Quadruple split

Chapter 1745 The Trouble of the Highlanders

Game time PM14:29

[You have left the public space and are synchronizing personal information]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Northwest continent, west of the Gold Rush Triangle, outside the Wild Tooth Wilderness

Mo Tan regained consciousness after a moderate jolt. After opening his eyes, the first thing that came into view was a beautiful, fluffy, bright gray tail.


Ya Ya, who was taking a nap next to Mo Tan with his knees in his arms, suddenly opened his eyes, and then turned around suddenly, and found that Mo Tan had opened his eyes and immediately let out a cheer: "You are here!"

Mo Tan, who had just finished switching roles through the public space, smiled, propped himself up and rubbed Yaya's hair lovingly: "Sorry, I've been a little busy during this period. Where are we now?"

"I just left the Gold Rush Triangle and entered the Wild Tooth Wilderness not long ago."

A clear and melodious lively voice sounded from behind Mo Tan. Ji Xiaoge fell from the sky and landed lightly on the outer edge of the car railing behind Mo Tan. He blinked with a smile: "Sleeping beauty is awake?"

Mo Tan shook his head and said with a wry smile: "No matter how beautiful you are, you are almost a useless person."

"Oh, actually nothing happened. Although we accepted the escort commission from the King of Destruction, the safety factor along the way is still quite high. Lao Jia said that we will basically not encounter any trouble before leaving the Gold Rush Triangle. .”

Ji Xiaoge happily tugged on Mo Tan's ears and said happily: "It's okay to fish with pay."

Although this girl had been very angry with Mo Tan before, and later she even gave her Yaya a scolding after meeting the two extremely embarrassed people, but she did not bear any grudge at all, and she would still have to deal with it after the incident. No matter what, I was laughing and joking with Ya Ya all day long, and the atmosphere with Mo Tan was as harmonious as usual.

Being generous, straightforward, lively and kind are beautiful qualities that ordinary primary and secondary school students will frequently use in their compositions. In addition, Ji Xiaoge's character can be said to be quite likable, coupled with traits such as not remembering overnight grudges. , coupled with her outside-level appearance, it can only be said that... her cooking skills are most likely shaped by God to balance her personality.

[Yes, so it can be said that it is reasonable and well-founded that Xiaoge’s cooking is not delicious. Uh, what was I thinking...]

Mo Tan took a deep breath and tried to stabilize himself to prevent his thoughts from uncontrollably diverging. He tried to get rid of the entanglement of Yaya and that eight-pawed dog, and at the same time asked for help from the beautiful winged girl who was watching the fun. Said: "Come help! My body is stiff now, my teeth are so strong!"

"Yaya misses you, I just want to play with her for a while."

Ji Xiaoge folded her arms and giggled indifferently, raised her eyebrows and said, "What, are you shy?"

"Uh-huh... This is not the same thing as being shy, right?"

While Mo Tan was trying hard to 'tear' the teeth from his body, he turned his face that was almost the color of pig liver to Ji Xiaoge, and said in an almost suffocating tone: "So you... Stop...watching the fun...!"

Before meeting this man, not only was he not blushing because of Ya Ya, but Mo Tan had even started to be strangled by the latter because he did not dare to struggle too hard (the plate armor was relatively hard and could easily hit Ya Ya). Ji Xiaoge finally turned pale when being strangled by Mo Tan. He didn't sit back and watch until the end. After smacking his lips, he flapped his wings and went around behind Yaya, gently hugged the dog girl with an excited face, put his hands around the latter's slender waist that was less than the size of a hand and said happily: "Okay, okay, Ya Ya, stop making trouble, Mo will be strangled to death if you play for a little longer."


Yaya obediently let go of his arms and returned the right to breathe freely to Mo Tan. He kept wagging his tail in Ji Xiaoge's arms, blinking his big eyes with a really cute and pitiful expression. He asked: "Will Mowang continue to 'sleep' for a while?"

Mo Tan, who had already calculated the distance and changed numbers, shook his head, stood up and looked at the increasingly deserted wilderness around the convoy, patted the [Dawn Seven-Star Fan] on his waist: "I'm not going to sleep anymore, it's time to work hard. If I live, I can't let everyone do everything for me."

