Quadruple split

Chapter 1574 [Alienation Radiation Tower]

"Break time is over, let's start, he's awake."

Behind the three Arthurs, a girl with waist-length silver hair, a delicate appearance and a cold temperament said this lightly, and she was naturally Ji Xiaodao who had been guarding someone since they arrived at Avalon Fortress. .

She is no longer dressed in the palace attire of the mistress of the Sin Lord Residence before, but is wearing the outfit she once had when she had a brief encounter with Gu Xiaole. Under the one-shoulder cloak flowing around her like mist, she is dressed in a restrained and elegant ink-colored dress. On the windbreaker, two one-handed swords, one long and one short, were hung on both sides of the slender waist. They were wrapped in gray-white magic pattern cloth. They seemed to have been recast several times by Merlin, and a large number of them were obtained as rewards from several missions. The dagger [Ye Yu] and the long sword [Ji Gui] have practical attributes.

Behind Ji Xiaodao's back, there is her third sword that has not been unsheathed for a long time. It was a weapon named [Black Curse Rapier] before the girl soul-bound it through special means. After the binding was completed, It has been automatically renamed by the system - [Qing].

Although the style of painting matched the three people in front of him surprisingly well, Ji Xiaodao did not deliberately change his outfit like Gawen and Meilin. He simply put on his strongest equipment.

At this moment, she is no longer restricted by her identity as the 'Mistress of the Sin Lord's Mansion', so naturally she will not continue to stay in Troon and play around, but will come with everyone in an identity that no one can explain the specific content of. Arrive at Avalon Fortress.

Merlin's identity is the chief researcher. On the surface, everyone understands that he is an alchemist accompanying the army, but everyone knows that he basically goes to the front line to conduct experiments... or "practice".

In the past few months, Merlin, who has always been restricted by the environment, has not let go. Although he has made the workshop located underneath the Duke of Garros' residence look like a slaughterhouse, this is actually a very big problem for the old man. Showed restraint.

In fact, this type of workshop should be quite clean and hygienic. The reason why it is like that is that there are too few projects that can be carried out at the same time, there are too few 'materials' to cooperate with the experiments, and there is no decent assistant. The reason is that under these premise, the cost of rectifying the environment and intelligent management model is too high, and the cost performance is too low.

However, it is conceivable that from now on, Merlin's shackles have been largely lifted. Not to mention that the terrifying resource reserves of the Chauvin Empire have completely opened the door to him. There will definitely be various experiments in the future. The body is profitable, and the only problem now is the issue of Merlin's polished commander after Osiris and Garros are about to join this war.

Jiawen wanted to help, but considering the workplace environment and nature of the work here, and the sensitive identity of Mr. Merlin, she finally gave up the plan of offline recruitment.

Therefore, Merlin's main purpose of coming here is to search for materials, conduct experiments and practice, and see if he can recruit some researchers with dark and twisted hearts to serve as his assistants.

As for [White King] Arthur, needless to say, he will become the commander-in-chief of the jingoistic aspects of this war, and also the top leader of the [Hidden Front] battle group under Avalon Fortress, and Marshal Galahad He is the deputy commander-in-chief and the leader of the Knights of the Tsar's Sword. Garros serves as the chief of general staff and the deputy leader of the Hurricane Mage Group. The position of chief leader is given to [White Bishop] Osiris.

This lineup looks pretty good, but in fact it seriously exposes the lack of talent within the camp. After all, any force with confidence will not play "one family, one person, one person" in a conflict of this scale.

You must know that as a product of the "God Killing Star Project", even the 'King' who serves as the center can only command the 'Queen', 'Bishop', 'Chariot', 'Knight', and 'Pawn' of the same color. It's just power, and theoretically should not play a core role in the regular army.

However, the current situation is that not only [King White] has become the supreme commander, but even [Bishop Bai] has become the leader of the mage group, which shows how lacking the chess pieces are in hand.

In the final analysis, Chauvin's war background is still too weak. In view of its geographical location, it is bordered by the sea on both sides and Griffin on both sides. There have been basically no decent wars to fight in the past hundred years. In addition, the country is prosperous and governed by William Boho. , everyone is not short of money, they are really the kind of people who can break their legs without even touching half of the road...

