Quadruple split

Chapter 1753 Temporary Variables

"There's nothing nearby that could pose a threat to us."

Jadeka covered his head and staggered back half a step, and then dissipated the magic. He turned to everyone with a slightly pale face and suggested: "Let's have a brief discussion. It just so happens that the backbone is back."

Mo Tan immediately waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "Old Jia, please don't try to push me, but I also think we have to make a careful calculation. This situation is really a bit troublesome now..."

"That's right. In such a short period of time, there shouldn't be any monsters suddenly rushing here."

Ji Xiaoge also nodded, and then flapped Jadeka with his wings: "Speaking of which, Lao Jia, don't study that sorcerer's eye. If you can't use it well, it has nothing to do with your magical attainments. If you have a body that easily faints, don't be stubborn."

Jadeka, who has been trying to use the eyes of the mage to reduce the investigation burden on Ji Xiaoge and Lujiang since entering the Manya Wilderness, shook his head and said solemnly: "I didn't... ugh!"

"Don't throw up! I'm mysophobic!"

Lujiang immediately let out a sweet shout, then raised his hand and cast a green light over it, which actually forcibly dispelled Jadeka's 'dizziness' state through Druid's secret method, allowing the old man's complexion to return to rosy.

Lujiang himself, who used this move [Great Rejuvenation Technique], fell directly into a state of collapse due to the huge consumption. If it weren't for the quick support of Yaya next to him, this girl... well, this guy might It might just fall to the ground.

"Feel sorry."

Jadeka touched his nose apologetically and said with a wry smile: "I just think that if we can control the Mage's Eye freely, it will make everyone more relaxed."

Wang Badan sneered: "You're too bragging, you old man, you just think someone with a small hand behind his back and a far-sighted look on his face is handsome."

Jadeka: "..."

"Shut up."

Mo Tan directly kicked Wang Ba Dan in the head without any expression.

"Why are you everywhere!"

Ji Xiaoge also took out a pan at the same time and put it directly into Mo Tan's hand: "Teach me a lesson!"


Mo Tan, who was very aware of the hardness of Wang Ba Dan's skull, took the pan and without hesitation hit Wang Ba Dan's forehead with a crispy one. He directly smashed Ji Xiaoge's one. Although it was not particularly expensive, it still had enough durability. There was a crater in the 30% rune alloy pan, but the turtle slowly retracted its head into the shell as if it was nothing, and was still cursing.


Seeing that this bastard still showed no intention of introspection, Ji Xiaoge immediately took out a tea egg and handed it to Mo Tan. Then he turned around and half-knelt on the ground and covered his ears.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, simply threw the egg into Wang Ba Dan's turtle shell, then tilted his head and covered his ears.

One second later——

boom! ! !

As a large amount of pungent black smoke escaped from the tortoise's shell, the unclean cursing suddenly stopped. The tortoise shivered, and then stretched out its limbs, head and tail at the same time, and collapsed on the ground. Moved.

And it was clear that this bastard was at least 60% acting. Mo Tan's expression could be described as calm. After returning the pan to Ji Xiaoge, he walked directly into the carriage and greeted as he walked: "Okay. Let’s seize the time and talk about business.”

In this way, except for Largo, who had only been in contact with everyone for a short time, and glanced at Wang Badan worriedly, everyone else walked past the turtle as if it didn't exist, and followed Mo Tan into the room. The highest standard of the food transport team was a spacious 'meeting room' that could accommodate ten standard humanoid creatures at the same time after simple space expansion, pulled by three stone-scaled beasts.

Although it looks like an ordinary carriage from the outside, the cost of building this unique thing inside must be at least 70,000 to 80,000 gold coins.

"It looks quite impressive, but most of the time it is used to support the scene. Except for going back to entertain the children in the village every time when transporting food, this thing is kept in the warehouse of the stronghold most of the time."

Largo, who was the first to sit down at a large round table, chuckled and explained to Mo Tan, who had entered this carriage for the first time: "Although this specially designed carriage has good maneuverability, it is too fragile. Because of this, it can hardly be used in any situation, at least none of the tasks our Destruction King can receive can bring gadgets with us, and we can only take them out during relatively comfortable times such as transporting food."

