Quadruple split

Chapter 1767 Assistants and Assistance

From a long time ago, the four words "human body refining" have been taboos among taboos. In the eyes of most people in the world, this is a vicious craft that is crazy, cruel, and terrifying. But in the eyes of alchemists, In the circle, there is also a deep taboo against this faction. In fact, the people who hate [human body refining] the most are precisely those alchemists with common sense, because compared to those who do not know what is going on, those who really study alchemy' Only those in the know know better how horrifying its nature is.

Even from the most objective point of view, the above statement is not wrong. After all, compared to the undead magic that also has a bad reputation, human body refining is much more twisted in nature.

That is an extreme blasphemy to life, a denial of human nature and ethics, and that is the true meaning of it - heresy.

Compared with the definition of the concept of 'heresy' among believers of various gods, [Human Refining], a knowledge that has almost risen to the level of committing crimes against all living beings just by contact, is like a real 'heresy'.

Historically, anyone who dabbled in this knowledge was basically accompanied by tragic stories that were difficult to watch directly, and even just listening to them made people feel creepy.

Of course, it's just for most people. I still remember that when Mo Tan sneaked into the restricted book area of ​​the Salamoun Trading District's big library to check relevant information under the 'Chaotic Neutral' personality, he grinned from the corners of his mouth to the roots of his ears. If it weren't for the constraints of the environment, he would have spent the whole time eating the food and drinks, looking at them, gesticulating and commenting.

Not only that, the yearning for the craft of [human body refining] is also one of the reasons why the character 'Tan Mo' got into alchemy. There is no other reason. After seeing those twisted and disgusting cases, Mo Mo Tan feels that the fact that he or others can grow a few more arms and legs anytime, anywhere, and that his eyes can pop out of his ears when necessary is so coooooooooool!

Unfortunately, after really getting into alchemy and understanding some of its principles, Mo Tan realized that if nothing unexpected happened, he might never have the chance to understand [human body refining] in his lifetime.

There is no other reason, it’s simply—difficulty!

How difficult is it? It is probably equivalent to a student in the late 20th century who was forced to study on his own with only basic textbooks, and relied on his learning results from primary school to high school to take the college entrance examination papers from the most difficult areas in the country. The results of "comprehensive arts + basic subjects pass the admission score of Peking University" and "comprehensive science + basic subjects pass the admission score of Tsinghua University" are similar.

So now some people may say that this does not seem to be particularly difficult, at least it does not seem to be difficult compared to the dark technology with high fashion value such as [Human Body Refining].

To this, the answer from an objective perspective is - yes, it is indeed not as difficult to study nuclear fusion at home at the same time, because the refining of the human body is still a school of alchemy, and nearly 60% of its true difficulty lies in 'There is no way to get started'. After all, there are academies specializing in the knowledge of the undead in places like Academy City, but no matter where they are, no one will blatantly teach how to use the human body.

In other words, if you can find a way, you can actually learn how to refine the human body by investing time and energy. As for the specific time and energy required, you can now look at the above example about the college entrance examination again.

As for Mo Tan, although there is a certain probability that he can obtain introductory knowledge about [Human Body Refining] through various connections and channels, he does not think that he can spare ten years to study this specifically, let alone Will the game [Innocence Boundary] still exist ten years later? Taking into account his mental state, he believes that even if he is a smart person from all angles, he may not be able to succeed in ten years with just the efforts of 'Tan Mo'. I completed the introduction within the year, so I gave up my plan to get involved in the field of [Human Body Refining] a long time ago.

As the saying goes, there are specializations in the arts. Although Mo Tan felt that he had no chance in this life, Luna, who was one or two years younger than him, had already gone very far in [Human Body Refining].

However, compared to the crazy alchemists in those records, although Luna is a bit 'crazy' to a certain extent, she does not cause any harm to the outside world, others, or society. She even used this method when she was in Misha County. A soldier who was theoretically certain to die was rescued.

In the final analysis, although 'power' may not be absolutely innocent, it is the 'person' who controls the power that determines whether it is a 'disaster' or a 'hazard'.

