Quadruple split

Chapter 1643 Limited help

Game time PM18:32

Doumbouya City, third floor of the cathedral, prayer room

"This is probably the situation. All in all, Skolke is in a very bad situation now. Do you have any ideas?"

Mo Tan, who was sitting at the table, said the last sentence calmly, and then crossed his fingers in a gesture of making a gesture, and glanced at Avery, Phillip, Luna and Shalia. Among them, Shalia was just about to eat. was called over at that time, and Luna originally wanted to skip dinner, but was forcibly taken by Mo Tan himself to eat something in the cafeteria and brought here.

"My opinion is……"

Wearing the black cloak commonly worn by members of Doumbouya City's only intelligence agency [Agency], her long pink hair was tied up randomly and looked a bit messy. Shalia Ayin looked weak with two big dark circles under her eyes under the frameless mirror. He tilted his head and stared at Mo Tan, gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you let this lovely Miss Guardian Knight call me here so early, but you personally had dinner with Ms. Lynch!"

Luna hugged the velvet cushion that Yuekui kindly handed over before, and curled up on the chair next to Shalia. Luna raised her little face sleepily, and was in a daze for about two seconds before suddenly speaking in a rather serious tone. : "No, I was the only one who ate it, Hei Fan didn't."


Xia Liya, who didn't focus on this at all, was stunned for a moment, and then said in a shocked voice: "But I didn't eat!"

Mo Tan glanced at his new adjutant, smiled slightly, and then turned his attention to Yi Zhuo: "You didn't let her eat?"

"I originally wanted to wait for Adjutant Ai Yin to finish his dinner."

The guardian knight sitting next to Mo Tan shook his head and said seriously: "But after she heard that you were looking for her about Skolke, she rushed over directly, and I didn't have time to stop her."

Mo Tan nodded, then turned his gaze back to the unhappy face of Xia Liya, shrugged and said, "So you don't eat it yourself, and you don't blame me."

"But you had dinner with Ms. Lynch while I was waiting for you!"

Shallya flattened her mouth and complained angrily: "Anyone would feel a little unbalanced!"

Because it was very clear that the other party was not really unhappy, but wanted to dilute the rather solemn atmosphere before, so Mo Tan happily chatted with Shalia and said with a smile: "It's different, the person next to you Ms. Lynch's ability to take care of herself is really questionable, and Xia Liya..."

Shalia wrinkled her nose and said displeased: "What about me?"

"You are undoubtedly a very trustworthy person."

Mo Tan picked up the two parchments on the table that were filled with Shalia's 'self-recommendation' and said in a brisk tone: "So I believe that you, who can shoulder many responsibilities, will not neglect to protect your body. "

Gritting her teeth and staring at the parchment in Mo Tan's hand that had not yet dried, full of how reliable and capable she was, Shalliya took a deep breath, and finally sighed feebly: "I'm so hungry."

"Here you go."

Luna took out a light red thing from her pocket that exuded a light fragrance and looked a bit like a candy ball at first glance. She gave it directly to Shalia, who was really hungry but was mainly looking for trouble. He said calmly: "Eat, I'm very hungry."

Shalia looked down at the 'sugar ball' in her palm, then grinned and stuffed it directly into her mouth. After chewing it and eating it, she sighed: "It tastes really good, but this thing It’s not enough, oh, Lin Qi, you don’t have to feel bad, I don’t blame you, I just think that our commander is a bit unethical in doing things, making me come to the meeting hungry, hiccup.”

Mo Tan: "..."

Followed by: "..."

Chao Yuekui: "..."

Philip: "..."

Avery: "..."

Shalia herself: "..."

"[Sweet rice balls] are a low-consumption refined product. The principle is to use about half a person's food to make portable rations for one and a half to three people. The price is that the nutrition of the food itself will be lost during the refining process. If you consume 90% of it for a long time, it will cause a series of problems such as edema, hair loss, muscle atrophy, and loss of appetite for ordinary people. Even people with high physical fitness should not take large amounts for a long time."

