Quadruple split

Chapter 1724 Worry


Mo Tan, who was leaning on the sofa, crossed his legs, sipped the bottle of Dr.peper in his hand very exaggeratedly, and murmured to himself: "So in the end, no matter which account you have, you can't completely mess it up, and use people as production." The team’s donkey is okay.”

At this point, he has completely finished sorting out the [Crime Debate], and added the matter 'Hei Fan also needs to take the team competition seriously' into the variables, and simply made a new plan, and this plan will After he transformed into two other personalities, he perfected it again, and finally came up with a process that was the most cost-effective and acceptable to all personalities.

It sounds troublesome to say, but it’s actually very simple. For example, before you went to bed last night, you decided to have noodles for dinner the next day. After you got up the next morning, you reconsidered and decided to make scallion noodles; and at noon, you thought of eating sour beans with it. Or pickled radish, and finally settled on a dinner plan of "scallion noodles with pickled beans as a side dish and two medium-boiled poached eggs" for dinner in the afternoon.

"There is no rush to explore the fog area, but if possible, it is best for Tan Mo to explore for a few hours of game time every day, but the time can be late at night and early in the morning."

Mo Tan casually put down the drink in his hand, lay down lazily on the sofa, and said hummingly: "As for the online time when NPCs are active, it will be evenly distributed between 'Mo' and 'Heifan' depending on the situation. Well, although I feel a little unhappy, but I can give more to 'Mo'. After all, those savages seem to be quite interesting. If I'm lucky, I can get some gossip that can boost Jun Wu's performance. As for 'Heifan'... Since he's already working in a certain If you have established your authority to this extent, you shouldn’t need to stay in the [Innocence Realm] for too long before sending a reply from Skolk, well, so the focus is on the [Public Space] side.”

It was exactly seven o'clock in the evening at this moment, but Mo Tan on the sofa ignored the server opening time and was thinking leisurely——

[In this case, during the day, the role switching will be done with 'Mo' as the core. It depends on the situation from evening to night. After nightfall, it will mainly be on the 'Tan Mo' side. At other times, just use 'Hei Fan' to take advantage of every opportunity to go online. 】

[As for the time to play simulated battles in public spaces, 'Tan Mo' will cooperate with Mu Xuejian in the Free City as before. If possible, 'Hei Fan' will try to do it during the day when Mu Xuejian has a mission, eh , Yuchen and Xiaole have been relatively free recently, and their time can be relatively flexible. As for Yuying...]

[If you think about it carefully, now that Gu Xiaole has a front-page combat capability, it doesn’t matter whether Yu Ying needs to practice diligently or not. Well... forget it, let’s put it aside for now. 】

Mo Tan slowly got up from the sofa, walked to the game cabin and turned on the switch. As the cabin door slowly opened, he whispered: "So the biggest problem now is really the objective issue of time... ...Hehe, but if I guessed correctly before, there should be someone to help solve this problem."

After that, he lay down in a vampire's sleeping position (with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his hands clasped on his shoulders), and he stopped thinking with a particularly relaxed mind.

Here is a brief explanation of what Mo Tan just said about ‘hitting the time’. To put it simply, it means the ‘auditions’ and ‘main matches’ after the [Crime Controversy] officially starts.

First of all, according to the official announcement, the audition time for [Inquisition of Crime - Individual Battle] is from PM19:00 to PM21:00 on October 1, 2049 AD, while the audition time for [Inquiry of Crime - Group Battle] is It's from PM21:00 to PM23:00 on the same day. When converted into game time, it's 4 hours.

In other words, in the first four hours, Mo Tan needs to audition as 'Tan Mo' and 'Mo', and in the next four hours, he needs to audition as 'Black Fan' and 'Tan Mo' , 'Mo' these three identities to audition with teammates.

According to the detailed description in the official announcement, which contains a total of 127,000 words, the individual battle [Audition] requires players to conduct ten to fifteen battles, and the system will conduct this process based on each player's combat situation. Fuzzy calculations are performed and a 'score' is given, and this 'score' is hidden. It exists for only one purpose, which is to select the top 8,192 contestants among all contestants, and give them a score in real time PM21: At 00:00, they will be qualified for the main competition. Similarly, other losers will also learn that they failed the audition at the same time.

