Quadruple split

Chapter 1548 Suburban Defense Zone

Game time PM21:18

Northeastern continent, northern border of the sanctuary, suburbs of Doumbouya City, second defense zone

"Hey, have you heard about it?"

The Templar, who had beige messy hair and a sharp-looking face and showed two sharp fangs when he spoke, smacked his lips and grinned at his companions: "That old turtle Jost needs to go back to the light." It’s the capital, I’m so excited.”

The man sitting cross-legged next to him, who was maintaining a long bow, glanced at the other party indifferently, shook his head and said, "I don't think this is good news."

This man wore a rather light, close-fitting soft armor. Only the rich coat of arms on his chest could prove his identity as a clergyman. His black hair was too long so that others could only see half of his face. His temperament was somewhat Cold.

Both of them are human beings. They appear to be around seventeen or eighteen years old. They both belong to the Third Independent Regiment of Doumbouya City. Although their military ranks are quite low-level 'Knights of the Retinue' and their religious ranks are not high either. But they are the captains of the first and second combat columns respectively, for no other reason than that - they are strong.

The man with beige and wild hair is named 'Pagoda'. He is a templar of the Sun Sect, and his main profession is weapons master.

The one with long black hair is named ‘Xiyue’. He is a templar of the Abundance Sect, and his main profession is the Breathless Ranger.

It needs to be explained here that professional titles such as 'Templar' and 'Templar', in a nutshell, do not follow the path of priests or priests, and they are not physical professionals of the Paladin, although there are indeed people with the same name. Corresponding profession, but when used as a religious class, the Templar can be a warrior, a thief, a ranger, or a 'knight' who does not take the 'Paladin' route.

That's right, [Paladin] is an independent professional system, not a [Knight] who believes in a certain sect. To give the simplest example, 'Mo' and 'Liadrin' are knights in the conventional sense, and 'Yizou' and 'Great Bright Knight Kevin' are pure paladins. There is a huge difference between the two, which can even be related to the relationship between [Mage] and [Warlock] (in simple terms, Doesn't matter) comparable.

Paladins, like priests and priests, are restricted professions for clergy. It can be said to be a direct profession of each sect, while believers in other professions are basically classified as "Templars".

By the way, given that mystical professions such as mages, druids, shamans, and warlocks are almost impossible to be compatible with religion, there are almost no spellcasters in the Templar class.

All in all, this is an extremely large group, and it is also a very mixed group. After all, within the constitution of each sect, direct professions such as priests, priests, and paladins basically have various upper-level alternatives (advanced routes) that are easy to see at a glance, such as There are bishops, ascetics, high priests, protective knights, and popes, but Templars... their scope is very wide. Those with low strength are low-level, and some ruthless people are very powerful. It might be a veteran epic, or even a half-step legend.

Of course, although the Templars are a huge group, it does not mean that they have no room for advancement. For example, the 'Grand Knight Commander', who plays an important role in the sect, is a religious rank that does not limit occupations. Although for the Paladins Templars who are more advanced, but have sufficient qualifications or have reached the legendary level of strength can still become [Grand Knight Commander]. As far as Mo Tan knows, there are two Grand Knight Commanders in Dawn Sect who are not Paladins.

Another example is the 'Inquisition', a place that makes people feel hairy just hearing its name. The highest person in charge, the [Chief Inquisitor], whose authority is second only to the Pope to some extent, is 90% promoted from the Templars. Yes, after all, the professional style of most paladins and priests is relatively majestic and upright. Even if their hearts are dark enough, their style of painting is not very compatible with the Inquisition.

However, it is too difficult to become [Grand Knight Commander]. Not only is it difficult to pass the test in the Inquisition, but the working environment is also very bad. Therefore, for the vast majority of Templars, these two promotion routes are not very ideal, and they are willing to go to the position. Not many people work hard.

So the question is, is there such a system that doesn't care about the door, doesn't support the elderly, and is easy to get promoted without losing the SAN, which is suitable for the "Templar" group that seems quite embarrassing at first glance?

