Quadruple split

Chapter 1470 Big Problem

Game time PM16:12

City of Light, inside a house

"It's obviously a win-win situation, but you, a middleman, earned two favors~"

Next to the fireplace, a girl with long aqua hair looked up lazily at the Saint of Fortune in front of her, and said with a leisurely smile: "Yali, you are really not an ordinary bad person."

Fairy Graham shrugged, playing with two beautiful gold coins, and said briskly: "This is Xiangxiang's fault. How can you say it is bad? You know, if it weren't for me,... It’s impossible for Free and Philip to go to Doumbouya City with Hei Fan. We are indeed middlemen, but in terms of the result, the three of them got what they wanted, isn’t that enough?”

The blue-haired girl known as Xiangxiang raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Priest Hei Fan, leave aside for now, Yali, are you sure that the two Holy Sons really want this opportunity?"

"Now, not necessarily."

Fiyali shook her head, but the corner of her mouth turned up with a meaningful smile: "But one day they will know how worthwhile this trip is, and I will happily accept their belated thanks."

While Xiangxiang continued to leisurely write "The Economics of Imperfect Competition" compiled by Joan Robinson and first published in 1993, she asked casually: "To be honest, dear Yali, I have always been curious about why you do this. So I firmly believe that the world will soon be in chaos, but I personally feel that the energy of us people from other worlds is actually not that great."

"Energy and potential are two different things. The former represents a threat, and the latter represents a hidden danger."

With a smile, Feiyali flipped through the book "The Theory of Rich Nations" that still had the fragrance of ink in front of her. She lowered her eyes and flipped through it with relish while saying lightly: "If you don't talk about others, just talk about that guy Hei Fan. His He is not very strong, but whether it was the Battle of Misha County shortly after the launch of the [Innocent Realm] or the Battle of Sumir a few months ago, he has achieved impressive results with his unique abilities. The battle between the city and Teresa Tarosha greatly increased its influence, so that the originally controversial dispatch no longer had any resistance, do you know what this means?"

Xiangxiang lazily shook her head and replied without hesitation: "I don't know, I don't like to use my brain."

"In my opinion, this world has always been driven by a few people. Those who are called pioneers, great men, or labeled as devils, madmen, etc. are the ones who keep this machine called the world running. The driving force to keep moving forward.”

Fiyali brushed away a strand of hair from her forehead and whispered: "In the past countless years, people have racked their brains to broaden their horizons and promote the progress of the times. Researchers have discovered one brand-new theory after another. , economists have created one brand-new model after another, and engineers have successfully sent airships into the sky, allowing ordinary people to gain the qualification to overlook the earth. In short, the world has always been in a tough and rough balance. , a balance that requires going through ups and downs if you want to move forward, and there is no shortcut.”

Xiangxiang, who claimed not to use her brain, nodded and continued to write down word for word an economics book that many people find difficult to read: "You mean, our appearance has broken this balance?"

"Ha...it's more than just breaking the balance."

Feiyali chuckled lightly, shook the book "The Theory of Rich Nations" in her hand, and said with a subtle expression: "Do you know, just this book alone is worth more than the natural operation of [The Realm of Innocence]." It’s a century-old achievement, and what’s even more frightening is that this matter is just the tip of the iceberg of your ‘real world’.”

Xiangxiang curled her lips indifferently: "As for this question, I think as long as the elites in your world are not fools, they know that they should use it to accelerate the progress of the economic system step by step, instead of directly breaking through the framework by citing it. It will only lock your upper limit and possibilities."

"That's what I say, but you have to know that this world is no longer completely decided by us indigenous NPCs. Think about it, the saints and new stars of the Dawn Sect are both outsiders, and their influence is no longer It’s too small.”

Feiyali put down "The Theory of Rich Nations" in her hand and said with stern eyes: "That's just a Dawn Sect. What about the entire Holy Religion Union? What about the entire Northeast Continent? What about the entire [Innocent Realm]? When most After people have played the essence of this 'game', what will happen when everyone no longer just levels up, fights monsters, and completes tasks? What will the world look like?"