Power can be unpopular, evil, down-to-earth, and down-to-earth, but it is not sinful.

The guilty ones are always human beings.

Those who harm people are people, and those who save people are also people. It has no direct relationship with tools.

The dark sickle that exudes the smell of blood and the bright sword are essentially tools used to commit violence, and the former can even have an additional function of harvesting crops.

Certain drugs can sometimes save a person's life, but in other situations they can become vicious consumables that everyone wants to kill.

[Control the power, rather than letting the power control you, child...]

The message on the title page of her alchemy notebook flashed through her mind, and Luna Lynch quickly put it behind her, instead of taking a self-examination three times a day or something.

She doesn't care whether she is controlled by power, or whether she can control power or not. Luna doesn't like complicated things, and she also doesn't like those rigid theories or concepts. Rather than thinking about so many things, she is more willing to follow her own path. Act on 'inspiration'.

She had no reason to save the girl, but that didn't mean she wasn't willing to save the girl.

She just chose one of the two choices in one thought, it was that simple.


As if she sensed something unknown approaching, the girl named Lysa muttered in a coma, her expression looking a little painful.

"It's so troublesome, I kind of regret it..."

After murmuring in a low voice, Luna placed her right hand with unknown black lines on the girl's forehead. Then, her pair of light blue eyes that were originally hazy, as if filled with mist, had a The brilliance suddenly disappeared in an instant, and when the girl's eyes lit up again, the dense black lines on her arms had faded away, while Lysa's ears, nostrils, corners of the mouth, and her closed eyes were all seeping out. A wisp of muddy blood.

In less than two seconds, the side effects that would have stayed with Lysa all her life because of her parents' expediency when she was young were arbitrarily and domineeringly dispelled.

The sequelae that cannot be cured by divine arts, magic, pharmacology or conventional alchemy are directly terminated like a joke before the simple and crude human body refining technique. The disease that has been entangled for many years finally turns into a few faint traces of blood. The girl's orifices are overflowing, and it's hard to make waves.

The reason why a taboo is a taboo is because it represents a shortcut that is difficult to achieve through conventional means.

If ordinary alchemy potions achieve purposes including but not limited to enhancement, weakening or treatment through the method of 'building a Rubik's Cube', then human body refining involves directly breaking apart the Rubik's Cube in the field involving the 'human body' and forcibly spelling out one's own. You can even dye the Rubik's Cube if necessary to get the desired result.

Ordinary difficult and complicated diseases are the very difficult Rubik's Cube. As for terminal diseases that are almost reversible, even if you can solve them, you can only get a faded semi-finished product.

Therefore, it is a 'shortcut' to make a human body that can not only directly dismantle the Rubik's Cube, but also be dyed. On the basis of being able to dismantle the Rubik's Cube, the human body can even be used for DIY. Therefore, a good Rubik's Cube can be refined by the human body. After some processing, it is likely to directly turn into 'Transformers', 'Electric Mosquito Repellent', 'Shaving Blade', 'Facial Mask', 'Double-sided Tape', 'Sexy Figures', etc. It has nothing to do with the Rubik's Cube. Things that depend on relationships will shatter the so-called rules and frameworks to the point where nothing is left.

The huge possibilities and lower limits are the core reasons why it is taboo to develop this kind of power through the human body.

Compared with those who can stick to their true intentions, there are many more people who go astray after gaining strength. From this perspective, human body refinement should indeed be sealed and never see the light of day.

As for Luna, she neither sticks to her true intentions nor has gone astray, she is just a radio-type girl who regards [Human Refining] as a normal part of alchemy.

"Wake up."

Taking a wet towel and wiping the blood on Lysa's face, Luna called out expressionlessly: "It's over."


Different from the previous talk in sleep, the little harpy, who had been driven away from the evil disease for many years and the effect of the sleeping medicine, mumbled in a daze, then opened her eyes and looked at the person looking down at her in confusion. Luna looked a little confused.


Maybe it was because the girl's expression was so silly that Luna was stunned for a moment. She looked down at her right hand with self-doubt and murmured in surprise: "Isn't it done?"