"And the comfort level is also very high, and it can accommodate the unlucky ones who are not in a good situation."

Lu Jiang smiled, walked to the three Highlander warriors lying side by side on the ground behind the table, and asked, "Do you feel okay?"

The female Highlander warrior lying on the outside who was more than two meters tall but quite delicate in appearance struggled to stand up: "If you want to talk about something, let's..."


Largo glanced at the female warrior and said angrily: "Where did I learn these bad habits? They are all from my own family. Is there anything else I need to talk about behind your back?"

"I know, uncle..."

The female warrior nodded meekly, and then lay down again. She weakly turned to Lu Jiang and said, "Thank you for your concern, Miss Xiao Lu. We are much better. It has been a long time since we...have nothing to do."

Lu Jiang frowned: "Which one?"


The young man in the middle, who was not very tall among the Highlanders, completed the supplementary explanation concisely and concisely.

"You can't say it more tactfully!"

The female warrior glared at the companion next to her fiercely, and then glanced at a certain half-dragon knight sitting next to Largo with a reddish face. She realized that the latter did not seem to notice the topic here, and then secretly He breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, although he didn't have much contact with the Highlanders except Largo and Birger's uncle and nephew, Largo told everyone that Motan and Yayanu broke into the poison nest and brought those sinister people to justice. (Physical Transcendence), Mo Tan, who has a particularly warm and masculine temperament, suddenly became the heart of many girls, and the three girls, Ya Ya, Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang, unsurprisingly became the dreams of most young men. lover.

It is worth mentioning that Highlanders can combine with other races, and the offspring produced will not be mixed-race, but either Highlanders or pure-blood children of another race. This is just because Highlanders are advanced intelligent creatures. They are rare short-lived species, so they generally do not intermarry with other races.

It is precisely because of this that these Highlander girls and boys, who are straightforward, daring to love and hate, did not reveal their feelings to the object of their affection in the Wangwang team. At most, they only looked at them with red faces.

"If you want to see it, just look at it openly——"

Lu Jiang glared angrily at the young man in the back who would glance at him secretly every three seconds on average, and said with a smile, "I'm a man anyway, so I'm not afraid of looking at him."

Highlander guy: "..."

"Miss Xiaolu, come over here."

Largo raised his hand to greet Lu Jiang, who was the only one not sitting at the table, and said with a smile: "Although the three of them are in the most serious condition, they are all very strong. It doesn't matter if they don't need to be looked after like this."

As a result, Lu Jiang shook his head, and while using druid secrets to 'enchant' the herbs on the spot, he smiled without looking back: "I have never had any opinions. You talk about yours, and I will try it while listening." Let’s adjust the situation of the three of them.”

After all, it was for the good of his own clan, so Largo didn't force it. He smiled gratefully at Lujiang and then turned to look at the talkers of the 'Wang Wang Team', namely Mo Tan and Shen who were not online frequently these days. He asked in a loud voice: "Brother Mo, are you sure those things are not World of Warcraft?"

"Absolutely true."

Mo Tan nodded without hesitation, and then added: "And it doesn't look like a life form summoned from the sub-plane. The body structure conforms to the rules of our main material plane."

Although Largo looks like a rough guy, since he can serve as the leader of an organization like the [King of Destruction Mercenary Group] which is tantamount to 'the hope of the whole village', he cannot be a fool and follow him immediately. He analyzed it logically: "The strength is around the middle level. It is a third-category creature that does not belong to monsters and beasts. Its body still complies with the rules of our plane. This... sounds like it has suddenly mutated."

"Even so..."

Jadeka stroked his beard and frowned: "Why do those monsters mutate? What were they before they mutated?"

Ji Xiaoge held his chin and shook his head hard twice: "I can't think of it. That thing looks like a cat and a dog. I believe in mutation. As for what it looked like before mutation... I can't think of it anyway. It's too abstract. ”

"Me too."

Mo Tan also nodded slightly and agreed: "Ye Ge is right, I can't think of the 'normal' form of those monsters."