As we all know, the anti-bandit activities in Adolf's Free Territory have almost become a daily routine, and it is said that there is no peace within the Dreamland Theocracy. Every now and then, a large number of heretics with bad brains will appear to attack the church. There is no shortage of actual combat experience.

As for Griffin, as a veteran military power, the military spirit and iron-blooded training model passed down from generation to generation allow them to have no shortage of experience even if they don't have to fight. Of course, this is limited to the regular army in the regular army, not the so-called "new" ones in the regular army. The XX battle group's skin-changing leader led the national army.

All in all, the Chauvinist Empire is indeed relatively weak in this regard. The only ones that can do it well are Arthur and Galahad. And the Grand Duke Garros, who also studied at the Military Academy, was even responsible for commanding the cultists in Sumir, the Holy Mountain. Not even Lucius Lestrange.

Of course, these are basically nit-picking horizontal comparisons. In vertical comparison, the Chauvin Empire at this moment is undoubtedly the most powerful in history, and the lineup for this highest-level war is also considered luxurious.

And in addition to the above configuration, William Bohe, the leader of the Chauvinian Empire, became the head of logistics. As we all know, war is an extremely money-consuming behavior, and although there is no such kind of cost in the Innocence Realm, it can easily cost six or seven people. There are countless missile tanks, but food, medical supplies, enchanted equipment, alchemy potions, magic scrolls and other things are not cheap. In William's words - 'It's up to you, even if people use up all the supplies, they won't be empty. '.

As for Jiawen, he holds a series of positions including but not limited to diplomat, special staff officer, leader of the wartime business group, adjutant of the sin lord, etc. If nothing else, he should be the busiest one.

By the way, up to now, although he has become the de facto controller of the Chauvin Empire, Mo is still the sinner in the eyes of outsiders. If nothing else happens, this status will be maintained until Arthur becomes the ruler of the Chauvin Empire after the war. That day.

The representative of Tianzhu Mountain, Li Fu Astor, a remnant of the Sun Dynasty with the code name of "Abel's Soul", is still accompanying him as a butler, and will perform his various spy duties in the process.

As for Dora Shika, although she is nominally the guardian knight of the Sin Lord, her duty is not to guard the 'guarded' at all times, but to act with Lady Silent Prayer.

She had no objection to this. After all, the strength gap between the two sides seemed a bit too big...

All in all, if nothing else happens, the above is the composition of Chauvin's most senior personnel in this war. Of course, this is only a general summary. Arthur also has the absolute authority of the [Original Pardon Corps], or Archduke Forsyte , Marquis Diggory and other high-ranking officials in the empire also hold important positions in various aspects, so I won’t go into details.

At this moment, in addition to Marshal Galahad who has led the knights to the front line, the 'inner circle' including the Sin Lord himself has gathered in the Avalon Fortress, just to witness the birth of pollution.

The first group that is about to be contaminated is the first and second combat orders of the [Zangfeng] Chapter, which has been completely handed over to Arthur Bohe and has absolute loyalty. Physics professions with high physical quality such as warriors Mainly, the ranks are all elites at the peak of the middle level.

The source of the pollution is a [Trial Alienation Radiation Tower MII] developed by Merlin in accordance with the instructions of the investor and inspired by the [Sin-soaked Bomb].

According to the parameter report submitted by Merlin, this [trial type alienated radiation tower] can complete what he calls a 'lightweight' without the need for 'bullets' and other media when the subject is relaxed and fully cooperates. The phenomenon of level 1 crime infestation, the pollution level is about 3% of [criminal-soaked bomb].

I have to say that Merlin is really the kind of treasured old boy who can give you whatever you want. It only took less than half a month from the establishment of the entire project to the prototype of the radiation tower, and from the prototype The MII version that is now ready for use has only been used for half a month.

Although his method of advancing the experimental process may have been a little radical, leading to a three-digit increase in the number of members of the "Original Pardon Corps", the efficiency was absolutely nothing to say.

The function of this thing, simply put, is to use a series of technologies that only Mr. Merlin can understand to carry out a wide-area, efficient, and permanent lightweight replica of the effect of the [Sin-soaking Bomb].

