Quadruple split

Chapter 1575 Death

"Tsk, sooner or later, I have to come up and cause trouble now..."

Merlin smacked his lips in disappointment, and then took out a metal plate that was quite similar to a shield from his luggage, stuck it on the city wall, stood up, and then took this piece of equipment that functioned like an elevator. The thing arrived at the city, and after landing, he took out a large number of large and unclear components and started his 'work' directly.

Although Arthur only talked about the first angle of his "essence" being changed, both he and Gavin knew that after someone goes online, everything except testing the [Alienation Radiation Tower] must be put aside. , for no other reason than this time is too precious.

It is true that Merlin had done a lot of basic work before today, but after all, it was just a small-scale test and theoretical calculation.

The [Alienated Radiation Tower] is different from those conventional inventions. This is a terrifying machine that will cause huge accidents if there is any accident during operation. Apart from anything else, even if the radiation intensity is only slightly more than 0.1%, it will cause huge accidents. It is possible that this [Hidden Front] battle group will be destroyed on the spot, and William's decades of painstaking efforts will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

A national war is imminent, and the Mexican camp, which is currently completely tied to the Chauvinist empire, cannot afford this price.

Therefore, no matter what, everyone must minimize the risk of this 'alienation', and the existence of Mo himself is much more effective than any means that can increase the success rate.

Because only he can unconditionally control the power called "sin".

So the moment Ji Xiaodao announced that it was time to ‘start’, Merlin, Gawen and Arthur all took action immediately.

The old man directly climbed down the city wall through the [Portable Gravity Field Generator Type III], and began to assemble the [Alienated Radiation Tower] on the spot, each component of which could cause extreme accidents. Arthur jumped down after him, slowly Stepping towards the more than ten phalanxes neatly lined up; Gawen opened the thing called the "Mumbling Scripture" in her hand, whispered a prayer that even she herself didn't believe, and started using some abstract power. Bless those [Zangfeng] warriors below.

Among the three people who took action at the same time, Merlin and Arthur were doing real things. It seemed that only Gawen was doing useless work. After all, she had just rebuilt her role and was too weak. She could not return to her high level in terms of strength. Under the circumstances of this level, wanting to influence the well-trained and determined troops below on such a large scale is nonsense to say it implicitly, but to put it bluntly...

"You didn't take your medicine today?"

Ji Xiaodao walked to Jiawen, turned around and glanced at the latter who was holding the evil book and mumbling words, frowning and said: "If you really want to find something to do, you might as well go to the canteen downstairs to help make a big pot of rice."

Jia Wen shrugged, interrupted his prayer without any taboo, and chuckled: "I know sister Xiaodao, you think that my nonsense blessing is impossible to take effect, but the original purpose of me reciting this thing is It’s not for blessing.”

"Oh, why is that?"

Ji Xiaodao lowered his eyes and looked at Arthur, who had already approached the front square formation, and asked casually: "Do you want to practice speaking?"

Jia Wen shook his head and smiled: "I feel that there is no need to improve my Mandarin level. As for why...how should I put it? After all, I am also a believer in the gods, so I thought maybe it would be casual. You can attract His attention by saying a few words, and you also know that the number of followers of our Lord, let alone compared to other colleagues, is pitiful compared to those cultists."

Ji Xiaodao snorted noncommittally and said lightly: "If you are referring to those people in the Dream Kingdom, their number is indeed amazing compared to the followers of Izanar, the God of Lies. "

"That's right. Although as a believer in orthodox gods, it is indeed unseemly to envy the scale of those cultists, but my lord does seem to have little interest in running the faith."

Gawen sighed, and then suddenly grinned: "But He is the God of Lies after all. If you look at it from another angle, even this kind of thing might be a lie, right?"

Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly, then stopped talking, allowing Jia Wen to continue reciting those prayers that even she herself... no, she would never believe.