When Yaya heard that he was not sleeping for the time being, she immediately twitched her ears happily and said happily: "How wonderful~"

Ji Xiaoge, on the other hand, raised the corners of his mouth and shrugged, "Didn't I tell you, it's going to be a smooth journey. If you're really busy, go ahead and go. You're welcome."

"You were actually patrolling in the sky before you came down just now."

Mo Tan glanced at Ji Xiaoge, whose hair was a little messy and had two tufts of feathers unnaturally turned outward at the base of his left wing. He said in a calm tone: "Although you are indeed the most suitable for detectives among us, this kind of you When you and Yaya work shifts as scouts for each other, it can't be considered 'smooth sailing' no matter how you think about it? Also, your feathers are all ruffled."

Ji Xiaoge wrinkled his nose, quickly folded his wings and snorted fiercely: "Why do you keep staring at others!"

"Because you rarely let yourself be so embarrassed."

Mo Tan gave a very sincere answer, and then smiled at Ji Xiaoge, who actually paid great attention to his personal image despite his lively personality: "Okay, I've been a little busy during this time, but I won't let you down. Are you going to attack people as soon as you meet them?"

Ji Xiaoge casually took out a bottle of potion to restore physical energy from his bag. He drank half of the bottle and then snorted: "I don't like to see you, okay?"

"Okay, okay, as long as you're happy."

Mo Tan did not take it seriously with this beautiful girl who was actually a very good-natured person. He casually reassured Ji Xiaoge and then asked Yaya who was checking the equipment and moving his hands and feet: "So what is the situation now?"

"There's nothing romantic about it~"

Ya Ya wrapped his tail around Mo Tan's ankle and said cheerfully: "It's just that the road has been a bit rough for a while, and the monsters around have also begun to bark. Although they are not very barking, they are barking. It’s also very troublesome. We were afraid that the bosses who were destroying the dogs would be accidentally bitten, so they started going to the dogs in shifts. Sister Wang Ge had the hardest time, and she barked more than me and Wang Jiang.”

Mo Tan: "..."

Ji Xiaoge burst out laughing and glanced at Mo Tan teasingly: "Do you understand?"

"It's more or less the same, except that my head is a little wobbly."

Mo Tan knocked on his head, then raised his hand and put it on the shoulder of Yaya who was about to jump out of the car. He said to the dog girl who seemed to have not had enough sleep and was tired from work: "Let me stretch my muscles and bones." Well, what are you going to do?"

Yaya blinked twice, and then said obediently: "Woof!"

Mo Tan frowned and continued to ask: "What?"

Yaya shook his ears and continued loudly: "Woof!"

Mo Tan scratched his hair and looked at Ji Xiaoge again for help.

He felt that he had been online so little recently that he couldn't understand what Yaya was saying.


"Didn't Yaya already tell you?"

Ji Xiaoge folded her wings in front of her body and turned it into a beautiful badminton, and said happily: "Wow."

"I heard it."

Mo Tan had no choice but to raise his hand and make a 'quotation mark' gesture: "I just don't understand what she used 'woof' to refer to this time."

"It doesn't refer to anything."

Ji Xiaoge smiled like a flower and explained: "What she said is 'forget', forget."

Ink Tan: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"Let me tell you directly, because the search range of Yaya and Lao Jia is much smaller than that of Lujiang and I, so the two of them mainly take action based on the results of our high-altitude reconnaissance."

Ji Xiaoge spread his wings, stretched out comfortably, yawned and said: "If we find something around that will cause trouble to the team, then they will be responsible for dealing with it. If it is more powerful, Let’s just form a team with them or add some deer sauce.”

Mo Tan scratched his hair guiltily and said apologetically: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Hey, what's the trouble? Although there is no peace here in the Gold Rush Triangle, there is actually no strong threat, and we all know that you are not someone who will lose control at critical moments."

Ji Xiaoge lazily put his left wing on Mo Tan's shoulder, and said with an expression that said, "I understand you so well," "Sure enough, we haven't encountered any decent threats here yet, so why don't you yell?" The roaring ground is coming up.”

"You can't say that."

While Mo Tan tried hard to untie Yaya's tail from his waist, he casually passed Ji Xiaoge's accurate guess and asked: "So Lao Jia and Lu Jiang are on the other side of the motorcade? Our side is... The end of the team?"

