Quadruple split

Chapter 1706 Breaking in

Game time PM18:34

The northern border of the Holy Religion Union, over the plains of [Kalil] in the outskirts of Doumbuya City


Lana Bladethorn, who was flying at the front of the team and had been gradually slowing down since five minutes ago, finally stopped moving completely. She turned around and looked solemnly at the people behind her, headed by Riley. Although Each one of them exuded surging fighting spirit and murderous intent, but basically had various injuries of various sizes on their bodies. None of the nearly a thousand harpies in full condition showed a faint smile.

Like her, these people were all members of the bodyguard of the Lacerated Queen in the past. They were also their former captain and the most loyal supporters of the current [Deathclaw Queen] Celine Blackwood. Their battered bodies This is the best evidence, because only those who put their own life and death aside, are the most loyal, dare to fight, dare to charge, and dare to fight will accept orders without hesitation, and have not been 'left behind' all the way here.

Yes, there were actually people who were 'left behind' in the process. Maybe they felt fear, maybe their loyalty was not absolute enough, or maybe they thought the Queen had betrayed them as Riley said. In short, Lana turned a blind eye on purpose. With one eye closed, about a hundred people disappeared on the way from the Blood Feather Platform to here.

This was the last mercy of Lana Bladethorn, who was cruel and vicious to her enemies but always left some leeway in front of her own people. She knew very well that compared to the more than 800 people she led, those who were left behind had a better chance of survival. Much more elusive.

We are all barbarians who are incompatible with the outside world and cannot survive in a peaceful environment. They are useless except for killing, plundering, eating, and mating. Therefore, we are destined to be unable to leave here and go to the outside civilization without guidance. world life.

But it is difficult for the traitors to continue to survive in the north. It would be fine if they died, but as long as they live, they are the traitors of the Blood Feather Mesa, and outside the Blood Feather Mesa, there is no single harpy. There may be some good end, just like the lizardfolk, duergar or quilboar who get lost or lost in the Bloodfeather Mesa, only to be brutally killed after a short life as a mating tool or a slave.


[Go to Skolk. Although they are also unable to protect themselves, at least they will not be killed immediately. Perhaps... they can also get some food, treatment and care from the remaining conscience in this northern land. 】

Sighing silently in her heart, Lana, who had received some warmth and knowledge from her slave father in her childhood, shook her head, throwing away those messy weak thoughts, and her sharp eyes slowly turned from the sisters in front of her. Scanned on them -

"The queen orders us to take revenge on the city of Doumbouya on behalf of the Blood Feather Platform; the queen orders you to follow my command after departure."

She said calmly in a voice that was not high-pitched but was enough to reach the ears of everyone in front of her: "Now, we have arrived at the Kalil Plain, and further ahead is the defense zone of Doumbouya City."

The team, which had almost no one communicating with each other, suddenly became quiet. Everyone stared at Lana with burning eyes. As the latter expected, the people who could follow them all the way here are the people in this team who are absolutely loyal to the queen. In their eyes, everyone, including Riley, who seemed to be shaken before, but actually admired the queen very much, was willing to die for the queen anytime, anywhere.

It is precisely because of this that Lana vowed to bring these people back alive.

The Lacerated Queen has become a thing of the past, and those remnants of her have been wiped out long ago, so no one cares about the outcome of this 'revenge', but now this team is the sharpest knife in the Queen's hand, even though The combat effectiveness has declined significantly due to the previous months of battles, but if they can return alive, these people will definitely be the absolute core of the future military strength of the Blood Feather Platform and the most perfect foundation force!

"Listen carefully, next, we will carry out a sustained and high-intensity attack on those magicians."

Lana narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice: "I don't need to tell you that everyone must know that this process is very dangerous, because although the enemies are weak, they often like to sacrifice everything for those ridiculous gods, including their humble lives. , so everyone should not take it lightly. We may be thugs in the eyes of others, but those lunatics who have been brainwashed by religion and are disgusting from the inside out are equally difficult to deal with. Remember, you cannot be held back no matter what, you can soar. We in Skyrim are far more mobile than those magic sticks, so you must follow me closely. Falling behind means death! It means that we can no longer be loyal to the queen!"


Riley was the first to raise her wings and growl her answer in a sharp, high-pitched voice.


The other harpies also raised their wings uniformly and agreed in unison with murderous intent.

"Very good! Then let us play, play with, and tear apart those damn magic sticks! Let those madmen know who is the master of this sky!"

Lana grinned and shouted loudly: "Then, after giving this stupid city enough lessons, we will return to the Blood Feather Terrace with full honors, return to the Queen, and continue to be loyal to her! Listen up, everyone, This is not our first stop, nor is it our last stop. Protect yourself and don’t bleed and get hurt needlessly, this is not qualified to be our final resting place!”


More than eight hundred harpies shouted loudly at the same time, and their eyes lit up.

These people who are called blood barbarians by the outside world are not stupid. They may be rude, savage, crazy and depraved, but they will not fail to understand Lana's implication, let alone fight in vain if they can continue to survive. Lose your life.

In other words, everyone's mentality has become more active after Lana said the last sentence. At the same time, they also immediately gave up the mentality of "kill one to make up for the loss, kill two to make profit", and no longer thought about burning the boat, Instead of fighting against the odds, he began to think about how to fight the next battle 'smarter'.

The queen simply ordered them to "revenge" in a concise and concise manner. Although she did not say that everyone should go back early after their work was done, she did not emphasize that they must fight to the last soldier.

But Lana, who was leading the team, bluntly stated at this moment that everyone wanted to go back alive, directly completing the characterization of this 'revenge operation'.

Harassment! roundabout! contain! Causing chaos! Then...run away!

As Lana said before, the glory may belong to the Holy Religion Union, but it will never lose to any harpy in the Blood Feather Mesa.

