Quadruple split

Chapter 1582 Announcement

Mo Tan didn't say much, but just began to summarize and sort out the valuable documents that were neatly stacked on the table in front of him. These were specially selected by Bishop Jost for him. Although he initially left When entering the prayer room, they were just thrown on the table in an angry manner, but if you study it a little, you will find that the information thrown on the surface is of great weight.

Scattered on the table are the movements of the Blood Barbarians in the past two months, the information and numbers of all active combatants, the tax situation of Doumbouya City, and basic information on the three defense zones in the suburbs.

Thrown carelessly on the ground were records of all small and medium-sized conflicts within half a year, as well as the detailed battle report of Grand Knight Commander Jeff Harrington's battle half a year ago.

These are the things that Mo Tan could only roughly investigate in the City of Light. Even the detailed information that Feiyali managed to obtain only overlapped with these things by no more than 30%.

All in all, for a war zone leader who wants to do something practical, these things are definitely a hotpot-level help in the snow. It also proves that Bishop Jost did not want to keep Mo Tan in the dark. .

Of course, that is assuming he is as good as rumored.

Although Mo Tan doesn't think he is very good, he has been in the world of innocence for more than half a year and has commanded two large-scale battles in his current role. He still knows exactly what these things mean.

【I really want to show off...】

After finally going through the list in his hand, Mo Tan wailed in his heart, then put the stack of things away, stood up and called the other three people to walk out. The destination... was naturally the canteen.

Everything that needs to be cleaned up has been cleaned up. Yi Zuo and the two Holy Sons are not players. It doesn't matter if Mo Tan doesn't eat or sleep. They need to eat and rest normally.

Although the three of them were curious about how Mo Tan wanted to 'strike while the iron is hot', the latter had no intention of explaining and could only follow him out in confusion.

"Lord Hei Fan."

As soon as they walked out of the prayer room, a dwarf priest who looked to be in his thirties appeared in front of a few people. He bowed to Mo Tan and then said with a smile: "I am the aide of the chapel, the high-ranking priest Aladdin Hot Clamp. I'm glad to see you, and I've also met the two His Highnesses the Holy Son, and this knight lady."

Oradin has a very friendly smile on his face, and his somewhat yellowed priest robe is equipped with a Dawn emblem. Obviously, this is probably the reason why he is so enthusiastic.

After all, they are members of their own sect, so they should be familiar with each other. It seems that this high-ranking priest has been standing at the door for a long time, just wanting to say hello to Mo Tan as soon as possible and establish friendship. .

As for the reason for friendship, it is relatively simple.

In a word, it is wine, and it is strong wine!

Yes, it's such a simple reason. After all, this is a war zone establishment, and supplies are relatively scarce. Spirits are definitely considered luxury goods and contraband. It is very difficult to obtain. If something happens again, it will be a problem. Leaders will also have a very difficult life after being discovered.

As a healthy dwarf in his prime, Auradin is naturally good at this. However, the people who have been in charge here for more than ten years belong to other sects, so except when winning battles, Auradin seldom How high can you drink alcohol?

But it’s different now! As the saying goes, things turn around. After learning that the new person in charge was from the Dawn Sect like himself, Aladdin almost burst out of joy and came over to establish relations with him.

This situation is normal. After all, we have mentioned before that a bowl of water has never been balanced in Doumbouya City. When the person in charge is the Sun Sect, the materials and supplies provided by the Sun Sect will be more comparable. When the person in charge is the Justice Sect, the supply of the Justice Sect will quietly double, and these relatively abundant supplies must be given priority to their own people. It makes no sense for any family to pay a high price to get some. Once the supplies are delivered here, they will all be distributed to others. This is unrealistic and will easily chill the hearts of our own people.

Therefore, which sect is the master of the city of Doumbouya, and the members of which sect can live a better life than others. For example, they can make a pot of strong liquor every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. This kind of thing should be done by everyone. Just get used to it and agree with it.

"Hello, Priest Oradin, sir, you will be excused."

