Quadruple split

Chapter 1583 Pastor Hei Fan’s Speech

Without any warning, Mo Tan suddenly said this in front of everyone, and he used a very solemn tone. There was no room for "I actually just want Bishop Jost not to be too embarrassed." Keep it for yourself.

The quality of the amplification reel sponsored by Her Royal Highness Fairy Graham was also very high, and the speech that Mo Tan just made was faithfully played out in surround sound that could be heard by the whole audience. It can be said that the lingering sound lingered in the ears.

Many knowledgeable people who saw that Jost's behavior was not that innocent and thought of this possibility were confused.

The Guardian Knight was confused, the Just Son Avery was confused, and the Fertile Son Philip was confused.

Many members of the Dawn Sect who had a favorable impression of the Black Van Priest like Oradin were confused.

All in all, after Mo Tan announced this, many people were confused.

As for those who were not confused, responded quickly, and were simple-minded, they immediately started communicating with their friends around them, or simply shouted along with the crowd to express their emotions. In short, the entire school fell into a trap in an instant. Some kind of uncontrollable boiling state.



Mo Tan suddenly raised his voice, using the amplification magic to make people's ears ring with extremely high decibels and said in a deep voice: "No matter how you got the news, please understand that what happened in At least a little bit of what happened in that conference room is true."

The surrounding soldiers were shocked. They subconsciously turned their heads to look at the thin figure in the middle of the school field, while trying hard to turn their brains amidst the severe tinnitus and start thinking about 'which point is true'.

Mo Tan didn't give people much time to think. He just paused for a moment and continued: "Half a day has passed. Although I don't know how many versions of that matter there are now, but I think everyone should know, I, the Grand Knight of Dawn Sect, Green Tyree, once swore in the name of the goddess in front of Bishop Jost to tell him what Priest Black Van did in the battle of Sumir!"

The campus that had just begun to boil suddenly became quiet again, and then there was a burst of whispers, like a million flies flapping their wings at the same time, because everyone immediately exchanged information after understanding Mo Tan's words.

However, Mo Tan still didn't give everyone much time to communicate, but after a few seconds of pause, after overcoming the initial stage fright, he spoke again -

“Bishop Jost’s hostility towards me is all fake, pretense and staged.

Knight Captain Green knew this very well, but he did not expose it. Instead, he naturally played the role of an accomplice in the previous farce.

But even if these are all false, a Dawn believer swearing an oath in the name of the goddess will not be false, and what he said after swearing the oath will not be false. It's still the same sentence, I don't know There have been many versions of this incident, so I will briefly summarize what Knight Commander Green said at that time.

If there is anything I said wrong, or if I did not summarize it well, I welcome those who were present to correct me.

I, Priest Hei Fan of the Dawn Sect, was framed after I went to the holy mountain Sumir with the Northern Expedition. Although I was lucky enough to survive, I was separated from the main army and ended up living near the main peak of Sumir. Then I contacted my alien. Friends from other worlds... Well, we will talk about the concept of outsiders later. In short, I was lucky enough to survive, and I have been staying on the main peak of Sumir since then.

Because I can’t always eat and drink for free, I occasionally give some advice to my friend. He is the apprentice of the high priest Mondo Pan and has some influence among the younger generation of Sumir. In short, during that time Here, the small force he led probably annihilated cultists that were... thirty times as many as himself.

I originally planned to keep helping, but unfortunately, the fire could not be contained in the paper. The high priest knew my friend very well and knew very well that his apprentice could not do that kind of thing, so he finally found me out by following the clues.

And at that time, it happened to be a critical period of that battle. What a critical method... To put it in the most euphemistic way, in order to reduce our own losses, our Northern Expeditionary Army began to wisely choose to stand still and sit back and watch those despicable and cruel evil forces. The cultists attacked the main peak of Sumir, intending to wait until most of them were lost in the process. It would be best to pay a huge price to knock down the holy mountain before attacking, and kill all the cultists who were seriously consumed.

After all, the orcs in Sumir are not members of our Holy Religion Union, and their belief in the elemental spirits is considered a heresy in a sense.

Okay, okay, don't get excited. I personally think there are some problems with this view, but unfortunately, the Northern Expeditionary Army of the Holy Religion Alliance gave me such a feeling at the time.


I can't explain why they stood still.

I can't explain why they refused to save him.

I can't explain why they stood aside.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe I just had some misunderstanding that is still unresolved, but that did not prevent me from feeling angry. When I was on the main peak of Sumir, I could see a lot of cold and sad things every day. The bodies were brought back, and those people might have been chatting with me next to the cliff and sunbathing just a day ago.

At that time, our powerful Northern Expeditionary Army was recharging its strength.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask His Royal Highness Avery Davidson, the Holy Son of Justice, who is standing behind me at this moment, and His Highness Philip Toland, the Holy Son of Abundance beside him, and ask them if that is true. I was in that team at that time, recharging my energy!

Please raise your heads, your two highnesses, you should not feel guilty. After all, you were not separated from the main force. You have no position to disobey the commander's orders. Lord Green later told me that you showed great performance in the last battle. With the courage and will to live up to your status, you, like me and everyone here, have the right to be proud of yourself.

Sorry, my throat is a bit dry. Can you get me a glass of water, Yi Zou?

Thank you, oh, by the way, this Ms. Yizon Jileite is my guardian knight, and when she was not yet, she was attacked by a strong cultist with me in the last battle of Sumir. In order to protect me This useless priest who failed to live up to his expectations was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Okay, let's get down to business. In short, the elders of Sumir caught me out, and I admitted that I did all those things because of my short-tongued cannibalism, and I was willing to be punished in any way.

