Quadruple split

Chapter 1693 Countless Evils

"What is the body?"

A cool and sweet voice sounded close by. Ji Xiaodao, who had never worn a dress since Mo completely took Shawen under his control, quietly appeared at the door and casually lit up the clothes she had deliberately arranged on the wall. The fluorescent white crystal tube slowly walked to Mo, waiting for the other party to give him an answer.

The latter just glanced at her indifferently and didn't say a word more about the 'penyi body' this time. He just asked without any emotion: "Is there any change?"

"Arthur received the news that Princess Gaweier was about to get engaged to Fast Howard on Valentine's Day outside the game, which is the 4th of Song of the Moon. He changed his original plan and directly led [Black Blade] 】The first and second combat orders took the initiative and encountered the first advance army of the newly formed 19th battle group early this morning during the game time. They completely wiped out the opponent at a very small cost and persuaded the advance army to surrender. The commander-in-chief, the epic knight lord Milanson Valyria.”

Without thinking, Ji Xiaodao immediately recounted the situation she learned in detail. Although it was concise and concise, she did not miss any details: "Currently, we have contacted Griffin's Eliza Logan The princess has communicated about the transfer of the Milanson family, and Gawen will personally oversee the handover, which should ensure that nothing goes wrong. In addition, Arthur did not stay or turn back after defeating the opponent's first advance army, but led the black The Frontier Chapter continued to advance westward, and two hours before the game time, they attacked the second stronghold of the newly formed 19th Chapter at Lavenders Pass. It was the second advance army sent from the Rhinohorn Fortress. At present, the opponent The entire army has been wiped out, and [Black Blade] is very slightly damaged and is being repaired on the spot under Arthur's order."

"There is no problem with Arthur's decision..."

Mo turned to look at the huge tactical chart hanging on the side of the wall, and there was no emotion in his tone: "Gaweier Logan obviously has a considerable degree of malice towards the Howard family, and this malice can give us worse results than the worst." We plan to have about three times more time and space. In this case, it is not in our interests to fight and retreat, so Arthur will not retreat but advance because he knows very well that the Rhinoceros Horn Fortress will be in danger for a long time in the future. They will not receive any effective support.”

Ji Xiaodao nodded lightly at first, and then suddenly showed a melting smile: "You talk a lot today."

"Later, tell Gawen what you just said."

Mo ignored the girl's teasing and just said calmly: "By the way, I want to tell her that in the absence of direct orders from me, all military operations are subject to the judgment of [White King] Arthur. Do not do anything other than report the situation." Anything superfluous.”

Ji Xiaodao shrugged, crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you tell her yourself? Don't you often send messages to talk about business?"

Mo didn't speak, just glanced at Ji Xiaodao lightly.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I will tell Gawen later."

Ji Xiaodao snorted, and then asked curiously: "Speaking of which, you went to school really early today. Is there something wrong? Or do you want to have a meeting with Jiawen and Meilin?"

This time Mo was silent for a long time, then shook his head slightly and asked, "How's it going over there with Merlin?"

"To be honest, it's not that good. Although the progress of various necessary projects is progressing steadily, his mood is indeed getting worse."

The cold-looking dark elf girl shook her head and said helplessly: "The reason why he was able to settle down when he was in the imperial capital was because both Garros and Osiris could be his assistants for a long time. , but now... the only one who can help is the 'Yin Tian' beside Gawen, and she obviously doesn't like the working atmosphere of Avalon Laboratory. I can completely understand this, and it can make Merlin feel comfortable. The working environment is inherently difficult for others to like.”

Mo nodded, and then said calmly: "Let him stop all projects below level two, since he can't find a suitable assistant for a while."

"He won't be happy."

Ji Xiaodao twitched the corners of his lips and said firmly: "He is now full of assistants with IQs above 200."

"That's his business."

Mo said lightly, his eyes still fixed on the large tactical map: "What did the Dream Kingdom say..."

"Yesterday, I only verbally condemned the bad behavior of the Griffin Dynasty. On the surface, it is no different from the Silver Wings Alliance and the Adolf Free Territory."

