Quadruple split

Chapter 1826 The Betrayal’s Identity

The situation got out of control.

After Mo Tan drew his sword against the followers of the Blood God Cult who were supposed to advance and retreat with him, and boldly rebelled, the direction of the matter has gone beyond the scope of 'calculation'. Not to mention Kevin, even the people who were born for this game' The venue's [System Ji γ8.45] can't predict how these will develop next.

Yes, those who are interested may have noticed that the one who generated this mirror space is not the [System], that is, the 'system sauce' that Mo Tan will occasionally try to talk to when logging in or offline (mostly under the chaotic neutral personality), but a name. It's called [System Hime γ8.45], and it feels like a much cuter existence.

So many questions come, such as what is this [System Ji γ8.45]? Why is it presiding over the crime debate? Where did the main system of the Innocence Realm go?

Don't worry, the above content has basically been judged as public information at this stage, otherwise it would not appear on the chapter homepage, but would be placed at the end as a despicable chapter break point.

So let’s explain the relationship between this [Crime Debate] and [System Ji γ8.45].

First of all, we need to clarify a concept, that is, although [the guilt debate] and [the realm of innocence] are related, in a big way, they are essentially two things that cannot be discussed together for no other reason than Because the latter is under the management of the system of Innocence World, and the former is under the management of the Board of Directors of Innocence Company, and the current relationship between the two parties... to put it nicely, is rather subtle, to put it at worst, neither one pays attention to the other.

Of course, the initial situation was that the top executives of the Innocence Company... In fact, it was the superhuman elders of Mo Tan's small circle in reality who had been sticking their hot faces to the cold butt of the Innocence System. However, this butt had been stuck for half a year. It didn't mean anything to heat up at all, but it was getting colder and colder. So those desperate supermen thought of an impossible solution and used a curve to save the country. This is also the only proposal that has been supported by the Innocence Realm Lord system, or has not been opposed.

However, although the system has no objections, its cooperation is limited to 'just trying not to cause trouble for you'. In other words, any content related to [Inquisition and Controversy] must be allowed to be unreliable. Reliable middle-aged women and older sisters are in charge.

And [System Ji γ8.45] is the product that emerged under such circumstances. Its main job is to perform duties on behalf of the main system during the [Inquisition and Debate] process, and is responsible for including but not limited to matching players and generating maps. , maintain balance, assign tasks and other matters.

Objectively speaking, [System Hime γ8.45] is an AI that is far more intelligent than Futaba's NAVI and the vast majority of normal humans, and has technological capabilities across the ages. Under this premise, due to its creator, With the support of many people, it is outputting high-intensity spiritual power around the clock, and its computing power is completely comparable to the national matrix or even stronger during this period of time. Therefore, these tasks can directly cause a crash when placed on any set of programs. It has always been completed well, and there have been no problems from [criminal simulation battle] to [criminal debate].

The result happened to Mo Tan, and he overturned.

The reason is very simple, that is because [System Ji γ8.45] is destined to be a one-time product, so even though it is extremely intelligent and has a very excellent emotion simulation module, its creator has completely locked it up. It has all the possibilities in terms of true feelings and 'personality', so that in related aspects, let alone the almost monster-like main system of the Innocence Realm, it has been assisting both parties since it was developed shortly after it was developed. Ye is not as good as Mo Tan's NAVI.

But there is nothing that can be done, because this is a job that is destined to be contaminated by a lot of 'cause and effect', so [System Ji γ8.45], as a core component, will definitely not be retained after the mission ends. In other words, if Let it sprout real emotions, consciousness and personality, and the final 'deletion' will turn into a 'murder', which is unacceptable to its creator in any case.

So here comes the question, since the system of the Innocence Realm cannot interfere with the [Inquisition of Crime], then why can it open a backdoor for Mo Tan, allowing him to gain the right to freely switch roles during the game?

The answer is simple, that is, although the 'system' has made a gesture that it will not interfere, it has already acquired the ability to intervene without its primary and secondary creators being completely aware of it.

In fact, whether it is the core code of [System Girl] or the [Innocence Boundary Beta Test Area], which is the mirror space carrier for countless competitions, except for a special area in the deepest part of the latter, all of them have already been in [Question of Guilty] Debate] This project was completely penetrated as soon as it was launched.

It's just that although the system has been penetrated, so far, it has done nothing except opening a small function for Mo Tan. The whole process has just been to 'keep paying attention'.

For example, right now, it discovered [System Ji]'s mistakes caused by lack of emotion and lack of personality for the first time, and its attitude was still extremely simple - continuous attention.

After all, mistakes of this level are nothing to it, and even... somewhat amusing.

Of course, although the system found it fun, Kevin, who was also affected by this error, did not find it fun. After all, Mo Tan's previous actions were basically equivalent to directly transferring the camp to Kevin's side, and on both sides Standing on the same starting line, Kevin's already low winning rate has become even lower.

"Some people will take the children and girls to a safe place!"

Mo Tan didn't think as much as Kevin. He was fighting to the death with the few cultists around him who seemed to be red-eyed, while he said loudly: "There are their magical formations everywhere here. The Blood God cultists in this city can be transferred here at any time, and it’s only a matter of time before this place falls completely!”

The paladin captain of the Mist Sect charged towards Mo Tan with one against two against two cultists, and responded loudly: "The signal was sent just now, our support is on the way! It will be here soon! "

"Then save people first, don't let innocent people stay on the battlefield."

Mo Tan raised his hand and threw out a [Scarlet Slash] to support the team member, and then spun around on the spot, using his thick and powerful tail to whip a thin Blood God believer away a full meter away, and then pulled away with his backhand. The door behind him said in a deep voice to the trembling girls and boys: "I'm going to run away. Please follow me!"

