Quadruple split

Chapter 1707 The Divine Grace of Prosperity

"So what I just said..."

Philip Tolan, Holy Son of Abundance, turned his head and glanced at the two full circles of [Guards] members around him. He shook his head helplessly, and gently clenched his right hand, causing those who were involved in hundreds of surges to The moving reddish-brown mist, surrounded by a faint trace of blood, rose up from the ground, condensing into an extremely huge spear in mid-air that looked extremely ferocious, but was strangely filled with a holy aura. He raised his index finger and waved it down gently: "Captain Raymond did not ask you to come here to protect me. Please go and contain those blood barbarians. That is what you should do."


With a heart-stopping muffled sound, more than twenty harpies who could not dodge were directly smashed into the ground by the thorn spear, and were instantly crushed into the cold and hard earth, and even The pain didn't even have time to be felt, and it directly turned into nutrients and merged into the area. The visual effect was obviously very terrifying, but not only did it not make people feel scared or disgusted, it even unconsciously produced a plant that wanted to worship.

"May your souls return to the embrace of the goddess through this thorn bush."

In an instant, he used the miraculous 'Great Word' to kill more than a hundred harpies that rushed into the defense zone. Philip raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and murmured this , then he looked around at the sluggish-faced comrades around him, coughed heavily, and helplessly took on the airs of the deputy commander and said the truth: "What are you looking at? If something happens to you, I may not know." If something goes wrong, hurry up and contain the enemy, they are probably trying to run away."

The dozens of [Guards] members around them suddenly came to their senses as if they were awakening from a dream, and ran out without saying a word, leaving behind without any hesitation the people they had been guarding carefully just now, for fear of being damaged. His Royal Highness, the Holy Son of Pi, is no longer in the mood to care about the latter's life and death.

It's not that they suddenly had huge objections to Philip and wished that the latter would be killed, it was because the strength displayed by His Royal Highness the Holy Son was too domineering, even though they had repeatedly emphasized before the enemy invaded that they were still "Somewhat capable" still uses the kind of expression that can be heard as modest if you have some emotional intelligence. However, under the stereotype, everyone did not attack at the same time as planned with other partners at the first time, but with themselves at the first time. Philip, who was acting together, was surrounded.

Then... Philip was surrounded by his own people and fired a Great Holy Word, directly killing nearly 20% of the enemy's personnel.

If this kind of people need to be taken care of, then no one will need to take care of them!

As a result, the elites of the [Guards Regiment] who had such an idea inadvertently no longer hesitated and just left Philip where he was.

They have their missions, and the Holy Son has his mission, and in the final analysis, whether it is Mino who designs the battle or Raymond who assigns the mission, both of them strictly follow the requirements of Mo Tan and Philip himself, and do not treat the Saint of Abundance at all. He regarded Zi as a superior and noble being, but made very fair and objective arrangements based on the level of strength he described.

For example, let him and 300 members of the [Guards Regiment] hide in the location most likely to be attacked in the third defense area, and participate in or even lead the first wave of offensive.

Not only that--

"It's almost time."

Phillip, who stood in the center of the battle line with his hands behind his hands, took a deep breath. His whole temperament suddenly changed. His gentle and gentle eyes turned into two colors of green and orange at some point. His tall and muscular body It also floated up at the same time, with a holy outline faintly emerging behind it.

【Prosperity Divine Grace】

This is a high-level magic unique to the Abundance Sect. Its effects are at the same level as the Dawn Sect’s [Thousand-Light Divine Pet], the Sun Sect’s [Come to the Setting Sun], and the Justice Sect’s [God-Given Glory]. To put it simply, To put it bluntly, the advanced versions of this type of magic have the same name in the magic systems of all sects, and that is - [Divine Descendance].

In other words, this magical skill is the prerequisite skill of the [Divine Descending Technique] system, and its effect can be described as quite overbearing.

