Quadruple split

Chapter 1708 Flaw


Seeing the eldest sister-like companion awkwardly folding at an angle in mid-air, she was still 'rubbed' by the tangled thorns surging with mighty divine power, and then fell from the sky like a kite with its string broken. Riley, who was further back, let out a scream and rushed forward, flapping her wings desperately.

It is true that these existences, known as blood barbarians, are cruel, cruel and murderous, but they are not madmen who have nothing but themselves in their eyes. For example, Lana is a friend and mentor to Riley. , the status in the latter's heart is quite important.


As the only survivor in the vanguard, Lana's wings were broken off and her left arm was directly hit by a rotten thorn, and three-quarters of it was torn into pieces. Lana, whose legs were completely disabled when she hit the ground, was killed by Riley. The humanoid figure on the ground was pulled out of the depression and spit out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale and he turned to the latter and said: "There is a... historical... epic level... divine magic array or... magic stick... we can't fight here. ……run!"

"I know, don't talk!"

While supporting Lana's limp body, Riley pulled out two bright red tail feathers from the latter's waist, rubbed them hard on her knee pads, and then threw them high into the air, creating two gorgeous bursts. The red spark is a common retreat signal among the Death Claw Guards. Not to mention others, at least the companions who came here this time can understand it.

Lana, whose whole body was almost hanging in Riley's arms, took a deep breath, and then coughed up two mouthfuls of blood again. She looked down at her little half, which was bloody and bloody. It was losing its vitality and shriveling up at a speed visible to the naked eye. He held his forearm and shook his head with a bitter look on his face: "Riley... I can't do it anymore..."

"Don't say depressing words!"

While flapping her wings desperately and taking Lana out of the defense line at high speed, Riley gritted her teeth and screamed: "Think about how many desperate situations we have gone through together, think about how many dangers we have experienced for the queen, think about what we have endured together. How many desperate moments, listen, since you have not been eaten by quilboars, tortured by lizardmen, or had your skull dug out by those gray dwarves and carved into hanging lamps in the past six months, you will not die here today. !”

Lana, who could no longer feel her left arm at all, and the internal organs in her body had begun to collapse on a large scale, shook her head vigorously, bit the tip of her tongue hard, then steeled herself and said in a deep voice: "It's different, sister. This time is different, I know I can't survive, I..."

"Shut up!"

Riley interrupted her angrily and said angrily: "Don't kill yourself on your own initiative! I know the situation is wrong, I know everyone is in a dangerous situation now, but you can't die! You are the Queen's most trusted right-hand man, and also ours The old woman that everyone relies on the most, what if she loses her wings, what if she loses her strength, as long as we can go back as you said, I promise not to let anyone touch a hair on your face, so..."


Lana, who could only see the scenery on both sides changing rapidly with the flapping of Riley's wings, but couldn't feel the wind blowing over her body, calmly interrupted the former and said softly: "I understand what you mean, I know that even if I am useless, and no one can do anything to me after I go back, but the problem is... I really can't go on anymore, that magic... is not right..."

Riley, who thought Lana had only suffered trauma in her eyes, suddenly froze. She suddenly turned her head to look at the senior in her arms who had an unusually rosy complexion and extremely bright eyes, and exclaimed: "Lana, you..."

"My life is burning."

Lana slowly closed her eyes, which had never been so bright since her slave father was tortured and killed, and said softly: "I can't stop it, and I can't stop it, but this feeling... is actually not bad. At least at this moment, I feel lighter and purer than ever before, let me go, no matter it is an epic-level magical array or an epic-level powerful person, there will not be too many, we still have a chance."


"I can't see, but everyone should have evacuated by now, right? After that, you need to take the other sisters, get rid of the enemy, and immediately move eastward to continue harassing their defense lines. We have high mobility. And those magic sticks... can't possibly have this kind of arrangement in every position."


"I was careless. I should have thought of it. As the northernmost defense line closest to the control range of us barbarians, they do have reason to keep some surprises here, but it's no problem. We are not those slow-moving wild boars, lizards, and dwarves. We are dancers in the sky, we can break through, you...must break through."

"Everyone is retreating, retreating, please stop saying a few words, please stop saying a few words..."

"Let me finish, sister, you have to shoulder my responsibility and lead everyone back alive, but don't do what I said before, because I can't go back, so between more than a hundred sisters and me... haha , after I, the queen’s most trusted right-hand man, stayed in Doumboua forever, this team has paid a high enough price and no longer has to wait in the burial ground.”


"Three... no, as long as we complete two attacks, you will take everyone back, back to the Blood Feather Terrace, back to our queen, and tell everyone that we have completed the mission."


"You have to grow up, think more, and become more useful than you are now, because you are the Queen's most loyal warrior. You have the obligation to become better than those followers who are not pure enough. Can you become me, Riley, become Be me.”


"I can't see it, Riley, and I can't hear it either. Did you hear what I said? If you heard me, if you are willing to agree, pinch my cheek."


"Thank you, I know, you can definitely do it."


"Riley, have you escaped with the other sisters? Have those magicians chased you out? Are there any epic-level people chasing you? Are you safe? Can you protect yourselves? Tell me , if you are safe, pinch me once, if you are in danger, pinch me twice, I will find a way... Dad used to tell me stories about smart generals... Smart generals... are very good at fighting... I also... …I can…finally…”


"Ah, that's it. You are out of danger...it's great...Riley...Queen...Father..."

With a peaceful smile on her face, Lana Bladethorn, who lost her last trace of life force and felt no pain until the end, with only satisfaction in her heart, was a name that everyone in the Blood Feather Terrace knew most of the time. Lidu represents the cold, cruel, and cunning harpy. She died peacefully in a way that her life was not worthy of, and she stopped thinking and breathing.

