Quadruple split

Chapter 1547: Peeling off the cocoon

Yu Ying is an outstanding girl.

Mo Tan knows this very well, even better than most people.

Although she is a person who has been struggling for food and clothing all year round, and she likes to set OOC settings for her own nature, such as 'female assassin who has no feelings' and 'tsundere maid Sakura-chan', it is still difficult to hide it. This girl is excellent in all aspects.

For example, in the Battle of Misha County that year, as the adjutant of the 'Black Van', she worked diligently. Although she had the characteristic of 'players don't need to sleep', the workload she faced was also insane, and it was so heavy that it covered the entire As for the level of food and clothing of the joint forces, and even many things that did not require Mo Tan to personally care about, Yu Ying, as the adjutant, had to frequently check in and deal with those things that made people feel inconsiderate just by looking at them. Organize and streamline the painful information, and finally send it to the command ledger in the form of just a few pieces of parchment.

For example, in the mission [Blood Resentment Fills the Window], although the one she was working with was an unfathomable double-edged sword like 'Tan Mo', she still managed to cooperate seamlessly with the latter when the blade was facing outward, and even She played a core role in leading the rhythm in the battle. When the sword was pointed inwards, that is, when she was trapped by the disconnected 'Tan Mo', Miss Yu Ying also relied on her reckless energy to survive. He also awakened the berserker, a profession that was incompatible with assassins.

For example, when working at the Wanderer Hotel, Yu Ying almost effortlessly became the number one maid whose performance was perfect over Weiyang and Liu Mu. Although she was only based on the characters in some classic animations, it has to be said that She is really good at painting. To this day, the tips this girl receives from customers are much higher than the rewards given by Jun Wu. What is even more admirable is that she has not been taken advantage of by anyone since the first day she joined the job. It was cheaper than half of it, and he even pulled Xiao Liu out of the fire pit several times when he was about to be raped.

Her appearance is outstanding, and her emotional intelligence, combat effectiveness, partner awareness, adaptability, flexibility of thinking and even overall quality are far above average. Miss Yu Ying can almost be said to be sitting firmly in Motan's (chaotic neutral limited) scoring criteria. A+.

This is not a low rating. For example, the representative of E-level is Pato City Dave, the representative of D-level is Tianzhu Mountain Security Captain A Liang, and the representative of C-level is Fenrir Captain Ned. , the representative of B-level is his chief Ma Zi Cole, the representative of A-level is Xiao Ai, and the more conventional S-level is represented by Cordova, Xiu, Fiyali, Foster, and Going up from S, the only [Super Best] level in Mo Tan's mind under the current personality, referred to as SB level, is exclusive to Futaba.

Of course, this is only his one-sided view under his current personality. It is very subjective and does not have reference value under general circumstances.

But even so, Yuying who can get A+ is considered very powerful. At least in the eyes of Mo Tan, who has a chaotic neutral personality, she is more useful than his two confidants Ma Zai, both in terms of ability and potential.

However, given that this girl has a bit of a peasant mentality and is a coward, she is very likely to fall from the A+ rating in the near future. Cole and Xiao Ai, on the other hand, are just the opposite. The very fact of following Mo Tan This will greatly increase their room for improvement, but at least at this point in time, Yu Ying is a very rare figure.

And for such a rare person, Mo Tan certainly had no intention of letting her go.

He was well aware of Yu Ying's social circle, and he also knew very well that neither Jun Wu nor Weiyang was interested in the [Confrontation] itself, so if the assassin girl wanted to participate in both the individual competition and the team competition, she had to Go find a group of reliable teammates.

Regrettably, although Yuying, who works at the Wanderer Inn during the day and goes to the Thieves Guild to take on tasks to earn extra money at night, knows a lot of people, most of them are NPCs. After all, for ordinary players, the City of Freedom is The place is still too dangerous.

So in this situation, who would Yuying think of first?

The answer is naturally 'Tan Mo', who makes her both unhappy and admired. After all, the latter can be said to be the only person Yuying has seen since she entered the world of innocence. Yes, the 'only one' who has no blind spots. Players, and unfathomable, always look calm and at ease.

Don't worry too much about being a teammate with this kind of person.

