Quadruple split

Chapter 1744 non-stop

Teresa looked at Xiao Ai and Xueyin dumbfounded, her expressions were very unbelievable, and she stumbled and said: "Medicine... medicine?"

"Check it out!"

Xue Yin immediately spun around in a circle and struck a pose with her right hand stretched straight up to the sky and her head lowered at an angle of 45 degrees. It was extremely fashionable and inexplicably not embarrassing at all.

Teresa and Xiao Ai were both stunned for a moment, confused for a moment when Xue Yin turned around and posed.

Carrie, who was already used to it, walked over and gently klicked Xueyin's head, then protected her behind her without any trace, spreading her hands and saying: "I'm sorry, this guy has an occupational disease, just ignore her. "

"What occupational disease?"

Teresa tilted her head, curious.

Xue Yin poked her head out from behind Carrie and immediately summed up with a smile: "Sing and dance!"

Teresa: "?"

Xiao Ai, on the other hand, used a magical technique on herself that helped to concentrate without leaving any trace, and said sincerely: "As expected of Miss Xueyin, as expected, she has the power to easily shake people's hearts, as my husband said. Even a half-hearted cleric like me was in a trance inadvertently."

"Hey hehe~"

Although she didn't quite understand what Xiao Ai meant, Xue Yin knew that the other person was praising her and immediately scratched her hair and started to have silly fun. Well, it was genuine "silly fun", which showed that there was no idol baggage at all.

"So, this girl Fanye."

Carrie cast a suspicious look at the quiet and innocent priest girl in front of her, and asked directly: "What did you mean when you asked Xue Yinfang that it was not convenient for her to drink poison?"

"Of course it's impossible to want to harm her."

Xiao Ai took out the nerve pocket in his right hand and took out a crystal bottle under Carrie's vigilant gaze. He gently shook the lavender liquid that seemed to be burning inside and introduced: "This is [Tears of the Bone Dove]" 】, a very rare poison. Although it is not priceless, it is still very rare. Just one bottle of it can fetch more than 150,000 gold coins in an underground auction."

Carrie frowned slightly, staring at the bottle of rare poison in Xiao Ai's hand warily, and asked: "So? What is this poison for? Why do you want Xueyin to drink this?"

"To use a term that is easier for you to understand, this bottle of stuff can help Miss Xueyin wash away her current 'professional level'."

Xiao Ai did not show off, but said bluntly: "The bone dove is a rare 'natural undead creature'. It mainly comes from the resentment of large monsters when they die unnaturally, and when they are relieved and disintegrate due to various reasons, When the time comes, a small crystal will be left behind. After a little processing, you can get about two people’s worth of [Tears of the Bone Dove]. The specific effect is that it can be consumed by people whose strength is at the epic level and below. All power will be lost in a short period of time, and as long as it takes effect, it is irreversible."

Xueyin clapped her little hands gently: "You look so awesome!"

"you shut up."

Carrie K-kicked her head again, and then continued to ask Xiao Ai: "So?"

"The gentleman said that Ms. Xueyin has taken the wrong path, and if you want to undo your mistakes, you must use extreme methods to start over. The most important feature of [Tears of the Bone Dove] is that it is different from other poisons. In addition to making the user Apart from losing the acquired strength, it will not put even the slightest load on his body."

Xiao Ai repeated what Mo Tan had told her in a brisk tone, and in the process took it upon herself to hide the unnecessary aggression in those words, and said simply and clearly: "As for Ms. Xueyin's career path, sir, I have already made a plan. So now the first step we have to do is to enable her to take the best route in the best condition. Of course, whether to cooperate or not depends entirely on Ms. Xueyin’s own opinion.”

Xue Yin blinked and asked curiously: "What will happen if I am not very willing? Ah, let me explain in advance that I am happy to listen to Teacher M! I am just curious, so I ask."

Xiao Ai replied without hesitation: "If you don't want to, [Harlequin Card] will not have anything to do with you in the future, and this stronghold will be abandoned in a short time. But Mr. also said that even so, it doesn't matter." It will affect the relationship you have established before."