Ji Xiaodao also looked at the map on the wall and added: "However, Lamorlock has contacted here and said that the higher-ups have secretly sent him to the southern border of the Dream Kingdom to prepare for war. If nothing else happens, he shouldn't have to wait too long. .”

Mo nodded slightly and continued to stare at the tactical chart for a while before turning around, walking back to his throne and sitting down, slowly closing his eyes.

"Are you planning to stop now? How long have you been here?"

Ji Xiaodao walked briskly to him and frowned: "Would you like to go out for a walk? The weather outside seems to be pretty good. Although the weather will definitely change after you go out, if you are lucky, you can still... well, forget it, You’re not the kind of person who knows how to bask in the sun anyway.”

"Neither do you."

"Hey, I just wanted to say, are you in a particularly good mood today?"

"not at all."

"I'm not in a good mood because it's rare for my sister to get angry. Although I don't know the specific circumstances, it should be someone she knows in the game."


"Today, a friend suggested that I just investigate. I think this is a good idea. It just so happens that the department under Jiawen has been officially in operation for a long time. I plan to let them collect a little information about my sister and her group. Do you have any objections? "


"If you have any objections, please let me know. I'll do the same to Wanderers Inn and the Thieves Guild."


"Well, it seems you have no objection."




"There's going to be chaos in the northwest, right?"


"The people are in dire straits and their lives are in ruins?"

"Are you playing Solitaire alone?"

"I just think that although the term "helping the emperor to do evil" is a bit unfair to the 'Shang Zhou', it is indeed a good word."

"think too much."

"Are you comforting me? Or do you think you are not doing anything bad?"


The pair of ink-like black eyes behind the mask opened slightly and calmly stared at the elf with silver hair as bright as the moonlight: "You just don't deserve to be here with me to 'help evil'. That's Merlin's mission and Gawen's." Work, but it has nothing to do with you.”

Ji Xiaodao's eyes narrowed: "You..."

"From the beginning, your presence or absence will not have any impact on the situation. If you are here, no additional innocent person will be sent into the abyss. If you are not there, no one will be saved."

Mo just stared at the girl's slightly contracted eyes, and said calmly: "You are different from others, Silent Prayer, you are neither important nor valuable."

As a result, after hearing these words, Ji Xiaodao just smiled and said noncommittally: "I'm really sorry."

After that, Mo quickly closed his eyes again, and quietly left the realm of innocence in a few seconds.

Ji Xiaodao, on the other hand, was sitting slantedly on the too-wide armrest of the throne, hugging his knees and lowering his eyes in deep thought, occasionally raising an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth.

Game time AM10:27

Northwest Continent, outside the southern border of the Principality of Freya, on a shoal along the west edge of the Gold Rush Triangle

"Well done, you are so well done!"

A beautiful young girl with pure white wings, wearing exquisite and unique goggles, dripping with sweat, clapped her hands murderously, looked at the two slightly stooped companions in front of her with a smile and asked: "Aren't you very happy to do something brave for justice? ? Isn’t it a special sense of accomplishment to risk your life to kill the bad guys? Isn’t it very exciting that the two of you almost fell into trouble? "

Ya Ya nodded tremblingly and muttered incoherently: "Exciting..."

Ji Xiaoge stared with almond-shaped eyes: "Exciting?!"


Yaya was so frightened at that time that she shook her head like a rattle: "It's not exciting!"

"Song of the Night……"

Mo Tan, who had been trained with Ya Ya for ten minutes, coughed lightly and whispered: "What, we..."

"What are you! Ya Ya is not sensible and you are not sensible either?"

Ji Xiaoge fluttered her wings and flew in front of Mo Tan, and forcefully poked the scales between the latter's eyebrows. She bit her silver teeth and said, "I know you are a good person, and I don't want those scum to continue to cause harm to the world. I don't want those scum to continue to cause harm to the world." The innocent and beautiful girl was brutally murdered, but this is definitely not the reason for you to risk your life with Yaya!"

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I thought I was sure..."

"Do you think?"

Ji Xiaoge widened her beautiful eyes and repeated this sentence heavily.

