Quadruple split

Chapter 1692 Longing and Reliance

Just like that, the figure who had been guiding Mo Tan walked forward meekly, placed his right hand on the palm of the father of the Ji sisters, and then disappeared in a hazy light.

Mo Tan had a hunch that this time the other party did not just disappear briefly like when he led him before, but actually 'disappeared' in the true sense.

In Ji Wutong's hand, there was an unattractive-looking pebble.

"Make it easy for me to find..."

He stared at the round pebble in his palm with some complicated eyes. After a while, he smiled and put it into his jacket pocket. He murmured in a low voice: "I didn't expect it to be true." In school, it’s what’s called a dark bar under the lights.”



Standing a few meters away, Mo Tan, who had just been unable to say hello because of some nervousness, finally stopped being silent. He coughed lightly and waved to Ji Wutong, who was muttering: "Uncle Ji?"

Ji Wutong frowned and turned to look at Mo Tan: "Ah? Why are you still here?"

Although it was clear that the other person was not a serious person, Mo Tan was still a little hypertensive due to the incomprehensible expression on the person in front of him. However, considering that he was still very cultivated and qualified under his current personality, after all, Still politely replied: "Yes, because my mobile phone and watch are still in your hands, and my glasses have not been returned to you yet."

"You little brat, you have a good temper."

Ji Wutong smacked his lips, then walked to Mo Tan with a swaying step, took out the latter's mobile phone and the little genius phone watch from his trouser pocket and handed them back to him, then raised his hand and removed Mo Tan's face. Shang took off his rather powerful pair of glasses and asked cheerfully: "Do you have any last words?"

Mo Tan:? ? ?

"Haha, just kidding~"

Ji Wutong laughed and patted Mo Tan's shoulder, raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean, I'm going to make you forget this experience as we agreed before. Before that, do you have anything else to say? Did I say that? Let me tell you in advance that I will never allow my daughter to fall in love prematurely!"

[It’s no longer considered puppy love at this age...]

Mo Tan complained silently in his heart, but he did not dare to say it openly. After all, the man in front of him was not only a serious womanizer, but also a 'superman' in the literal sense. If he really misunderstood that he had feelings for Ji Xiaoge or Ji Xiao If Dao has any evil thoughts, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

"To be honest, there are too many questions to ask."

After a brief silence, Mo Tan scratched his hair in confusion, then shook his head and said, "But then I thought, since I would forget if I asked, I feel like I don't have anything to ask."

Ji Wutong nodded with a half-smile: "So? Your answer is 'nothing to ask'?"

"That would be such a loss."

Mo Tan smiled and said casually: "I met an old school janitor in front of the main building who should have been there three years ago."

"I've heard about Mr. Li, even though I had already graduated when he came to work here."

Ji Wutong understood immediately and said in a brisk tone: "As you know, he did die three years ago because of his bravery, but... I heard that it seemed that it was because the old man had a deep obsession, so he didn't just die He went to hell neatly, but continued to stay in the world as an earthbound spirit, and the place where he was bound was not a school at first, but his son's home in T city next door."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment: "His son's house?"

"Yeah, he's just such a precious son, and he's got a son from old age, so he's probably worried about it."

Ji Wutong nodded, shrugged and said, "After knowing that his son was getting married, the old man stopped worrying about it. He even got out of that confused state and turned into a sane ghost, and then ran away from his son's house. "

Mo Tan was stunned again and said in astonishment: "Escaped?"

"Yeah, escaped."

Ji Wutong folded his arms and nodded seriously, saying seriously: "Do you know what it means that humans and ghosts have different paths? This is not just as simple as two parties not being able to fall in love. You must know that in most cases, ghosts The yin energy emitted by it can be said to be harmful to ordinary people but not beneficial at all. Of course, it is certainly not as evil as shown in the movie. It is definitely not harmful to kill someone after being exposed to it for two days, but if you live in an environment with yin energy for many years, The physical and mental impact will be huge."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said suddenly: "That's it."

"No, it's more than that."

Ji Wutong shook his finger and continued to say seriously: "If a young couple lives in this environment, then even if no safety measures are taken, the probability of the woman getting pregnant will be infinitely close to zero, and she can get pregnant by accident. When she was pregnant, as long as the child was not born with a purely yang body, it would basically die in infancy, so she was vaguely aware that she might cause trouble to her son and daughter-in-law, and might even cause the old man who was the last in the family to run away from home. "

Mo Tan listened with great interest, and said with emotion: "The old gentleman still loves the child, but what happened next? He knows how to go to school?"

"No, he almost died outside."

Ji Wutong twitched his lips, spread his hands and said, "But you, the school director, arrived at the critical moment to save him and brought the old man's remnant soul back here. Since he can't go to hell for the time being because of the damage to his seven souls, so Let him slowly recover in the school. The feng shui here is good and the aura is sufficient. It is not only suitable for the old gentleman to recover, but also protects the students from being infected by yin energy. In short... you can understand it as something like a mascot. I think he will have to wait at least another twenty years before he can re-enter reincarnation."

After hearing this, Mo Tan digested it for a long time, then nodded with half understanding, and then asked: "Then I also saw two tomatoes playing cards..."

"Tomato essence."

Ji Wutong answered without hesitation, and said with a clear face: "Didn't I tell you that this place is full of outstanding people? As long as time is long enough, there will be some inexplicable opportunities, such as tomatoes, potatoes, kohlrabi, etc." It's possible to become a spirit even with noodles. After becoming a spirit, if you open your spiritual wisdom, wouldn't it be easy to play cards or something?"

