Quadruple split

Chapter 1507 News

‘Accidental’ is a very interesting word.

In a conventional sense, its meanings include [sudden], [unexpected], [infrequent], etc. The concept 'accidentality' derived from it is too complicated to explain carefully. It can be said that Tiring, it sounds annoying, so here I only extract the key points from Mo Tan’s subjective concept——

In his view, ‘contingency’ is an ‘infinite possibility’ that may or may not appear conditionally in the development of things, and the probability of occurrence is uncertain.

Accident does not generally refer to some low-probability phenomenon, but many low-probability phenomena can be attributed to 'accidental'. Here we can give a few examples -

For example, you have a friend who meets his school manager father on the way to school. This is a medium to high probability chance event because the two live in the same school. Of course, the interesting thing is that if he does not meet him on the way to school When it comes to his school manager father, it is also an accidental event with a medium to high probability, because everyone's observation angles are different.

For another example, if you have a friend who fails to confess his love, it is not an accident, because the act of confessing will only lead to two absolutely inevitable results, but this is not absolute. Suppose he is a person who likes to travel. Every time he goes to a new city, he will confess his love to a random lucky lady, and the rate of being issued a card is as high as 90%, so if he succeeds in confessing his love once, it will be a complete accident.

For another example, you have a friend who is sworn in with gambling and drug abuse. He is browsing illegal websites in his room and is discovered by his family. This is an accidental event with a medium to low probability. After all, he will probably study the habits of his family before making any plans. Move later.

However, if your friend installed more than twenty locks on the door to ensure confidentiality, and at the same time used plane displacement technology to transfer himself and the Internet device to the sub-dimension, he also placed two locks near the entrance to the main plane. There were more than a hundred space booby traps, and even thirty general-purpose mass-produced mobile suits were rented. For example, Zeonik's famous mobile suit "Zaku" set up a blockade, but it was still blocked by its maximum combat power of only about 1,600 (approximately 1,600). Did the family of Yamucha (who died together with the cultivator) find out and catch him?

Of course, that is considered a chance. It is a chance that is so low in probability that it can be replaced by another word. Yes, it refers to ‘miracle’.

What is a miracle?

Miracles are extremely unusual. The probability of occurrence is obviously infinitely close to zero, but it appears inexplicably. Some of the lower specifications include drawing SSR continuously in mobile games, and starting with a set of Exzodia corpses when playing cards. The higher specifications The high ones include the situation where one side is killed by a meteorite when two armies are fighting against each other. In short, it is very rare, very rare, very strange, and very nonsense.

So, what is ‘unlucky’?

In Mo Tan's view, so-called misfortune refers to vicious events caused by accidents, such as stepping on dog poop, encountering scum, eating instant noodles without seasoning packets, etc.

Teacher Fang Xuanling once said in "Jin Shu·Yang Hu Biography" - Nine times out of ten things will go wrong in life. In other words, it is normal for people to be unlucky, and even if people are often unlucky, it is also normal. .

But to be unlucky to the extent of Cordoba in the game is a bit too abnormal.

In fact, when Mo Tan under his current personality first saw Cui Xiaoyu's post, not only did he have no empathy, he even felt that this guy was just trying to please others. After all, he was a non-chief after all, and he knew exactly what it meant to be unlucky in the game. situation, so I don’t think the author of that post was telling the truth at all.

After all, as a person, you shouldn't be so unlucky.

As a result, it didn’t take long for Mo Tan to meet the author of that post, Cordoba in the game, and he was shocked because everything he said was true!

The most shocking thing is that Cordoba’s ‘bad luck’ is not in the past tense, but in the present continuous tense.

This is fucking outrageous.

After that, Mo Tan became very interested in this elder brother's gaming experience, and wanted to use it to study probability and test whether there was such a thing as "lucky value" in this game.

As a result, he ran into problems as soon as he started researching.

First of all, among the first five deaths in Cordoba's gaming career, three were related to Mo Tan himself. Two of the more obvious cases were 'Black Fan' and 'Tan Mo'. The former encountered a man who was seriously injured and on the verge of death. Cordoba heard his last words with his own ears, and the latter stabbed Cordoba to death with his own hands in the city of Pato.

