Quadruple split

Chapter 1827 What are you planning?

【The final Archbishop? 】

Suddenly hearing this unfamiliar term, the paladin captain was slightly startled. Then, with a violent tremor, a large puff of blood spurted out from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes at the same time. He didn't even have time to atomize his body. Killed on the spot, turned into a real, literal corpse as the other party said.

Epic level! ! !

Everyone present made a judgment in shock. Even Mo Tan, who was unable to witness the death of the Holy Knight because of the blood curtain, also concluded from the aura exuded by the woman in mid-air. Same conclusion.

No one could have imagined that the first person to arrive here at this moment was not only a heretic who had infiltrated the Holy Union Grand Inquisition, but also an epic powerhouse with a level of strength compared to everyone in the auditorium, so that at this moment , whether it was Kevin, Mo Tan, Tychus or the other paladins of Team 9, they all felt a bone-chilling despair sweeping over them.

Those Blood God believers were completely on the contrary. After seeing the power of the woman who called herself [Blood-devouring] Sirius, they immediately became visibly excited and sang a strange and twisted tune in unison. Most of them are hymns from the Blood God Cult.

"A bunch of scum..."

And Sirius, who was floating in the air, not only did not show any joy, but even frowned her beautiful eyebrows with disgust, her expression became colder, and Tychus, who was not very big, A voice that could be heard clearly by Mo Tan and others murmured: "Disgusting."

Then, she waved her left hand gently, driving the suffocating curtain of blood to hit Mo Tan.

As for the girls and boys who clung to the wall under the latter's instructions, they were accurately kept out of the attack range.

Because the blood curtain fell so fast, neither Tychus, who was willing to help, nor Kevin, who was looking forward to Mo Tan's death, had no time to react, and the paladins in the direction of the entrance were even less able to save him.

In other words, if Mo Tan wants to survive, then he must withstand this strange magical spell that may seem perfunctory but is definitely powerful enough to reach the epic level without relying on anyone.

Under the situation where 90% of the time he would be directly beaten to pieces, avoiding it seemed to be his only choice at this moment. However, Mo Tan, who had already noticed the trickling blood in the shadow of the wall, knew very well that in ordinary life, If he retreated more than three steps from his current position where he could take care of all the girls and boys, the woman in mid-air could effortlessly take these people away and perform a blood sacrifice immediately.

And in this case, he didn't even have time to think, because the bloody curtain fell so fast, so fast that when Tychus, who was half-step epic, saw it clearly, he couldn't bear to witness it. What would happen next second was to close his eyes.

As for Kevin, he ran towards the girls and boys for reasons that he didn't even know, knowing that he would be able to return to the public space soon.

Then, at the moment when the blood curtain with epic power crashed down and directly 'devoured' Motan, Tychus suddenly widened his eyes in shock, and Kevin also patted himself with a wry smile. forehead, and belatedly discovered why he rushed over to pick up those children.

The answer is actually very simple - because he always focused his attention on Mo Tan, Kevin instinctively made the judgment that "he will not be killed like this", so he ran forward to save people without any extra effort!

Immediately, with a deep muffled sound, the piece of blood made a dent in the ground. At this moment, the blood that was like a mini lake trembled violently, and in the next moment broke away from the shackles of gravity, as if escaping. The posture exploded with a bang, causing a rain of blood all over the sky.

Under the rain of blood, there was a figure that was extremely strange to Kevin, and that made Tychus, a half-epic epic, and Sirius, an epic-level blood god believer who claimed to be the Archbishop of the End, look at him with suspicion.

The originally dark messy hair turned into dark purple, the vertical pupils that no longer flashed with electric light were warm and bright, and the diamond-shaped crystal scale in the center of the forehead was like a dragon's eye looking at the world, and it was like a huge dragon wing with a wingspan of more than three meters like a guillotine. With the half-dragon man named Mo gathered behind him like a cloak, he took a deep breath. After taking a slight step, he got used to the complex armor with a dark purple background and a large number of golden patterns, and then looked up. The surprised woman in mid-air.

