Quadruple split

Chapter 1689 The unknown (XI)

"But there is never anyone in this world who has nothing to do with sin, is there?"

Ji Wutong, who closed his eyes and was lying on the ground as if he was asleep, said this lightly. His expression was neither happy nor sad, and even his voice was as calm as another person. However, this person's usual style of painting was completely different. It just shows that he is not as calm as he shows.

At least, this is the case for Bai Miaomiao, who has known Ji Wutong and Mo Tan since they were their age.

"I know that there is no one in this world who has nothing to do with sin..."

The little resentful spirit back then seems to have stood at the top of the 'superhuman group' of marginalized people, but as before, the girl who likes to make suggestions and act coquettishly next to this ungrateful man slowly floats down and sits down. Ji Wutong hugged his knees and whispered softly: "Just like people will continue to produce 'karma', 'sin' is originally a part of this world, and of course it is a part of each of us, but you should know that this is not what I am asking. "

Ji Wutong did not open his eyes, nor did he pay attention to Bai Miaomiao's words. He just continued in a voice that was completely inconsistent with his character and made people feel very intellectual: "Karma and sin are not the difference between light and shadow, black and white. The former is a cold, orderly, traceless and ubiquitous rule. It ignores time and space, ethics and morals, science and metaphysics. It is a mechanism created by the world in order to protect itself. It is a certain mechanism. Reincarnation in some doctrines, cause and effect in some arguments, the highest logic in some theories, the gospel in the holy scriptures, the principle of truth, the dimension itself, and sin..."

"Sin is nothing."

Bai Miaomiao sighed, shook his head and said: "It is a phenomenon without a phenomenon, a chaos that has nothing to do with chaos. It is the beginning of imagination. It is a concept that has no reason to exist but is accompanied by the birth of all concepts. It is useless, Harmless, infinite residue, there is no concept of positive and negative, nor is it energy that can be distinguished by positive and negative. It is not the natural law of 'shadow' and 'darkness', but everything outside of 'infinity'. It is simplicity to the extreme of complexity.”

"Yes, if the word 'simple' is required to explain only one concept, then the answer is nothing but 'sin'. Unlike 'karma', which is so complex that it is disgusting, we must admit." Sin' is the simple and easy-to-understand white lotus."

Ji Wutong opened his eyes tiredly and showed a helpless smile to Bai Miaomiao: "Although I still think that the description of 'white lotus' is really terrible."

Ghost Loli didn't laugh. She just grabbed the hem of Ji Wutong's clothes and wiped her little leather shoes. After a while, she snorted softly: "It's simple and easy to understand... I don't know if this is a kind of irony. It just so happens that almost no one can understand this so-called 'simple and easy-to-understand' thing, and those who can understand this simplicity are on the opposite side of the world."

Ji Wutong shook his head and said calmly: "There is no need to go so far. In my opinion, it is not so much that those who can understand sin and bear sin stand on the opposite side of the world, but rather that they are forced to change their stance. Became the enemy of 'karma'."

"What's the difference?"

When Bai Miaomiao and Ji Wutong are alone together, they seem far less fussy than when everyone is together, and they even rarely show a painting style that truly suits their age, city, and intelligence: "Although a rebellious kid like me doesn't think 'karma' is a positive energy, , and even didn’t like that thing because of what happened to you back then, but everyone has to admit that the ‘karma’ that represents the rules cannot have a conflicting position with those of us who live in the ‘rules’, just like you can’t hate it. Just like gravity, the shape of the planet under your feet, or your own internal oblique muscles, it is a rigid need for the logical formation and self-consistency of the entire world. To become the opposite of the 'karma' that represents these rigid needs is to become an enemy of the world."

"Of course you are right. I agree with this truth just like you. Back then, I also worked hard and fought for something that sounded a bit nonsense like saving the world."

Ji Wutong nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked: "But have you ever thought about it, girl, where is the 'crime'?"