"Hey, hey, that means he is still willing to continue writing songs for me~"

Xue Yin nodded with satisfaction and said cheerfully: "No problem, I was just playing around before, so just do whatever Teacher M says!"

Xiao Ai smiled and said, "The teacher also said that the name Teacher M can be used outside. I hope you will call him by his game name here."

"Tan Mo?"

Xue Yin flattened her mouth and muttered: "I always feel that it's not intimate enough, so let's just do this. If you omit one more word, I'll call him Tan Hao from now on."

Xiao Ai smiled and simply stayed out of the matter: "I'll leave it to you and your husband to talk about this. I'm just conveying what he said. So since Ms. Xueyin, you have no objection..."


At this moment, Carrie suddenly interrupted Xiao Ai and asked: "Will it be very painful after drinking this thing? After all, it is poison? And in terms of specific effects..."

"The specific effect is that as long as the user does not have a legendary profession, he will lose the total level of all professions at a rate of 20% per minute. In other words, he will be reset to level 0 without a profession in the fifth minute after taking it, but Items and talents will be preserved."

Xiao Ai directly completed a recitation of the item panel, handed the crystal bottle in his hand to Carrie, and said with a smile: "You can confirm it yourself. If you are a player, you should be able to see the item panel directly."

Carrie nodded, took the bottle of [Tears of the Bone Dove] and looked at it carefully. After confirming that the effect of this bottle of epic-quality consumables was exactly what Xiao Ai said, she turned her gaze to Xueyin: "Are you sure you want to drink this? Then your level training for so long will be in vain."

"It's okay."

Xue Yin grinned and said cheerfully: "I am not a strong player to begin with. If there is Teacher M...ah, no, if Tan helps me plan the route, wouldn't I be able to just focus on what I am good at like outside? Is it? It’s a good thing no matter how you think about it, right? And I’m not strong to begin with. If I become a little weaker, Carrie, you’ll have to be more careful to protect me.”

Carrie rolled her eyes: "I'm not your nanny..."

On the other side, Teresa asked Lian in a low voice: "Sister Lian, do you understand?"

"I can understand a little bit about [Tears of the Bone Dove] and so on. I also have some reserves at home."

Lian shrugged and said softly: "These two guests seem to have a close relationship with our JOKER. You must know that when we came here, we both waited here for two hours before meeting Fan Ye. Women's."

Teresa blinked and asked curiously: "Sister Lian, are you unbalanced?"

"How is that possible? I just feel that Miss Xueyin is really not simple."

The eldest lady, who had an indifferent personality and aloof from the world, shook her head and smiled. Her soft, watery eyes stared at Xue Yin with interest. She was obviously very interested in Theresa's new friend.

She knew very well that people from other worlds were not the same as the so-called 'aboriginals' like herself. In fact, as senior cadres of the Harlequin Card, both Lian and Teresa had a very detailed understanding of the players. After all, Mo Tan wrote it himself The [Alien Information Guide North] is much better than the 'Violet Version' that was synchronized to the major forces after the meeting in Academy City.

But even so, Lian still insisted that even people from other worlds, most of them would not choose to take [Tears of the Bone Dove] just because of someone else's words, and in her opinion, the girl named Xueyin Although he was not strong, he could not be said to be very weak. He agreed to destroy himself without hesitation, which made it difficult for Lian to imagine how much the latter trusted that ghost card.

If you think about it from another perspective...

Subconsciously, Lian thought of Foster, and then she showed an imperceptible smile, and suddenly felt that she could somewhat understand.

The result was just then——

"Speaking of which, sister Xiao Ai~"

Although she had a sense of youth that transcended the times in terms of dressing, Xue Yin had already noticed that Xiao Ai was younger than herself, so she held the latter's hand with a smile and asked: "If you want to wash away your rank, I Remember, there should be a more convenient and trouble-free way, right?"

Xiao Ai meekly let the Zilaishu in front of her hold her hand and asked, "Ms. Xueyin, what do you mean?"

"Oh, we're all one of our own, so don't be so polite. Just call me Xueyin or Sister Xueyin from now on."