The answer is yes, yes, there must be, it is simply too abundant!

That’s it—be a soldier!

Yes, we also knew before that the Holy Alliance has a combat organization. For example, it formed a temporary "Northern Expeditionary Army" to support Sumir. For example, it was always stationed in the northern border of the Holy Land, fighting against those blood barbarians. Legion.

These are very ideal positions for Templars, because although there will be no change in religious rank after joining these legions, they can move to positions such as squad leader, squadron leader, captain, regiment commander, and legion commander. struggle.

The Holy Alliance also strongly encourages everyone to do this, so in most cases, the military merits of the Templars will not be deducted. Even if they occasionally need to use means for publicity, they will generally provide benefits that are irresistible.

To sum up, we can draw a conclusion——

That is to say, the armed forces of the Holy Religion Union are basically composed of two systems, namely the Knights of the Holy Knights, and the much larger legion, and the backbone of the latter is generally the Templar Knights.

Whether it is for knights or legions, there will naturally be many priests (priests) who are assistants, healers, and spell casters. Knights generally have military chaplains, and legions naturally also have priests. There will be a special preparation.

There is another small detail here, that is, in most of the 'legions' under the Holy Religion Alliance, there will basically be someone similar to a political commissar, and these people are basically bishops and high priests. For no other reason than that, the Templars are still a bit inferior to the purity of the priests.

Closer to home——

The two people, Futu and Xiyue, who were chatting and spanking by the campfire at this moment, were Templars who took the military route. To be more precise, they should be Templar 'players' who took the military route.

As for the Jost whom Pagoda mentioned just now, he is an archbishop who belongs to the same Sun Sect as him, and is the ‘political commissar’ we mentioned before.

The United Holy Religion Permanent Legion in Doumbouya City is different from other counterparts in that it does not have a fixed legion commander. Therefore, on weekdays, the person who is transferred to the role of 'political commissar' will basically also serve as the legion commander and city lord. , the bishop of the United Church in the city and many other roles.

And this character... is usually not well-liked by others.

Since we have mentioned the reasons before, we will not go into details here. In short, the player named Futu is very happy that Jost left this company, while Xiyue, his friend, is pessimistic.

"Why isn't it good news?"

Futu casually picked up an innocent piece of withered grass from the ground and held it in his mouth. He turned to look at Xiyue with some confusion and asked curiously: "Don't you also think that old turtle is a waste?"

Xiyue wiped the sophisticated longbow in her hand and said calmly: "It's very simple. Although Archbishop Jost is an incompetent person, he is very self-aware, so even though he has relatively heavy rights, But he has no intention of using this right to do anything, do you understand what I mean?"

"don't know."

Futu shook his head very decisively.


Xiyue sighed helplessly, and explained to the friend next to her who didn't like to use her brain very much: "Among those who are capable and self-aware, those who are incompetent and self-aware, and those who are incompetent and do not yet have self-awareness, , the most ideal one is actually the second type, that is, someone like Archbishop Jost. You have to admit that since that old turtle as you call it took office, our garrison has not suffered a single large-scale casualty, and that you I particularly admire Knight Commander Jeff... he indeed fought a good battle, but the price was thousands of lives."

Futu blinked, then lay on the ground with his arms as a pillow, and said nonchalantly: "There are no immortals in a war."

"But I don't want to be the dead man."

Xiyue snorted coldly, with a faint chill flashing in her eyes: "Although most people admire Knight Commander Jeff like you, in my opinion, although his tactics are good, they have not affected us at all. These people’s lives are at stake.”

As a result, Futu picked his ears and repeated: "There is no one who will not die in a war~"

"But the premise is to kill 'people'. I don't mind fighting those things, but I don't want to start over again as a consumable."

Xiyue casually hung the longbow that had been maintained behind her back, and then took out two bundles of arrows from her bag and started polishing them. Her expression remained calm: "Besides, you don't really think that the United Nations will do anything again." Send someone as good as Jeff Harrington?"