Mo Tan first returned a salute to the high-ranking priest in front of him, and then asked with a smile: "I asked Mr. Edmund to inform everyone to gather at the school ground after dinner. I wonder if he has conveyed it to you? "

Aladdin immediately nodded and grinned: "Edmund told me as soon as he left the house that our normal dinner time here is around seven-thirty. I think everyone should be able to get together at eight o'clock. This period It’s enough time for you, Pastor Hei Fan, to have something to eat. I saw that you guys haven’t come out all afternoon, and you haven’t asked anyone to deliver food. You’re probably hungry now, right?”

In fact, he was not hungry, but he knew that several people around him were hungry. Mo Tan nodded slightly and said, "It's true."

Aladdin immediately clapped his hands and said excitedly: "That's just right. I'll take a few of them to the second cafeteria. There's a cook from the Knowledge Sect there who knows me well. I'll ask him to cook some good dishes for me. Pastor Hei Fan, you have taken over!"

After that, he used his pair of very thick legs, which were not long, and trotted to lead the way.

Mo Tan, who originally planned to go out to look for food, naturally followed with the three of them after thanking him.

After that, they successfully arrived at the second cafeteria in God knows where in the city. Under the leadership of Aladdin, they rushed directly into the back kitchen openly and ordered the cook who was from the Knowledge Sect to rectify the high-end small stove.

The lizard man cook who was originally flirting with Aladdin immediately changed his attitude after learning Mo Tan's identity. After a few simple questions, he started cooking on the fire. Although he was not very eager, he didn't. What an obvious sense of distance.

"It seems that the matter between Hei Fan and Bishop Jost has been spread."

While Avery was devouring the roasted meats on the small square table that were not delicious to him, but were definitely of high quality in a place like this, he sighed vaguely: "Really, I can't accept it. I have been prepared to be treated coldly with you for ten days and a half."

Because Oradin and the cook were also there, Philip immediately glared at Avery angrily: "Don't talk nonsense while eating."

Mo Tan didn't have anything to do with it. He just ate the food in a dignified manner while taking out two bottles of drinks from his bag and pushing them to Aladdin and the lizardman cook who were sitting next to him: "Drink some?"


Aladdin immediately picked up a bottle with gleaming eyes and bit open the lid. While pouring it into his mouth, he muttered with a smile on his face: "I've been waiting for my mouth... what the hell is this?"

"It's not wine anyway."

The lizard cook named Paluto took a sip, and then his eyes widened: "But the taste is very... very..."

"Amazing! Very delicious stuff!"

Aladdin took two more sips of the [Plum Soda] handed over by Mo Tan, and then muttered with some regret: "But it's still not as good as strong wine..."

Mo Tan smiled, shook his head and said: "As for high-concentration alcoholic beverages, there are a lot of them in the supplies I brought this time, but I want to have a little chat with you guys later, so it's better to be sober now. If you want to drink, there will be more in the future. Opportunity."

Aladdin immediately grinned, nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, yes, Pastor Black Van, you are right, don't drink it yet, don't drink it yet."

The cook stared at the soda in his hand thoughtfully for a long time. It took nearly two minutes before he hesitated and asked Mo Tan: "What about that? Your Excellency Hei Fan, forgive me for my lack of knowledge. This is Is there a new popular drink out there?”

"It is indeed a new drink, but it has not become popular yet. There are only a few stores in the entire mainland selling it."

Mo Tan shrugged and said in a brisk tone: "But I can guarantee that within two months, there will be an additional supply route here that will continuously transport many good things, including but not limited to this drink."

The lizardman chef who believed in the God of Knowledge was immediately confused and repeated with a stunned expression: "Extra supply route? Here?"


Mo Tan nodded slightly, but did not explain any more. He just lowered his head and ate attentively. The chef didn't ask any more questions, but carefully put away most of the bottle of soda in his hand, presumably planning to go back later. Savor it carefully.

