Quadruple split

Chapter 1691 Shadow

He had seen that Mo Tan bump into an old man who was standing upright when he got downstairs.

Strictly speaking, he saw it in an honors section on the school website.

The old man’s name is Li Kai. He served as a school worker at Tanhua University from 2023 to 2046, and won the school’s [Annual Honor Award] and [Lifetime Achievement Award] on September 22, 2046.

According to the information on the school's official website, that day was Saturday. Mr. Li, who came from a very wealthy family and came to Tanhua to work as a school janitor just to kill time, was riding a battery car home to get some change of clothes. However, he saw three people on the road. A familiar-looking female student was being pestered by several people from society, so she stopped the car without saying a word and rushed to argue. Unexpectedly, she had no intention of being reasonable at all, and she didn't use any violence when she was trying to get along with a few girls. Old Man Li rushed over with a fierce look on his face, but he was not polite at all. One of them pushed him forward.

Although the uncle is a chivalrous and courageous person, he is not the kind of hidden practitioner. He smokes, drinks, has high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. He is an all-round development of an old comrade, and his physical fitness is even worse than what he boasts about. The pressure felt when the bearded man stares is inversely proportional. He is a very weak old man.

To sum up, Mr. Li, the school janitor who was pushed somersaulted, fell down and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage due to emotional excitement, and could not get up again. The few members of the public were also shocked and directly Just grease the soles of my feet and run away.

In the end, Mr. Li was taken by three girls to take a taxi back to the school's medical school. Although the deputy dean and several experienced graduate students tried their best, they still could not bring Mr. Li back from hell, and he left that night. .

After that, the senior management of the college who understood the cause and effect of the incident first awarded the old man the [Lifetime Achievement Award], making him the first faculty member in the history of the college to enter the Hall of Fame as a school worker, and also single-handedly arranged the old man's future. It was a truly magnificent funeral.

The old man's only son, who graduated from Tanhua, received a huge pension. Later, he seemed to have a brother-sister relationship with one of the harassed girls and got married.

As for those who caused the old gentleman's accident, it was later proven that they were staff members of a newly opened club nearby. In addition to normal business, they usually look for good-looking girls for their young boss. In view of the fact that the young boss is young, wealthy, and He is rich and handsome. Although he has done many dirty things, he has never been punished by the law until now. He has even become more and more prosperous. He even has a lawyer under his command who specially wipes his own butt. Department, the energy can be said to be quite large.

It's a pity that this second-generation ancestor who originally caused trouble to others in other provinces did not conduct a thorough investigation of the intelligence before landing in City B. When choosing the location, he thought that there must be a lot of beautiful girls in this kind of private university, but he never thought of investigating. The composition of this university.

Therefore, on the second night after he was amused by the "glorious funeral" that Tan Hua performed for the old school worker, and ordered his legal department to be prepared and waiting for the "guests" at any time, he was beaten by a group of The heavily armed policeman got out of bed, loaded the car and drove away without even having a chance to make a phone call.

After that, the young boss only remembered that he met a police officer who seemed to be easy to talk to in the station, and then he couldn't remember things clearly. When he regained consciousness again, he found that he had inexplicably gained a whole A stack of incriminating evidence on A4 paper, and all of them are of high quality, quantity and authenticity!

The rest is not interesting anymore. To put it simply, the young boss who ruined many young girls and young girls, and even caused a lot of deaths, and his gang of underlings were punished for several crimes. They were all dealt with severely, including the young boss. Two of them were sentenced to death, and the rest were all without life. In the process of trying to find people, his powerful father was also exposed for "bad conduct, improper style" and other issues and was suspended for investigation. After the investigation began, He died on the street on the third day. What a coincidence, he also died of cerebral hemorrhage.

"Here's a cerebral hemorrhage...I always feel like I'm a little bit..."

At that time, Mr. Li, the school janitor, or the 'ghost of Mr. Li, the school janitor' passed through his body. His whole body shivered subconsciously. Mo Tangan smiled and said this, and then gave a slight gesture to this brave old man. A gift.