"I don't have a great imagination."

Xiangxiang continued to refuse to think, and then asked simply and clearly: "Do you think it will be bad?"

"Who knows?"

As a result, Feiyali also spread her hands, leaned back on the chair and said in a rude tone: "I have also thought about this matter, but there was no result except a little hair loss, so I simply stopped thinking about it. "

Xiangxiang pursed her lips and smiled, then raised her eyebrows at the friend in front of her: "You are quite free and easy~"

"It's not so much free and easy as it is not that big of a pattern."

Feiyali smiled cheerfully, spread her hands and said: "In the final analysis, I am just a businessman. Why bother with those things that are not available? The immediate interests are the last word."

"Is it the immediate benefit?"

Xiangxiang put down the quill in her hand, held her chin and looked at her two-dimensional friend in front of her with a smile: "Such words coming from the mouth of a person like you, Yali, are really awkward to hear. "

"My surname is not Fei. The three characters Feiyali are already a nickname. Don't use your habit of calling me random names..."

Her Royal Highness the Saint said angrily that the other party would never listen to, and after a while she stood up: "The so-called 'in front of you' is always based on the height of my standing position!"

"Yes, yes, although you are not as tall as me..."

"Looking for trouble, aren't you! I'm talking about the 'height' of an excellent businessman!"

"I remember you were tricked by someone when you were in Academy City."

"It's not a scam! It's just because that person was too annoying that I signed a contract where no one can take advantage of it!"

"Didn't you say it yourself? If you don't get more benefits than your collaborators, you will be considered a failure~"

"So I hate aliens... the soda business and stuff like that..."

Fiyali sighed deeply, but the corners of her mouth raised up unconsciously, and her voice became trembling: "It's so damn profitable!"

Xiangxiang also laughed and asked with interest: "So who is the other party? Can he force you to the point where you have to cooperate fairly?"

"A scumbag, scum, pervert, narcissist."

Fiyali gave her evaluation without hesitation, and then laughed happily: "All in all, he is an interesting man."

"A man?"

"What's wrong with men? Your father is also a man, right?"

"It has nothing to do with this, I mean... Yali, you shouldn't have..."

"No, please restrain your love brain."

"Hehe, I always feel that Yali, you are already more like a person from our world than me."

"I just think some words are very useful."

"Speaking of which, about the Holy Son Avery..."

"You! Give! Me! Hold! One! Point!"

Game time PM19:31

The airship owned by Explosion Tank Aviation - the Shaentii.

"You have come to show you go on~"

At the bow of the ship, a man wearing a white robe and waving a lute was singing loudly and passionately: "Near far wherever you are!!!"

Suddenly, he suddenly opened his arms and turned around to face a petite girl not far away with long snow-like hair and a long blade of more than two meters that was wrapped in a bandage hanging diagonally behind her, with an expressionless face. He looked at the other person's eyes with no highlights with great affection, and in the process of breathing, he blew an extremely explicit kiss.


The girl put a small stack of snacks that looked like potato chips into her mouth and looked like she was looking at garbage.

"I believe that the heart does go on~~~ Once more you open the door~~!"

The man continued to shout loudly and energetically. It must be said that although his facial expression was exaggerated to the point of being beaten, everyone had to admit that this guy sang really well.

If he sings otherwise—

"my heart Will Go On……"

Mu Xuejian put the snack bag that had been eaten and wiped clean into his bag (he would look for a trash can to throw it away later), walked slowly behind the man who was still raising his voice, and grabbed him away from him who might lose his footing at any time. The latter who fell from a high altitude pulled him down, lowered his head and said calmly to the latter who fell on his butt: "You are singing the theme song of Titanic on this industrial garbage ship that may disintegrate in mid-air at any time, is that right? Do you think flying this way is a bit too comfortable?"