Without any warning, Sirius suddenly raised his hand and formed a wide and solid 'wall' of pure blood in front of him. Then, with a burst of thunder, the wall collapsed in an instant. It was torn into pieces by an arc of dark purple light, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Although Sirius was not injured, his expression was no longer as calm as before. Although he was still beautiful, he looked extremely gloomy.

Obviously, even though he knew that he still had an absolute advantage in strength, Sirius still felt extremely annoyed by this level of 'variability', and even thought of leaving this mess here and walking away. idea.

It's a pity that although she, as the Archbishop of the End, does live a free and easy life than most clerics, at this moment, when the entire Pato City seems to have been brought into view by the 'Blood God', those too naked scorns The behavior is no longer allowed, so no matter how much Sirius hates the Blood God cultists who gathered in this city, he has to suppress the increasingly fierce mania deep in his heart and cooperate as much as possible Those scum with bleeding brains.


With the crisp sound of snapping fingers bursting out from Sirius's fingers, several magical formations in the auditorium immediately erupted into a burst of bright red, dazzling and turbid light, and then even a blur gradually solidified in the air. Unexpectedly, those who were originally The remaining followers of the Blood God gathered at the Patuo City Municipal Square, ready to officially start the sacrifice after the ceremony here.

At the same time, with the increasingly approaching iron hooves and shouts, the Paladins who were coming from all directions at high speed also broke into Pato Academy. Among them, the seventh, eighth and tenth teams were the first to rush into the auditorium. He even made a great contribution, saving the Ninth Team at the critical moment with the [Piety Halo] that was synchronized in a hurry, allowing them to survive narrowly under the firepower of dozens of divine spells.

After Sirius used the [Forced Recruitment] on these magical arrays in the auditorium as a 'Blood Thirsty', all the Blood God believers in the entire Pato City have been gathered into this auditorium, and the number of these madmen There were more than double the number in the information, and according to visual inspection, there were nearly 300 people!

Coupled with the fact that Sirius is three times stronger in black form, and has real epic level strength after jumping back, no matter in terms of 'quality' or 'quantity', these crazy heretics are completely stronger than the United Holy Religion currently in the city. camp.

"Get the sacrifice back."

Sirius gave the order without hesitation in the air, and after pointing at the girls and boys by the wall and saying this, he turned to look at the increasing number of Paladins at the entrance of the auditorium, and said sternly: " Kill the heretics!"

"Ouch! Ouch!!!!"

The Blood God believers who had been unknowingly 'induced' by Sirius and had almost completely lost their ability to think independently roared, and half of them rushed towards Mo Tan, Kevin and the children behind them like mad dogs. They, while the other half rolled their eyes and drooled and launched an attack at the entrance of the auditorium, using the long-distance and large-scale magic that the Blood God Cult is proud of to continuously wash away the increasingly dim road led by more than thirty paladins. The jointly maintained [Synchronic Piety Halo] reduced its area of ​​influence by three full circles in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Sirius himself did not sit back and watch, but took action against Motan again, shooting dozens of blood swords containing epic power at him. Concentrated blood curtain, although these sharp swords look quite simple, but the threat level is many times higher than the former.

To be fair, in terms of strength alone, these blood swords are much stronger than the sword skills Mu Xuejian used against Mo Tan in the fighting skills competition. After all, they are stronger than the undoubted epic swordsman Sirius. Compared with others, Mu Xuejian didn't even take half a step forward at that time, so his attack power was not at the same level.


If you put aside the concept of 'power' and look at it from the perspective of moves, these [Blood Swords] condensed by divine magic are not even enough to lift Mu Xuejian's shoes, they are just simple and crude summons → Lock →It’s just a launch, the skill is almost non-existent.

It is precisely because of this that Mo Tan, who is currently in the full form of [Reverse Scale], has read Mu Xuejian's "Sword Outline", and been personally guided by Jian Po, can barely resolve this round through 'breaking moves'. After the attack, Kevin and Tychus narrowly escaped death under the gaze of Kevin and Tychus, and survived this round of blood sword with only minor injuries.