But soon, Luna realized that her doubts were unnecessary, because after only two seconds, the girl with increasingly bright eyes jumped down from the barrel lightly and whispered: "Wow, I don't know why. I feel so relaxed now, as if I just woke up after a long dream. Before, everything was hazy. Now I feel much better. Sister, did you cure me? Am I sick? Thank you, sister. I'm much more comfortable now and can even think of my parents. Well, I can remember their names too, but I think I have to remember them again. Although I've remembered them many times before, I feel like I won't forget them this time. I'm getting smarter. Sister, why don’t you speak?"

Luna: "..."


Lesa tilted her head and asked curiously: "Sister, are you too tired? I remember that you have been standing here today and it seems that you haven't sat down much..."


Luna raised her hand without hesitation to stop this girl who didn't like punctuation when speaking and had a huge lung capacity. She hit her slightly frowning brow with a headache. It took her several seconds to understand what Lysa had just said. He spoke in a normal manner and said hesitantly: "How do you feel now?"


Lysa lowered her head and thought about it for a moment, then smiled happily: "It feels great. Before, it was like being in a fog, everything was hazy. After waking up this time, I feel very clear..."


Luna interrupted the girl again before she started speaking faster, with a rare hint of helplessness in her words: "What do I ask, what do you answer, just give a simple answer."

Lesa immediately nodded obediently and said with a crisp smile: "I know, sister!"

"Does your head hurt?"

"It seemed to hurt a little bit before, but I wasn't sure, but now it definitely doesn't hurt at all!"

"Can you hear any strange noises? Is your vision blurry?"

"What is the abnormal noise? Is it a strange sound? Lysa can't hear it."

"What about the field of vision? Is it blurry when you see things?"

"It's not clear at all. My eyes are very good!"

"Are you literate?"

"Dad taught me something, but I can't remember it at all. Now I don't know if I can remember it."

"I see."

Luna nodded to Lysa who was really trying to be concise and to the point. Then she took out a blue-covered notebook from the storage space that looked exactly like the one she always kept with her, but it looked very new. I casually flipped through the notebook to two pages with almost no text but a large number of illustrations. I handed the book over and said concisely: "Look."

"I know, big sister, although I may not understand it, I will try my best!"

Lysa immediately stretched out her hands, politely took the note Luna gave her and read it quietly, which was exactly what the latter needed.

I have to say that this girl named Lysa is really noisy.

But this is not a defect in the girl's personality, but that she cannot adapt to a body whose sequelae have been eliminated by Luna. For example, a person whose gaming delay is always 2000ms (about 2 seconds) suddenly has a sudden delay. The time has changed to less than 30ms, which is a good thing, but it still takes a while to get used to.

However, as the saying goes, transitioning from frugality to luxury is easy. In theory, this kind of discomfort does not last too long. Under normal circumstances, it will return to normal in about a few hours.

But this process may take longer for Lysa, because not only has her internet speed been improved, but the hardware has also undergone a round of not-so-obvious ‘renovations’.

In fact, just a few seconds ago, Luna used [Human Refining] to do some tricks on Lysa's brain. Although the latter is the most delicate organ in the human body, if she wants to restore the girl to normal, she must A certain level of stimulation is required, otherwise even if the root cause of the problem is eliminated, the child may not be able to have the intelligence of a normal person.

There is a 30% chance of success, and Lysa's brain will return to the level of an ordinary person or even go further after being 'tempered'.

There is a 70% chance of failure, and he will be slower than ordinary people, but it is still better than before Luna took action.

All in all, it’s not a loss anyway.

The only difference is that if she accidentally bets on the 30% chance, Luna will gain a highly malleable little assistant, which is exactly what she needs now.

Luna Lynch alone can only be the icing on the cake, but cannot truly become a real helper for Hei Fan.

A person's energy is limited, and those blood barbarians are not mutants from Misha County, so Luna can still be busy even though she does everything herself.

Coming to Skolke to find an assistant was one of the purposes of Luna's trip that she didn't tell Mo Tan.

And this girl named Lysa is a girl who meets Luna's conditions very well.

Chapter 1,758: End

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