"I was wrong."

Mo Tan immediately raised his hands and surrendered without hesitation, admitting his mistake simply and neatly. He had no choice, not to mention that he couldn't lie under his current personality. Even if he could, he would have flown to join Yaya before the end of his fragment, leaving behind Ji Xiaoge, who had told the story exactly three times, would not be easily fooled.

So since it was a fact that 'almost got both of them involved', Mo Tan gave up the idea of ​​struggling for a few more words and readily admitted his mistake.

Although Mo Tan knew very well that the reason why Ji Xiaoge lost such a temper was not entirely because the two of them were almost in danger, but also a large part of the reason because he did not take her with him this time, he had no objection at all. After all...

"I'm a player! Just like you, I'm a player who can't play another round! I have as many lives as I want, but not Yaya!"

Ji Xiaoge, who became more and more angry as he spoke, stretched out his hands, pinched both sides of Mo Tan's cheeks hard, and said angrily: "Next time you need someone to lead the way, can you take this factor into consideration!"


While Mo Tan was being pinched by Ji Xiaoge, he struggled to answer: "I promise to think twice next time. Miss Ye Ge, you have a lot of money, so just spare us this time."


I received a message from Mo Tan early in the morning. After roughly understanding the ins and outs of the matter, I chose to fly over to meet the two of them. As a result, Mo Tan lost contact just after taking off and was suspected of being disconnected. After successfully rendezvousing with Ya Ya and thoroughly figuring out the matter. Ji Xiaoge, who was furious, let out a loud 'snort', stepped hard on the black sandalwood shoe, and glared at Yaya: "I won't do this next time, you know!"

Mo Tan/Ya Ya: "I know (woof)! I know (woof)!"

"As long as you know..."

Ji Xiaoge, who was a little tired himself, breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Mo Tan, took a sip of the juice that the latter kindly offered, and asked angrily: "So, are you sure you have killed those people?" Catch them all in one fell swoop?”

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said meekly: "That's right. The leader of that organization is a female player, and the cadres are basically his NPC male favorites. It is impossible for this kind of group to act separately under normal circumstances. I was It has been confirmed that everyone in the opponent's stronghold has been killed, so the possibility of someone slipping through the trap is very small."

"Well, that's good, these people should die ten thousand times."

Ji Xiaoge waved his fist angrily, then suddenly grabbed Mo Tan's arm and asked: "By the way, where are the collaborators who have relations with them? Those who run evil businesses, those who pawned [Hunting Makeup] Where are the people under the umbrella, we... uh..."

Perhaps because he suddenly noticed the wry smile on Mo Tan's lips, Ji Xiaoge did not continue speaking, but looked at the other person cautiously with her lips pursed.

"There's nothing we can do."

After a long while, Mo Tan let out a long sigh, shook his head and said: "As far as I know, [Hunting Zhuang] has connections all over the entire Gold Rush Triangle, and those existences may be huge or deeply hidden, not to mention whether we can To deal with it, even finding them is extremely difficult, and the most important thing is...this kind of evil cannot be eradicated."

Unable to refute Mo Tan, but a little dissatisfied, Ji Xiaoge bit her teeth lightly and muttered in a low voice: "But I still don't want to turn a blind eye to that kind of behavior..."

"We have never turned a blind eye to this kind of thing. Not to mention the time in Caselo Grassland. Even in this gold rush triangle, I will represent our team of adventurers to do justice for God."

Mo Tan smiled at Ji Xiaoge and patted her twice on the shoulder: "We have always been worthy of our own justice, no matter in the past, present or future."

"You have to work hard to become stronger..."

Ji Xiaoge clenched his fists hard and said sternly to Mo Tan: "Leave aside the accusation of guilt and controversy, even if it is to deepen the capital when the road is bumpy in the future, we must work hard to become more powerful."

"Haha, with greater ability comes greater responsibility, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"The same goes for you. There are so many evil people doing bad things now. In order to prevent everyone from being aggrieved in the future, you, the captain, must set an example."

"Yes yes yes~"

Chapter 1,684: End

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