For any sect, [divine descent] is one of the absolute pinnacle divine arts, because for any devout believer, there is nothing more glorious than having the gods descend directly through their own bodies.

[God's descent] is mainly divided into two types. One is relatively orthodox and more proactive in inviting gods to come. However, this method is extremely difficult. In addition to having extreme requirements for faith, if the caster is not People who are loved by God, that is, "favored by God" in the conventional sense, then the success rate of activating this magical spell will be appallingly low. For example, the current pope of the Dawn Sect is not Saint Ann, who is favored by God. Your Majesty Bro, although he certainly knows how to use this magical technique, the probability of success of the divine general is pitifully low.

In fact, in the past hundreds of years, there is only one person who has actively requested God as someone who is not God's favored person and successfully completed [God's descent], and that was the Black Brahma priest who shouted "Goddess, please give me power" back then.

The main reason why Mo Tan was able to successfully descend from the gods at that time was actually because Yuchen encountered the second form of [divine descent], that is, the gods forcibly descended without regard to the will of the believer. This method of divine descent was It is very likely to have a considerable impact on the person involved, and in extreme cases, it may even lead to his direct collapse. However, although the goddess of darkness Delia is in a hostile position with the goddess of dawn Pakosi, she is also her own god to Yuchen. The girl who said this didn't mean any harm.

All in all, what happened at that time was that the goddess of darkness first tricked Xia Lian, who was leading the purification magic, and then directly possessed Yuchen, who was also her divine favor, in an attempt to directly turn him into a pure dark divine favor. .

And seeing that Xia Lian was about to be abolished and Yu Chen was about to be snatched away, the goddess of dawn had no choice at that time. She had no choice but to directly remove Yu Chen and Xia Lian. Although the other one was not pious and not a dependent of the gods, in the final analysis The person who was still his disciple, Mo Tan, gave him some guidance on the spot, and then he successfully arrived after the latter shouted, "Goddess, please give me power."

Although this process seemed like child's play, on that day, both Mo Tan and Yu Chen actually successfully completed the highest level of divine magic. However, because the two goddesses restrained each other, neither one of them made a fatal move and relied on the body. Due to special reasons such as too much power, it did not exert its regular power.

So the question is, how powerful is the conventional power of [Divine Descending Technique]?

The answer is very simple. We can directly understand that if the strength of the caster is below the epic level, then the strength after the completion of [God's Descendance] will be at least half a step above the legendary level; if the strength of the caster is epic, then after During the [God's Descendance] period, its strength will be pushed to the legendary peak.

As for the situation where the caster's strength is [Legendary]...

According to the internal records of the Holy Religion Union, for some reason, the probability of successful activation of [God's Descent] by legendary powerhouses from various sects is much lower than the probability of successful activation in Under the Legend. Even if someone successfully activates it, their own strength is not too significant. The biggest advantage of the improvement is that you can have inexhaustible magic and faith during the [God's Descendance] period.

But no matter what, [divine descending technique] is definitely the top level of the pyramid of the divine technique system, there is no doubt about this.

Although the requirements for the first level of similar divine spells this time are not as strict as [Divine Descending Technique], not everyone can use it. In fact, within the Abundance Sect, people can use it without any preparation. There are very few people who directly use [Prosperous Grace], and Philip Tolan is among them.

"Oh, if possible, I really want to go back to the time before departure and give myself a punch in the face when I worry every day whether this overseas assignment will be too leisurely."

Feeling the omnipresent gaze that did not exist anywhere, his whole body was filled with warmth. Philip, who was gradually in tune with the land, plants, microorganisms and even the air within a hundred miles, murmured in a low voice. The heterochromatic pupils that were so clear that they were no longer like ordinary people had lost their focus, and were filled with majestic divine power that was difficult to look directly at.

[Prosperous Divine Grace] is not [divine descending technique], and the goddess of fertility has not come here, but she still throws herself here, at the little believers in a corner of the Northeast Continent, and at the favored ones she cares about. A glance.

