Quadruple split

Chapter 1469 Worst Plan

at the same time

On the third floor of Shuguang Chapel, in the small living room

"So, you have already decided to take them two with you?"

Yuchen took Yi Zhao and sat across from Mo Tan, holding his chin and looking at the latter curiously: "Have you never thought that someone might not agree to such an exorbitant condition?"

Before Mo Tan could speak, Yi Zuo immediately frowned and muttered: "There shouldn't be anyone who refuses to fight side by side with senior..."

"Just because the two of us can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't."

Yuchen smiled brightly at the female knight, then raised his index finger and said with a straight face: "Think about it, Hei Fan pretended to be very scary just now, and what he said was so excessive, so what he said was true. If so, wouldn’t it be surprising if His Highnesses the Holy Sons don’t agree?”

At this moment, Yi Zhao also realized that he seemed to be a little too subjective. After thinking about it for a while, he still nodded hesitantly: "It seems to be the same..."

"What do you mean it seems to be the same~"

Mo Tanqian, who was sitting on the sofa opposite, laughed, spread his hands and said, "I am the one who is most surprised that those two agreed so happily."

Yi Zuo's eyes widened in surprise and he said, 'Eh? ! ’.

Yuchen laughed happily, she also guessed the same, and now she was a little happy because her guess was confirmed.

"There's nothing surprising. As Wangyu said just now, not everyone believes in me like you do. In fact, even I don't believe in myself."

Mo Tan took a sip of coffee with a wry smile, and said with a slightly uneasy look on his face: "The blood barbarians in the north have been able to lively and active for hundreds of years. It is not just because our Holy Religion Alliance is not monolithic, but because it is extremely sturdy... No, it should be said It's the fierce folk customs and strength. To be honest, Doumbouya City and Gospel City have not been smashed open until now. The fundamental reason should be that the other party does not want to completely tear their faces apart..."

"That that..."

Yuchen suddenly raised his little hand slowly and asked curiously: "We have been fighting for so long, doesn't this count as a breakup?"

Yi Zou also nodded vigorously and asked: "Yes, senior, doesn't this count?"

"It's torn, but not completely."

Mo Tan chuckled lightly and said lightly: "Although the two sides did fight fiercely at the beginning, today, there are basically very few pure civilians around Gospel City and Doumbuya City. , so even if things like burning, killing and looting still happen, most of them are directed at the garrison over there."

Yi Zuo, who had not yet gone to the northern border of the Holy Land, blinked and asked hesitantly: "What next?"

"Attacking the garrison and burning, killing and looting civilians are two different concepts."

Mo Tan gently rubbed his forehead and explained slowly: "Although in many countries or spheres of influence, attacking local military or administrative units will be regarded as the highest degree of provocation, occasionally doing something excessive to civilians will be punished. Turn a blind eye, but our Holy Religion Union is different."

Yuchen blinked and said suddenly: "Yes!"

"Rationally speaking, although credibility is important, it is a completely different concept for a country and for a religion. Therefore, the Holy Religion Union will naturally protect civilians more within its capabilities."

Mo Tan smiled and continued: "From a perceptual point of view, the painting styles of our sects are actually more majestic and upright. In other words, they are more inclined to the concepts of lawfulness or kindness, so if those bloody barbarians always have no Picking on the weak without any bottom line and looking at the weak points of the common people will most likely cause an extreme reaction from the Holy Religion Alliance."

“Sure enough, there are still many good people~”

Yuchen also laughed, as before, always thinking of others from the most kind perspective.

And Yi Zuo also nodded. Although a lot of things happened, she still had a good impression of the Holy Religion Union after living in the City of Light for a long time.

"It is precisely because those blood barbarians still know how to restrain themselves, and the scale after the alliance is not small, so the friction between them and the alliance can be defined as a small-scale war for the time being."

Mo Tan shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Because of this, even if we stand on the moral high ground, we can only make limited responses and cannot take some extreme measures."

"Extreme measures..."

Because there are no outsiders here, and it was repeatedly emphasized during the exchange meeting not to be too serious on weekdays, Yi Zou did not continue to tense up and asked wherever he thought: "What does it mean?"