The effect of [Sin Soaking Bullet] must be familiar to everyone. From the time it was developed until now, only Merlin and Jiawen have been able to obtain a gain that is close to lossless. Although the process is extremely painful and the price must be paid with life in the end. But within the effective time of this thing, the user's overall strength will be raised to an extremely ridiculous level.

As we all know, Gawen has never been a combat-oriented talent. Apart from his good brains, the only character who is good at it is the [Thousand Faces] who is inferior to fighting and fighting, not to mention the person with only 200 people on it. From a God's perspective, it would be difficult for her to even break into the top 1,000. However, for such a person, she became so powerful after using the [Sin Soaking Bullet].

Coupled with her [Shadow Spear], which was also affected, this girl whose position has been basically fixed as a 'counselor' almost found a way out of the net woven by Mo Tan. If it weren't for Mo Tan at that time. Tan directly revealed all his trump cards, and even fully activated the talent he had just obtained [The Herrscher's Determination]. Gawen might really have escaped. (Although the result will not change)

Is this outrageous?

This is not outrageous, because the price she paid is simply unacceptable to ordinary people.

It is true that the effect of [Sin Soaking Bullet] is quite overbearing, but it has extreme conditions and costs that can no longer be described as 'harsh'.

First of all, according to Merlin's experimental results, if ordinary players or NPCs were to use it, 99% of the players would be disconnected directly because they could not bear the pain that was far stronger than childbirth, and the character would die the moment he was disconnected. , NPCs die directly in pain in various strange ways, and about 80% of them will be directly harmonized by the 'Minor Sensory Protection System'.

Secondly, except for a very few groups of people (currently only Merlin and Gawen), whether it is the remaining 0.10% players or a small number of mentally tough NPCs, they will also die with almost no gain and just out of control. Among them , the player will hear the system prompt sound "You are dead" five to ten seconds after the sin-soaking bomb takes effect and return to the login interface. The character will show the same trend of losing control as the NPC and die within a short period of time.

Finally, even Gawen and Merlin, the two so-called 'adapters', will never be able to escape the death of their characters after using [Crime Soaking Bullets]. This is actually the most serious price, that is, this thing Although it can make them stronger, the price is not only a huge amount of pain, but also the life of the current character, and we all know what death means in the game "Innocent Bound".

To sum up, at least at this stage, [Crime Soaking Bomb] is a prop that is not universally applicable at all.

However, the [Trial Alienation Radiation Tower MII] developed by Merlin based on the [Sin-soaking Bomb] has a certain degree of versatility. Although the conditions of use are extremely harsh and the effect is far less significant than the former, it still has a greater High practical value.

The effect of this thing is very simple. It uses the power called 'sin' as an inducement to cause small-scale alienation in NPC subjects who fully open their minds and have lower physical strength than high-level ones, and then achieve something similar to Physical strengthening effect.

As a developer, Merlin summarized two key points in the report -

First, the [Alienation Radiation Tower] makes NPCs 'alienated', while the effect of [Sin-soaking Bullets] is to make specific players 'original sinned'. There is a huge difference between these two concepts. In Merlin's words, if the latter It directly allows the user to unlock the permission to use 'Sin' in a short period of time, so the former just uses 'Sin' as a primer to induce some seemingly benign mutation. The difference between the two is almost the same as that of 'Haircut' and 'Sin' 'transsexual'.

Second, after successfully inducing 'mutation', the subject himself and his power have no direct connection with the concept of 'sin', but the body and core thinking (Arthur calls it the soul) will gradually begin to move towards some kind of In theory, it will be infinitely close to the development of the secondary concept of 'sin', and will lead to three results depending on the quality of the subject.

Merlin named these three results as ‘Flow’, ‘Crazy’ and ‘Superior Super Rare’ respectively.

The first two, as their names suggest, probably mean that they will directly collapse on the physical level within six months to a year or become cannon fodder for the "Original Absolution Legion". There is nothing to say.

Although the latter was not supported by any experimental data, according to Merlin's calculations, he would probably gain an ability, an extremely terrifying ability. He named it——

[Permanent secondary original sin]

The success rate... is far less than that of drawing SSR without guarantee.

Chapter 1565: End

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