And this glance was enough for Philip, who was already at the epic level, to gradually twist and assimilate the hundreds of miles in radius, turning his land into a fertile soil that was infinitely close to the land of the Goddess of Fertility.

Of course, this is not a simple matter. Even if he is a favored person of the Goddess of Fertility, even if he has an epic level, Philip, who is among the best among his peers in terms of talent, equipment, and background, activated it from the very beginning. After a large-scale [Great Holy Word], it is not easy to perfectly control this divine grace, especially the burden on the mental level, which makes him break into cold sweats after his physical condition returns to its peak in an instant. The figure floating in mid-air trembled slightly.

At this moment, if even a harpy rushes here and attacks Philip at will, he will be directly exposed to the mighty divine power and suffer a backlash. At least, his divine power will collapse, and he will be separated from the [Prosperous Divine Grace]. They are directly destroyed by the gaze of the gods and suffer irreversible trauma on both the mental and physical levels.

This is a necessary risk and price, but since the other Holy Son has left the city of Doumbouya, only Philip himself knows it.

As for the others, whether it was Raymond or Mino, Philip just told them to try not to let themselves be disturbed in this state, otherwise they would easily fail before achieving their goals.

It's not that Philip deliberately wanted to hide it, but he knew very well that if he let others know that he had such a big risk in seamlessly performing [Prosperous Grace] after using [Great Holy Word], then no one would let him. adventurous.

The reason is simple. Knowing that such an action would have such consequences, Philip was still allowed to take risks. If an accident really occurred, then this behavior would probably be directly elevated to the level of 'deliberately harming the Holy Son of Abundance', so as long as If Shalia and others have some brains, it is impossible for Phillip to take risks without knowing the specific situation, even if there is only a 1% chance of an accident.

However, if Phillip himself conceals it, things will be fine. Even if an accident occurs, the responsibility can be taken away from other people.

Therefore, after a brief weighing, Philip took the above possible risks into account when discussing his specific strengths with Mino, the commander, and Raymond Kopp, the regiment leader.

Neither of them found any clues, and directly finalized the specific plan while marveling at the strength of His Highness the Holy Son. As for Shalia and Lao Luo, who were also present at the time, although they seemed to have discovered something, they were very wise. Didn't ask anything.

In this way, Philip had the opportunity to start brewing the blow that would be the final word for this battle at this moment, and his safety did not actually need to be too worrying.

It is true that he would feel uncomfortable if he was disturbed now, but the problem is that those harpies really have no time to trouble Phillip.

On the one hand, the lethality of His Royal Highness the Holy Son's move [Great Holy Word: Humid Thorns] was too overbearing and the momentum was too great. After directly burying more than a hundred harpies that rushed in first , has scared the other intruders out of their wits, and even if they have not lost their will to fight, they dare not move forward rashly.

On the other hand, in addition to Philip, Mino also placed the most elite third of the [Guards] here, except Raymond, in order to 'push' those harpies from the defense line. go out.

It has to be said that with such a disparity in numbers, this task would have been difficult for even the most powerful troops stationed in Doumbouya City in the past. But this time, including those who had surrounded Philip before, there were a total of 300 troops. The elites who ignored the sectarian barriers completed the task perfectly, directly pushing the harpies frightened by Philip out of the defense zone.

Finally, His Royal Highness the Son of God is not without backup options. In fact, although he dispersed most of the [Fruitous Thorns] before activating the [Prosperous Grace], he kept the most core ones by his side. And each of these seemingly inconspicuous thorns has a strong sense of protecting the owner... and an attack power close to half an epic.

"Just stay..."

Philip closed his increasingly radiant heterochromatic eyes, opened his hands and murmured in a low voice: "Stay in this land that is protected by me and watched by Him. In this land destined to usher in the coming of Stop at the new beginning of prosperity and harvest, and surrender the blessings and care of the sky to you."

Chapter 1,698: End

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