Bai Miaomiao twitched the corners of her lips and said without hesitation: "It shouldn't exist."

"Yes, this is the biggest problem. The very existence of the concept of 'sin' is a sin, and people who can understand this sin naturally become 'sinners' in the conventional sense, and sinners Being punished is a matter of course for anyone with normal views."

Ji Wutong shrugged, his eyes gradually becoming sharper: "But who defines this 'crime'? Is this kind of power really a huge threat to the world? Isn't there a possibility that people are succeeding? After understanding that simple concept, or simply coexisting with the latter unintentionally, was he simply and roughly punished as a criminal, and had no choice but to rise up and resist?"

Bai Miaomiao's eyes widened when he heard this, as if he was meeting the other person for the first time and he looked at Ji Wutong intently: "You..."

"Leaving aside the apocalypse we secretly resolved, the most active carrier of 'sin' in this era, and the only carrier recorded in normal history, is a man who once dreamed of becoming a priest in his childhood, and later wanted to be An artist turned into a man synonymous with evil.”

Ji Wutong casually slapped away Bai Miaomiao's little feet on his chest and said lightly: "He is an undoubted devil. If I were born in the same era as him, I would kill him by any means necessary, but the reason why that person would Did he degenerate into a demon? Was it his nature, the temptation of sin, or... was he abandoned by the world before everything started?"

Bai Miaomiao twitched the corner of her mouth and said with empty eyes, "Don't you think the concentration of your words is too high?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

Ji Wutong grinned and rubbed the girl's lovely head vigorously: "I am not a supporter of either theory of good nature or evil nature, but I know very well that no one in the world is born a devil, and according to that person Judging from the countless tragedies he personally caused, he is definitely not an incompetent person, on the contrary, he has charisma and leadership that ordinary people cannot match."

The girl nodded helplessly, and echoed with a dry smile: "You are not talking nonsense, what kind of trash can almost turn over the entire earth?"

"Yes, but such an outstanding person eventually turned into an existence equivalent to a public enemy of civilization, bringing huge disasters to the entire world."

Ji Wutong narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "You should also check the relevant records here. You must know that the people who were united under that person at that time were not just ordinary people, but marginalized people, aliens, wanderers, vampires, werewolves, Superpowers, demon hunters, psychics, dark wizards, there were countless supernatural forces that obeyed his orders and were driven at will... It was an era when both the outside world and the inner world were so dark that it was unimaginable."

"But that mustache failed in the end, didn't it?"

Bai Miaomiao curled her lips in disdain and said with a sneer: "The outside world can't beat others. Even if it belongs to the world of abnormal people like us, won't those stinky fish and rotten shrimps under his hands be dried to pieces?"

Ji Wutong turned over, lying on his side with his head propped up like a reclining Buddha, and said with a matter-of-fact expression: "That's for sure, don't forget that he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person without power. It's already terrifying to be able to do that, and it's not like you haven't seen what happens when 'our people' get that kind of power..."

"so what?"

Bai Miaomiao twitched the corner of her mouth and said angrily: "In my opinion, it's the difference between the Great Demon King of Destruction and the Little Demon King of Destruction. As long as he gets involved with that kind of thing, nothing good will happen. As long as he gets involved with that kind of thing, it's okay. There is nothing to wash away. In order to prevent immeasurable sacrifices in the future, it is necessary to nip 'sin' in the cradle... You, I remember, have the same view."

Ji Wutong nodded slightly and smiled: "Of course, but this does not prevent me from saying some pretentious words and doing some pretentious things, at least until I figure out whether 'sin' wants to end 'karma' or 'karma' This is what it was like before 'sin' was eradicated."

Bai Miaomiao shook her head vigorously, frowned and said, "I can't understand you anymore."

"What I mean is simple."

Ji Wutong's lowered gaze became a little deeper, and he said softly: "We had no choice back then. If we wanted to survive, if we wanted to survive with everyone, we could only fight to the death with that person, but now... the situation is the same. There have been some subtle differences compared to the past, so I’ve been wondering if I could do more.”