It is worth mentioning that according to the text, each player is free to decide the number of entries to a certain extent. Although the minimum is ten and the maximum is fifteen, it does not mean that the more wins, the better. For example To explain, if a person's record in the first ten games is five wins and five losses, then his theoretical promotion probability will definitely not be too high. In this case, if he chooses to play five more games and wins them all, then ten games out of fifteen The final rating of a win is likely to be higher than a win of five out of ten (but not absolutely).

On the other hand, if he loses in five more games, then the probability of promotion with five wins in fifteen games is probably lower than if he plays five fewer games.

As for this rule, although everyone has their own understanding, and it is even now being discussed quite enthusiastically on the forum, in Mo Tan's view, it is actually mostly a mechanism to prevent bad luck.

To expand on it, Mo Tan is very clear that the 'indiscriminate matching' of [Innocence Boundary] is different from the matching system of other games, that is, it is truly 'indiscriminate', rather than pretending to be indifferent. Different names can control your winning rate, force you to spend money or increase the stickiness of the game.

For example, a game that wants players to maintain an average winning rate of 50% in PVP will do so in a so-called 'no difference' match. For example, your hidden score is 10 and your current winning rate is 60. %, then it will be easier to match players with hidden scores of 11-15. In this case, you will naturally lose more and win less. When your winning rate drops below 50%, it will match you with hidden points. Players with a score of 8-9 are balanced. In some games, you will encounter players with lower hidden scores within a short period of time after charging money.

All in all, in most games on the market, whether it is a game that states 'match evenly matched opponents' or a game with the name of 'undifferentiated matching', the basic gameplay is the same, but every game The control of numerical values ​​is just different, and for most people, this is not actually a bad thing, because playing games is fun only when there are losses and wins. In other words, no matter whether the enemy is strong enough to rub you at will Dead, or weak enough to be stabbed to death by your casual finger, it will make people feel bored after a long time, and they will lose interest in the game.

But [Innocence Bound]... How should I put it? Anyone who has been in the game for a long time knows that this game may not care much about the player's gaming experience. You must know that for mainstream games, regardless of whether it is a stand-alone or online game, The most taboo thing is a serious sense of frustration, especially the passive feeling that I have no control over my fate. This will lead to verbal criticism, boycotts, and collective anger from the players. In the end, it will either directly collapse, make major concessions, or kneel down to make money. There is almost no third option.

After all, the customer is God. You can make God's money, but you can't make God unhappy, at least not the vast majority of Gods.

As a result, [Innocent Bound] not only failed to treat players as gods, but to quote a well-known and sharp-tongued game commentator who said three days after the server was launched, it ‘arrogantly treated players as grandsons’.

By the way, during the Chinese New Year, that is, more than two months after the launch of the game, he went to the mainstream social platform [Innocent Bound official account] and grabbed a sofa during the extremely perfunctory New Year greetings. The content was 'New Year, Grandpa. good'.

And this is actually the attitude of the vast majority of players. Of course, this does not mean that everyone regards the Innocence Company as their grandfather, but that people find joy in this game that is extremely hard-core but extremely reasonable. It turns out that 'a brand-new fantasy life with limitations' is even more addictive than 'a protagonist with a high degree of freedom'.

'Compared to being admired by thousands of people in other games, having my own plane broadcast when I entered the city, and being embraced by countless beautiful NPCs, I felt that in [Innocent Bound] I was chased three streets for stealing an egg. It’s even more interesting, because the hero with the colorful auspicious clouds is not me, but the rolling and crawling little thief is more like ‘me from another life’. ’

This is the deputy moderator of the "Life Section" of the Innocence Forum. It is said to be the reflections expressed by a super rich player shortly after entering the trap. It is also a saying that is regarded as a wise saying by countless players.

So let’s get down to business…

In short, the indiscriminate matching in the realm of innocence is truly indistinguishable. It is precisely because of this that Mo Tan feels that there may be some unlucky people who encounter Cordoba, Onmyoji Gu Xiaole, and Mu Xuejian', 'Awakening Dragon', 'Twin Leaves', etc. If nothing unexpected happens, it will definitely lose.

