Quadruple split

Chapter 1508 Confrontation and Controversy

"Hello dear player.

[The Boundary of Innocence] will not be under maintenance in the near future, please don’t worry.

There are two key points in this announcement:

First of all, under the pressure from the sales department, we decided to carry out a wave of promotions for random reasons. The content is as follows↓

In this good season of school, you can purchase a [Innocence Boundary] game cabin with a 10% discount with your student ID card. One ID card, one cabin, and identity binding. It also comes with evaluation certificates from 41 professional medical and health institutions, as well as specialized personnel. The high-quality article written by "36 hours, healthy every day".

PS: In view of the recent emergence of a large number of non-governmental organizations with 'education' and 'training' as the core in this game, student players are also requested to do their research in advance. If, for example, 'Why do I have to go to class to play games? Applications for refund for other reasons will not be accepted. Please forgive me.

Secondly, the first [Guilty Debate] of the Innocence Realm is about to begin.

1. The naming of [Inquisition and Controversy]:

1: During the planning stage, this event was tentatively named [The World’s No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament], but it was later abandoned due to copyright issues. However, because everyone likes this name, it is included in this article for the appreciation of gamers and friends.

2: Although [Questioning Guilt and Debate] contains the word ‘Questioning Guilt’, the focus is entirely on ‘Controversy’. The reason why we decided to use this name is because it simply sounds very Coooooool.

2. Overview of [Inquiry into Crime Debate]:

1.1: This project is one of the main means for our company to recover costs. In view of the fact that [Innocent Bound] has already gained popularity due to its substantial content, perfect optimization, excellent quality, excellent atmosphere, healthy environment, poor operation, etc. A series of merits are popular in society and even the world. Our company's senior management immediately held a meeting and decided to cut a wave of leeks, that is, grandly launched the first official event [Battle of Crimes], and sold the broadcast fees of each platform through bidding, tremble! Dear friends from the media, this is really expensive!

1.2: Based on 1.1, during this [Crime Debate], the entire process will be broadcast starting from the qualifiers, and online viewing will also be supported. The viewing space will be a public area/public area private theater with the theme of [Platform with the Most Funds] ※Zero Krypton players can use the free conference room to watch the game alone or with friends, but during the game, the conference room style will be converted to the [most funded platform] style and includes advertising implants※.

2.1: This [Crime Debate] will be held from October 1st to October 7th, 2049 AD in real time. The competition time will start at 19:00 PM every day and end at the end of all competitions on that day. Please make arrangements in advance. Your own play time.

2.2: This [Crime Battle] is divided into ‘individual battle’ and ‘group battle’, and players can sign up at the same time.

3.1: The objective registration conditions for this [Correction Debate] are 'having at least one mid-level occupation'. Those who meet the conditions can register directly immediately. If the applicant does not meet the conditions and the character's situation is special, he or she can use the self-service in the public space to add 【Combat Strength Assessment】Register, and you can still register successfully after being judged by the system as having sufficient strength.

3.2: Team competition requires 3-5 people to submit registration applications at the same time.

4.1: The competition provides image protection services. After selecting the image protection service, you can use the preset avatar to compete. We will provide four templates for each race that can be flexibly changed according to the basic information such as the height and weight of the contestants.

4.2: Contestants need to use their own character ID in [Innocence Bound] to fight under their real names, and can choose a publicly displayed profession. Players who meet the [Anonymous] conditions can choose to remain anonymous, but they cannot enjoy image protection services, so please make your decision carefully.

5.1: From now on, everyone can choose [Simulated Battle] in the public space to match to adapt to the mechanism and rules of the competition. The results will not be counted in the main match. The simulated battle will be closed at 07:00 AM on September 30.

5.2: [Inquisition] does not have seeded contestants. For example: [Cordoba-Good Neutral-Agent] who ranks second in the personal combat rankings will also start from the most basic auditions if he signs up to participate. .

3. [Crime Debate-Personal War]:

1: The individual competition will hold auditions from 19:00 PM to 21:00 PM on October 1 (there is a possibility of ending early). After the audition, the 8192 people with the highest comprehensive evaluation will qualify for the main competition.

2: The main matches of the individual competitions all use a 1V1 indiscriminate matching and elimination mechanism. When one party dies, surrenders, or is disconnected, the other party wins immediately.

3: The top 256 will be decided on October 2nd/the top 32 will be decided on October 3rd/the champion will be decided on October 4th.