Don't laugh, don't laugh. As you might think, I was not punished. I was even asked by the elders if there was any way to get Sumir out of his current predicament. They thought too highly of me, as if they thought that since I could rely on That friend's ten-man team killed more than 300 people, and Sumir's thousands of people could kill hundreds of thousands of cultists.

I think they are crazy, but fortunately, the total number of cultists is only ten or twenty thousand, and Sumir actually has thousands of them.

Your Highness Wangyu wrote to me before, saying that she hit it off with a man named Black Sun Son and they had a very happy conversation.

At that time, I was ignorant and didn't know that His Highness the Holy Son was different from the two of us here. He was actually a little kid with no hair on his head, so I was in a very bad mood and wanted to vent.

So, I got excited, accepted the invitation of the elders, and got the highest command of Sumir.

I admit that my motives at the time were not very noble, but... To be honest, I didn't have any thoughts of justice, honor, faith, etc. in my head at that time, only that my lover was thousands of miles away. Had a great time chatting with a bastard man'.

Of course, this misunderstanding was later clarified, and His Highness Black forgave me a lot, and he vomited all over me on the way to Academy City because of seasickness, so it’s considered even, oh, by the way, say something As an aside, His Highness Black likes mature women who are older than him.

Hey, that little lady over there, don't scream. You should know that there are actually very few girls who don't meet this condition. You are not the most special one.

There are plenty of opportunities to chat about gossip, so let’s get down to business.

After that, I started to implement a plan that I had been brewing, which was to find a way to drag us... yes, our Holy Religion Union into trouble.

Everyone must understand that the reason why cultists have endured for a long time is because those evil gods provide benefits and power very happily. Otherwise, where would they get the capital to compete with our churches that believe in gods seriously? In short, the enemy is very powerful.

And I also saw that the Northern Expeditionary Army at that time was very unhappy, even though we were just a family.

Anyway, that's probably what happened. Later, I made a plan to split the main force of the cultists into two parts, and I guided the larger active force to the location of the Northern Expeditionary Army at that time.

Fortunately, the person in charge of that place happened to be the Green Knight of our Dawn Sect, and he couldn't help but lead people to take action. You can ask His Royal Highnesses Avery and Philip for the specific situation. They are the parties involved. .

And I, with all the power of Sumir, blocked the other half of the cultists in their lair, which was a hollowed-out mountain peak that the cultists named the Whispering City.

In that battle, there were two leaders among the cultists. One was their high priest or something, and the other was their commander. The high priest was an old man who was not very good at fighting. He fought with me in the city of Yayu. , I have never met the commander, but he is undoubtedly a difficult opponent, so I guided him to the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Don't look at me like that. Sumir's strength is far inferior to that of the Northern Expeditionary Army. If I were the commander of the Northern Expeditionary Army at that time, I would definitely gnaw on that difficult bone.

Unfortunately there is no if.

Finally, everyone should know that the Northern Expeditionary Army led by Grand Knight Greene and His Royal Highness the Son killed half of the cultists. Sumir and I used all the strength we could muster to kill the other half of the cultists. That's how it ended. .

However, I am a person who has no ambitions and is very afraid of trouble, so when Master Green warned me to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, I directly suggested that the credit should be given to the Holy Mountain Sumir to hide my merit and fame.

And the adults of our Holy Religion Union also agreed to my request, because they could not explain why a military chaplain who went on an expedition with the Northern Expedition was able to command Sumir's combat power and join hands with the Northern Expedition to win this battle, and also In the process, the Northern Expeditionary Army was used as a sword.

You can’t say that I ended up living on the main peak of Sumir because I was plotted by my own people, right?

That's the thing.

I personally feel that I performed pretty well.

And the big shots at the top of our Holy Religion Alliance think so too.

That's why I was lucky enough to be able to go to Academy City with His Highness Wangyu as an ordinary priest. I really thought that was a reward from the alliance at the time.

It's a pity that I was wrong. I was sent to Academy City because the Pope of the Dawn Sect, Saint Charlene, hoped that I, a young man who performed well in their eyes, could work hard and use my talents, so I started discussing with various big shots while I was away.

Sorry, can you give me another full glass of water? Thank you.

Tons, tons, tons, cough, you should have noticed that the final result of their discussion was this place, this city of Doumbouya where we have to deal with desperadoes almost every day. They think I can show off my talents here. , and I wanted to punch them, but unfortunately I couldn't beat anyone. Our Holy Maiden Xia Lian could blow my head off if she had a brain breakdown.

In the end, I decided to follow the instructions above and did not fight to the end.

On the one hand, it’s useless for me to resist, and it would be easier if I just obeyed.

On the other hand, I feel that I am a bit unworthy of Wangyu. She has been approached by someone in Academy City, and she is also a member of our Dawn Sect. I also know that she has a lover like me.

Also, from the perspective of people from another world, I think the situation here can be changed, and we can get rid of the previous petty fights, and eliminate the threat of blood barbarians in a more thorough way.

But again, let’s talk about the aliens later.

In short, what I just said is the reason why I came to Doumbouya City. In a sense, I did come to get gold plating. At least our Dawn Sect hopes that I will have more honor.

And I am indeed considered a relation person. After all, His Highness Chen Wangyu is my lover.

But these are not the reasons for you to reject me, hate me, or resist me.

I don't like wasting time on unnecessary things, so I decided to tell everyone the truth directly, and this is not because I am a good person or an honest person, but because I think it is the most convincing way to say it.

Of course, I also feel that just saying it is not enough, so...

It’s better to choose the day than to hit it. Anyway, the lighting conditions here are better. "

Mo Tan grinned, then clapped his hands vigorously, waking up the few sleepy audience members, and looked around happily at everyone present——

"Why don't we have some practice battles?"

Chapter 1574: End

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