In the eyes of others, this evil party who committed all kinds of evil did not receive retribution or divine punishment, but died with a happy ending that is difficult for most good people in an objective sense.

And Riley, who just pinched Lana's cheek lightly and coaxed her to sleep with a white lie at the last moment, wiped away the glint in the corner of her eyes and loosened her hands, holding the woman in her arms who was no longer Lana, who was just a mere corpse, stared with red eyes at the hundreds of magic sticks who had vaguely sealed all the evacuation areas, wore the uniforms of the Doumbouya City garrison, and exuded strong fighting spirit. .

Yes, Riley, who had followed Lana's instructions to evacuate immediately and tried to escape from the enemy's entanglement, and the other more than 600 survivors of this team did not successfully escape from danger, even though it was unknown whether it was an epic magical array or an epic powerful force. The existence of the attackers did not launch a second attack, but the panicked defenders at one moment broke out with a combat power that was far beyond their imagination and was ridiculously powerful, and they suddenly outnumbered the eagles twice as many as themselves. The banshee army was dragged to the edge of the defense line, unable to allow anyone, including Riley, to escape easily.

Of course, they can only delay the opponent's footsteps. After all, the harpies not only have a numerical advantage, but also have wings that allow them to gallop flexibly in the sky. In this case, without making huge sacrifices, Under the circumstances, it is unrealistic to completely pin them to death on the spot.

Mino obviously did not intend to let everyone die to contain the enemy, so despite encountering some troubles, during the conversation between Riley and Lana, the harpies still temporarily relied on the containment of the soldiers in the defense area. , rushed out with some difficulty.

Then... they were surrounded by the other half [Guards Regiment] coming from three directions: north, west, and east, with more than 200 people on each side.

And just when the [Guards Regiment], whose total number was almost the same as the remaining harpies, and the companions chased out from the defense zone even had a 30% numerical advantage, completed their reorganization, Lana, who was already on her deathbed, happened to He asked, 'Are you safe?'

After sending Lana away from this world with a lie, Riley, who had become the de facto leader of the team, suddenly darkened her face. She took a deep breath, looked around at the enemies and comrades around her, and paused for a moment. Seconds later, he spoke hoarsely to his anxious companions: "Obviously, we have encountered some trouble, or a crisis."

She inserted the dark red feather that she had just pulled out from Lana's ear into the headband on her forehead, and slowly raised the blade claws on her left wrist that were still stained with blood. , stretched out his tongue and licked the edge of the blade that was dyed bright red, and raised the corners of his mouth in a ferocious arc.

"Have you seen these magicians around us? They want to keep us, want to send us to see their stupid and ridiculous master, and want to use our blood to embellish the victory and glory!"

Riley's body suddenly turned to the side, and she actually raised her hand to split the two roaring arrows into four pieces. Then she raised her middle finger to the two templar warriors holding long bows in the distance, laughing wildly and making loud noises. Said: "Let them dream! Sisters, let them regret fighting us in this blue sky! All members, rush north without distinction, and we will meet on the gray plains!"

After saying that, she suddenly pulled up the height, trying to get within the effective containment range of her magic sticks, and planned to rush directly to the clouds and escape calmly.

But the reality is not that easy, because just when the harpies headed by Riley took to the air and tried to become invincible by virtue of their flight advantage, the [Guards Regiment] also began extremely intensive air containment. You must know that the Realm of Innocence is not a real time outside the game. Even an ordinary mid-level templar usually has one or two means of medium and long-range attacks, and for spellcasters, there are even more specialized ones. To check and balance the magical and magical systems of flying units.

There are no mages in the Holy Union, but none of the nine major sects does not have an anti-air magic system, so even Riley, who is the strongest among them, is still trying to gain altitude. With a shock, under the interference of several divine spells, he was pushed back to a position only two or three meters above the ground.

The next moment, more than 300 people in the defense line rushed out, and the [Guards Regiment], which had reached the basis of encirclement, began to change formations as if being affected by some invisible thread. It only took a few breaths to complete. After a dazzling change of positions, it turned into a cross-crescent formation that visually looked like two sets of brackets, and began to squeeze the space of the harpies. Among them, as the main attack arrow, were surrounded by a group of justice, fertility, Raymond of the Sun Paladin and Templar only used one confrontation to capture a dozen harpies who had lost their space to escape, and killed three of them in an instant.

The war situation entered the stage of hand-to-hand combat at an incredible speed. Although the Holy Religion Alliance, which had the numerical superiority, successfully held back the Harpy,... unexpectedly, it did not gain the upper hand, and even allowed the opponent to gradually stabilize. position.

Riley, who had never been so clear-headed as before, noticed that the fundamental reason why the situation turned into this situation was that the other party's change of formation just now was too utilitarian, so it caused the current situation. Although at first glance it seemed that everyone was The advantageous situation of being dragged within three meters of the ground, but it was unable to effectively exert its full combat effectiveness. Even because it wanted to increase the control area, the formation was too loose, allowing the Harpy who still had the advantage of mobility in several areas. This creates a situation of local advantage.

[The opponent’s commander is greedy for credit! 】

As if she was possessed by Lana, who had just died in her arms, Riley, who was highly concentrated, made the above judgment after observing for tens of seconds, and began to consciously gather together several sisters who were vaguely trying to be separated. He began to consolidate his local advantage in the chaos, and in the process came up with a very risky, but dangerous idea worth fighting for.

If... if this team, whose average quality is very good, but has huge problems with its overall thinking, continues like this, will I have the chance to lead everyone to defeat these people in front of the defense zone where hundreds of sisters are buried? Woolen cloth?

While being shocked by this idea, Riley's eyes became brighter and brighter!

Chapter 1,699: End

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