Quadruple split

Chapter 1754 Night Tour

Game time PM23:57

[You have left the public space and are synchronizing personal information]

[Connection completed, reading personal information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Northwest continent, outside the east side of Manya Wilderness, outside the simple camp of the [Destruction King Mercenary Group] food transport team


Mo Tan, who felt his body again, slowly opened his eyes. After adapting to the darkness for a few seconds, he quietly climbed up from the thin blanket, left the empty two-person tent, and took a deep breath. It was dry and cold, but the air was much fresher than during the day, which only made me feel refreshed.

This is the eastern periphery of the camp, which is relatively prone to accidents. The tents nominally belong to Mo Tan and Jadeka, and there is another tent to the west of the camp that is theoretically used by Lujiang, Yaya, and Ji Xiaoge, but in fact there is only one for Yaya. The environment of a girls' tent where people can sleep is better than the one used by two gentlemen, but it is also limited.

In fact, according to Largo's idea, he wanted to give up his big tent with the best environment to the Wangwang team. As a result, Jadeka, who represented Mo Tan in charge, rejected the proposal without hesitation and his attitude was very firm. Largo wasn't even given a chance to face off.

After that, Lujiang spent about two hours doing a real-time physical examination on everyone, and allocated rare resources such as 'high-end tents' according to everyone's physical condition. Largo and Birger, who were the best, were assigned to an ordinary tent. The girls of the Wangwang team got a spare broken tent, while Mo Tan and Jadeka of the boys' group directly found a tarpaulin to set up on site. Got one.

As for Wang Badan, he was carried around by Ji Xiaoge, the only one who could cure him after Mo Tan went offline.

Since Mo Tan, Ji Xiaoge and Lu Jiang in the Wangwang team are all players, the only ones who really need to rest are Jadeka and Yaya. In this case, Ji Xiaoge took Wang Badan directly to take charge. Centered at 360 degrees from the southwest corner of the camp, the monitoring range covers most of the areas due west and south. Lujiang is responsible for the east side of the camp alone. The vigil position is very close to the sick patients who are in the worst condition. Consultation is available at any time.

The two NPCs, Jadeka and Yaya, took turns guarding the northern part of the camp in the first half of the night, and Mo Tan, who was unable to work full time at night, guarded the second half of the night.

Theoretically this is the case...

But given that just ten minutes ago, the 'Tan Mo' in the southwest continent had achieved preliminary results in the investigation of a certain foggy area, so this time in the evening was really free.

As a result, Mo Tan, who was too lazy to continue spending time with Yu Ying and had no interest in playing in public spaces, directly chose to switch roles and sell himself a favor.

【Bullshit favor...】

Such thoughts flashed through his mind. Mo Tan curled his lips and completed the aura masking directly with the skills taught to him by Killing Soul. While walking quickly to the north, he told Wang Badan through the blood contract link to let him Tell Ji Xiaoge that he is online.


‘Why did you let Turtle Son deliver the message instead of sending me a message directly? Shy? ’

Ji Xiaoge's rather sharp-tongued friend message came through.

‘I’m practicing a skill. Opening the message bar may distract me and cause the skill to fail. It’s more convenient to use the connection with Ba Dan. ’

Mo Tan quickly entered the words he had organized immediately after noticing the message bar flashing, but did not directly answer Ji Xiaoge's question.

Sure enough, five seconds later, Wang Badan sent a telepathic message along the blood contract link: "Brother, eldest sister said you should concentrate on practicing yours. We are very comfortable here. Just contact us at any time if you need anything."


Because of the girl's understanding, Mo Tan nodded slightly and said to Wang Badan in a blood contract that was more convenient than a friend's message: "I know, tell your eldest sister, I plan to go out to investigate soon." For a moment, ask her if she wants to come with you."


After Wang Ba dared to reply, he fell silent. After about ten seconds, he spoke again: "Sister, I can't say that. She also said that you know the truth, you are shameless, you are a carrot, you start messing up but you give up, and you are a coward." , has evil intentions, is a waste of air when alive, and a waste of land when dead."

"I'll give you one more chance to organize your words."