Futu turned to look at Xiyue, with a curious expression on his face: "No way?"

"are you crazy……"

Xiyue twitched the corner of her mouth and said dryly: "Jeff is the Grand Knight Commander. How many Grand Knight Commanders do you think there are in the entire Holy Union? Shut up, I know what you want to say, but adding up to dozens of them is simply not enough." It’s not much, and the last time I came here, it was obvious that I brought the little saint son of your Sun Sect to gain merit in battle? Do you understand? Do you know what it means to gain reputation with a large account and a small account?”

Futu curled his lips and complained: "Lao Yue, you are too pessimistic. What's the matter? You are the only one staying here to kill those barbarians who do all kinds of evil. Others come here with ulterior motives? Just a big one and a small one? You’re so conspiratorial.”

"I wish it were my conspiracy theory."

Xiyue skillfully deepened the blood groove of the arrow and sneered: "It's a pity that Knight Commander Jeff's tactics really can't make me have other ideas."

Futu rolled his eyes and complained: "Although we are both captains, we are no different from ordinary soldiers. You have never met their commander, how do you know that they don't take your life for granted?" ah?"

"No one rules..."

Xiyue took a deep breath to calm down her desire to beat the person next to her, and said in a deep voice: "The chess pieces can't spy on the movements of the entire chess game, right?"

"Hey, do you still have this ability?"


"Just blow it~"


Xiyue stopped protecting the arrow and turned to the other party with a stern expression: "You are a college student like me, right? Which school are you from?"

Futu was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously moved back and asked nervously: "What are you going to do? I tell you, don't think about coming over to beat me! I was also famous on the streets back then. Overlord, I was the grade leader for one semester in my sophomore year of high school! If you come to pick a fight with me, you are asking for your own death."

Xiyue didn't care about the other party's jokes, and just asked casually: "Why did you only work as a leader for one semester? Was he usurped by someone with a bigger fist?"


Futu shook his head vigorously and said sternly: "It's because my smoking was exposed. My parents gave me a mixed doubles, and I didn't get out of bed for a month."

"Then what?"

"Then I felt embarrassed and didn't want to go to school, so my parents transferred me to another school."

"Didn't you continue to be the leader after transferring to another school?"

"Don't mention it. There are all good kids in that shabby school. There is no one in the corridor between classes. They are all taking exams in the classroom! I, who doesn't like studying, are stunned because the average score of the girls is high. More than thirty minutes."

"Are you unwilling to be the tail end of the crane?"

"No, the main reason is that if my score is too low than the class average, I will be beaten when I go home. I'm afraid."

"Feel sorry……"

"Don't fucking look at me like that!"

Futu was irritated by the sympathy in the other party's eyes. He gritted his teeth and sat up: "I, from Xiamen University, are satisfied."

Xiyue nodded with understanding, and her voice became gentler: "Well, I see that you are scared."

"Xiamen University! Xiamen University! XMU!!"

Futu's eyes almost popped out of his head in anger, and he said angrily: "I'm not scared!"

Xiyue continued to nod and asked, "What major?"

"Are you checking your household registration?"

Futu snorted angrily, but still replied: "Majoring in electronic information engineering, are you satisfied?"

Xiyue nodded slightly and said calmly: "So you can't tell that it's normal."

Futu frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple, and then asked: "What... do you mean? What school are you from?"

"National University of Defense Technology."

Xiyue answered casually, and added after a pause for a few seconds: "If nothing else happens, I will graduate with the rank of lieutenant."


"I'm not a top student, nor am I a special talent, but even so..."

Xiyue carefully polished the arrow in her hand and said in a deep voice: "It is not difficult to write down the situation at that time and take the time to send an email to the teacher for extracurricular practice to ask for guidance."

"That's why you..."

"That's why I have a problem with that knight commander. In comparison, Archbishop Jost is pretty good because he doesn't have the ability to be self-aware, but what I'm most afraid of is..."

"What is it?"

"A person who has no ability and no self-awareness."

Chapter 1539: End

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