According to his investigation and research, Cordoba's death as a sand goblin was also related to him. According to the person's recollection, his first task after being reincarnated as the sand goblin king was to rob a caravan, and that That caravan was the Lin Jing caravan that Mo was in at that time, and Cordoba was killed by the second captain's Idari musket.

After that, Mo Tan also investigated two other deaths in Cordoba, and found that his first death on the street was probably just bad luck, and his second, fourth, and fifth deaths were all related to 'Mo' and 'Mo' respectively. The three characters "Hei Fan" and "Tan Mo" are related, and the third time... When he thought of this before, because his personality state was 'absolute neutral' which was easily frightened, he did not continue to think about it.

But now it seems that he should be the instigator of the massacre in the Southwest Continent’s Chauvin Empire a few months ago, and the probability that it is Mo Tan himself has almost reached 99% based on multiple evidences!

Being unlucky once is accidental, being unlucky twice is accidental, but when such accidents have been piled up into "miraculous bad luck", then there may be some kind of inevitability behind it.

So Mo Tan often thinks about whether the bad relationship between himself and Cordoba is some kind of cause and effect that is trying to connect himself with Tianzhu Mountain, and it is precisely because I have an intersection with that place where the mystery value is too high, and ordinary players don't know how long it will take to get a glimpse of the true appearance, so as not to be too far away from the 'that side' that has almost been confirmed at this moment.

As an agnostic, Mo Tan's attitude toward metaphysics is actually quite ambiguous. Although he won't push everything on it, he won't deliberately reject it, especially when he has sufficient evidence in his hands.

However, Mo Tan wouldn't scare himself for nothing. For example, right now, he doesn't feel that the situation happening in front of him has anything to do with him, but...

[Apart from Cordoba in the game, Xiaoyu is not very unlucky outside the game. Even if he suffers a lot of losses, it is mainly because of his character, but...]

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes and kept wandering between Cui Xiaoyu's and Yuchen's mobile phones, and the corner of his mouth curled up into an interesting smile.

He suddenly thought that although Cui Xiaoyu's luck was average, he had not experienced some unreasonable accidents in reality. In most cases, every accident that happened to him recently, They will all lead things to the same place.

Even if some things don't seem to have metaphysical elements, the book Idong threw out the window before was really too accurate.

[This is not bad luck, but if the result is defined as 'bad luck'...then there is only one possibility left. 】

He raised his hand to his mouth and whistled silently. Mo Tan felt that he seemed to have grasped some kind of illogical and mysterious direction.

If the accidental stacking reaches a certain level and there is some kind of necessity, then he feels that he has now mastered the inevitable content, and then derived an interesting idea.

To sum it up simply, it is a confirmation of the concept of "man can conquer nature".

So, it only took less than thirty seconds for Mo Tan to formulate a rough but simple and straightforward plan in his mind. Then he coughed lightly and said something to Yu Chen who was on the phone. Waving his hand: "Then what..."

"What? Two children in the affiliated kindergarten got food poisoning?"

As a result, Yuchen suddenly let out a soft cry, held up the phone nervously and asked: "Is the situation serious? Do you need my help... Oh, you are already following the car, right? Okay, I know. Yes, um, then we won’t have lunch together today, and I won’t have to wait for you tonight... I’ll wait for you tonight? Yeah, I understand, I’ll contact you at any time.”

After saying that, Yu Chen, with a somewhat anxious expression, breathed a sigh of relief, put down the phone and turned to look at Mo Tan: "Nana has been busy on her first day of internship. Two children have serious food poisoning. They have already contacted the rescue team. The car is picked up."

Mo Tan nodded expressionlessly and said seriously: "I hope everything is okay."

"It should be fine. The infirmary in the park has finished inducing vomiting and catharsis. It only takes less than half an hour for the ambulance to come and go. There should be no problem."

Yu Chen showed a reassuring smile, and then blinked curiously: "By the way, Mo Tan, what did you want to say to me just now?"