The boys and the two girls were covered in blood, and Mo Tan, who looked a bit sinister at first glance, was so frightened that he subconsciously took a step back, his face turned pale and speechless, and at this moment, a petite half-figure appeared. But the elf girl squeezed forward from behind and said loudly to Mo Tan: "Thank you, half-dragon brother."

After saying that, he took the hands of the two boys beside him and beckoned the other dozen or so people to run against the wall and run out. With someone taking the lead, the others had no choice but to follow behind towards the Paladin team. Rushing, the half-dragon covered in blood waved a long stick with a very simple shape that appeared in his hand at some point, guarding the outside of the team like a shadow, ensuring that everyone would not be rushed by those who rushed to snatch people like crazy. The followers of the Blood God captured him.

Perhaps they were afraid that the nine virgins and nine boys who had been carefully selected would die outside of the sacrifice. Although the momentum of the blood god believers was crazy, they were quite restrained in their attacks. Although the attack on Mo Tan was definitely forceful. There is no mercy for life, but given that he is too close to those girls and children, the other party does not dare to attack with large-scale magic. However, those single-target magic that can lock the target and be 100% safe from accidental damage are not restricted. , but would be dodged and blocked by Mo Tan with his unreasonable fighting intuition.

As a result, under Mo Tan's instigation, the situation in the auditorium suddenly became unfavorable to those Blood God believers. Although there were about twenty high-level priests in the latter, no matter who was approaching the door and facing Mo Tan, The team of Paladins, the duo of Tychus and Kevin who separated almost all their combat power on the other side of the auditorium, or Mo Tan who was escorting eighteen oil bottles and desperately trying to join the Paladins at the door. The method was defeated in a short period of time, and those Blood God believers who were nothing more than terrorists also knew very well that once those women and children were let out of the church, it would be almost impossible to catch them back!

Although it is not impossible to directly hold blood sacrifices, as we all know, in the eyes of those extreme believers, any flaws in the ritual are disrespectful to God, so when they found that everything would fall short in half a minute at most, they suddenly Launched a suicide attack!

"Damn it!"

Tychus, who was caught off guard and hugged by two Blood God believers, jumped up high after scolding. Although he was not seriously injured by the explosion due to the strength of the half-step epic, the brazen self-destruction of the two high-level terrorists still failed. He felt a surge of energy and blood, and even staggered when he fell back to the ground. If Kevin hadn't been quick to help him, he would have been sitting on the ground by now.

After paying the price of two people, the remaining eight Blood God believers separated by Tychus on the other side of the auditorium seemed to have passed through the blockade and joined in the interception of Mo Tan in the blink of an eye.


"Get away!"

With an angry shout, Mo Tan, who was originally 180 centimeters tall, instantly grew to over 1.9 meters tall. Not only that, the scales on his body that were not particularly conspicuous suddenly seemed to have multiplied and covered his arms. , neck and other exposed skin.

On the angular handsome face, a pair of purple vertical pupils were showing a real murderous intention.

The next moment, the ferocious war halberd whizzed out, directly blasting a Blood God believer who was rushing towards him, and opened a hole as big as a basin in his chest, and the sword blasted out at the same time as the war halberd. When he was angry, he directly blew the blood god believer whose chest was opened into two pieces, and also destroyed half of another blood god believer who was chanting the holy words two meters behind.

Although he had only initially liberated [Reverse Scale], with the blessing of [Asura Ultimate Intent], Mo Tan achieved a double kill in an instant, and then turned the Asura Halberd in his hand that was so heavy that he could hardly hold it into a After unfolding the Seven-Star Fan to its maximum extent, he directly used the skill Giant Gate Shield to withstand the blood swords that came from at least four different angles.


Even though Mo Tan's psychological quality was extremely strong under his current personality, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief at this moment. After all, before those holy knights rushed in, he was still facing a lifeless situation, but now he has overcome it. After the attack just now, if nothing else happened, he would soon be able to get out of the desperate situation with the boys and girls around him who were supposed to have been drained of blood by now.

As for the danger after the desperate situation and the hidden danger of Kevin, although it is also a headache, at least he will not suffer like he just did.

However, we all know that when the sentence pattern "if nothing happens" appears, it means that an "accident" is about to happen.


Soon after, Mo Tan felt a 'raindrop' hit his forehead, and then he fell heavily to the ground. As for how heavy it was, let's put it this way, the back of his head actually touched the floor of the auditorium. A shallow pit was created, which meant that if Mo Tan was not in the [Reverse Scale] state, just that one blow would be enough to give him a [Dizziness] DEBUFF of at least five minutes, and even cause a small chance of instant death.


Looking down at the half-dragon who was struggling to get up from the ground, clenching his teeth and desperately holding up the strange shield in his hand, the man in black robe suddenly appeared in mid-air and laughed, and the voice under the hood was charming and pleasant: "There is something on him." A brother who has his own taste, a moment of conscience discovery...is it really enough for you to do this?"

The next moment, a curtain of blood fell from the sky, ruthlessly isolating the paladin of the Mist Sect from the half-elf girl who was only three meters away from him and running at the front of the team. Immediately afterwards, the former's roar could be heard in the area. A curtain of blood that was at least five meters high rang out: "Traitor!!!"

"Not so, dear."

Taking off her hood in an almost lazy manner, the beautiful and charming woman with waist-length blood-colored hair shook her head and said quietly: "To be honest, even I didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. , half a year... Your ridiculous Grand Inquisition did not discover for half a year that a woman who had forgotten everything she believed in had her identity stolen by a devout bloodthirsty person. How arrogant and how arrogant is this? Funny, how…stupid.”


"The Archbishop of the End - [Blood-devouring] Sirius Tull says hello to you, corpse."

Chapter 1817: End

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