In this way, everyone finished dinner with high efficiency, left the second cafeteria at around 7:30, and walked slowly towards the school grounds.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened, but the city of Doumbouya, which is always on alert and has no curfew, is brightly lit. The main reason is that a long time ago, those blood barbarians really liked to make sneak attacks at night, and Although this has not happened in the past few decades, the tradition of "lighting up at night" has remained, so that the night scene here is surprisingly good, at least better than the gray and choking city during the day. Quite a few.

When Mo Tan and others arrived at the school grounds, the place was already crowded with a large number of soldiers who came after hearing the news. Considering that most of the people in Doumbuya City were in the establishment, even the cook in the second cafeteria just now was from a certain war group. Chaplains accompanying the army, so the number of people here can be said to be quite considerable. At first glance, it seems that there are not ten thousand but eight thousand.

This scene is quite similar to the scene outside the [Avalon] fortress in the southwest continent not long ago, but because the main school field of Dubuya City is built in the city, and these soldiers are not as disciplined as the [Tibetan Front Chapter], So it looks very crowded. Although everyone is trying to be restrained, it still gives people the feeling of a super-large open-air market.

Mo Tan didn't pay attention to this, but he just sweated down his back when many people consciously gave way and came to the center of the school ground. There were people whispering about him in every direction at 360 degrees.

This is not surprising, after all, his psychological quality under his current personality has never been very good. Although it is better now than before, the improvement is limited.

He stood there and looked around, looking at the Doumbouya garrison who were uniformly dressed in uniform equipment and had a uniform and casual mental outlook. He remained silent for a long time because of excessive psychological pressure.

However, in his silence, the surroundings gradually became quiet, and the transformation from the vegetable market to the mobile phone store, from the mobile phone store to the coffee shop, from the coffee shop to the library, and finally to the cemetery was gradually completed.

Finally, when the time reached eight o'clock, the school ground with nearly ten thousand people was completely silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Mo Tan knew that he had to say something.

The pressure was great, but he was not too panicked. After all, he asked Edmund to inform everyone that the purpose of gathering here was to let people listen to what he had to say.

When he was in Misha County, he could say less, because after all, everyone was a bunch of rabble, a bunch of rabble who had no way out but a fight.

When he was in Sumir, he could say nothing because there were those high priests standing at the front desk, and he only had to be a behind-the-scenes worker.

But at this moment, Mo Tan had to say something.

Because the people around them are different in nature from the 'Misha County Joint Force' and the 'Sumir Warriors'.

If nothing else happens, they will become the closest group of people to the 'Black Van Priest' in the realm of innocence and become the foundation of his future.

Although he does not want any foundation under his current personality and just wants to live a lazy life as a salted fish, but under the circumstances that the existence has almost "awakened", with a sense of responsibility and a sense of morality, he must do a good job Prepare for the worst.

Especially in a world where talent is king, he already knows who the question mark is at the top of the double list.

Therefore, after tearing open a valuable [Advanced Surround Sound Amplification Scroll], Pastor Heifan began his first speech since arriving in Dubua City——

"I'm sorry that everyone has to sacrifice their precious time at this time to gather here to look at my unattractive face. Well, some people may not be able to see it clearly."

Mo Tan cleared his throat, and after repeatedly trying to reflect the [Disgrace of Contempt] without success, he bit the bullet and said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Hei Fan. As you have recently learned, I am the member of the Dawn Sect. The newly minted saint is the lover of His Highness Chen Wangyu, and she is also the person who will take over Bishop Jost as the supreme leader of Doumboua City. In other words, she is your leader."

Suddenly, there was an obvious but harmless commotion around them, and it subsided in a short time. It was obvious that everyone wanted to hear what else the Black Van priest had to say.

And Mo Tan also continued to speak very cooperatively——

"Well, I plan to announce something here first, that is, Bishop Jost does not hate me. He has no negative feelings towards me, nor is he deliberately making things difficult for me. He has been doing this for a while, including earlier today. Everything I do is to make everyone trust me, obey me, and recognize from the bottom of their hearts that I am a useful leader."

Yi Zhao, Philip, Avery: "???"

Chapter 1573: End

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