harmless smile on his face, and the curve of the corners of Jiawen's mouth became more intense.

At the moment, Eliza was concentrating on braiding Blake's hair. Although the latter's hair was not actually very long, she still had a great time.

"It would be great if His Royal Highness the Holy Son is willing to take action. After all, our relationship with the Dream Kingdom is rather delicate."

Gawen folded her legs gracefully and looked very relieved: "It's still very stressful to carry Ms. Patty with you all the time."

Blake, on the other hand, blinked with interest: "What do you mean by subtler?"

"They are the ones who are preparing to attack our Griffin dynasty together."

Elisa said something leisurely in Blake's ear, exhaling like a blue breath: "Unless we fail to survive, Gawen and His Highness the Sin Lord will not be enemies of the Dreamland Theocracy."

Blake tapped the table twice, nodded noncommittally, and then shuddered again because of Eliza's teasing.

"Okay you two, it's time."

At this time, Gawen suddenly stood up, bowed to Blake and Eliza respectively, showing an expression of relief, and her eyes gradually returned to normal: "We have a chance to meet again."

After saying that, the whole person literally 'collapsed'.

Before that unbearable scene happened, Blake had completely purified Gawen's remains, leaving not a trace of dust behind.

The surrounding air also became subtle because there were only two people left.

After a while——

"Brother Blake."


"Am I a little willful?"

"No...no more!"

"Don't you blame me for always messing around and digging up your secrets, brother?"

"I don't have any secrets to dig up."

"Really? I don't believe it."

"What you said to Sister Eliza is true."

"Then can I push a little further?"


"Brother, you just said that you hate that kind of fanatical heresy. I remember that the Dream Goddess is a serious god, not an evil god, right?"


"A believer in a serious god, brother, do you think he is a heretic?"


"Then what kind of god's believers are not heretics?"

"Sun God."

"Any more?"

"there is none left."

To be continued

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