After all, being a teammate with him is not as disgusting as being an opponent with him. In other words, if you team up with Tan Mo, then no matter who the opponent is, they will probably feel disgusting. This is the so-called subjugation without fighting.

To sum up, Yu Ying, who was very wishful thinking, did not hesitate at all. After a little investigation into the form of the [Inquisition and Debate], he bluntly sent a message to 'Tan Mo', saying that he wanted to He wants to team up with him, and the words also reveal his willingness to be led by the latter.

As a result, Mo Tan received the message, but did not give any feedback. Not only that, after today's meeting, he even said "you are not worthy" without hesitation, which is very, very hurtful and very disrespectful. .

What's even more annoying is that Yu Ying can't refute the opponent at all, because if the bitch in front of him is telling the truth, the two people on the first page of the rankings, 'Fangye' and 'Mu Xuejian', really formed a team with him, then he himself A little assassin who can't even make the list really doesn't deserve it.

"Sorry, honey."

Mo Tan slid down from the table sincerely, bowed deeply to Yu Ying, and said with an extremely serious expression: "Although the upper limit of a team is five people, being able to handle the triangle relationship smoothly is my limit. Well, if I add you...to be honest, I don't have much confidence that I can give each of you the same care."

The pale-faced Yu Ying angrily shook her middle finger at Mo Tan and cursed an unpleasant curse.

"Deduct money and performance."

Jun Wu responded quickly and patted the table, smiling at Sakura-chan, whose eyes were blazing with fire: "It's working time now, so be civilized."

Yu Ying glared at Jun Wu fiercely, then took three deep breaths on the spot (it showed that she was already a little resistant to Mo Tan under his current personality). After calming down her emotions, she turned to the bitch in front of her and asked: "䱱䱱Are you really teaming up with those two people? Those are the big guys on the first page of the rankings, why would they want to bring you such a loser?"

Weiyang fluttered the pair of rather mini-shaped wings on his back twice, jumped up and said, "I thought so too!"


Mo Tan made light of it without hesitation and said seriously: "I personally think that the core reason why the two young ladies are willing to take me to play is that my gender is different from theirs."

Yu Ying twitched the corner of her mouth, and after a long time, she covered her head weakly and sighed: "No, you and I really can't communicate at all."

Weiyang was not discouraged, but continued to ask curiously: "How do you know them Gu?"

As Boss Jun's sister, Miss Weiyang has recently begun to pay attention to intelligence work.

"Is this weird?"

Mo Tan did not answer the question directly, but asked with a chuckle: "Think about it carefully, your place is one of the best Wanderer hotels in the Free City, not to mention others, Boss Jun's status and influence My strength is not low in the eyes of others, but you two siblings are still willing to call me Second Uncle,"

Jun Wu: "..."

Weiyang: "..."

I don't know why, although the two of them felt that Mo Tan's words sounded strange, they didn't know where to refute for a while, so they were so awkward.

After Mo Tan choked the two of them, he turned to look at Yu Ying and said with a smile: "Seriously, if you want to find someone to form a team, it shouldn't be difficult at all, right?"

"That's easy to say."

Yu Ying rolled her eyes and said angrily: "This is just like finding a partner. Those who like me don't like me, and those who want me don't like me."

Mo Tan shook his head and smiled meaningfully: "Don't say that. Boss Jun and I shouldn't be the only two good men in your friend list, right?"

"Friends List?"

Yuying frowned and subconsciously opened her friends panel. Then she was almost blinded by the large number of names temporarily added during the battle in Misha County. She shook her head twice before shaking her head and said: "It's useless. , I don’t know anyone reliable at all...huh?"


Mo Tan smiled when Yu Ying started to be in a daze, and then ignored the girl who suddenly fell into deep thought. He turned to Jun Wu, who had been silently praying for Yu Ying to use a few more swear words to deduct money, and said, "Go on. "


Boss Jun was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "Why continue?"

"Information from the Southwest Continent."

Mo Tan sat astride the chair opposite Jun Wu, swinging the stool legs restlessly while saying in a very rhythmic voice: "Hurry up, mother, tell me!"

Jun Wu nodded, then stood up and walked to the row of cabinets at the back, putting his hand on one of the red cabinet doors. Soon, with a rather crisp sound, the cabinet door automatically opened, and the two looked at it. The ordinary-looking envelope lay quietly inside.