4: In the main game, the system will use a special algorithm to ensure relative fairness between the two parties, but does not guarantee absolute fairness. The final interpretation right belongs to [Innocent Realm Lord System].

5: If the competition time exceeds 3 hours of game time, the system will forcibly terminate the competition and use a special algorithm to select the winner. If the competition ends in this way, the winner's all attributes in the next round will be reduced by 10%. .

6: If you violate the basic rules of [The Boundary of Innocence] during the competition, including but not limited to 'racial discrimination', 'sex discrimination', 'sexual harassment', etc., you will be immediately judged as a loser and disqualified from the competition. In serious cases, you will be disqualified from the game cabin. They will be locked up and reported to the local public security organs for handling.

7: Everything players obtain in the game can be brought into the competition, and vice versa.

4. [Crime Debate-Group War]:

1: The team competition will hold auditions from PM21:00 to PM23:00 on October 1 (there is a possibility of ending early). After the audition, the 1024 teams with the highest comprehensive evaluation will qualify for the main competition.

2: The main matches of the team competition are all based on an indiscriminate matching and elimination mechanism. The number of teams must be between 3-5 people. If one team is destroyed and the captain surrenders, the other team will immediately win.

3: The top 128 will be decided on October 5th/the top 16 will be decided on October 6th/the champion will be decided on October 7th.

4: In the main competition, the system will use a special algorithm to ensure relative fairness between the two sides, but it does not guarantee absolute fairness. The final interpretation right belongs to the [Innocent Realm Lord System]. If the number of people on both sides is unequal, the system will appropriately adjust the number in the battle area. Give resources to smaller teams.

5: If the game time exceeds 2 hours of game time, the team with the most remaining players will win immediately. If the number of survivors on both sides is equal, the system will forcibly terminate the game and use a special algorithm to select the winner.

6: If any team member violates the basic rules of [Innocent Boundary] during the game, including but not limited to 'racial discrimination', 'sex discrimination', 'sexual harassment', etc., the team will be immediately judged to have lost the game and will be disqualified. , in serious cases, the game cabin will be locked and the local public security agency will be notified for handling.

7: Everything players obtain in the game can be brought into the competition, and vice versa.

5. The rewards that everyone is most concerned about

※Prizes for individual competitions and team competitions can be accumulated※

※The following rewards, except for the world task chain, are all awarded to individuals independently. Team competition rewards are distributed to everyone who participates in the team registration※

‘Shortlisted prize: 800 gold coins, a random piece of excellent quality equipment, limited peripherals [camp customization-key chain]’

‘Top 256: 8,000 gold coins, one piece of random high-quality equipment, one random item, designated professional level +3, three random high-quality task chains, limited peripheral options: [camp customization-baseball cap]’

‘Top 64: 15,000 gold coins, a piece of random epic equipment, a piece of random items and equipment, designated professional level +5, a random epic quest chain, limited peripheral options: [camp customization-T-shirt]’

Top 16: 30,000 gold coins, two pieces of random epic equipment, one piece of random items and equipment, freely assignable career level 10, three random epic task chains, limited peripheral options: [camp customization-hiking shoes], 5,000 yuan in cash . ’

'Third place: 50,000 gold coins, three pieces of designated professional epic equipment, one legendary mission chain, one piece of random items and equipment no less than the only high-quality, epic-level professional mission clues, optional limited peripherals [camp customization-battery car] + full set of driving Course, cash 10,000 yuan. ’

'Runner up: 100,000 gold coins, one piece of designated professional legendary equipment, one legendary mission chain, one regional mission chain, one piece of random items and equipment of no less than unique quality, epic level professional missions, limited peripheral optional [Personal Customization-Game cabin], cash 20,000 yuan. ’

'Championship: 500,000 gold coins, one piece of unique legendary equipment for the specified profession, one legendary mission chain, one world mission chain (the team battle mission chain rewards are shared), one piece of random items and equipment of no less than epic quality, and one epic-level professional mission. A full set of limited peripherals, 50,000 yuan in cash. ’

6. Others

1: Spectators can directly watch their friends’ matches through the friend option

2: During the [Crime Controversy], random hot contests will be broadcast in all public spaces.

3: During the [Inquisition and Debate], both the [Personal Strength Ranking] and the [Comprehensive Strength Ranking] are not visible.

