Quadruple split

Chapter 1688 Related

Mo Tan still remembers that it was half a month before the Spring Festival, in mid-to-early January.

That day, he set out for a large department store near his home because he wanted to buy some cat food and update the refrigerator stock.

And given that the second floor of the shopping mall had just been renovated not long ago, although the layout remained the same as before, it was still somewhat different. Mo Tan soon realized that it was unexpected and reasonable. , and naturally got lost.

As a result, it was at that time that Mo Tan met the eldest daughter of the man in front of him, Ji Xiaoge, who was not that familiar with him at the time. The reason why the latter appeared here was to make a curry chicken meal for her sister.

Different from the situation now where Ji Xiaoge's craftsmanship has been thoroughly understood, Mo Tan was not familiar with this dizzyingly beautiful girl at that time. He had only met her once at a small gathering not long ago and occasionally in the group. She is an ordinary friend who chats with everyone, but I have never seen her in the game. She has not even been able to break her defenses under her 'Lawful Good' personality.

So the two parties didn't talk too much at that time, just a few words. At most, Mo Tanxiang, who had lost his direction, asked the other party to take him downstairs.

By the way, Ji Xiaoge, who misunderstood that Mo Tan wanted to send him home with courtesy, said, "Although I welcome him, my dad might beat him up... so I'd better not give it up, right?" His hands were super dark’.

Today, Mo Tan finally realized the meaning of Ji Xiaoge's words. He had to say that the middle-aged man in front of him, who looked like an idle member of society, was indeed very evil.

All in all, on that day, Ji Xiaoge learned that this guy named Mo Tan had a disastrous sense of direction. Mo Tan also noticed that the girl's laughter was ridiculously low, and unexpectedly learned that her father was probably a daughter-in-law. And there is intelligence that there is some contempt for legal ethics.

In addition, Mo Tan also encountered a strange thing that day.

That was after he and Ji Xiaoge left the mall together, or rather were taken away from the mall by the latter, and after handing back the two bags of ingredients that had been moldy for eight lifetimes, they suddenly found themselves in the middle of the road not far away. A figure was spotted.

A little girl.

A little girl staring straight at him.

A little girl with a playful smile on her face.

A little girl who lost track of herself just because she was distracted.

To be honest, for most ordinary people, that scene is actually quite scary. After all, in broad daylight, who would see this person standing in the middle of the road with skin so white that it can almost reflect light, with a minus-30 temperature on his face? The girl who came to greet me with a sweet smile was frightened.

But Mo Tan is not a normal person. You must know that at that time, he had already learned about the existence of supernatural forces in this world, so it was not impossible to accept such a level of supernatural events. In addition, no matter what the atmosphere was at the time, the little girl did indeed look like It's quite sweet and cute, so even Mo Tan, who has an 'absolutely neutral' personality, won't be frightened by the scary elements in it.

Ever since, the episode just passed without Mo Tan intending to investigate.

Eight months later, in the utility room on the second floor of the main building of Tanhua University, Mo Tan saw the girl again in a situation he had never imagined.

The reason was that Ji Wutong, the father of Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao, who had slapped him, put forward a commission; after that, he gave himself a pair of glasses and said that they could see monsters, monsters and other messy things. As a result, after putting on my glasses, I discovered that the little girl I had met half a year ago was floating not far away.

As we all know, Mo Tan is an honest and good boy, so he revealed on the spot that he had a relationship with the little girl in front of him, namely: "I met her on the road in front of a department store more than half a year ago. she……"


Ji Wutong's expression also froze. He first looked back at the girl who looked away for some reason, and then asked Mo Tan in confusion, "Have you seen her?"

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then told the story of the reason why he bumped into this little girl. He didn't mince words or add insult to injury. He just said what he wanted.

As for the reason, it was very simple, that is, Mo Tan instinctively felt that the girl was probably not some violent earth-bound spirit, but someone who had some kind of close relationship with Uncle Ji in front of him. Of course, she might not be a human.

In short, if the other party is really the kind of 'superman' whose upper limit is difficult to predict, everything that happened that day is very likely to be under his control, so instead of hiding it, it is better to be more cheerful and explain it honestly and neatly.