The old school janitor who was wearing reading glasses and sportswear, with a dustpan in his left hand and a broom in his right hand, also turned to look at him, showed a smile that conservatively estimated to be missing half a row of teeth, and nodded kindly.

Then the two of them walked away from each other. Mr. Li continued to work on the work that he had not completely given up even after he died, while Mo Tan continued to look for him. He knew that he would never find it, but he had to bite the bullet and look for it to the end. The third experimental building.

Finally, after experiencing a series of messy but innocuous 'weirdnesses' such as the ghost of the old school worker, tomatoes that could play cards, big eyes flying leisurely in mid-air, guinea pigs that could speak French, etc., Mo Tan's mentality finally came to an end. There was a little wavering, and a ray of reasonable and reasonable negative emotions emerged.

He couldn't help but feel negative emotions, because this feeling of being lost was actually very uncomfortable, especially when his phone and watch were not around, and he couldn't even tell the time. Although Mo Tan had been keeping track of his pulse, this time It still doesn't help the current situation. Not only that, it was originally comforting to be able to hear voices even though you couldn't see anyone. But after a long time, this comfort will not only fade at an extremely fast speed, but will even change. It becomes a feeling of loneliness that one is excluded from the 'normal world', or it becomes more and more intense and out of control!

Under such circumstances, a normal person, let alone becoming agitated, might break down if his spirit is slightly fragile. After all, this feeling of being abandoned by everything around him, being surrounded by all kinds of unknown and weird things, and constantly searching hopelessly. When stacked together like stacking BUFFs, the lethality is definitely not as simple as 1+1+1=3, it is really easy to make people collapse.

But Mo Tan is not a normal person after all. In fact, even if he is under the "absolutely neutral" personality, I am afraid he will not be too flustered by this level of stimulation. The reason is very simple. He has been afraid of being sliced ​​and studied since he was a child. He has always been incompatible with everything around him. Although he later found a balance, he was never unfamiliar with the feeling of loneliness or alienation. It can even be said that that has been the main theme of his life for a long time.

As for the fact that I can't find the road no matter how hard I look...it's not just one or two days, there's nothing I can't get used to.

All in all, even under the 'Absolute Neutral' personality, Mo Tan would not be destroyed by this level of stimulation, let alone that at that time he happened to be in a 'Lawful Good' personality with an extremely strong spirit and extremely firm beliefs. So even if all the above-mentioned unpleasant factors were accumulated together, it would only make him feel a little anxious after wandering aimlessly for more than an hour.

To be honest, it’s just a little bit. The magnitude is about the same as when you play a card game with a delay of 300ms. It’s not uncomfortable at all. It’s definitely a bit uncomfortable, but you have to say how uncomfortable it is. In fact, it’s not uncomfortable. It’s really not that uncomfortable. After all, the mere 300ms delay will not delay you from playing quick-attack magic cards, nor will it cause you to miss any single point nine.

As a result, just after this trivial feeling of anxiety appeared, the situation really changed——


Mo Tan, who was walking on God knows which road on campus, suddenly stopped in his steps, and then suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction.

Theoretically, Ji Xiaoge, who was in class at the moment, naturally did not show up, but this time, the center of Mo Tan's field of vision was not as empty as before.

The figure whom Mo Tan mistook for an acquaintance was leaning quietly beside a green paulownia tree, looking at him calmly with those eyes that were not very bright.

Mo Tan himself fell into stagnation the moment he met the opponent's eyes, and even his thoughts were abruptly cut off for a moment.

It was a girl wearing Tanhua summer clothes, but the school uniform style was not the seventeenth generation that Mo Tan and others were wearing now, but the one that the latter had only seen on the school's official website, which was more than 20 years ago. The ninth generation school uniform.

Of course, the style of the school uniform is not the important point, and Mo Tan cannot stay where he is as if struck by lightning just because the other person is wearing a school uniform from more than twenty years ago. What really makes him confused is the other person's appearance and temperament.