"It couldn't be more obvious."

Mo Tan picked up the two white chess pieces on the table, gently used them to knock down the black chess pieces around them, and said leisurely: "Use the power of the legendary level directly to level the northern blood barbarians."

Yi Zuo was stunned for a moment, then slammed his palm and shouted softly: "That's right! Although our combat power is very scattered, there are actually many strong men in the Holy Domain. Why have these hundreds of years..."

"Because there is an unwritten rule... It can also be said to be an unspoken rule."

Mo Tan, who is acquiring knowledge every day, and now has a better understanding of the current world view than many ordinary indigenous NPCs, said this lightly, and then did not shy away from it, and said straightforwardly: "In most disputes, there are powerful people. The belonging legendary powerhouse must not cause a devastating blow to the enemy on his own, especially if the other side does not have a legendary powerhouse."

Yuchen immediately covered his mouth and whispered: "Isn't this like -"

"Nuclear deterrence."

Mo Tan said a word that Yi Zou couldn't understand in an understatement, and said with a smile: "That's right. Legendary powerhouses are very similar to nuclear weapons to a certain extent, and the number is even greater than the nuclear weapons in our world. They are rare. If the power of a legendary powerhouse were to launch a nuclear attack on others, the world would have been in chaos. It is true that they are indeed very strong, but it is precisely because they are too strong that they are subject to various restrictions."

"Well, senior..."

Yi Zuo interrupted Mo Tan in a low voice and asked with some confusion: "Although I don't understand some parts, but restricting the legendary strong people... it should be difficult to do. After all, you also said that they are too So strong."

"Wouldn't it be better to let someone equally strong limit them?"

Mo Tan gave the standard answer without hesitation and said calmly: "The legendary powerhouse is indeed invincible in front of ordinary people, but what if other people with the same level will be wary, alienated, isolated or even encircled and suppressed him? You must know that he is absolutely invincible. Most people who have the ability to advance to legend are not stupid, and it is precisely because they feel their own power that they know that power cannot be abused, otherwise the world will be in trouble."

Yi Zou, who had not intuitively experienced those "big country games" outside the game, nodded in understanding, and decisively chose to give up thinking when he was a little confused and trust his seniors.

"But having said that, the rule itself is very ambiguous."

Mo Tan changed the topic and chuckled: "For example, when we went to Sumir to defeat the cultists, even though they were considered a force, we finally sent out the legendary powerful Knight Commander Green, Huo Yan. Yang told me that killing cultists during hedging was like cutting wheat. Especially when the battle entered the middle stage, he almost defeated the opponent by himself, and even so, he would not be criticized by anyone. If the reason is... Wangyu, you should know, right?"

Her Highness the Saint, who had been listening very carefully to Mo Tan's words, immediately nodded and said softly: "Because those cultists are similar to...terrorists, right?"

"To be precise, they should be worse than terrorists, especially in terms of their dehumanization."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said seriously: "This kind of organization that belongs to the public enemy of the world does not apply to this kind of rules, so it doesn't matter even if we send legendary powerhouses, we will even get applause and praise, but although those northern blood barbarians Doing similar things, but always keeping his behavior at the extreme of the concept of "gangster" and "thug", and not reaching the level of "terrorist"... Well, according to your understanding, you can understand it as the "public enemy of the mainland" level, so if we understand them as a force, the position of the Holy Religion Union will be more embarrassing."

Yi Zuo pursed her lips: "I thought those blood barbarians were all lunatics who did all kinds of evil..."

"You are only listening to the opinions within the Holy Cult. Of course, as far as I know, those people did all kinds of evil and did not regret dying. I can basically confirm that they did not go too far towards ordinary civilians, mainly because they did not want to Let yourself be defined as the 'public enemy of the mainland', from this perspective, those people are very smart."