In other words, the last five optional rounds are used to make up for the unlucky ones who accidentally hit a losing round.

Of course, in Mo Tan's view, for those with real strength, it doesn't matter even if they lose all ten games, because the rule text has clearly stated that 'fuzzy operation' should be used for 'scoring'. In this case, even if The character Mo' accidentally bumped into the 1st to 15th positions on the combat power list. He lost from the first to the last round and had an audition with a winning rate of 0%. After the system analyzed his performance in the game, 99% of the He will still be included in the main draw.

So those optional play-offs are just a show. With the system's ability, each player can probably make a list for the main draw by playing three games.

The above is Mo Tan’s evaluation of the ‘audition’.

For him, the audition for the individual competition is the easiest, for no other reason. According to his investigation and summary of the [Inquisition Simulation Battle-Individual Battle] during this period, even if it is a mutual pecking, an individual competition On average, it only takes ten to fifteen minutes to play. If you go faster, the battle may be over in just two or three minutes. So it takes four hours to finish twenty games with the two characters of "Mo" and "Tan Mo". It's just more than enough. Unless you cut it for three hours in one breath, the audition will definitely be completed.

But in the team competition, it's a little bit more troublesome.

According to the text, unlike the individual station, the [Audition] of the group battle requires the player team to engage in one to three battles, and the system will also perform fuzzy calculations and give 'scores' based on each player's combat situation during this process. Participants will be notified at PM23:00, the real time, of whether they have been selected for the main competition.

Let me put it this way, this is actually a bit tight...

At first glance, the number of necessary games required for the team competition audition is only one-tenth of the individual competition. You only need to play one game to obtain the qualification. However, as far as Mo Tan knows, team competition is different from individual competition. It is very likely that the game will be very long and may even drag on until the mandatory end of the game, which is two hours of game time.

The auditions can only last four hours, so assuming that ‘Hei Fan’, ‘Tan Mo’ and ‘Mo’ are all played, then there will not be enough time.

Of course, it is unlikely that all players will be maxed out. At least judging from the current experience of the "Harlequin Card" team in simulated battles, except for the opponents they encountered in the first match, there has not been any other team. The team could hold out for more than fifteen minutes in front of Mo Tan and his two thighs.

In the same way, Mo Tan doesn't think that the enemies he encounters in the audition can last too long in front of the 'Mo Team' and the 'Black Vatican Team'. Although in the previous analysis, the two people around 'Mo' are not considered strong. But he should be able to easily stand out in the audition. As for 'Hei Fan'... Yu Chen and Yu Ying were not weak originally, but now there is another T0 level player Gu Xiaole, who seems to have surpassed 'Mo Mo' in terms of overall strength. 'That group has nothing to worry about.

To sum up, Mo Tan is actually not too worried about the team competition.

Then someone may ask, after you have said so much nonsense, there is no problem in the individual auditions, and there is no problem in the team auditions, so what is the problem?

Hi, use the elimination method. You yourself said that there is no problem with individual auditions, and there is no problem with audition groups. Then the ones with problems must be in the main competition.

In terms of the main competition, the individual competition time is October 2/3/4. Among them, No. 2 will play five rounds to directly determine the top 256; No. 3 will play three rounds to determine the top 32; in the end, there will be no simulcast. The No. 4 played thirty-two games in order and decided the champion in one go.

Due to a series of reasons such as sponsors and live broadcast needs, the players who passed the audition will be divided into Group A and Group B of 4096 people, and then they will be eliminated until only the champion and runner-up are left in each group, and then there will be a competition between the two groups of runner-up. The 'Third Place Battle' and finally the 'Championship Battle'.

The team competition is also divided into Group A and Group B, with 512 teams in each group. The top 128 teams will be decided on October 5, the top 16 will be decided on October 6, and the champion will be decided on October 7.

The problem is that in group battles, Mo Tan will definitely have two characters in the same group, and the strengths of the three teams are T0 (Team Tan Mo), T0.5 (Team Black Fan) and T1 (Team Mo). In this case, Mo Tan, who was assigned to the same group...

The possibility of bumping into Mo Tan during the game is too high!

Chapter 1,715: End

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