Mo Tan immediately grinned and rolled over in front of Mu Xuejian. Then with lightning speed, he knelt down on one knee and pulled up the latter's right hand, and kissed the back of the white hand that could be broken by a bullet. : "I just want to express my feelings for you..."

five minutes later

"Very artistic, Miss Mu Xuejian."

The Blood Seeker maid with a dull expression took the snacks handed by the girl, and while eating, she commented on the owner who was hanging on the side of the ship: "It's so elegant, Liz is very impressed with you."

Mu Xuejian nodded, and then withdrew the index finger on the side of Cole Shuren's neck that was resting on 'Tan Mo''s chief horseman: "You can go and retrieve him."

After saying that, he took out a bag of snacks from his luggage again and walked towards the cabin without looking back while eating.

Cole, who was almost scared out of his wits, immediately rushed forward, pulled up Mo Tan who was hanging outside the boat, took out a dagger and cut off the bandages on the latter's body, and asked anxiously: "Mr. Are you okay!"

“It’s not a big problem~”

Before being hung up, Mu Xuejian was beaten half to death. Now with only about 20% of his health left, Mo Tan shook his head with a bruised face, took a mouthful of brown sugar-flavored life potion, and sighed with unfinished meaning. : "That sword woman's little hands are so slippery~"

Cole: "..."

Liz: "Pervert."

"He is a gentleman, my dear~"

Mo Tan grabbed the hem of Liz's dress and stood up. After being kicked to the ground, Mo Tan raised his index finger and shook it. He smiled proudly and said: "At most, add the word 'fraternity' prefix."

Liz didn't speak, she just asked expressionlessly, 'Do you have any more instructions?', and then left quickly without waiting for Mo Tan to answer.


Mo Tan made a face at the back of his maid, then waved his hand impatiently and said to Cole: "You should go back first, I want to think about something."

Without any hesitation, Cole bowed and immediately withdrew respectfully.

However, Mo Tan did not relax, because within half a minute after Cole left, a human man who looked to be about the same age as Mo Tan and even had a similar style of robe appeared next to him and nodded politely. A greeting: "Hello, this is..."

"Hello, Mr. Candeng."

Mo Tan put the lute on his shoulders, interrupted the professional player who was trying to create an atmosphere of chance encounter, and asked directly: "So, you obviously had your eye on me a few days ago, but you didn't You didn’t choose to make contact right away, but you only used such a crappy method to come to your door now, so what are you doing?”

Can Deng, whose rhythm was disrupted as soon as he came up, was stunned for a moment, and then he showed an extremely decent smile, bowed to Mo Tan, and said sincerely: "Please forgive my caution, Mr. Link Zelda, The reason why I just now..."

"It's okay to make friends, but it's unnecessary to add a friend."

Mo Tan once again interrupted Can Deng, who was a player but had joined the current head of the Wanderer Hotel, and was from the same school as Master Crow from the Junwu Inn. He directly skipped all the steps that he was too lazy to talk about. He spoke quickly: "For the soda business, please go back to Academy City and find the bartender at [Black Mary]. In addition, I have a partner at the Wanderer Hotel. Thank you, no date. I'm glad to meet you."

After saying that, he ignored the other party's increasingly stiff expression and returned to the cabin with a disappointed look on his face. Only this lone wolf professional player, who clearly didn't say anything but had absolutely nothing to say, was left alone on the deck. Medium messy.

It can be said that Can Deng is unlucky. It stands to reason that although Mo Tan is very difficult to deal with under his current personality, he would not refuse to chat with a reasonably smart person like him for a while, but in view of the latter These days, he has been in a strange state between extreme pleasure and extreme anxiety. This time he finally got a bad start, and his whole person felt a little bad.

And to make 'Tan Mo' in the Innocence Realm feel a little disturbed, so much so that in order to allow himself to think quietly, the reason why a whole floor of the warehouse was reserved as a personal rest room was naturally not that simple. .

"The jingoistic empire."

In the dark cargo hold, Mo Tan, who was leaning against a container, narrowed his eyes slightly——

"There's a big problem there..."

Chapter 1,461: End

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