Quadruple split

Chapter 1766 Paid and Taboo

Luna was free in the Skolk stronghold. In fact, after she took out several kinds of food, including [Emperor Blood Pill], although they were not suitable for long-term use, they were at least enough to solve the urgent need to satisfy her hunger. A few of Skolk's leaders, who were considered leaders, immediately took advantage of the girl. Not only did they remove all the debris from the containers in the southwest corner of the village, they also cleared a quiet and smooth place for Luna. They even asked several craftsmen to help create many practical alchemy components on site according to the girl's request.

Although the Holy Son of Justice used his own space storage accessories to carry the main body of the alchemy table for Luna, a large number of components required by Luna cannot be put into subspace, subspace, and mounting space, and there are even many unless There is a self-contained mobile alchemy workshop, otherwise it would not be suitable for transportation at all, so even if Avery took the core part, the holy box he brought also contained a lot of Luna brought from Doumboua City. components, but this still could not meet her work needs.

The environment here at Skolk is particularly harsh, and the harsher the environment, the more efficient working conditions are needed, so Luna bluntly stated from the beginning that she hoped to get the best possible results if conditions permitted. Cooperate as much as possible.

"I was sent by the Black Van Priest to support this place. From now on, I will try my best to improve some problems that you cannot properly handle. No money is required, but you must cooperate with me."

Luna, who was not good at sociability and had no interest in sociability, was concise and straightforward in her request for assistance. After Elgar and others agreed to cooperate without hesitation, she made a series of requests, most of which were These are semi-finished products that can be tinkered with only manpower and some wooden boards and iron blocks.

Of course, the semi-finished product cannot be used directly, but it can save Luna a lot of physical strength, energy and time, allowing her to more efficiently combine it with the parts she brought in the car and turn it into a finished product as quickly as possible.

In fact, during the few days Luna was in Doumbouya City, she was basically working on other semi-finished products that non-professionals had no way of starting.

Of course, this is not that Luna Lynch only lives in her own little world on the surface. In fact, she is not only keenly aware of the situation, she even predicted that she would rush to the land with the Holy Son of Justice to be so barren and muddy. The kind of person who has to leave with tears in his eyes even when Qiu comes in may be Yuchen's best friend Lucie, but definitely not Luna.

So in fact, the reason why she has made a lot of semi-finished products that require certain professional knowledge is like a prophet, mainly because no matter what the future development is, if she wants to stay somewhere for a long time, she must have these basic things. .

The only change was that Luna turned the workshop originally planned to be built in the city of Doumbouya into Skolke's open-air workspace.

But it doesn't matter. For her, this kind of environment is actually far from difficult. This is not to say that Luna is a hard-working girl like Yi Zou, but for an alchemist of her level. For a teacher, it is not easy to live a 'hard' life. In fact, to a certain extent, Luna's survivability and adaptability are definitely better than most people in the world, plus With her super indifferent mentality of not taking things for granted and not taking sorrow for herself, whether it is from the City of Light to Doumbouya City, where conditions have plummeted, or from Doumbouya City to Skolke, where conditions are so bad that they can be called barren. , she maintained absolute calm.

This attitude surprised both the Holy Son of Justice and Skolk, but it did not surprise Mo Tan, who nodded in agreement with Luna's coming. After all, the latter knew very well about Luna's wandering life in her early years, otherwise , and would not agree to let her come here to suffer.

Because of his identity as 'Tan Mo', Mo Tan, who has an in-depth understanding of alchemy, knows that Luna is a master who can perform various refining transformations while following 'basic conservation', and Skoll No matter how poor it is, it won't have only things that cannot be included in the basic conservation principles. If it really does exist... just selling some will be enough to make a fortune.

Game time AM11:03

Luna, who had completed the morning's progress ahead of schedule, yawned and activated several magic marks on the side of the alchemy table. After confirming that basic functions including but not limited to heating, quick melting, cooling, etc. could be used normally, she sat behind her. Sitting on the chair, he picked up his alchemy notebook that was always with him and started reading it.

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time Luna has sat down today.

It stands to reason that even an ordinary spellcaster player would probably have difficulty standing like this for half a day. Although the player is less likely to feel soreness in the legs under the basic sensory protection of the system, if the physical fitness and strength attributes are insufficient, even if it is just Standing all the time will also cause physical fitness to drop rapidly, and you will have to sit down and rest for a while to recover.

But Luna doesn't need it. Although her physical fitness is slightly inferior to that of Hei Fan and others, for some reasons that are not humane, this girl only needs to rub her legs a little when she feels tired. It can directly eliminate all conditions including but not limited to muscle soreness and fatigue.

Today, although she still feels hazy, she rarely has the sleepy temperament of half-asleep and half-awake before. The reason is, on the one hand, because the craftsmen of Skolke are here at night to continue to perfect this specialized piece of work. An alchemy area provided for Luna, so she could only rest without being able to work.

On the other hand, Mo Tan had repeatedly warned her before she left that she must maintain both physical and mental health, take a good rest and not overdraw herself.

Obviously, Pastor Black Van has a strong sense of responsibility for Luna who followed him to this deserted land just by saying a word. Coupled with the decision to let the girl take the risk (although the girl took the initiative and insisted on it), he almost Before leaving, he chanted the words out of Avery and Luna's ears.

So for the first time, Luna planned to slightly increase her sleep ratio during this period. Although it was completely troublesome and unnecessary for her, in order to avoid being nagged too much after returning, she did not do it again. As before, he was awake almost all the time, and was in a state similar to sleepwalking for a long time.

I have to say that she does look much better than usual, but this is actually meaningless to Luna. In the final analysis, it is because the most important topic at hand has encountered a bottleneck, and it still cannot be solved with alchemy. bottleneck, that's why there is this "nothing to do" situation.