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth froze, then he coughed slightly, and said with a dry smile: "I just want to ask Xiaoyu whether it will affect Nangong's performance if Xiaoyu runs out like this and then applies for discharge papers online if it does not comply with the regulations."

"That won't happen. Xiao Yu's condition is very mild. It's the kind of thing that you can live in or not live in."

Yuchen immediately shook his head, turned to look at Cui Xiaoyu who was still on the phone with Kang Lan, covered his mouth and chuckled: "And I don't think his motives are very pure~"

Mo Tan sold Cui Xiaoyu without hesitation and said quickly: "Indeed, his purpose of wanting to be hospitalized was to get out of singles."

Obviously, at this moment, Mo Tan has completely given up on the idea. After all, something happened just when he was about to start the plan, so even if it was just a coincidence, Mo Tan was not going to take the risk.

It was not because he was worried about sending a few more innocent children to the hospital, but because Mo Tan was afraid that if he continued to work like this, it would not be the children who would get into trouble, but himself.

If it were his own business, that would be fine, but after all, the other party was just Cui Xiaoyu, so he couldn't do anything wrong. He really couldn't do it.

Ever since, he changed the subject very cleanly, just because of this dangerous water.

"So we have to tell Xiaoyu... Should Nana be the one to take care of him?"

Yuchen walked to the side and whispered to Mo Tan, but even though she was said to be next to him, she still kept a distance of nearly half a meter from him.

"It's not necessary. Classmate Nangong has been transferred anyway, so it's better to make him feel that he has received retribution."

Mo Tan blinked, tilted his head and smiled at Yu Chen in the same low voice: "Just enough to kill the possibility of him causing trouble like this again."

Yu Chen immediately nodded and echoed in a low voice: "It's hard not to support this, although I know that Xiao Yu has no ill intentions... So, Mo Tan, will you just go back?"

[It would be great if you could take me to the nearest canteen~ Although this is the answer that suits ‘my’ style, please spare me for now...]

Mo Tan made a sharp remark, then nodded and said, "Well, I plan to..."


Before he could finish speaking, a large, fair hand patted his shoulder. Mo Tan turned around and saw that it was Cui Xiaoyu who had already finished the phone call, so he asked casually: "Kang Lan" Looking for you?"

"To be precise, it's us."

Cui Xiaoyu nodded seriously, then raised his chin in an unknown direction to Mo Tan: "If you have nothing else, go to the second cafeteria. Everyone is over there. Let's have lunch together."

Mo Tan, who was about to tell Yu Chen that he was going home to eat, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's quite important."

Cui Xiaoyu didn't answer, just showed a particularly shameless smile, raised his eyebrows and said: "You two should come together, we really have to put this matter together."

Since he needed to maintain a good persona in front of Yu Chen, although Mo Tan was a little unhappy, it was not convenient to attack him. He just turned to Yu Chen helplessly and asked, "What do you think?"

"I originally planned to buy lunch to eat with Nana when she takes a break, but she is busy now and can't eat."

Yu Chen smiled calmly and said with a smile, "I'll just go with everyone."

Cui Xiaoyu immediately clapped his hands and grinned: "Okay, then this matter is settled, let's go!"

"You should ask me for my opinion."

Even though he said so, Mo Tan still followed and walked with the two of them towards the Second Canteen which was somewhere that day.

"It's a stupid question. Yuchen has already said it. Do I still need to ask you?"

Cui Xiaoyu gave Mo Tan a 'you know' look, then smacked his lips and muttered with a troubled expression: "I don't know if I have enough time..."

Because he could not lower his voice, the two people next to him did not pretend not to hear. They just asked in unison: "When is enough time?"

"Nothing, it's just that I've been doing special training in the game recently. Well, special training that only people without assholes can come up with."

Cui Xiaoyu walked forward with his pockets in his pockets and said without looking back: "It turns out that time seems a bit tight now."

Yuchen blinked and said "Hey" in confusion.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, paused and suddenly widened his eyes——

"Is there some news about the game that has been rumored before?"

Chapter 1,498: End

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