He looked around casually and found that compared to the last time he logged into the role of 'Mo', the cart underneath him originally carried himself, Ji Xiaoge, Yaya, Lujiang, Jadeka and Wang Badan. Having fallen from the center of the convoy to the back, they immediately realized that this was probably a standard 'combat formation', so if nothing unexpected happened, the fighting styles of Jadeka and Lu were far more impactful than those of Yaya and Ji Xiaoge. Sauce should be at the front of the queue.

"That's right, my reconnaissance range is larger than Lujiang's. Lujiang and Lao Jia's frontal combat capabilities are stronger than those of Yaya and I, so we divided the labor like this. I didn't want Yaya to hear too many bastard words, so I assigned Ba Dan to We also rushed to their side."

Ji Xiaoge nodded and said seriously: "Now Lao Jia, Lu Jiang, Wang Ba Dan and Captain Largo, who has recovered 30% of his strength, are in the front. Yaya, I and you are in the back, protected in the middle. It's a special grain truck, and on both sides are the Highlanders warriors who are still in a weak state. Lu Jiang checks their physical condition every night, and to be honest, it's not very optimistic."

Mo Tan's eyes narrowed and he immediately asked: "What's going on?"

"Don't be nervous. First of all, it's true that the toxins in everyone's bodies have been almost eliminated."

Ji Xiaoge said this quickly, and then smiled bitterly: "But Lujiang overestimated their physical recovery ability. Alas, it's too complicated for me to understand, but to put it simply...although the Highlanders are physically Their quality is stronger than that of most races, but their self-healing ability is actually not that exaggerated. Although on average it is still stronger than ordinary humans, elves, etc., there seems to be a certain threshold. Once that threshold is reached, The recovery ability will decline from the inhuman level to the ordinary level, and these are the hard-working and outstanding highlander warriors around us, do you understand what I mean?"

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said softly: "In other words, for ordinary highlanders, after a certain threshold is broken, their self-healing ability...or something similar to body immunity, may not be as good as that of ordinary people? "

"That's probably true, but their self-healing threshold is actually very high, so they are almost never exposed under normal circumstances, but..."

Ji Xiaoge sighed and said helplessly: "The poison in them was too overbearing and damaging, so soon after we set off, everyone's self-healing speed declined rapidly, and because most people Because of his hard work, Lu Jiang didn’t even notice it on the first night. In short, the recovery period originally expected to last about a week may have to be at least doubled this time.”

Mo Tan's face turned solemn, and he immediately realized that things might be getting serious.

The reason is simple. In the original plan, although the Wangwang team needed to escort the food transport team back to the Savage Highlands, according to the one-week recovery period given by Lujiang, most of the Highlander warriors would enter the hinterland of the Barbarian Wilderness. By then, these battle-hardened mercenaries will basically no longer need protection.

In the final analysis, the escort mission proposed by Largo was actually only the distance from the Gold Rush Triangle to the hinterland of the Barbarian Tooth Wilderness. The reason why he did not make it so clear was mainly because he wanted Mo Tan and others to visit their tribe, Loya.

As a result, something went wrong, and the original recovery period of six or seven days directly turned into half a month, so that when the convoy passed through the relatively dangerous road section, except for the five people of the Wangwang team, one turtle and Largo, there was almost no combat effectiveness. Obviously very bad news.

"It looks like..."

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to look at the beast of burden that was pulling the cart and running with great strides: "Captain Largo has no intention of stopping to repair himself."

"Yes, Lu Jiang has already persuaded him, but it seems that for the King of Destruction mercenary group, delivering food to the family cannot be delayed at any cost."

Ji Xiaoge pursed his lips and said helplessly: "He said we could choose to leave or add more money. Lao Jia and I directly made the decision and refused. Is that okay?"

"Of course, in the final analysis, the fact that they will be poisoned has nothing to do with us."

Mo Tan took a deep breath, clenched the heavy [Xiao·Seven Star Fan] in his hand, turned to Ji Xiaoge and smiled slightly——

"Don't worry, I'm here."


"Even without me, you can still summon Cordoba."

"No, you can't just be cool to the end. You were so reliable just now..."

"Honesty is the only reliable thing. I'm just telling the truth."

"Oh, you do want to lie, can you tell it?"

"No one can be broken down even if things get tough."

"Slightly, slightly, slightly~"

Chapter 1,736: End

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