Xue Yin shook Xiao Ai's arm cheerfully, then blinked and said: "If I remember correctly, as long as we players die in this world, we should lose all abilities if we come back again. I'm going to After meeting with Tan for the first time, I went to do some research on talents. I can confirm that even if I die and come back, my current talents will not disappear. As for equipment and props, I don’t have any good stuff. Let Carrie Just help me collect it."

"I understand what you mean, Xueyin."

Xiao Ai nodded first, and then asked: "But does this mean anything?"

"Tsk tsk, of course."

Xue Yin smacked her lips and proudly shook her index finger and said, "Didn't you just say that this bottle of poison is worth hundreds or tens of thousands of gold coins? If I just die and create a new account..."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ai interrupted Xue Yin directly, and said in a gentle but firm tone: "My husband told me that if Xue Yin agrees, I will let you stop talking nonsense and drink the medicine directly. Oh, by the way, remember to open it before drinking." Check [Minors’ Sensory Protection] so that there won’t be any negative body sensations.”

Xue Yin frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "But I am already in my twenties, so it would be too embarrassing to turn on underage protection. And how do you know that you won't have negative body sensations after turning on it?"

"Sir, you have already tried it with other players before."

Xiao Ai withdrew his hand gently, and said softly to Xue Yin, who looked a little confused: "Then, please hurry up, I will arrange the next thing."

After that, Xiao Ai walked around the counter and walked out through the door at the back through which he came, leaving only the four of them who were a little dumbfounded and looked at each other.

"how to say……"

Tiptoeing, she took the bottle of [Tears of the Bone Dove] from Carrie's hand. Xue Yin easily pulled out the cork and poured the liquid inside, which was cold but completely tasteless under the 'minor sensory protection', into her mouth. He shook his head and said, "That guy Tan is really weird."

Teresa looked at Xue Yin with a worried expression as her pretty face gradually turned from rosy to pale. A large amount of sweat began to appear on her forehead, and her figure began to sway. She said honestly: "I think you are quite strange too." .”

"She's always been like this."

Carrie said expressionlessly, then helped the shaky Xue Yin to the chair and asked angrily: "How do you feel?"

Although she looked extremely haggard, Xueyin's voice was unexpectedly lively, and she replied in a brisk tone: "I don't feel anything except a little unsteadiness, and suddenly I feel like I'm a minor." Protection is really powerful."

Carrie shrugged noncommittally and said casually: "I didn't expect that guy to care about you. He would let someone else try such an expensive thing for you first."

"Pfft, Carrie, what are you talking about? Tan doesn't care about me. He doesn't even care about me at all, let alone an outsider like me who had nothing to do with me except for creative exchanges in the past."

Xue Yin burst out laughing, waving her hands and saying: "The fact that he does it so meticulously is just for the sense of ritual. It's like combing the doll's hair, posing, and dressing the doll when we were children. It was a waste of a lot of time and energy. In fact, it's not the same at all. Because I like dolls so much, it’s just for the sense of ceremony.”

Carrie rolled her eyes even more: "That's you, not me."

Teresa and Lian behind the counter exchanged a look, which further confirmed the idea that "Xue Yin is not a normal girl". After all, in their opinion, there is absolutely no one who can understand JOKER's weirdness. is normal.

But having said that, the two of them did not have any negative feelings towards Carrie and Xue Yin, and they even felt a strange sense of intimacy because they were not ordinary people.

Just like that, five minutes passed quickly. Just after Xue Yin announced that all her professions had disappeared, even the novice profession [Ranger] given by the novice guide, a beautiful girl with long straight white hair suddenly pushed He walked into the front hall through the door, and after glancing around the store, he quickly walked up to Xueyin, who had transformed into an ordinary weak girl, put a piece of parchment into her hand, and said concisely: "Look look at this."

"oh oh."

Xueyin obediently lowered her head and read it carefully. After half a minute, she meekly raised her head and said, "I've finished reading."

"Have you received the mission?"

"Got it."

"What's the content?"

"Uh... go to the holy mountain Sumir to find Tinio Thorn Bird."

"Okay, let's go."

"where to?"

"Holy Mountain Sumir."

"Meow meow meow?"

Chapter 1,735: End

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