The somewhat sleepy Yaya stretched out, then hugged Mo Tan's arm and smacked his lips, and actually leaned directly on the latter's shoulder and dozed off.

However, everyone didn't expect this girl to give any constructive ideas, so they just let her sleep soundly.

Jadeka and Largo, the two people who knew the most about the Wild Tooth Wilderness, began to look at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and after a few seconds they said in unison: "I don't know. .”

So the scene was awkward, and it wasn't until half a minute later that the somewhat depressing silence was broken by Mo Tan——

"Okay, actually we don't have to care too much about where they came from."

After coughing slightly, Mo Tan lightly knocked on the table, and after everyone turned to look at him, he said seriously: "The point is, this is already the second 'unexpected incident' outside of the original plan. So what remains to be assessed is whether the 'variables' we face now are enough to allow us to make... a more realistic decision."

Upon hearing this, Largo immediately sighed deeply and smiled bitterly: "Like slowing down?"


Mo Tan nodded and said seriously: "I even think that if necessary, we should even take the option of 'temporarily stopping' into consideration."

Jadeka next to him narrowed his eyes slightly and stroked his beard and said: "I agree with Mo's idea. Since everyone in the mercenary group cannot restore their combat effectiveness in a short time, we must minimize the risk as much as possible, otherwise if we encounter What kind of trouble..."

The old man did not continue because he knew Largo could understand what he wanted to say.

Sure enough, even though his expression was not very good, Largo nodded after all: "I understand, in that case... Brother Mo, Sister Ye Ge, do you two think... those monsters can pose a threat to us? ?”

Ji Xiaoge frowned slightly, pursed her lips and said, "It's hard to say..."

Mo Tan, on the other hand, pondered briefly and then said sternly: "If it is the scale that the two of us have seen, theoretically it should not pose any threat to us. Even if we have to rely on the convoy to fight positional battles that cannot exert our mobility, Those monsters that are only mid-level at best can’t do anything to us.”

Largo nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "As expected."


Seeing this, Mo Tan had to immediately emphasize: "None of us can be sure whether there will be other more difficult enemies. The opponents are creatures that are not Warcraft but have the level of Warcraft. In the absence of insufficient intelligence, Any optimistic speculation is possible..."

"I understand, Brother Mo, I understand what you mean."

Largo raised his hand to interrupt Mo Tan's admonishment, and said with a wry smile: "I have been out here for so long, so naturally I know this kind of thing very well. It's just... it's just about transporting food to the settlement. It has a different meaning to us [Destruction King]. If I have a choice, I really don’t want to disappoint everyone who has not seen the food transport team when the day comes. No, it doesn’t matter if you are disappointed. I am afraid of those who are deeply in the period of decline. The tortured compatriots have random thoughts and feel that they have become a burden, and then..."

"I see."

Motan interrupted Largo before he could say those bad possibilities and asked bluntly: "So what do you mean?"

"I don't want to embarrass you, nor do I want to make fun of everyone's lives, so if we encounter a situation that is difficult for us to overcome at this stage, I will definitely choose to slow down or simply station in a safe place until everyone regains their combat effectiveness."

Largo took a deep breath and said solemnly: "But within the scope that we can still cope with, if possible, I hope to maintain the traveling speed and not delay the journey as much as possible."

Mo Tan exchanged glances with Jadeka and Ji Xiaoge, and finally nodded slightly: "Yes, we agree, but I hope that we can refer to the body that Lu Jiang has obtained from you as to the extent that the team can handle it. Feedback determines, in other words, it’s useless even if everyone tries to be brave, is that okay?”

"no problem."

Largo nodded happily and said with a smile: "If possible, when we have no choice but to stop, I hope that Sister Ye Ge will take the trouble to go to our settlement to explain to everyone. , to prevent anyone from having random thoughts, okay?”

"give it to me!"

"Brother Mo, let's just make this decision first?"

"Well, let's decide like this first."

"Can I triple your commission?"

"No, if you talk too much, you won't be able to speak forcefully."

"Then when we get here, I'll treat you all to a drink. Good wine!"

"Okay, then we're welcome."

Chapter 1,744: End

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