Mo Tan: "...Then I also saw eyes with wings that could fly in the sky."

"Oh, that's a very low-level monster. Do you remember the monsters I said before? This is not one word, but four words. The old school janitor is obviously a ghost. Tomatoes who can play cards are naturally It is a demon. As for the eyeball you just mentioned, it is the so-called demon. However, although that thing is a demon, it is relatively timid and gentle by nature, so no one will deal with it if it only flutters occasionally. "

"Well, then I met the guinea pig who always speaks French..."

"Oh, that's the so-called weird thing."

"Strange means..."

"Things with allusions such as Qilin, Shenlong, Taotie, Lushu, Fox Fairy, etc. are all monsters. For example, if you rub something, the genie of the lamp will appear and your wishes will come true. It is not a 'demon' that turns an oil lamp into a spirit, but a monster that comes from a place of origin. The 'strange' allusion to the djinn."

"So what's wrong with that guinea pig that speaks French..."

"The cup cat looks like a guinea pig but was called a cat by the ancients. The cubs are so small that they can even be placed in a wine cup, so they are also called 'cat cups'."

"Well, although it feels a little weird, it doesn't matter."

Mo Tan shook his head, threw the cat he met before out of his mind, and then asked his last question of the day: "So, who brought me here..."

"Ha, sure enough, even if you know that this may not be a very convenient question to answer, you will still try to ask it."

Ji Wutong smacked his lips, and then put on an expression that said, "I can't do anything with you." He said in a lack of interest: "The person who brought you here is not a monster, but a missing person."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, not showing much surprise at this new term. The reason was simply that he had heard so many new terms today that he was somewhat immune to it.

"The Thought Body is a very wonderful thing. It is an extension of the main body's will. The principle of its formation is mysterious and mysterious. The secrets behind it are difficult for even a knowledgeable person like me to pry into, so I can't explain too much to you. "

Ji Wutong patted his jacket pocket lightly, smiled at Mo Tan and said, "Anyway, what I asked you to do is to find the missing body just now and obtain its props."

"Reliance object?"

Mo Tan repeated something in a low voice, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, apparently he had guessed what the so-called possession was.

"That's right, it's that ugly pebble in my pocket."

Ji Wutong sat on the steps in front of the third experimental building, holding his chin and said to Mo Tan: "Because pure will is too fragile, so fragile that it will die naturally if you just leave it alone. Don't people often say that "My thoughts are pinned on something," or something like that? That's probably what it means, but as long as the object is a concrete substance, it doesn't matter what it is."

Mo Tan nodded in understanding. He didn't fully understand, but he didn't seem entangled. After all, according to logic, he would forget all this soon, so it was the correct attitude to listen to these as stories.

"Well, that's the end of question time, thank you very much for today, young man."

As he disappeared on the steps, he quietly appeared behind Mo Tan. Ji Wutong, who hugged his shoulders, grinned: "I'll remember this favor."

After that, Mo Tan felt his vision go dark. When he regained consciousness, he had returned to the utility room of the main building and had been tampered with intensively. Including this experience, he had been tampered with by others four times in total. memory.

We already know what happened next. In less than half an hour, Mo Tan recovered all his memories after a passive personality transformation, and immediately gave himself extremely strong psychological hints. Until just now Just untied it.

Real time PM18:21

Mo Tan, who had sorted out everything that happened today and drank the last sip of coffee, stood up, returned to the computer in the living room, grabbed the headphones and put them on his head, then quickly turned on the player and listened to three songs at random. The song queen Xueyin let out a long sigh of relief, and her frowning eyebrows finally relaxed.

As always, stay the same to cope with the ever-changing situation...

This is Mo Tan's plan for himself in real life in the future. To put it simply, it is the same as in the past. If possible, collect some intelligence while ensuring safety. If conditions do not allow, just act as an ordinary person without distraction. At the same time, Try to avoid dealing with the parents of any other friends besides Idong, because those people are not economical.

To be honest, this decision is very much in line with Mo Tan's interests and ideas under the two personalities of 'Absolute Neutral' and 'Lawful Good', but for him who is in 'Chaotic Neutral' at this moment, such a passive response is like a backwater. But it was hard to make him feel happy.

All in all, after this far from peaceful day, Mo Tan finally left everything in reality behind and lay down in the game cabin.

Game time AM07:07

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Southwest continent, northern part of the Chauvin Empire, temporary fortress [Avalon]

In the quiet dark room, the man who had become the de facto master of this country and this territory, but who was disdainful of all this, slowly opened his eyes and left the broad and towering black mist beneath him. of the throne.

But strictly speaking, it is not actually a throne, but an 'analyser' and a 'sampling device' tailor-made for it by Merlin. The design of the throne was Gawen's suggestion. As for the king on the throne, it was just in the process. China has full authority to cooperate.

Of course, this does not mean that he is at the mercy of others, the king just doesn't care.


His dark eyes were neither happy nor sad. He just murmured, and then shook his head gently: "But it's not enough... At best, it can delay a little time."

The not-so-tall figure slowly stood up and stepped down from his throne step by step. His broad cloak, like thin smoke, quietly brushed across the ground, tirelessly wiping away all the traces left by the great prisoner.

"Pure will is too fragile, so fragile that it will die naturally if you just leave it alone...I see."

He slowly closed his eyes, stared at himself calmly, and began to examine this stranger from an angle he had never imagined before, and soon revealed an intriguing smile——

"It's really too fragile."

After a moment of silence, he smiled even happier...

"I found it, the best possession body."

Chapter 1,683: End

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