Quadruple split

Chapter 1690 A magical path-finding journey

Same day

Real time PM17:55

"Why don't we go find a place to have something to eat together?"

Gay Friend A stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to Mo Tan, who had already walked four or five meters away: "Anyway, the server will not open until an hour later. Let's go to Fat Uncle's place on West Street nearby to order some skewers and make a quick decision. If so, it will definitely be in time for the server launch.”

Mo Tan waved his hand without looking back: "Forget it for today, I still have to think about things in Dubuya City."

"Okay, then I'll go home directly."

The rich second generation in the luxury car didn't say much nonsense. After watching Mo Tan enter the unit building, he rolled up the car window and drove away slowly.

three minutes later


After entering, Mo Tan threw his shoulders and slammed the door. He took a deep breath, then took out his mobile phone and opened a program with an unusually simple interface. He adjusted the security level of his door and this floor to the highest level, that is, "in the corridor". Any unregistered face will be prompted and recorded' and 'You can only enter the door if you enter the password'.


After changing into his slippers, Mo Tan immediately went straight from the hall to the kitchen. He expressionlessly dug out the beans from the cupboard that he was usually reluctant to drink. He skillfully made a cup of delicious food that was both delicious and delicious. He didn't rush to enjoy it. First, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, dry his hair and put on his pajamas. Then he slowly returned to the table, took a sip of the coffee that had barely changed in temperature, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Then, after putting down the coffee, he suddenly raised his hands in front of his eyes for no reason, and patted them twice after two breaths of silence.


After two high-fives, Mo Tan, whose face became increasingly serious, narrowed his eyes slightly, took another sip of the cup of [Yinhet] whose 'price' was not less than 1,000 yuan, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Finally, after about five seconds, the psychological suggestion he had set for himself was completely lifted.

A large amount of content that has always existed deep in his memory, but has been deliberately avoided and ignored by Mo Tan since a certain point in time, poured out, running through his thoughts like a series of revolving lanterns——

"Good guy~"

After completely filling in the blank created by his own hands, Mo Tan sighed very subtly, and after a brief silence, he revealed an intriguing... wry smile.

[You can really escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can’t escape the fifteenth grade. 】

As the memory of the morning became clearer, Mo Tan was almost certain that the father of the Ji sisters, who was extremely skilled in photographing people, had probably realized that his memory had not been successfully tampered with, and not only during this period of time in front of his school director The two times before and after include the time when I was rescued by an uncle pretending to be a security guard Superman when he was in the old power plant.

The direct evidence is that after he finished helping the man, he did not simply tamper with his memory of this morning, but also corrected the above-mentioned three anomalies that he had 'passively corrected' in one go.

And then...

Naturally, in less than half an hour after everything had settled, Mo Tan, who had just stepped into the academy building, was overwhelmed by a large number of memories after the personality change.

When he came back to his senses, he didn't hesitate at all. After understanding the situation as quickly as possible, he responded immediately, and gave himself the strongest psychological suggestion in a quick and easy way, so that he could never forget all the things he had done before. Under such circumstances, the subconscious mind avoids relevant content, thereby achieving a temporary result that is infinitely close to 'short-term forgetfulness'.

Although this kind of psychological suggestion, which even has a little hypnotic component, is very complex, its principle is so simple that each of us has actually completed similar behaviors intentionally or unintentionally.

To give a simple example, it is like when we were still young and had little experience, we named ourselves the 'Crazy Eyed Demon King', 'Dark Emperor', 'Lonely Prince', 'Ba Leng La Shao', 'Yun Shang Yue Wu Sha· With the stage name "Li Keduo·塲殇雪莹眿 Butterfly·Yingmeng Yalan·Ice Crystal Butterfly Spirit", there are even a few pictures of people with bandaged hands, body hair standing on end, or colorful eyes, but After reaching a certain age, he will suddenly "lose his memory", as if he has never had such an experience in his life, and even generally he can completely deceive himself. What Mo Tan did was actually to This subjective psychological suggestion is strengthened to the extreme.

It's just that his method is more radical, so that if he doesn't use the correct method to remove it, even he himself only knows that "I have missed something through my own psychological suggestion", but does not know the specific leakage. Order something.

It is worth mentioning that this technique is not one of the skills that the versatile Mo Tanda has mastered a long time ago, but a brand-new method that he has only recently honed in battle. The opportunity was precisely the moment when his school director almost saw through it. crisis.

All in all, after realizing that something was wrong, Mo Tan immediately threatened himself out of safety considerations. In fact, it proved that his worries were not unfounded, because it was less than five minutes after he gave himself the psychological suggestion. , a dashing assistant sister came to his door and took him directly to the chairman's office.

And under the premise of having prepared psychological hints, Mo Tan, who happened to be under the "chaotic neutral" personality at the time, could be said to not panic at all. He was neither humble nor arrogant in front of the aggressive school director. You can say it, but I was lost anyway.

That's right, Yao Qianhan's excuse for calling Mo Tan over was the "attendance rate met the standard" agreed between the two before, while the content Ji Wutong used to replace Mo Tan's "help" in the process was nothing new and "lost." .

Mo Tan, who knew that he had been 'hinted' to miss some key content, chose to follow the bullshit excuse Ji Wutong gave him and insisted that he was lost.

In the end, after Mo Tan suggested that he had witnesses (Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao), Yao Qianhan finally accepted his excuse of being lost and put him back. Then it was a calm day until Mo Tan returned At home, the psychological suggestion was lifted through a cup of insanely expensive coffee and two high-fives.

[The previous speculations are basically established. If there are any details that need to be added, it is that these marginalized people either have their own positions, or one of them, School Director Yao or that man, has his own ideas...]

