Quadruple split

Chapter 1725 Accommodation and Trouble

As we all know, the system of Innocence is very powerful.

For example, it can instantly give meaning to something that does not exist in the initial database...such as Ji Xiaoge's cooking, Futaba's fantasy weapons, Xinglong's self-created skills, etc. as soon as they are born. and interpretation, in human terms it means 'attributes' \u0026 'notes' or 'purpose' \u0026 'saucy words'

In addition, the system of Innocence can even directly generate various tasks on-site according to different situations. You must know that although the technology in 2049 can already allow AI to generate various 'autonomous judgments' according to various situations, But these judgments are actually quite rigid and traceable to a certain extent. They can be simply understood as changing from 1 to 2/3/4/5/6, but there is no way to change from 0 to 1.

As for the main system of Innocence Realm...it is no longer about creating 1 from 0. It will even talk about some issues about 0 and 1 in the item notes, and seriously announces the difference between the two. His views on whether to create future generations and his love for homosexuals are, in short, quite outrageous.

Of course, although this is outrageous, it is only outrageous at the civilian level. For various high-level institutions, such as the military, the violent institutions of various countries, they have actually begun to use relatively advanced artificial intelligence in recent years. It's just that it's difficult for an organization like the military to be too sensitive, and once control is lost, it will cause incalculable consequences. Therefore, the control of AI can be said to be insanely strict. When the possibility of accidents is eliminated, it is also locked down. reached the upper limit of artificial intelligence.

In the same way, the same is true for some high-level administrative agencies and scientific research institutions. Although there are better options, everyone still uses stable technologies that are only three to five years more advanced than the private sector, while the truly cutting-edge and most advanced things , basically in a special laboratory, the highest-level AI among them is about five times more powerful than NAVI independently developed by Futaba.

It seems that Futaba's NAVI is extremely weak, but in fact, the cost of a super AI owned by a government agency is astronomical. Although Futaba has many sources of income that may conflict with criminal laws, when she developed NAVI The investment is actually not much. The total cost should be within six figures, which is less than 100,000 yuan.

It is true that after the birth of NAVI, Futaba spent a lot of money to build hardware that can perform its performance. Today, it has accumulated to almost 300,000 yuan. But even so, this number is compared to the investment of relevant departments in this field. It is also a drop in the ocean. In other words, the extremely talented Futaba is actually not much better than the extremely mentally ill Mo Tan. If the NAVI incident is exposed, she will probably be taken away for investigation within half an hour, and she will be confirmed innocent. Later, he got a job that he was not allowed to refuse and became a civil servant with royal food.

It sounds good, but Futaba will undoubtedly not be able to endure that kind of life, and she has been active as a hacker until now. She is not very innocent, so if she is really found out, her personal freedom will not be so much as being 'recruited'. The potential for 'atonement' that may be limited is greater.

To sum up, we can draw three conclusions -

First of all, Futaba and Mo Tan can't afford to play. They are both the kind of beings who are likely to lose their entire lives once their secrets are exposed.

Secondly, Futaba's computer abilities are a bit abnormal. Although she seems to be only slightly better than Mo Tan in this field, she can single-handedly produce results that can barely keep up with the operation of the national machine. This is no longer a genius. Even monsters can explain it. In fact, the fact that she can perform a feat like NAVI on her own is tantamount to a superpower from a normal perspective!

Finally, the main system of Innocence is very wrong, because if you rate the AI, the Bayonetta system used to hunt down Futaba in Motan's computer can probably get [five points], while Futaba's NVAI can conservatively estimate Obtaining [three hundred points], on this basis, as for the national technology crystallization that was said to be five times stronger, it is about [1,500 points], and the main system of the Innocence Realm... If Mo Tan If you grade and evaluate it, you can probably get a guaranteed score of [100,000].

And what is this concept?