Since you have nothing to do, it shouldn’t matter if you find more things to do...

Luna opened her eyes, looked at the two people in front of her with her beautiful, misty blue eyes, and said calmly: "You're early."

"Hehe, I know..."

Yuekui scratched her hair nonchalantly and said with a smile: "The main reason is that I was really worried about little Lesa and couldn't calm down, so I brought her here first. You can be busy first."

"Hello, big sister!"

Lesa raised her wings full of energy and said hello to Luna, her slightly muddy eyes full of innocence.

Luna nodded slightly, and then said softly: "I have nothing to do anymore, but the preparations are not completed yet, so we need to wait."


Yuekui was stunned at first, and then looked at the crucible with light blue bubbles on the alchemy table in front of Luna, and the surrounding ones that were being lifted into the air by the wind element and soaked in pure water. Unknown material: "Are these prepared for little Lysa?"

"For little Lysa?"

Lesa tilted her head, then lowered her head and rubbed her belly, muttering: "But Lesa, I'm not hungry anymore. Drink something to avoid being full."

"Don't worry, you only need to drink a few drops for a while. I will make a pot directly so that you can use it when needed in the future. I am not giving it all to you."

Although the other party was a child, and a somewhat foolish child, Luna still patiently explained to Lysa, then looked down at the alchemy notes on her lap again, and said casually: "You can sit down and wait for a while. It’s probably almost healed.”

"Oh, okay!"

Yuekui nodded quickly, and then used the [Devil's Hand] move to pull an empty box from a distance. After doing it, she held Lysa on her lap. After a minute of calmness, she broke the silence again, cautiously He asked Luna: "Then what...Luna, do you want to look at Lysa again?"

Luna turned to look at Yue Kui in confusion, with a puzzled expression on her face: "Huh?"

"I mean, do you need to take a closer look at her condition? Then ask some questions, such as how is her appetite, does she have a headache or something?"

Yue Kui directly followed the routine of going to the hospital to see a doctor outside the game. She kept telling the doctor this and that like a worried parent, for fear that the other party would not look down on her child.

We can't say that Grandma Yuekui is ignorant, because she really cares about this little harpy who is not related to her, and the latter is actually just a set of insignificant data in the eyes of many players.

And even mainstream players can't avoid the problem of treating those outstanding and outstanding NPCs as people and other ordinary NPCs as backgrounds.

But Yuekui was different. Even if helping Lysa couldn't even trigger an "ordinary" mission, and there were no rewards such as reputation, money, experience, or equipment, she still hoped that the child in her arms would receive the most appropriate treatment.

Luna Lynch is a very powerful girl, which Moonflower has already determined on the road, so if the former really has a way, it is probably the only hope that Lysa can catch now.

"I already know what the problem is, so I don't have anything to ask, but..."

Luna shook her head, then turned to Lysa. After a few seconds of silence, she asked softly: "Are you afraid of pain?"

Lesa reacted for a moment, then nodded vigorously and said loudly: "Afraid!"

"Then are you afraid of hardship?"

Luna asked again.


Lysa gave the same answer again.

"I think so too, then it's okay."

Luna nodded with satisfaction, and then stood up slowly, walked to the crucible in the center of the alchemy table, which was still bubbling with blue bubbles just now, but now turned into a pot of bright orange liquid, and used a spoon to After gently stirring for a few times, she filled a flask, then raised her hand to grab a handful of pure water in mid-air, and put a few drops of the liquid that was held in her palm, with a large number of particles flowing inside. into the flask.


With a dull sound, the originally bright orange liquid turned milky white in the blink of an eye, looking like fresh milk.

"Drink it."

Luna handed the cup of something in her hand to Lysa and said calmly: "I wasted some materials and made some slight changes in texture and taste. It shouldn't taste particularly bad."


Lesa nodded obediently, then held the flask with both hands and drank the pure white liquid in it boldly. Then she burped under Yue Kui's nervous gaze, showing a cheerful giggle. He rolled his eyes and fell down softly.


Yuekui immediately hugged the unconscious girl with quick eyes and hands, raised her head to Luna, who had no expression on her face, and asked: "Is this...?"

"In addition to the taste, I also gave this cup a kind of calming and slumbering effect."

Luna raised her hand to signal Yuekui to lay Lysa horizontally on the wooden box covered with tarpaulin next to the alchemy table, and said in a calm tone: "The treatment process will produce a relatively strong pain for a while. Since she is afraid of pain, it is better to just It’s better to fall asleep like this.”

Yuekui nodded immediately and said suddenly: "Oh! It's just like taking an anesthetic, right?"

"have no idea."

Luna shook her head, and then said to Yuekui: "Go outside and watch, don't let anyone else come over, not even Avery, not Strong Lizard, I need an environment where no one will disturb me."

[Strong lizard? 】

Yuekui was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly realized that Luna was probably talking about 'Skolk'. She immediately nodded and said seriously: "Don't worry, leave it to me."


Luna stopped the Catwoman Warlock, who had turned around and ran two meters away, and said calmly: "Treatment is not free."

"Huh? Not for free? What do you mean..."

"The reward I need is that until I leave here, Lesa must be my assistant, and I will be responsible for protecting her safety, and I will also give her some reward every once in a while."


"That's it, you can think about how to tell her parents then."

"I...I understand. I think as long as Lysa can recover, her family will not have any objections."

Yue Kui nodded vigorously, and then while thinking about what to tell Lesa's parents, she quickly left here to guard the perimeter.

Luna, on the other hand, rolled up her sleeves and slowly raised her right arm after Moonflower's breath completely disappeared.

A right arm that is so fair that it is so fair, but almost covered with dark red lines that are constantly flowing like blood vessels, and is filled with forbidden power.

Chapter 1,757: End

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