Luna calmly turned to look at Mo Tan and said calmly: "But if it's just a short-term emergency, there's no problem."

"This thing...Hiccup!"

Shalliya, who didn't expect that the topic would suddenly change, hiccupped again, then narrowed her eyes, folded her arms and nodded slightly: "It seems feasible, at least it can help Skolke get through the formal signing of the contract with us. This period of the contract.”

Avery frowned and asked in confusion: "Can't we support directly? Since Miss Yuekui thinks that Skolke will agree even to the more stringent conditions, isn't cooperation a certainty? Why should we? Why not just be more generous?"

"not that simple."

Philip, who looked particularly gloomy, whispered that as a Holy Son of Plenty with a correct outlook on life, he was very reluctant to see others starve. If possible, he would even go to the place where Skolk was entrenched in person. Farming to collect revenue, but even so, Philip knew very well that Avery's proposal just now was not realistic, and his own farming in the past was even less realistic.


Avery's expression was very puzzled, even a little aggrieved. It was obvious that after simply accepting Yue Kui's science education, this kind-hearted young man had begun to sympathize with those who lived in dire straits every day. Now there is even Skolk, which has a huge food problem.

"There are many reasons, but the most important one is the bad impact."

Seeing that Mo Tan had no intention of speaking, Xia Liya, as the adjutant, sighed deeply, spread her hands and said, "Your Highness Avery, you have ignored a very practical issue, which is to put aside the people in the City of Light. Big shots aside, although the attitude of our Doumbouya City garrison towards Skolke is not hostile, it is very complicated in nature, because we are always fighting those bloody barbarians, and every veteran here has the ability to The friend you called by name died on the battlefield, and the person you want to support generously is actually a part of them in a sense."

Except for cooperating with Mo Tan to explain the situation before, Yuekui, who had always been silent, immediately raised her head and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Skolk is not a blood barbarian!"

Avery also nodded and said sternly: "I hold the same attitude. The reason Hei Fan said before is that we did not conduct investigations when we were in the City of Light. No matter where you look at it, Skolk is Skolk, blood barbarians are blood barbarians, they..."

"I said, only in 'a sense'."

Shalia interrupted His Royal Highness the Holy Son's words unceremoniously and said calmly: "It goes without saying that our Lord Black Van and Ms. Moonflower from Skolk are from other worlds. You are really very rational, Ever." His Highness, and I believe that His Highness Philip and Knight Jerette are also equally rational, because... let me tell you in advance that I don’t mean to offend, but you have indeed been enjoying a comfortable life in the City of Light, and because of this, even if His Highness Philip, who probably guessed that your idea would not work, made me feel like I wanted to take the lead to support Skolke."

Avery frowned and didn't care that a little priest from Shalia had such a rude attitude when talking to him. He didn't even say an honorific. He just asked curiously: "So what is the reason?"

"To put it clearly, although Skolk is different from those blood barbarians, and we are not hostile to him, the vast majority of them are from the Sleepy Head Cliff, Blood Feather Mesa, and Steel Fang tribes after all. Country, gray plains, under this premise, at least those of us who have been fighting on the front line all year round have no way to look at them objectively and rationally."

Shalia fiddled with the quill between her fingers, lowered her eyes at the table, and said leisurely: "I once had a friend who was also a member of the Knowledge Sect. She was not as smart as me but she was very good at playing. She was older than me. I am three years older, and I am very good at taking care of people. She will also talk to me about some ladies’ hobbies, yes, that is, picture books and stories about boys. In short, it can be said that I got to know her after I was sent to this hellish place. first friend."

Avery, who had vaguely anticipated the subsequent development, swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice: "Then what?"

"Everyone has already guessed it, right?"

Shalia smiled easily, spread her hands and said: "She died. It was an encounter that took place on the Blood Feather Terrace. I heard from others that she was killed by several harpies after falling behind because of excessive consumption. The banshee laughed wildly and was caught high in the air and fell to death. The body was not snatched back... Well, it doesn't matter, anyway, I probably wouldn't be able to recognize it even if I snatched it back."