One thing to say is that Ji Xiaodao's impression of Jia Wen is not bad. On the one hand, the latter really knows how to deal with people and can make the other person feel good when he gets along with him. On the other hand, Jia Wen Wen has never played any tricks on Ji Xiaodao, even though she is a person who is so deep in the city that she can make anyone who makes a mistake fall to death, and she is full of evil intentions.

In addition, the two are the only two female core members in this camp. They usually see each other without looking up, so it is not easy to become strangers.

But this does not mean that Ji Xiaodao has a good impression of Jia Wen, so the relationship between the two is simply acceptable in the workplace. This also applies to Merlin.

Therefore, everyone communicates very little outside of official business. The brief chat just now was really not easy.

After all, everyone, including Ji Xiaodao, knew very well that she was not suitable to be in such a place, and she should not even know the people around her.

If there was some kind of distortion deep in the souls of Merlin and Gawen from beginning to end, then there was a deathly nothingness in Ji Xiaodao's heart...

This is not a proper example, because she still has bonds including but not limited to family, friendship, etc. There is also warmth and softness under the cold shell, but it is like the front of a two-dimensional pattern, but It's just half, and on the other side, on the back, it's infinitely close to transparent - nothing.

And being around these people was the only place where she could reveal her "nothingness" unscrupulously, without needing to respond to any care or kindness.

Disgusting, but not annoying.

On the other side, Arthur finally walked up to the first and second combat orders of the [Hidden Front] battle group, who were all shrouded in black armor.

"Greetings to you, the most respected warriors of the Chauvin Empire."

Arthur smiled lightly and glanced over the few warriors closest to him. Under the influence of several loudspeaker arrays engraved on the inside of his neck, his deep and deep voice resounded clearly in everyone's ears: "I think you have heard of my name a few years ago, more than ten years ago, or even longer ago, and decided to dedicate your loyalty to this name."


The next moment, all the members of the [Zangfeng] battle group knelt down on one knee at the same time, raised their right hands in unison, tapped their hearts, and shouted in unison: "I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"I hear your voices, but before I greet you, I need to say a few things that will help me feel comfortable accepting this loyalty."

Arthur nodded slightly, then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "I want to know, if my father and I are no longer loyal to this country that you all love so much, will you still be willing to continue to follow me?"

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

There was no second voice in the thunderous response.

"If I am about to abandon justice and justice and embark on a dead end path that goes against them and leads to destruction and abyss, are you still willing to continue to follow me?"

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"If I can't give you any promises, can't give you any future, can't make any high-sounding guarantees, are you willing to continue to follow me?"

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"If I ask you to go through hardships in despair and pain, if I admit that you must speed up to embrace death, are you willing to continue to follow me?

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"If I am incompetent and insist on my own way, and let this splendid country fall into darkness, if I insist on stepping into purgatory, and let you and everything you live on be buried with you, are you willing to continue to follow me?"

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"If I live up to your expectations, take off the crown from my head, and give up my dignity and glory, will you continue to follow me?"

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"If I am determined to devote my loyalty to the abyss of sin and am willing to cut off all order and kindness with the sword in my hand, are you willing to continue to follow me?"

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"

"One last chance, tell me your choice."

"I am willing to die for His Highness!"


Arthur smiled with satisfaction, and then raised his right hand high: "Then, please carry out the first and last order of Arthur Bohe -"



The next moment, the moment Arthur's words fell, a total of 16,000 soldiers of the [Zangfeng] Chapter stood up without hesitation, drew their weapons and gave themselves a fatal blow.

Because they were wearing battle armor, everyone invariably chose to use a weapon across their necks, ending their lives neatly.

At this point, under the order of Arthur Bohe, the first and second ranks of the [Zangfeng] battle group were officially declared wiped out.

At the same time, some kind of indescribable power quietly spread out from the Avalon Fortress, chilling all living beings that still had consciousness.