"The eldest sister said she couldn't go and complained that you asked knowingly."

"Then you say that I am shameless, a playboy, a messy person who always gives up, a cowardly person, a person with evil intentions, a waste of air when I am alive, and a waste of land when I am dead?"

"Aren't you serious? Brother, you understand me. I am a dragon who usually doesn't have any hobbies. I just like to tell a few truths..."

"Very good, just wait, I'll keep vigil with Yege for you, so you can sleep well tonight."

"How to sleep?"


"Can you still wake up?"

"Hard to say."

"I was so wrong."

"Be with your eldest sister well, and find something to talk to occasionally. Watching the night is always tiring, so don't let her get bored."

"Don't worry, brother, I just told my eldest sister two dirty jokes, and after teasing her, I'm still giggling happily."


"Brother Murderous Container, next time I will tell eldest sister a joke for all ages, uh... although I'm not sure if my damn old man has passed down some normal jokes to me, but I will try my best."

"Seriously, it's hard for me to feel such sympathy and awe for your father for more than three minutes."

"Why fear him?"

"He is the hero of your dragon clan."

"Then why sympathize with him?"

"I gave birth to such a rebellious son like you."

"Then why can't it exceed three minutes?"

"Because he has a big problem with the way you were raised."

"He didn't educate me. He just left some inherited knowledge. We have never met each other."

"Do you want to see what he left behind?"

"Dirty jokes, ways to pick up girls, tips on contraception, seventy-two houses..."

"Shut up, that's why."


"Let's stop talking here first. Remember to coax your eldest sister."

"I know, brother, don't hang up yet, I want to ask you something..."

"You'd better think carefully before asking. If you don't say anything, I promise to deal with you tomorrow."

"I just want to ask if you and eldest sister are..."


"Well, will it happen in the future..."


"Ahem, don't be so absolute. I think you two are actually...brother? Hey, brother, why did you hang up on me? MMP, you deserve to be a widower for the rest of your life!"

Mo Tan, who knew Wang Ba Dan would definitely not say anything nice after he disconnected, sighed and walked forward slowly with soft and silent steps, his eyes as calm as water and his expression neither happy nor sad.

Unlike himself when he was in 'absolute neutrality', Mo Tan under his current personality is not confused, let alone questioning every decision he makes.

Now, he will only do what he thinks is right, and there is no need to regret doing the right thing.

Some decisions may not be that easy to make, but if it is a standard answer that will be chosen no matter how many times it is repeated, the so-called process does not matter.

It is better to have no guilt than to feel guilty.

Gently pinching the center of his eyebrows, Mo Tan left the chaotic emotions behind in less than half a second, walked briskly up a slope in the north of the camp, and then...


A crisp and charming sound came from nearby, and a strong wind was seen passing by. Fang Ya, whose eyes flashed with a fierce light, was like a hurricane and was blown in front of Mo Tan. After judging the identity of the visitor through his sense of smell, He immediately threw away the [Altaïr Blade] in his hand, turned the attack into a flying swoop, and slammed into Mo Tan's arms, shouting excitedly: "Mo Wang!"

The moment he heard the 'woof', Mo Tan, who had already held his breath and prepared to resist the impact, easily received Ya Ya's extremely powerful flying attack, and turned around twice to remove the impact. Li Hou gently placed it on the ground and said with a smile: "I remember it was Lao Jia who kept vigil today. Why didn't you go to bed?"

"The dog has been sleeping since he ate the meal at night. Now he doesn't bark at all. So I told Wang Deka to change the dog to guard the first half of the dog."

Ya Ya held Mo Tan's arm and shook it, smiling naively: "In the end, Wang Deka said he would accompany Wang."

"The main thing is that I'm not too sleepy."

Jadeka, who walked over slowly, smiled at Mo Tan, shrugged and said, "As soon as this man gets old, he starts to sleep less."

Mo Tan nodded, and then said pointedly: "I remember that Yege should have installed a lot of small monitoring equipment in the camp, as well as some devices that can assist in short-distance teleportation at critical moments."