"I do not understand……"

Gui Loli's bloodless pretty face seemed to have turned a bit paler. After a while, she raised her head and met Ji Wutong's eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You have said it yourself before, we may have been Ordered to withdraw from this stage."

"Yes, I still think this way now. After all, the main stage of [Innocence Realm] has always been a chasm for us to enter, and those young people who have inherited 'retribution' from us have inevitably been involved. This storm.”

Ji Wutong grinned and said without thinking: "But after all, we are not useless at all. For example, we created the [Innocent Realm], a stage that can protect people to the maximum extent even if the situation evolves to the worst, so You can't say that we guys didn't play a role in everything, can you?"

The girl floated up and stepped on Ji Wutong, humming angrily: "Get to the point!"

"There's nothing important. I've just been thinking about whether I can do more. Of course, unlike in the past, I'm not acting as a protagonist, but as a collaborator."

Ji Wutong casually brought up the topic, and then slowly sat up, pinching Bai Miaomiao's pretty face with a particularly gloomy expression: "As for the first question, haha, I can tell you responsibly. , that kid named Mo Tan is not the carrier of 'sin', whether it is the revealed side of him or the unknown side, they are all...well, complicated, but clean."

Bai Miaomiao twitched the corner of her mouth with a smile, nodded and said: "So you have been holding me back for so long on a problem that can be explained in one sentence."

"Come on, it's obviously you, a little brat who doesn't grow up, who keeps asking me questions."

Ji Wutong flicked Bai Miaomiao's forehead, raised his eyebrows and said: "Anyway, I just have some vague ideas now. I don't have a specific clue yet. Don't ask too many questions. When will I figure it out?" Yes, naturally I won’t hide it from you.”

Bai Miaomiao covered her head and flew up half a meter, and said angrily: "Have you hidden enough things from me?"


Ji Wutong scratched his cheek as if he was praised, and then changed the topic neatly: "But having said that, that kid is indeed not a simple person. You must know that the memory tampering of [Naifeng] and [Tianting] is not Anyone can untie it easily."

Bai Miaomiao smiled playfully and said quietly: "So, you also think that brat did not solve the tampering by chance, but has some special quality?"

"This is the only answer. After all, it could be a coincidence once or twice, but if the same thing happens a third time, it would be completely self-deception to think so."

Ji Wutong nodded his head as expected, and said casually: "We might as well recall their small circle, whether it is my two good daughters, Bai Zhen's adopted daughter, Xiao Liu and Xiao Kang's sons, the pair of super cute The son of the couple with the height difference, the son of Lao Cui and Yu Lin, and the child of Yi Nan's family, from the perspective of the past, it can be said that they are all inseparable from the cause and effect of the past, but if we look at it from the perspective of the present, it is also understandable Because they are destined to become the main characters on this stage, in the same way, Xiao Le from sister Yanyue's family and Nana, who is related to Sister Nangong, all got together by chance. This is just what we have seen. .”

Bai Miaomiao nodded and said softly: "I have the same idea as you. Since that kid named Mo Tan was able to sneak into those children at the beginning and is still the best friend of that kid from Yidong, I'm afraid there is a high probability that he is. [The Boundary of Innocence] is an important task on the big stage, and I heard from Xiao Zhen that he has really prospered in the game and has become a popular upstart of the Dawn Sect."

"Is such that."

"So who do you think he will be related to in our generation?"

"Why does it have to be someone's relationship?"


"That stage is already packed with countless new characters. It's better to say that there are only a few little devils like us here."

"So, what is your purpose of catching him here this time..."

"Literally, I want him to do me a favor."

"Is there really something that even you can't handle?"

"Yes, I have."

"Then why do you need his help?"

"Because he doesn't know the way."

"What the hell kind of advantage is this?!"

"You'll know later~"

Chapter 1,680: End

As of the release of this chapter, there are no serious problems above the neck, so don’t worry.

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