Mo Tan leaned lazily on the sofa, playing with the chess pieces in his hand and said: "In short, under the unspoken rules, it is said that strong people have reasons for being able to move, and there are rules for not being able to move. The more obvious ones include belonging to a force. In the hinterland, for example, when our City of Light, Salamun of the Violet Empire, or the entire Academy City are attacked, they can fight back unscrupulously. As for the more complicated ones... let's not talk about them for now. It has little to do with us at the moment.”

"Hmm...that means that when legendary powerhouses like Sister Xia Lian and others have no room to display, the advantages of our holy sect alliance will not be reflected."

Yu Chen muttered in a low voice, and then looked up at Mo Tan with some worry: "In this case, the federation whose influence cannot be transformed into hard power is at a disadvantage...right?"

Mo Tan showed a reassuring smile to the girl, shook his head and said: "It can only be said that there is no advantage. In fact, it is not a disadvantage. In the final analysis, what we really suffer is that the alliance is not monolithic, and those bloody No matter how lively the barbarians are at killing each other, they can still maintain extreme unity when dealing with the outside world. This is the biggest problem."

"That's why you said that to those two highnesses before..."

Yuchen nodded, and then suddenly started to get angry: "Why can you take them but not me?"

Mo Tan's face stiffened, and then he laughed dryly and said: "The first reason is that since I have passed, our Shuguang Sect will definitely try our best to help in all aspects, with or without you; the second reason is that you are not allowed to go It’s the opinion from above, it has nothing to do with me~”


Yuchen snorted lightly, then stood up and muttered as he walked out: "Then I'll just believe this person's first reason~Yizou."

"Ah! Yes, Your Highness!"

The female knight stood up in panic.

"It's too stuffy in there, come with me for a walk~"

"Eh? But senior..."

"This is our Dawn Chapel, who can come back to trouble him~"

"Well...then...that's good! I'll go out for a walk with His Highness!"

"Hmm, I remember there is a good shop next to the fountain, let's go together!"

"Okay, okay!"

In this way, Her Royal Highness the Saint took it upon herself to abduct the guardian knight of the Black Vatican Priest, and the moment the latter carefully closed the door, Mo Tan's eyes suddenly became solemn.

After another long while, he sighed deeply, covered his head and fell on the sofa.

At this moment, the character named 'Black Brahma' in the Innocence Realm, the side of Motan who was defined by the system as 'absolutely neutral', felt exhausted, almost to death.

It wasn’t because of the game he had just played with the two Holy Sons, nor because he was forced to accept the second round of ‘investment’ from Feiyali, nor because he would soon be separated from Yuchen…

But these days, I have been doing things against my will.

This feeling made him very unhappy, very unhappy! I was so unhappy that I wanted to lift the table and hit the floor.

'You will be unhappy if you do something against your will', which seems to be nonsense, because no one likes to do something against their will, but Mo Tan doesn't dislike it in an ordinary way, but...especially dislikes it.

It's so severe that there's almost physical resistance.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing would almost never happen to him. After all, as the 'same person', Mo Tan, who would get sick intermittently on weekdays, would have to accommodate 'himself' in various ways. He should be very used to this kind of thing. .

However, the truth is exactly the opposite. It is because Mo Tan is always 'accommodating' himself that he will extremely resist things that go against his will no matter what the situation.

But now, as the 'Black Brahma', he has to do this.

Because of the conclusion and direction derived from the last game in Academy City - very bad!

It was so bad that no matter what kind of personality Mo Tan was, he decided that he had to change his 'game attitude'.

It was so bad that the Black Fan, who was the most trouble-free and Buddhist type in the game, gritted his teeth and accepted the task of going to the northern border of the Sanctuary to confront those blood barbarians, and even endured the humiliation and accepted the opponent's additional offer after Feiyali came to find him. Investment', that is, the two holy sons of the Justice Sect and the Abundance Sect.

Yes, Fiyali said that the 'tickets' for Avery and Phillip were free, and it was true that they did not pay any extra price, but——

In Mo Tan, the favor of the two 'crew members' is so great that just thinking about it makes me feel sick to my stomach!

But even so, Mo Tan, who had decided to act according to the 'worst-case plan', had to grit his teeth and hold on, preparing for the 'possible truth'!

Chapter 1,460: End

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