And this also tells us a truth, that is, the more mainstream the attack method, the better. If what Sirius just used was not the 'Blood Sword', but the 'Blood Axe', 'Blood Arrow', 'Blood Sausage', In the form of 'Blood Mace', Mo Tan would most likely be seriously injured.

Of course, even if this was the case, Mo Tan didn't think he could hold on for too long, so while shattering the last blood sword, he shouted to Kevin who was two meters away: "Take them out, or you'll be killed by me." Kill to end the game, you choose one!”

"Come on, come on!"

Without hesitation, Kevin immediately bent down and picked up the two little boys who were so frightened that their legs were weak, and shouted loudly to the girls and boys around him: "Come on, come on! Big brother is going to take you away to a safe place." Got it!"

The young people nodded in unison, and then followed Kevin cautiously towards the increasingly dangerous entrance of the auditorium. Only the smaller half-elf girl turned to look at Mo Tan: "What about you, half-dragon brother? "

"I'll find you in a moment."

Mo Tan realized almost instantly that this girl was probably in puberty, and she was probably still in a state where she felt that the friends of the opposite sex around her were more childish than the last, and she was full of emotions and had nowhere to turn, so she immediately chose the simplest and most effective answer. Without looking back, he said: "Let's go quickly. If conditions permit, we can have lunch together after everything calms down."


As soon as the girl heard this, her face immediately turned red, and then she said "hmm" hard and ran away with Kevin without looking back.

【I'm guilty. 】

Although it was just a temporary measure, Mo Tan still sighed deeply in his heart for his shameful 'Tan Mo behavior' just now, and then he flew towards Xili, who was obviously better at using long-distance magic to suppress her. Us, put everything behind him and planned to delay it for a while before he was killed.

That's right, he knew very well that he would be killed. Even if [Reverse Scale] was completely liberated at this moment, except for [Herscher's Determination], he had already used all his strength, and it would be impossible for him to get it from the opponent's hands. Half a bit cheaper.

Regardless of Futaba or Mu Xuejian, even Gavin who used the [Sin Soaking Bullet] was only relatively close to being an epic. Even if the latter was in Academy City and used various means to power down the epic level Lian, who had restrained the epic-level Yi Zuo, was undoubtedly the weakest in a head-on confrontation with the epic, and it was not unusual for him to be killed anytime.

"Are you so eager to die?"

Sure enough, with a cold snort, Sirius directly blasted Mo Tan from the mid-air intact with a silent holy word, and took away nearly 50% of the latter through that round of [Blood Explosion] health value.

"To be honest..."

Mo Tan, who spread his dragon wings, licked the corner of his mouth, wiped the blood from his forehead with the back of his hand, and said with a grin, "I've always been a person of temperament."

The Archbishop, who had already lost his patience, did not answer. He just raised his right hand to form a spiral blood spear above his head, silently pointing it at Kevin, who was leading the children to escape, and then——


【well. 】

The moment the sound of breaking through the sky sounded, he had already fluttered his wings and rushed out, choosing to use his body to "block the gun" for Kevin, who was fighting the Blood God believers to protect the children. Mo Tan, who judged that his death was imminent, sighed silently and smiled bitterly. He murmured: "What am I trying to do..."

However, one second passed, two seconds passed, and three seconds passed. The spiral blood spear that should have penetrated his chest long ago never appeared!

【Something's wrong! 】

Realizing that the situation had changed, Mo Tan turned around instantly, only to find that he had not fallen into the trap. The reason why the bloody spear had not arrived was not because Sirius was playing some trick, but because its speed had been reduced to one for some reason. Almost ridiculous!

at the same time

"Hey guy."

Tychus, who did not know when he appeared under Sirius and Mortan, tried his best to smile, and said breathlessly: "You go deal with those heretics, and leave this young lady to me!"

Mo Tan's pupils suddenly shrank when he turned to Tychus——

【field! ? 】

Chapter 1818: End

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