Like other blood barbarians, they may fight for survival, desire and even loyalty, but they will never care about the glory in the eyes of others, and they don't even have the concept of shame.

In order to achieve the goal, no matter what the means, it doesn't matter if someone pokes the back and scolds, or leaves scars on the back, this is the essence of the blood barbarian.

This kind of existence is undoubtedly twisted. Although they are very similar in physical structure to their counterparts in the civilized world, in essence, they are existences that can almost be defined as another kind of creature.

This is not an exaggeration, because even in the reality outside the "Innocence Realm", it is difficult for us to understand the difference between some existences who have committed the most egregious crimes or performed great deeds that shock the world and us ordinary people. Belonging to the same ethnic group, although this is not a problem in the field of biology.

All in all, just as many people refuse to admit that they are in the same group as those who are against humanity (such as trying to violate animals), the vast majority of the lizard people, harpies, and wild boar people in the Innocence Realm know the details of the blood barbarians. Neither the gray dwarves nor the gray dwarves recognize that they are their 'kind'.

To put it simply, it means that ‘the three views are not unified’.

Of course, blood barbarians are not inherently bad. In fact, among those barbarians, there are indeed many people who yearn for a civilized world and a peaceful life. However, except for a few people, those people either became slaves or died in a certain place. In the gutter, or joining Skolke who is tantamount to hanging his head on his belt, the ending will not be too good.

And it is precisely because of the "inconsistency of three views" that Skolk and the Holy Cult can be as ruthless and deadly as the opponent when fighting against the blood barbarians. They can only regain their foundation when they can protect themselves and gain a crushing advantage. Morality and outlook.

"In a moment, we will invade their northernmost defense zone first."

Lana stated her plan quickly, with an extremely serious expression: "That's the outermost perimeter of Doumbouya City's defense line. It has the least number of magic sticks stationed nearby, and they are mainly scouts. Although there are many can Positions that echo each other from afar, but our movements are much faster than theirs, so it doesn’t matter even if we are discovered immediately, as long as we break away cleanly enough and transfer quickly enough, they can only be led by our noses!"

All the harpies nodded at the same time, and then took out weapons such as bows, arrows, claws, and stabbing swords. Their eyes gradually exuded a bloodthirsty and fierce light. This is one of the blood barbarian regional cultures and has almost no side effects. [Bloodthirst], although it cannot even compare with the basic [Berserk] of the berserker and the low-level [Bloodthirst] of the shaman, it is better than the universal city and the load is very low. In short, it is a very cost-effective method. talent.

"Remember, our goal is to create chaos and make Doumbouya City feel like a powerful enemy, not to kill those magicians."

Lana also pulled out her short spear and said in a deep voice: "Don't forget that we have to go back alive, so we can't anger those magic sticks too much. So although everyone doesn't show mercy, at least try not to kill or provoke today, let alone If they want to continue to be loyal to the queen, they will strictly obey my orders and use that city as the center to repeatedly tear apart their two layers of defense on the outside. As long as they achieve enough results, they will immediately retreat eastward. .”


Riley, the second talker in the team, widened her eyes and said in astonishment: "Why don't we just turn back to the north?"

"No, the situation on the platform has finally stabilized. If we go back so soon, it will inevitably increase unnecessary variables."

As Queen Deathclaw's right-hand man, Lana is naturally much more considerate than her companions when thinking about things. She said without hesitation: "So after we leave here, we fly all the way east and rest for a while in the Boneyard. Go back around, although it is dangerous over there, but as long as everyone can work hard to protect themselves when fighting those magic sticks, with the combat effectiveness of our team, those dirty things in the Boneyard will not be able to do anything to us."


Everyone agreed in unison.

"very good."

Lana nodded with satisfaction, then turned around suddenly to face the direction of Doumbouya City, fluttered her broad wings vigorously, and shot out like an arrow from a string: "Let's go!"

In an instant, nearly a thousand fully armed harpies swept out like a ferocious dark cloud. With the hope of 'survival', the originally somewhat lifeless team had completely woken up and turned into that one again. The sharp blades of Queen Deathclaw are cruel, bloodthirsty and cunning!

Time flew by, and in less than ten minutes, this team led by Lana Bladethorn approached the edge of the third outer defense zone in the north of Dumbua City.

In view of the fact that the sky above the defense area is dotted with magical formations specially used to detect and track enemies, Lana has already led the sisters behind her to lower the height, and when they are less than 200 meters away from the outermost sentry tower of the third area , everyone is almost flying close to the ground.

Unfortunately, even though this move delayed them from being scanned out by a few minutes, the detection magic array that became denser the closer they got to the defense area finally discovered them, and at the same time, an extremely dazzling flash of light and fire erupted. An unusually high-pitched siren.

"Give up hiding!"

The moment the alarm sounded, Lana fluttered her wings and said sharply: "They can't react at this distance. Everyone, come together! Break into the position and attack without distinction!"

Just like that, everyone rushed up behind Lana, and the situation was indeed as the experienced leader expected. Although the outermost sentry tower burst out several offensive magical spells, and there were more than a dozen holy temples. The samurai rushed out, but not to mention that the few magical shots fired in a hurry were completely inaccurate. Even if they could hit people, they would hardly pose a threat to the harpies who had begun to charge in groups!

Although those Templars were desperately rushing to the outside of the defense line, their speed was too slow compared to the Harpies, so just half a minute later, the front Templar was still far away from the outside of the defense line. When they were nearly a hundred meters away, the first harpy had already rushed in, followed immediately by the second...the third...the tenth...the hundredth...


He was caught up in a thorn that rose from the ground, and turned into the purest fertilizer without even saying a word.

[Great Holy Word·Corriding Thorns]

Chapter 1,697: End

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