4: Prize-winning guessing activities will be launched at that time, so stay tuned

5: The final interpretation right of this event belongs to Sinless Company.

6: For a detailed description of the total text size of 127,000 words, please click the ※hyperlink※”

Kang Lan breathed a long sigh of relief, took the Coke Wan Yang handed him and took a sip. After breathing a long sigh of relief, he nodded seriously to everyone: "That's probably it. What do you think?"

This is the largest private room in the [Cat Climbing Frame] Chinese restaurant on the third floor of the second cafeteria of Tanhua University. Almost everyone in Mo Tan’s small circle in real life is sitting in it. Counting clockwise from Kang Lan facing the door, they are Kang Lan himself and Wan Wan. There are nine people in total, Yang, Yi Dong, Mo Tan, Gu Xiaole, Yu Chen, Ji Xiaodao, Ji Xiaoge, and Cui Xiaoyu. Except for Nangong Na who is interning in the medical school, it can be said that the gang around Mo Tan is innocent. Everyone in the world is here.

Kang Lan's mobile phone was connected to the large LCD screen on the wall opposite the door. In order to take care of Cui Xiaoyu and Gu Xiaole, who had headaches when they read the words, he had just read the latest official announcement from Innocence Realm from beginning to end. Not only was the writing correct and the pronunciation clear, but the voice was rich and fluent. Even though he had only read it once in advance, he was able to read such a huge amount of text extremely fluently, which is very impressive.

After he finished reading, everyone, including Mo Tan, showed a clear and serious expression. No one made a comment immediately, but it seemed that they had a lot to say.

Finally, after about two minutes, Kang Lan coughed again, and then turned to look at Cui Xiaoyu, who had a constipated face next to him: "Xiaoyu, what do you think? You, the second big guy on the list, must be participating. Bar?"

"I really want to participate. Although I can't use the equipment or anything, I still want the peripherals..."

Cui Xiaoyu scratched his head with a depressed look on his face and shrugged: "I'll do what I said before. I'll go all out for the individual competition. For the team competition, the competition requirement is three to five people. It's not suitable for me to hang out with any of you." , just bring a few friends I met in the game to play, I will form a five-person team with them, and if I meet any of you, I will not join."

"The individual competition is still expected."

Yidong smacked his lips, held his cheek and said, "I didn't expect that there might be unfair confrontation in the team competition. Do we really want to sell it domestically?"

Kang Lan, who is always more active in this kind of discussion, spread his hands and said with a smile: "I think it is better to determine who wants to fight first. After all, we have non-combat professions and casual parties here."

"I want to fight, but as a professional war priest, I won't be able to get any rankings in individual battles."

Wan Yang was the first to express his stance and said seriously: "But I should be able to perform well in group battles. If you have any ideas, you can call me."

"Personally, I will definitely fight."

Yidong, who was sitting next to him, kicked Mo Tan under the table secretly and said with a smile: "Group battle... To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet."

"I'm a pastor, so I definitely can't fight a personal battle."

Mo Tan smiled and poured himself juice while saying: "It depends on the situation in the group battle, but my level is quite bad. If you want to compete for the top spot, it's best not to take me with you. I will be 100% behind."

"Tan-chan is so humble. You can be the conductor. You conducted so well in Misha County before."

Gu Xiaole, who was sitting next to Mo Tan, smiled and hit Mo Tan with his arm, and said with a smile: "As for me, I will definitely participate in the individual competition. What about the team competition... I am different from Xiao Yusang. I don't have any other friends. How about I Take Ito with you?"

Yi Dong was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Mo Tan covertly - 'What to do? Do you have an account and want to team up with me? ’

Mo Tan shook his head slightly and looked back - 'No, that damn bitch Futaba knows that you are a friend of Black Fan/Mo Tan. If the character Lin Dong teamed up with Tan Mo, it would easily lead to complications. ’

Yi Dong nodded slightly and twitched his eyebrows - 'What about Mo's character? Do you need my help? ’

Mo Tan took a sip of juice into his mouth and looked away - 'It's not impossible, but it's not necessary. Let Xiao Le help you get a high ranking. ’


Yidong immediately raised his cup to greet Gu Xiaole and said with a smile: "For the first time, I think having a sister like you might not be so bad."

"I won't participate in the individual competition, but for the team competition..."

Yuchen shrank his neck, then tilted his head and thought about it, and suddenly laughed——

"Let's join together with Hei Fan."

Chapter 1,499: End

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