Quadruple split

Chapter 1642 Two Treaties

Considering that this Miss Yuekui didn't seem to be... well, to put it at best, she was 'not a scheming person', so Mo Tan didn't deal with those mysterious things anymore, but said it bluntly. idea.

"Two treaties...one is reciprocal and the other is unequal."

Yue Kui frowned slightly, and the cat ears on her head twitched subconsciously, and said in deep thought: "And one part is for the United Holy Church to see, and the other part is really effective. Well, I seem to understand a little bit, and it seems I don’t quite understand.”

Mo Tan smiled and explained pleasantly: "To put it simply, Skolke will be in a vassal position in future cooperation. You can understand that it is a small workshop and was detained when cooperating with big manufacturers. The weak person who is Party B is the one who takes the biggest risks, makes the most sacrifices, and gets the least benefits."


Again, although Yuekui is not that thoughtful, she has never been a fool, so she didn't get mad stupidly after Mo Tan said these words, but nodded slightly and thought for a few seconds. Hou Zhengse asked: "I can understand what you mean, that is to say, we need to sign an unequal contract for external use and for your leaders and colleagues to see, but this contract is ineffective, right? "

Mo Tan smiled and nodded happily: "Basically correct, but whether the contract will be effective actually depends on our cooperation. Let's put it this way, I hope you will indeed abide by the most important part of this contract. The content is that everything is centered on cooperating with 'Dumbuya City' and obeying orders when necessary."

Yuekui's pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned deeper. She was silent for a full minute this time before hesitantly asked: "Then I want to know, since you want us to abide by that so-called unequal contract, why do you still want us to abide by that so-called unequal contract? What can I say about signing a truly effective contract with you personally?"

"Because I'm not sure you can accept that unequal thing. To put it bluntly, I will go very far when drafting the draft and will hardly make any concessions. In this case, even if you Skol Ke is in a very difficult situation and may not accept the conditions offered here."

Mo Tan smiled helplessly, spread his hands and said: "From my personal standpoint, I hope to achieve cooperation with you, but I don't want you to be too wronged. In this way, there is no way to make concessions on the table. Then I came up with the idea of ​​signing an additional contract under the table."

Yue Kui nodded, not intending to pretend to understand, and said concisely: "Elaborate."

"The process is actually very simple. First, we have to sign a relatively public contract to be seen by most people and to silence those people. As I just said, the content will be very harsh on Skolke. , but under this premise, we can ensure that the Holy Religion Union and my colleagues will not provide any additional resistance in the process, can you understand this?"

Mo Tan looked at Yuekui with burning eyes, and after the other party nodded to express his understanding, he immediately continued: "The next step is the key point. First of all, I can ensure that the most unacceptable content in it is related to Doumbouya City. In terms of combat, even if there is a need here, you will have to die if you are asked to die. But in fact, the top commander of Doumbouya City is me, and I will personally sign an independence agreement with you under the table. The content in the contract is actually a supplement, through the additional clauses for me, the supreme commander, to offset the previous excessive content."

Yue Kui nodded and asked, "What's the specifics?"

"Be specific."

Mo Tan blinked and chuckled: "It can be like this. I will draw up the first contract, and you will write the second contract based on the first contract. In other words, you think the previous one is useful." If those parts are too much, use the rest to restrain me. As long as the final result is fair, I can agree to it."

Yue Kui took a deep breath, raised her right hand and tapped her chin subconsciously. She lowered her eyes and considered for a long time before looking up at Mo Tan again: "How can you guarantee this?"

Mo Tan tilted his head and asked curiously: "What's the guarantee?"

"Don't act stupid."

Yuekui stared at him unblinkingly and said word by word: "How can you guarantee that you will abide by the so-called contract under the table?"

Mo Tan frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I still don't quite understand what you want to ask?"

"What I want to ask is very simple! For example, the contract on the table states that if you ask us to die, we must go, and you promised in the so-called private contract that you will not let us die."

Yue Kui stood up suddenly and said in a deep voice: "Then what if you turn your back on me and insist on sending Skolk to death?"

Mo Tan looked confused and said in shock: "What should I do? Since I have broken the agreement, why do you still listen to me and die obediently?"

Moonflower: "Uh..."

Mo Tan: "Huh?"

"It seems...that's what happened."

Yuekui, whose face was a little red, slowly sat back down, then touched the tip of her nose and muttered in a low voice with some embarrassment: "Then there seems to be no problem."

"No, there are still problems. For example, how do you prove that you did not unilaterally break the agreement?"

Mo Tan looked at Yuekui helplessly, and before the other party's expression changed, he shrugged before he was about to say something: "The suggestion I give is that you will keep the second contract we signed. If the Saint If the United Church of God really intends to raise an army to investigate, just show them my signature. Don’t worry about it being a forgery. As long as I swear in the name of God, I will definitely admit it when the time comes, otherwise I will definitely be punished by God. If you don’t believe it, you can do it. Check it out in the forum."

Yue Kui nodded vigorously. Although she still looked like a royal lady, she looked a little stunned: "Okay! I understand!"

"Also, how can you ensure that I am not treating you well on the surface, but in fact I am planning to entrap you through some conspiracy?"

Mo Tan raised his right hand and tapped his collarbone, and said calmly: "To be honest, there is no effective solution to this problem. After all, there are no limits to conspiracy theories. If you have a preconceived idea that I am uneasy and well-intentioned, then I No matter how much I prove myself, it’s all in vain, after all, I do have the skills to set up a trap for you without anyone noticing.”