Suddenly, the prayer room fell into a dead silence.

Although Shalia's tone is light and her expression is relaxed, everyone can feel the weight of this little story, and the proportion of negative emotions in this weight is obviously not low.

Relief is one thing, but letting go is another.

"You should know what I want to express, right?"

Shalia raised her head, and her calm eyes slowly swept over the two Holy Sons and Yuekui: "It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is a living person who has served in Dubua City for more than a year, almost There is a 100% experience similar to the story I just told, and it is impossible for everyone to hate a certain barbarian or a few barbarians, so they can only pour out their negative emotions on the whole blood barbarian."

Yue Kui pursed her lips, the cat ears on her head drooped softly, and whispered: "But..."

"Obviously, you rebels who call yourself 'Skolk' hate blood barbarians as much as we do, but you have to admit that, whether willingly or not, your companions were still part of the blood barbarians in the past."

Shalia's voice was calm and cold, her eyes staring at Yuekui unblinkingly: "Among the members of Skolke, there may be people who like peace and easy life, and there may be people with good character, but But they may not have participated in the evil deeds of their compatriots, even if they were forced to do so, and even if they were just responsible for keeping an eye on others when they were burning, killing, and looting, they still have 'responsibility' on them."

Yuekui stopped talking, while Avery and Phillip exchanged looks and sighed silently.

"In the eyes of me and my lords, there is never a truly 'clean' person among you Skolks. Even if someone doesn't have half a dead soul on his hand, he has probably drank blood-stained breast milk."

Shalia put the quill that was almost bald from her play on the table and said seriously: "In this case, everyone can treat Skolke as fairly as possible and not regard them as life and death." It’s already very difficult for the enemy, so…”

"So in other words, although I have applied for a much more generous treatment for the local garrison than before, when everyone is already used to financial constraints and it is not easy to eat meat, it is not easy to provide Skolk with enough scale. Food still triggers a lot of negative emotions, which is unwise."

Mo Tan interrupted Shalia, and while looking down at the strategic map spread out on the table, carefully observing the Skolk station that had been marked by Yue Kui, he said softly: "I personally think, The relationship between Dunbuya City and Skolke can be eased completely, but this kind of relaxation cannot be achieved overnight, just like everyone will not agree with me as the person in charge overnight, Skolke needs to let Dunbuya Buya saw its certificate of nomination, which was a necessary process, but it turned out that Skolke was not even qualified to submit the certificate of nomination."

Yue Kui pursed her lips, and a hint of sadness flashed in her eyes: "In other words, Skolke can't get your help before that, right?"

"To be sure, before that, Skolke could only get limited help from us."

Mo Tan played with a black alchemy chess piece and said calmly: "After that, we will reach a verbal cooperation relationship and sign a written contract. From then on, I will find a way to make Skolke make a decision. My merits can be used as an opportunity for reconciliation, and I will consider submitting a petition for you, and in the end, we will cooperate on a larger scale."

Yuekui shook her tail subconsciously and said hesitantly: "That should take a long time, right?"

"It sounds like a lot of trouble, but if we move fast enough, it won't take long."

Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief and showed a rather calm smile: "To sum up, first of all, I hope Luna will prepare a certain number of [Sweet Rice Balls] as much as possible for Yue Kui to bring back Skolk To alleviate the imminent food problem."

Luna nodded slightly and said in a sleepy tone: "Okay."


Mo Tan turned to look at the Holy Son of Justice again and said with a smile: "I hope you can lead a team to go with Yue Kui this time, Avery."

The latter nodded without hesitation and said solemnly: "No problem, what do you need me to do?"

"Cooperate with Skolk's people and bring back all the old, weak, sick and disabled people over there."


"I want to give Skolk's biggest advantage, which is its strong mobility, back to them."

Chapter 1,634: End

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