She has a delicate oval face and a complexion that is not white enough to reflect light but is full of vitality and vigor. Her long black hair with a slight metallic sheen reaching her hips is casually spread behind her. Her figure is not that of a model that is generally appreciated by the world. Tall, but with a slender and graceful look unique to the East. Under the slender eyelashes, those eyes are not very bright, but they are misty and bright and soft, just like the one in the night that may not be the most dazzling, but is always willing to serve you. The stars that light the way forward...

What's more, it's hard to describe her with words. I can only say that she has a kind of beauty that is not captivating but incomparable. In terms of temperament, she can only be described with the word "beautiful". …

From an objective point of view, this is actually somewhat unreasonable. After all, temperament itself is an inexplicable thing, and the words used to combine it are usually intellectual, majestic, cold, and cold. Healing, etc., and the word 'beautiful' is almost impossible to associate with people and temperament.

But the person in front of Mo Tan was able to interpret this concept vividly.

As the saying goes——

Without the application of powder and daisy, it will be as beautiful as ever.


Mo Tan suddenly raised his hands and patted his cheek hard, finally forcing himself back to consciousness. At the same time, he fully realized that the woman in front of him was nothing like Ji Xiaoge.

Yes, it’s not similar at all. In fact, if we look at her appearance alone, compared to the woman in front of her, Ji Xiaoge is even more similar to her beautiful mother who once showed everyone photos, but...

Analyzing it from another angle, Mo Tan had to admit that the woman in front of him was very similar to Ji Xiaoge. To borrow the words of super popular idol Xue Yin, the soul wavelengths of the two people were too similar. They are so similar that even if others mistake them for the same person at first sight, they won't find it strange at all.

【Mo Ya Pigeon...】

To this day, I still remember the scene when Director Pang accidentally called the wrong name of Ji Xiaoge. Mo Tan immediately guessed the name of the girl in front of him.

By the way, Mo Tan doesn't think he has anything to do with the girl in front of him. They couldn't even be the same family five hundred years ago. The reason is very simple. Although everyone is named Mo, the reason why Mo Tan is called this is because The old lady who was the director of his orphanage especially liked to give unnamed children unpopular surnames, saying that this was to pass on classical culture.

In other words, Mo Tan could actually be given any unusual surname, it could be Mo, or it could be Rang Si, Yang Tongue, Lu, Ren, Kui, Feng, or even 'Ximen' or 'Fifth'. This kind of surname may have almost become a joke, or it may not look like a surname either vertically or horizontally.

Therefore, he and Mo Yage must have nothing to do with each other. Putting aside the surname, just from the perspective of appearance, there is absolutely no possibility that the two parties have any relationship.

Ji Xiaoge, on the other hand...may have something to do with this stunning woman who has no blind spots except for lacking a little bit of 'spirituality'.

While thinking this, Mo Tan carefully took a few steps toward the woman who was probably called "Mo Ya Ge" and was looking at him. He was not shaken by her beauty at all.

The latter showed a faint smile when Mo Tan was about five meters away from him, took two steps in a certain direction, and then disappeared.

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his eyes vigorously. After confirming that the other party was really gone, he thought briefly for a while, and then ran quickly in the direction where the other party left. There happened to be a trail there.

A moment later, when Mo Tan returned to the road and appeared near a certain college building, the figure suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision again. After Mo Tan turned his sight away, he took steps again and walked in a certain direction. , and disappeared again after taking a few steps.

This time, Mo Tan didn't even hesitate. After the other party's figure disappeared, he immediately ran in the corresponding direction, and then saw the woman for the third time somewhere ten minutes later...

This process was repeated seven times.

And when Mo Tan followed the other party's 'guidance' for the last time and saw the woman's figure again at a certain intersection, the latter did not turn to look at him like the previous times, but was stunned. He looked blankly at another person not far away.


The father of the Ji sisters smiled and extended his right hand to the girl not far away who looked about twenty years younger than him: "I'm here to find you..."

"Why... why did you wake up so early..."

"No, I woke up too late."


"follow me."

"No, we have to go..."

"You've already been there."


"So come with me, it's all over."

"Don't cry..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, give me your hand."


Chapter 1,682: End

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