Just like that, Mo Tan said everything that needed to be said, and then——

"Well, according to what you said, this child does not look like an earthbound spirit."

Ji Wutong casually grabbed the little girl floating next to him, and while rubbing the latter's delicate and cute little face like making noodles, he said thoughtfully: "It seems like she is just a girl who doesn't know why." The lonely ghost who just floated here, tsk tsk, this little face feels pretty good to the touch, do you want to squeeze it?"

Mo Tan subconsciously took half a step back and shook his head with a pale face: "No... no need..."

"Okay, let's go then. See you in the third laboratory building."

Ji Wutong casually threw the weightless girl aside and grinned at Mo Tan, who was hesitant to speak: "Don't worry, although many schools are looking for cheap land with some problems, Tanhua's school The location is very elegant, not only is there no problem, but the feng shui can be said to be first-rate.”

Mo Tan frowned and asked curiously with a hint of vigilance: "What does the questionable cheap land... mean?"

"There are so many possibilities."

Ji Wutong shrugged and said casually: "You won't understand the specific principles. In short, it's that kind of place that is more likely to attract all kinds of strange things."

Mo Tan nodded slowly, and then asked bravely: "What about this... place with first-class feng shui?"

"It's also easier to attract all kinds of weird things."


"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it said that Feng Shui is good?"

"It's about good Feng Shui. Good Feng Shui is not about warding off evil spirits. Have you ever heard of outstanding people and earth spirits? What do you think the 'earth spirit' in it refers to?"


Mo Tan, who was speechless, shut up.

Ji Wutong, on the other hand, did not hesitate at all and said casually, "But you don't have to think too much. Some things are already there, and they won't change just because you can see them. And the school is relatively young. The local yang energy is already strong enough, so as long as you don't scare yourself to death because you see some weird things, you'll be fine, because if something were to happen, it would have already happened."

Mo Tan pursed his lips, and after a while he nodded with a complicated expression, but still had no intention of leaving.


Ji Wutong turned to glance at him, and his tone gradually became impatient: "Are you sorry? If you go back on your promise, uncle, I will be very angry."

After a brief hesitation, Mo Tan raised his hands and patted his cheek gently, shook his head and said: "No, since I promised you, I will definitely help, but... I am a little curious, Uncle Ji, are you... …”


Ji Wutong, who was sitting cross-legged on the stack of jumping boxes, had already taken out his mobile phone and started playing. When he heard this, he immediately interrupted Mo Tan and said without raising his head: "You can understand it this way, although I can't tell you the details. , but I am indeed different from ordinary people in the conventional sense. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Mo Tan did not answer whether he was satisfied or not, but asked after about two seconds of silence: "What about Uncle Yi Nan and Aunt Gu Yanyue..."

Although Ji Wutong looked a little impatient, he answered simply and neatly: "They are similar to me, but strictly speaking they are not the same kind of people. However, this difference is meaningless in the eyes of ordinary people, so you can also Think of us as, well, superhuman beings.”

Mo Tan nervously licked the corners of his dry mouth: "One last question."

Ji Wutong twitched the corners of his lips and said noncommittally, "You have so many questions."

"Since Uncle Ji and you are all 'supermen', then Yidong and classmates Xiao Ge, Xiao Dao and others..."

"They are ordinary people just like you, and they don't know the other side of their parents."

"That's right..."

"Yes, it is like that."

Ji Wutong was playing with his mobile phone with one hand, pinching the little face of the ghost girl, and ended the conversation unilaterally in a brisk tone: "Okay, go do what you should do, I'll wait for your good news. "

Then he turned 180 degrees, leaving his back to Mo Tan, and concentrated on playing with his mobile phone.

The latter didn't ask any more questions. After the last question he asked was answered, he left the utility room wearing a pair of unattractive glasses and thoughtfully closed the door.

The next second...

"Do you want to die!!"