The culprit was not the hundreds of black cubes about three meters long in front of Merlin, which were forcibly bound into a short tower by a restrained stance, but the figure who appeared in mid-air in the central area of ​​the fortress at an unknown time, looking down coldly. That is the 'abyss of sin' in Arthur's mouth.


With a faint smile on his lips, the man named Mo lowered his eyes and calmly stared at the tens of thousands of souls on the school field who were about to collapse, and said silently: "You will be rewarded."

Time seems to have stagnated to an imperceptible scale.

Immediately afterwards, the [Prototype Alienation Radiation Tower MII] in front of Merlin finally successfully started operating, using thirteen [Sin-Infused Crystals] as the core as a medium to develop a 'field'.

Those living souls that only Mo could observe with his naked eyes would soon be 'pressed' back into their bodies.

In this process, a certain phenomenon that only Merlin could discover by analyzing the experimental logs had fulfilled his mission perfectly.

Jia Wen on the city wall turned to look at Ji Xiaodao and chuckled: "You seem a little curious."

"I'm not in the mood to ask questions."

Ji Xiaodao stared at the quiet and peaceful corpses below, and said without looking back: "But you seem to be very interested in answering."

"It seems so."

Jia Wen shrugged noncommittally, and then said in a brisk tone: "Although I was unable to touch the existence of the [Zangfeng] Corps before His Majesty William personally decrypted it, after that, I asked Ah Qing... ...Haha, even in the cloudy day, she led people to conduct a simple investigation. Judging from the results, these people are undoubtedly dead soldiers, so even if the base number reaches five digits, not even one person is interested in Arthur. ·Bo He’s order creates any doubts and hesitations.”

Ji Xiaodao frowned and repeated: "Arthur Bohe..."

"Yes, that order just now did not come from our [White King] Arthur, but from those people's true allegiance, the Crown Prince of the Chauvin Empire - Arthur Bohe."

Jia Wen raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said happily: "Although the man below is indeed the only king in the God-killing Star, he still knows what he would have said at this moment if he were alive, and those words... …That’s not what he would say now.”

Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly, then raised his eyebrows and said, "In other words, he violated..."

"No, no, no, he didn't go against anyone, neither the boss nor his 'now' intentions."

Gawen blinked slyly and said leisurely: "Because long before he asked these questions, he already knew what answers those people would give."

Ji Xiaodao turned to look at Jiawen and asked in her usual cold voice: "What's the reason?"

"Like I just said, those people are absolute killers."

Gawen was very satisfied with the other party's reaction and said softly: "As far as I know, William has devoted unimaginable resources to these people, and they have already gotten the rewards they wanted. It is no exaggeration to say that these people's only Faith is to repay this favor, and this favor is extremely clear, namely-loyalty to Arthur Boho."

Ji Xiaodao turned his head again to look at the large number of corpses under the city, and murmured: "Kindness refers to..."

"There are all kinds of things, such as lending a helping hand to a young man who has suffered from the harsh world and almost starved to death on the streets, such as helping an orphan with a blood feud to seek justice, such as giving a life-saving straw to a family that is about to collapse, such as flower The big price helps buy back health for close friends and relatives who are terminally ill."

Jiawen raised her hand to brush away a strand of hair from her forehead, and said in a playful tone: "This kind of thing should not be difficult for His Majesty William, the king of the country..."

Ji Xiaodao nodded slightly, and then his figure trembled after Jia Wen's smiling next sentence came out——

"Would you like to guess how many of those so-called kindnesses were directed and performed by that loving father and wise monarch?"


"Sister Silent Prayer, have you ever heard the saying that kindness does not lead the army? This is true for a general who leads troops to fight, let alone a monarch who is in charge of the entire country and can allow chauvinism to develop to this extent. ?”


"But if you compare my boss's world to a vast ocean, with this level of darkness, I feel like not even a splash in it can compare."


"Do you really know who you are dealing with?"

Chapter 1566: End

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