Jadeka understood immediately and knew that Mo Tan was saying that even if there was a problem with Yaya's physical condition in this situation, Ji Xiaoge would be able to know about it and rush to the scene as soon as possible, so it didn't matter even if he wasn't with him. So he smiled and nodded: "So I really can't sleep, what about you? Aren't you free only in the middle of the night?"

"Well, I finished earlier on the other side, so I came here early today."

Mo Tan did not state that the 'other side' was actually in this world, but simply mentioned it and changed the subject: "By the way, if you are really not sleepy, Lao Jia, why not..."

"Walking around."

Jadeka laughed, finishing his words before Mo Tan could, and happily said: "What a coincidence, I originally wanted to go out for a walk with Yaya for a while, do you want to come together?"

Mo Tan also smiled and nodded: "Of course."

"Do you want to go out and bark?"

Yaya's eyes widened, and he jumped up and down and said, "Wang wants to go too! Take Wang there!"

"Who said we should stay up until midnight?"

Jadeka raised his hand and pressed the dog girl's head, raised his eyebrows and said, "You went with us. What if some random enemy attacks the camp from the north?"


Although he has a lively and simple personality under normal circumstances, Yaya, who also knows his sense of responsibility and priorities, immediately drooped his ears and hesitated to speak.

"Ya Ya, just wait here for a moment~"

Mo Tan also gently patted Yaya's little hand that had been holding his arm tightly, and persuaded softly: "I will go out for a walk with Lao Jia for a while, and I will definitely come back before you go to rest in the middle of the night. How about it?"

Motan and Jadeka's Yaya, who were usually very clingy, immediately showed a reluctant and reluctant look, but in the end he nodded slightly and muttered: "Then...then the dog won't follow the dogs." Went... The dogs are here to be good dogs, the dogs should come back early to accompany the dogs!"

"Do not worry."

Jadeka chuckled and assured firmly: "We will definitely be back early."

"So you have to be obedient and never leave the camp. Yege has told you the location of the 'border' before. You must not go out."

Mo Tan emphasized with a serious expression what Ji Xiaoge had already explained to Yaya more than ten times, and after the latter nodded vigorously and gave a positive answer, he breathed a sigh of relief, smiled happily, and then followed Together, Jadeka walked down the slope that was used as a vigil spot, and soon merged into the night and disappeared from Yaya's sight.

"To be honest, I'm still a little worried."

Five minutes later, Jadeka sighed softly and shook his head in distress: "Although I know that Yaya is a good and obedient child and will definitely not wander out of the range that Little Pigeon told her, but still..."

"Nothing to 'but' about."

Mo Tan smiled, shook his head and said: "Ya Ya is not a child. Although she does get impulsive sometimes, she always attaches great importance to what we say. To put it bluntly, even if she really left Ye Ge for some reason, can she directly If you are moving within a small area, that guy will know it immediately and chase you out. Wings are much faster than two legs."

It's not that he doesn't understand these principles, but simply caring makes him confused. Jadeka nodded. His originally tense expression finally relaxed a little, and he said helplessly: "You're right, I'm too nervous."

"It's understandable, after all, anyone can see how much your teeth hurt."

Mo Tan smiled and joked cheerfully: "Do you feel like a granddaughter, or do you feel like you have a son from old age?"

"Granddaughter, you are two generations behind me."

Jadeka shrugged his shoulders, then shook his head in confusion and said, "You're old enough to have a son, so don't make fun of me."

"Then let's get down to business."

Mo Tan was also unambiguous, and immediately cut to the point neatly, looking at Jadeka with burning eyes: "I want to confirm, you..."

"I'm a mage."

Jadeka did not let Mo Tan finish what he said. He first emphasized his identity as usual, then raised his hands and gently clenched his seemingly weak, wrinkled fists, and said lightly: "But I'm even more unwilling to joke with the safety of my partners and friends."

Mo Tan did not show any surprise, but nodded slightly: "Then I'm relieved. After all, when all members of [Destruction King] have lost their combat effectiveness, having an epic and not having an epic are completely different things."

"Although I don't want to be this knight lord at all."

"Then...either you work hard and advance to the rank of legend before dawn and become a great lord?"


Chapter 1,745: End

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