The girl who was like a doll when her face was rubbed vigorously by Ji Wutong immediately let out a scream, and a pair of cold and slender little hands suddenly reached out, strangled the neck of the person in front of her, and shook the person crazily at a frequency of three times per second. Her head was so angry that she said angrily: "God damn the earth-bound spirit that died here a long time ago! God damn the lonely ghost that drifted here for some reason! Do you want to listen to it? What did you say yourself! And why can you see me with those broken glasses!?"

Ji Wutong, who was almost shaken out of the afterimage, said inarticulately while trying to maintain the operation of the mobile game: "Can't you see those messy things in the side mirror? What's the big deal?"

"Am I considered a mess?"

The girl widened her beautiful but sinister eyes, gritted her teeth and glared at Ji Wutong who never left the phone screen: "Me! The pinnacle of marginalized people, the [Dongming Ghost King] among the four ghost kings, Everyone loves the sweet ghost Luo Bai Miaomiao who is in bloom! Is that considered a mess?"

Ji Wutong nodded as expected and said in a brisk tone: "Nonsense, you are not only a mess, but according to the words of our generation's grandparents, you are a 'dirty thing'."

"You're the fucking dirty one!"

The sweet-looking girl kicked Ji Wutong off the stack of jumping boxes and gave him a sweet and cute middle finger.

"You said yourself that you are a ghost."

Ji Wutong lay on the ground with his back stretched out, and said lazily: "The point is not about Luo, but about ghosts, you idiot."

Bai Miaomiao was furious: "Who are you calling an idiot?!"

"Anyone who played a trick on someone less than half a year ago and then forgets about them in the blink of an eye is an idiot."

Ji Wutong raised his eyes and said to the embarrassed ghost Loli, "From the time I knocked that kid unconscious until he woke up, you didn't even mention a single thing about scaring others."

The ghost loli Bai Miaomiao who was sitting on the jumping box coughed slightly and looked around: "Anyway, there is definitely something wrong with that kid. Although he deceived Dayao, he can't hide it from my eyes."

Ji Wutong shrugged noncommittally: "This only shows that you are more thoughtful and not just a good ghost girl."

"Wait, I'll tell your wife later that you want to find a pure and good female ghost."

Bai Miaomiao waved her fist at Ji Wutong, then put away her playful smile, narrowed her eyes and asked him, "What do you think of that kid named Mo Tan?"

"Not worthy of my daughter."

Ji Wutong answered instantly.

"Go to hell, no one is worthy of those two girls in your eyes."

Bai Miaomiao rolled her huge eyes and said seriously: "You know what I mean, that kid is obvious..."

"I haven't lost my memory. Whether it was the two tamperings by the squad leader before or the previous tampering by that stupid wife-controller, they all lost their effect for some inexplicable reason."

Ji Wutong stretched out in a particularly ugly and twisted posture, rested his arms on his head and chuckled, "That kid is pretty good at acting."

The ghost Loli floating on the jumping box suddenly widened her eyes and said in shock: "Wait a minute? Is the strict henpeck you are talking about... Lao Zhang?"

"Don't be too big or small. If he hadn't acquiesced as the person in charge of City B, you, a brat, would have been humanely destroyed long ago."

Ji Wutong glanced at him and referred to what he just said, "You are stupid and criticize your wife for strict control." This person is obviously the type who only allows himself to set fires and does not allow others to light lamps.

However, Bai Miaomiao was not in the mood to find fault with the other party now. Instead, he looked at Ji Wutong below with a serious face: "That boy withstood my investigation..."

"That's true, but you obviously didn't check it carefully, right?"

"Even so, he still got through it, an ordinary kid in his early twenties!"

"When we first met, I was just about an ordinary kid. If my wife hadn't been able to fight, you would have killed me long ago."

"Shut up, you should know what I mean!"

"What do you mean?"

"Can that Motan kid..."

"Is it related to sin?"


"Of course it's relevant."


"But there is never anyone in this world who has nothing to do with sin, is there?"

Chapter 1,679: End

Everyone, try your best to pay attention to your health. I caught a fever, but it seems that I have not escaped. The current situation is quite optimistic. In short, I will try my best not to delay the update. I hereby inform you that I hope you will avoid crowded places and places if it is not necessary. At transportation hubs, be sure to pay attention to your own safety.

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