Hearing Mo Tan's words, Yuekui didn't have time to react, but Yi Zuo's face froze next to her. The reason was simple. This issue was really too sensitive, and there really was no good solution. Just like Mo Tan As Tan said just now, there are no limits to conspiracy theories. In addition, Mo Tan has personally stated that he has the ability to scheme against Skolke without being discovered. In this case, as long as people want to doubt, they will definitely doubt it. will be established.


"You have to trust me, especially when times are tough, when things are bad, when you can't judge the situation."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Yue Kui, who had a gloomy expression: "The more times like this, the more you must give me absolute trust. Otherwise, even a beginning of discord will gradually turn into nothing." It is a rift that can be repaired, and this rift is doomed to turn the so-called cooperation into empty talk."

Yue Kui suddenly smiled, raised her eyebrows and said, "Perhaps you can ask that Highness Chen Wangyu to be a hostage?"

"To me, the northern blood barbarians are a force that cannot be underestimated, and they are an enemy that must be treated with caution, but if they want to crush you Skolk..."

A cold gleam flashed across Mo Tan's eyes, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth was one part cool, two parts defiant, three parts sarcastic, and four parts careless: "It's not really troublesome."

Yue Kui trembled and smiled dryly, twitching her lips: "I'm joking, didn't you see?"

"I can see that, so I am also joking. Who usually smiles so complicatedly? Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?"

Mo Tan blinked and said cheerfully: "Even if the Holy Religion Alliance is crazy, they will not put Her Majesty the Saint on your side. Besides, if you are really influential, you can send divine followers here. If the other party serves as a 'proton', there will be no need to sign any unequal treaty."

Moonflower hugged her beautiful black cat tail and complained: "Then your joke is quite scary."

Mo Tan smiled and said nothing, but looked at Yuekui calmly, waiting for the latter's answer.

"I want to trust you."

After a brief silence, Yuekui suddenly smiled at Mo Tan, and said in a very determined tone: "I just read the post called "Misha's Diary" today. Judging from the replies of those who have experienced it, it is recorded The contents are all true.”

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "So?"

"So I think you, who could fight to that level at that time, had no reason to betray Skolke."

Yue Kui looked into Mo Tan's eyes seriously and said in a very serious tone: "It's okay if you are an NPC. After all, this is the world they live in, but you are a player like me, a so-called alien. In In this case, I believe that you really want Raskolke, and you really want to show those bloody beasts some color."

Mo Tan smiled, nodded and said, "I'm honored."

"In short, although I can't make a decision directly on behalf of Skolke, I will tell you your thoughts exactly when I go back this time, and I will also give you good words."

Moon Kwai stretched her body lazily like a real cat, snuggled comfortably among a pile of cushions and blinked at Mo Tan: "Is that how the matter is decided?"

The latter also relaxed and leaned back on the chair, nodded and said: "I will try my best to live up to your trust."

"Don't worry, everyone in Skolke still trusts me, and if nothing else happens, they should be willing to cooperate."

Yue Kui grinned, then coughed slightly, and said hesitantly: "So... well, you see... now that the alliance is a certainty... you... uh..."

"But it doesn't matter."

Seeing the hesitation on Yuekui's face, Mo Tan immediately said this, and then added: "Don't have any worries, we are already allies."

Yue Kui pursed her lips, took a deep breath after hesitating for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, since you said so, Brother Hei Fan, then I won't be polite. To be honest, Skolk The current situation... is very bad, even the worst in recent decades."

Upon hearing this, Mo Tan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and he asked with a serious face: "What's going on?"


Yue Kui looked embarrassed and looked at Mo Tan anxiously, unable to speak for a while.

"Don't be afraid to tell the truth because you are worried that I will change my mind. Since I promised to cooperate with you, I will not change my mind easily."

Mo Tan immediately saw what Yue Kui was worried about, and immediately said sternly in a soft tone: "But you should also know that being honest with each other is the basis of trust. If the situation is bad, we can find a solution together, but don't say anything. If so, it would not be a good thing for both of us.”

"Well, I understand."

Yuekui lightly clenched her fists, finally no longer hesitating, and said with a gloomy face: "Brother Hei Fan, you should also know that about half a year ago, Knight Commander Jeff Harrington of the Sun Sect and Holy Son Sun Black You came to Doumbouya City and achieved remarkable results in a short period of time, right?"

Mo Tan, who had talked about these things with the person involved not long ago, nodded slightly and replied without hesitation: "Of course, if I remember correctly, it was the laceration queen that was severely injured, which indirectly caused the chaos in the northern blood barbarians."

"Yes, although those guys who are called blood barbarians by the world will fight among themselves every once in a while, but thanks to Knight Commander Harrington, the scale of the fight this time is unprecedented."

Yue Kui took out a pot of tea from her bag, opened the lid and drank a few sips to calm down her shock, and continued: "For half a year, we fought against the Gangya Tribal Nation, Gray White Plains, Guillotine Cliff and Blood Feather Terrace. The harpies, who were originally second only to Broken Head Cliff in strength, were directly killed by 30% of their population, and their territory was divided up by 20%. Broken Head Cliff, which profited the most from them, gained the most powerful voice in history. , became the leader of this generation of blood barbarians."

While Mo Tan quickly digested the information provided by Yue Kui, he asked: "Then what? What happened to Skolk in the process?"

"Nothing happened..."

Yue Kui shrugged and said helplessly: "But the problem is that we haven't encountered anything. Brother Hei Fan, you also know that most of Skolk's members come from those blood barbarians, and our biggest enemy is It was the same blood barbarians, but for half a year, not only did no one take care of us, but even..."

"There are even many people who took advantage of the chaos and defected to you, right?"


"So Skolker should be much bigger now than it was in the past, right?"


"There is a shortage of clothing, medicine, food, supplies and even daily necessities, and the combat effectiveness is seriously insufficient, right?"


Chapter 1,633: End

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