To give an inappropriate example, this is when leaders are worrying about how to produce uranium 235 and plutonium 239, and are studying electromagnetic separation, gas diffusion and thermal diffusion to produce highly enriched uranium. Some people have already been able to produce it in their own workshops. Hydrogen bombs were mass-produced at the rate of two stacks per minute.

So the question is, since even Mo Tan can see that something is wrong with the system of the Innocence Realm, are all the people in the relevant departments in the relevant fields blind? Can’t you see how outrageous the technology mastered by the Innocence Company is?

The answer is no. In fact, those people we can only see on TV, news, and reports are very, very aware of how high-tech a product Guilty Bound is, and they know even better that the main system is The AIs in the laboratory that have been labeled as 'mature' are a hundred times more powerful, but even so, they still stand still and have no intention of attacking the Innocence Company, and they have not made a call to let the people of the Innocence Company take the initiative to kill themselves. Turn it over to the state.

There is no other reason. The leaders never wanted to offend those 'supermen'.

Yes, although most people are not aware of concepts like 'marginal people', the top leadership of each country is very aware of the existence of these guys. In fact, the two sides have established ties from a long time ago, Although these contacts are basically one-sided contacts from the 'Superman' side.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually a very normal thing. After all, there are many existences or phenomena in this world that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. For example, the demons, demons, ghosts, monsters, etc. that Ji Wutong directly introduced to Mo Tan are called In addition to being 'alien', there are many phenomena that cannot be explained by technology and logic, including even those 'supermen' whose three views are very inconsistent with moral society. In this case, as a solution Professionals in this area, superhuman beings will naturally seek communication from extremely important strata in society.

This is not something difficult to understand. After all, even Superman is not omnipotent. For example, if they want to carry out a wave of 'demon slaying', in this case, although they can arrange barriers, perform spells, etc. Screening others away, allowing those who accidentally walk nearby to avoid the scene unconsciously, but there is actually a better way.

By the way, in reality, about 50% of the "ghosts hitting the wall" are caused by the parties themselves being confused or lost, about 30% of the "superhumans" have circled a certain dangerous area through some means, and the remaining 20%... ...It's really a ghost.

So many times, before some big trouble comes, super people will take the initiative to talk to some influential people first.

There are so many benefits to doing this, the first of which is to save manpower. After all, it takes a lot of effort to form a barrier or perform a spell. Physical strength is easy to say, and many of the materials are valuable (there are also black dog teeth and paper figures). This kind of ultra-cheap material) is also a saving grace for super people.

Another point is that occasionally letting people bump into a ghost and hit the wall (I think) is okay. If most people collectively encounter a supernatural event, it will easily affect social stability. Compared with that kind of thing, [Construction ahead] It will be easier for them to be accepted by the public. As for those who ignore the warning, just deal with them individually. Even if they accidentally let them see something, it is better to adjust the memory of one or two troublemakers than to deal with hundreds or thousands of people at once. The brain must be strong in doing tricks.

So even though it sometimes scares those in high positions, in the eyes of those super people, for the sake of the stability of the lives of the majority of people, such a small scare is nothing at all, and big shots are generally more measured, even if You will be shocked at first, but you will get used to it as time goes by.

To sum up, although supermen are basically in a state of hiding in the city, the real big shots are no strangers to them. This has been the case hundreds of years ago.

In the West, the group that negotiates with the big shots is mainly the largest and most numerous 'Demon Hunters'. Occasionally when the Demon Hunters are too busy, some lawful aliens or wizards will do the work for them, while in the East Because there are more people in the "other world" and the types are more diverse, except for Japan, where the "Onmyoji" generally negotiate with the ruling class, there is no systematic communication process in other places, especially where Mo Tan is. The country was particularly chaotic before the 17th century. To put it simply, all kinds of supermen would quarrel with the rulers. One of the more famous ones was during a great turmoil more than 1,000 BC. All kinds of supermen are uncontrollable and have a strong sense of existence, and the aftermath work is not done well, so that hundreds of years later, they are even written into stories, such as fringe people, psychics, half-demon, prowler and other messy people. When people mingle together, they become one by one like a family.