"Oh haha~ How did you do it?"

Mo Tan laughed with interest and asked curiously: "Fingerprints?"

Jun Wu leaned over and picked up the two envelopes, closed the cabinet door and turned to look at Mo Tan with a smile on his face: "Do you think I will tell you?"

"I guess you don't mind telling me."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and pointed out the problem accurately: "But now it seems that you who have not blended into the core circle of Wanderer Hotel should not know the principle."

Jun Wu, who sat back down at the table, threw the two envelopes to Mo Tan expressionlessly and crossed his fingers in Commander Ikari's signature pose: "The current situation over there... is a bit weird."


Mo Tan casually opened the envelope, took out a few pieces of parchment and flipped through it quickly. Although his expression did not change, his eyes gradually became sharper: "This is about to... start a fight."

Jun Wu, who had already memorized the relevant information, nodded slightly and continued to maintain the posture of Commander Ikari and said: "The Crown Prince of the Chauvin Empire, Arthur Bohe, was attacked and died in the Griffin Capital. The assassin was the second princess Eliza. Logan's friend, and he also escaped from prison bizarrely while being imprisoned. This can definitely be regarded as a murderous and heart-wrenching provocation. Even the businessman king who is very good at doing business can't keep calm in this situation. Bar?"

"Having said that, don't you think this matter is a little strange?"

Mo Tan quickly read and deeply understood the information in his hand, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "As far as I know, before this incident, two very strange events broke out within the Chauvin Empire, namely the protection of the country by the Dharma God Farah. ·The fall of Ossis, as well as the rebellion of the good-for-nothing prince’s family and the Kunda Territory… and the connection between those two events and the murder of Arthur Bohe was a little too fast.”

Jun Wu nodded and shrugged: "I hold the same view as you, but these strange things are more like evidence of the Griffin Dynasty's conspiracy. Think about it carefully. Farah Ossis, who is the highest force in the Chauvin Empire, died. Well, a lot of information about collusion with the Griffin Dynasty was found in the rebellious Kunda Territory. This is the reason why Arthur Bohe sent an envoy to the Griffin Dynasty, and then... people became cold, and the cold was unclear. Not white.”

"Even if you don't start from the perspective of conspiracy theory, the suspicion of the Griffin Dynasty is so great that it is about to explode."

Mo Tan smacked his lips and said softly: "First get rid of the feared Dharma God of Ossis, and then use the rebellion of the Kangda leader as an opportunity to deceive any high-ranking chauvinist, and finally create a regrettable accident. As long as the chauvinist The empire declares war on its own initiative, and Griffin, whose national power is countless times stronger, can easily swallow this piece of fat, seemingly seamlessly."

Jun Wu nodded slightly, raised his index finger and gently pushed his eyes: "In fact, they are full of holes."

"That's right, it's only reasonable on the surface. If you think about it carefully, there are too many things that don't hold true."

Mo Tan tore open another envelope casually. Although there was still a smile in his tone, his lowered eyes were so sharp that it was terrifying: "No party in this matter is that innocent."

"A few days ago, the Guardian Knights of the Dreamland Theocracy lost 40% of their consciousness during a relocation..."

"The defensive switching trend of the Griffin Dynasty is also quite interesting."

"Since you have already been to the exchange meeting in the Free City, you don't need me to say anything more."

"Well, now it seems that only the Adolf Free Territory and the Griffin Dynasty's mortal enemy, the Silver Wing Alliance, are relatively clean."

"I don't know what you want to find out, but the Griffin royal family is still very suspicious. It's just that there is a possibility that Chauvin and the Dreamland Theocracy are accompanying them to act."

"So the death of Arthur Boho is inexplicable."

"Perhaps...the Griffin royal family doesn't care whether Chauvin cooperates or not?"

"This is the most logical scenario, but..."

"but what?"

"What if we define that pusher as the side of the Chauvin Empire? What if the Griffin Dynasty is the one who is just accompanying the show and just wants to get some benefits from it? If the murderer is let go... just What about an impromptu idea from some smart person in the royal family?”


"So do two brand-new possibilities appear? William Bohe is crazy, or... Arthur Bohe is not dead?"

Chapter 1538: End

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