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, tapping his forehead gently while gradually entering a state of intense thinking——

[Seeing that girl who is theoretically not a human being twice in a row is not a coincidence no matter how you think about it. The words like a lonely ghost and a wandering ghost are probably just to prevaricate me. There may be some kind of close relationship between them...]

[From this point of view, "superhumans" such as marginalized people and ghosts who are classified as aliens may not necessarily be hostile, at least not inherently hostile. 】

[Based on the sporadic descriptions of Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao, it can be basically concluded that they have no idea that their father is not a normal person, so my previous guess is not wrong. Except for Xiao Le, ten of their peers have problems. Except that Bajiu is also a superman, everyone is a normal person like me...]

[In other words, is it necessary to be a normal person for some reason? 】

[In short, that guy is different from Yao Qianhan. He is a scheming person at first glance. We must be more vigilant in the future...]

[That is to say, each of them is a monster, and what they can do is very little. 】

[Although it’s appropriate to complain with snot and tears about why I don’t have super powers, the cost-effectiveness of this kind of thing is too low, so I’d better wait until I have free time. 】

[In any case, he seemed to have little interest in investigating why my memory would not be modified, and he did not tell Yao Qianhan about it. When he finally did it, it seemed like it was a routine matter. Yes, you will know if you think about it carefully. ...A lot of what that guy said didn't sound like they were being spoken to a person whose memory was destined to be erased. 】

[However, although that commission was slightly unpleasant, I have to say that it was indeed a wonderful experience that people can’t hate...]

Thinking of this, even Mo Tan, who currently has a "chaotic neutral" personality, couldn't help but show a somewhat lost expression, and turned his thoughts back to the somewhat magical path-finding journey in the morning——

Of course, the so-called 'path-finding journey' is for Mo Tan. After all, in the eyes of any normal person, things like 'path-finding' and 'travel' are the key to going from the main building of the school to the third experimental building. Words have nothing to do with them.

As for magic, it just means it in a literal sense.

After putting on those glasses, Mo Tan found that the world around him had indeed become a little more magical than usual.

So let’s turn the hand of time back a little and take a look at what happened at that time——

It is true that Mo Tan's talent in recognizing directions is somewhat problematic, so even if it is said that he has a '30-year cerebral hemorrhage-level sense of direction', it is not an insult, but even so, he is a person with normal intelligence, so he found He actually went very smoothly in the first step of the third experimental building, which was to 'leave the main building where he is currently located'.

However, we must admit that without external help, he was able to complete this step relatively smoothly.

Just like that, in broad daylight and with a bright sky, Mo Tan, who had taken away the only two pieces of equipment with positioning and pathfinding functions on his body, stood in front of the main building at a loss, with a very subtle mood.

On the one hand, it was because Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao’s unreasonable father had a dispute. Although the latter talked nonsense most of the time, the amount of information in those few nutritious words was quite large. So much so that even Mo Tan, a smart little brain, couldn't digest it completely for a while. It would be unrealistic to say he was not confused.

On the other hand... it's just a matter of simply not knowing the way.

In short, Mo Tan did not struggle with the first question for too long, nor did he try to guess something based on his own knowledge reserves and known intelligence. The reason was very simple. He believed that he was most likely still working somewhere at this moment. Under the control of some supernatural forces, in this situation where even the activities in the brain may not be trustworthy, the most important thing to do is to give up 'superfluous thinking', which in layman's terms means less random thinking.

One thing to say, this thing sounds simple, but it is not easy at all to do. Just like we all know that emptying the brain can help us fall asleep faster when we have insomnia, but when we are really ready to empty the mind, we will find that Even things like accidentally falling on my butt and squatting while doing morning exercises more than ten years ago can be brought out in my mind and savored.

However, Mo Tan is a senior psychopath with excellent technical skills after all. This level of thought control is not difficult for him, so he quickly abandoned the messy thoughts in his mind and concentrated on finding the way.

With little success!

That's right, Mo Tan, who was looking for a path seriously, predictably didn't make any progress. Although he knew very well that there was indeed a third laboratory building in the school and had attended classes there, this had nothing to do with what he knew at this moment. There is no conflict about where to go.

Not only that, but I don't know when, Mo Tan found that he could no longer 'see' the people walking around him. Although he was sure that he was definitely not walking alone on campus, he could still vaguely hear the sounds around him, and even He caught a glimpse of other people's figures out of the corner of his eye, but as long as he looked seriously, he couldn't see a single figure.

This is a very strange thing. If it were done to people like Cui Xiaoyu or Yu Ying, it might even make them cry. But Mo Tan is not an ordinary person after all, so he was neither afraid nor crying. The first time I analyzed the standard answer was 'A certain daughter accused me of doing something to him'.

The logic is also very simple. Since the other party asks me for help because of my unreasonable sense of direction, it is natural to seal away the cheating behavior of 'asking for directions'. Although it is unpleasant, but There is nothing wrong with that.

In this way, Mo Tan, who was relaxed, continued to work hard subjectively, trying to find the damn third experimental building, and five minutes later found that the board that was supposed to have the school map on it had been coded.

"It's really watertight..."

Mo Tan muttered in a low voice, then pushed up the glasses on his face, and walked past the coded map and the two tomatoes playing cards with an expressionless face.

Yes, although it may be a bit difficult to understand, there are indeed two tomatoes playing cards on the edge of the ornamental lawn. The only difference between them and ordinary tomatoes is that each has two slender little arms, and... play cards.

[The game is still blackjack. 】

While Mo Tan sighed, he shook his head and continued walking forward, his expression slightly numb. Obviously, the two tomatoes just now were not the only strange thing he saw along the way.

In fact, compared to the old school janitor who 'passed' through Mo Tan's body when he came downstairs just now, the two tomatoes playing blackjack were already quite friendly.

Chapter 1681: End

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