However, starting from the 17th century, the "marginal people" who were the most united, best-manned, and most righteous people in the country gradually became the representatives of superhuman beings. After the Qing Dynasty completely established its rule, the "marginal people" began to send troops from time to time. Envoys came in and out of the court.

It is worth mentioning that no matter where they are, people in the 'other world' will only care about the affairs of the 'other world' and will not interfere in the daily lives of ordinary people. Apart from protecting the people around them to a limited extent, whether it is No one is allowed to interfere in the problems between ordinary people, whether it is humane... or inhumane.

At first glance, this seems very cold-blooded, and even seems to be protecting those scum who, although they are ordinary people, kill cruelly and indiscriminately. However, in fact, this is the most 'correct' conclusion that superhumans have taken thousands of years to come up with.

It is uncomfortable to sit back and watch the existence of concentration camps and the like, but if everyone's "unfair", then the power is destined to be "abused", which will cause a series of greater disasters, so the "abnormals" all over the world Only then can we reach this consensus that seems quite cruel, negative and not flexible enough.

Since it may waste too much space if we give precise examples, I won’t go into details here. In the simplest and most understandable way, Iron Man may fight to the death with Thanos, but he will not go to the Middle East. Help grab oil and gas.

All in all, to this day, the leaders of various countries basically know that there are many freaks similar to 'Superman' in the world, and there are more weird things that only those freaks can deal with. After the world officially enters the information age until 2049, Over a period of time, the two sides have been getting along quite happily.

To put it simply, the supermen are responsible for dealing with various natural disasters or monsters, and the big shots help clean up the aftermath. One side protects everyone's daily life, and the other side protects the stability of society. The cooperation is quite pleasant.

After all, there is no room for displeasure. After all, when the other party can appear in your bedroom, office or even nuclear-proof basement at any time wearing slippers and pajamas with small fur balls, even the most aggressive person will not think about it. We need to capture the opponent and study them in slices, but we should try our best to cooperate with these guys who have fairly upright views.

The latest thing that requires cooperation and accommodation from above is the [Innocent Realm].

That's right, those guys who opened a company specifically to publish the game "Innocence" are all 'supermen'. In addition to you, the people who know this are actually some big shots that we have never met in our daily lives. , in fact, what they knew may be worse, because long before the [Innocent Realm] server was launched, Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao’s father who seemed particularly unreliable had already gone to the second ring to disturb them. .

It is precisely because of this that [Innocence World] has been able to develop to this day without any resistance at all. As mentioned before, those rich and powerful smart colleagues can see that the background of Innocence Company is absolutely deep. He was so mad that he canceled all vicious competition early and became as friendly as an alien.

In this way, the Innocence Company has become an existence that neither its peers nor the government will cause trouble for, even if it really attracts hatred and makes people jealous, even if it has a property that can increase the entire country's power several times. The technology of stairs, no one will do anything to it.

Therefore, unlike Futaba’s treasure NAVI, the system of the Innocence Realm does not have to sneak around and carefully avoid leaving any traces. In fact, it should not be too rampant. You must know that whether it is Gu Xiaole’s genuine Onmyoji, and even Mu Xuejian, the "second generation", have all been teased by it in the notes, and some of the [talents] of Officer Hao of the Free City, the notes in it also indicate the fact that he is a civil servant.

Not only that, it even opened a backdoor for Mo Tan and created a function of [selecting a character], causing the latter to suffer retribution and lose his appendix the next day.

Therefore, based on the above premise, Mo Tan believed that the system would help him.

But in the case where 'Hei Fan' also wants to compete in the team competition seriously, even with the help of the system, the overturn is still too big.

And besides that there are troubles——

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Chapter 1,716: End

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