Quadruple split

Chapter 1848 A terrible story

Lin Qiu is a pseudonym.

Like Elsa Modly, Kasha Cage, Kim Bianca, and Rennie Silva, this is one of the pseudonyms that Futaba currently plays that can be plugged in and thrown away. , although it sounds good, it is neither nutritious nor valuable.

As for her real name, that thing never actually existed.

According to the few words in the diary, Futaba has completed a profile of the woman who is now referred to as 'Lin Qiu', and has even carefully studied a large amount of information mixed with some information that will help her escape. She originally needed to be Players filter out 'useless information' as quickly as possible.

Although it stands to reason that every second counts now, Futaba, who had already made up his mind to fail, did not care whether he could complete the mission or escape successfully, so he did the opposite, not only did he not carefully study the information that was helpful Regarding the information about her escape from here, she even put most of her energy into those notes that were insignificant to the system and seemed to Futaba to be useless.

Like the two people who have transformed into 'Tan Mo' and 'Mu Xuejian' in appearance, the girl played by Futaba has been cultivated by an underground force...or a branch of the underground force since childhood. At a very young age, he received the identity of the 'Beast Gear' and the corresponding code name - [Raccoon Dog].

Twenty-percent of her contemporaries she met within the organization died, and seventy-percent suffered mental breakdowns and were 'abandoned'. Only three of them, including her, managed to survive.

Two girls and one boy, both under the age of eleven, were outstanding enough that even the cruel superiors violated the principle of "only one person can survive to the end" and jointly petitioned for an exception to be promoted by the top management of the organization to promote three people at the same time.

After simple consideration and testing, the senior management of the organization also agreed to the proposal after negotiating with higher-level figures. So far, in theory, only one person can survive in each issue, but the person who completely inherits the identity of the 'Beast Equipment' is... This time it became three.

The identities of the inherited beasts are - [cat], [snake] and [raccoon dog].

They have no names of their own and no lives of their own. As a special class in the organization, they began to learn continuously after successfully obtaining an identity that was destined to accompany them throughout their lives. In addition to the original espionage, assassination, infiltration, sabotage, torture, etc. In addition to vulgar means, a large number of courses including but not limited to literature, history, politics, and economics were added, and the three of them spent the most difficult, fulfilling, comfortable, and happiest three years together.

It was also during this period that the three students, who were originally hostile to each other because only one of them could survive to the end, gradually became familiar with each other, and naturally and as a matter of course established an indestructible strong bond.

Because the children in each period are all about the same age, and the newly added courses are not only no longer cruel and harsh, but are even quite similar to the atmosphere in higher education institutions outside the game, so [Cat] and [Snake] are of the same age as each other. 】, 【raccoon dog】 It can be said that it is inevitable that friendship will occur.

However... this friendship may be pure, but it is not pure.

Maybe people didn’t think so much when they were children. After all, in those days, it was not easy just to survive every day. Even if you occasionally paid attention to the other party, you were probably thinking about how to kill the other party and stand out. It is almost impossible to have any additional ideas beyond this.

However, when they officially inherited the [Beast Equipment] and started diversified learning together, although it was not comfortable, it was still more comfortable than before, when they got together to study those long poems intertwined with love and hate, When they begin to come into contact with the stories behind a certain lament, they will inevitably be contaminated by those stories and affected by the emotions contained in them.

And what a coincidence, whether it is [Cat] or [Snake], they are both the best skins selected from a thousand. To put it simply, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

As for [Raccoon], this girl with a somewhat eccentric personality is unique in terms of appearance. Although she is far from the level of Ji Xiaoge, she can still barely get the latter's ability to activate the talent of [Left from the World and Independent]. Charm level up.

In terms of personality, [Cat] was the most introverted at the beginning. The only boy in this trio spent most of his time in the institution's library or reference room. He was a very quiet person who didn't like to talk. It wasn't until the second year after getting acquainted with the other two that he gradually became cheerful, and then... he ran all the way on the cheerful road, and eventually turned into a fun-loving person with characteristics such as being casual, free and easy, and humorous.

[Snake] is the opposite of [Cat]. She is actually a very sunny and cheerful girl at first. She is very enthusiastic about the tutors who teach them knowledge, the staff in the institution, and the two 'partners', and she also has some words. He chattered non-stop about the attribute of tuberculosis every day. He can be said to be the most lovable one among the three children. In the beginning, he was even responsible for the bridge of communication between [raccoon dog] and [cat]. After all, the two of them were the same in the beginning. He is an eccentric introvert. If there is no [Snake] to deal with, many assignments that require cooperation will be particularly difficult.

However, starting from the second half of the second year, [Snake], who was originally lively, cheerful, and enthusiastic towards others, became increasingly reticent. She appeared in front of people less and less, and she locked herself in the training ground whenever she had time. She was training herself like crazy and venting her anger, and it was precisely because of this almost self-inflicted training method that her personal strength soon left the other two behind, and she became the person in charge of force in the trio.

Finally, there is [Raccoon] played by Futaba. This is a girl with a somewhat weird personality. Compared to [Cat] and [Snake], she has hardly changed since she was a child. In a word, she has a calm temperament. , a girl from the radio wave department who is smart and likes to be in a daze. She learns everything very quickly, but in every aspect she is definitely better than one of the other two and weaker than the other. In terms of communication, she is Her performance when playing a certain role is almost impeccable, but she seems to lack distinct enough characteristics, and she seems quite mysterious because she rarely expresses herself. In short, she is a girl who is both good enough and contradictory enough.

All in all, in the second year when the three of them studied together, [Cat] and [Raccoon Dog] suddenly became a couple. The former even invited all the staff and instructors in the institution that day to have a meal.

In the eyes of many people, it is natural for [Cat] and [Raccoon Dog] to be together, so people also send their sincere blessings to the two. Although this organization is definitely not a positive organization, even if it is The evil people in the eyes of the world cannot be bloodless and tearless single-celled creatures who think about destroying the world and killing innocent single-celled organisms all day long. They also have emotions, joys, anger, sorrows, and joys, and they will also sincerely support their loved ones. The family members are happy.

Of course, some people also gave their blessings to the two, but secretly regretted the outcome.

The reason is very simple. Many people here can see that [Snake] has maintained a certain affection for [Cat] since a long time ago that is not common to outsiders, but is basically known to outsiders.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, we are all of the same age. As a boy, [Cat] is the kind of person who is quite lovable in terms of personality and appearance. In this case, in terms of personality, he is more like an ordinary young girl. [Snake] It is completely normal to have a crush on the former.

Therefore, even though the person involved thinks that he is hiding well, the adults around him, especially those who have been in love, can almost see it at a glance. The person who seems to be carefree and laughing all day long changes his mind only in front of the [cat]. Girls who have to be quiet, blush and get distracted tend to admire each other.

As for [Raccoon] who suddenly became a couple with [Cat], she had not shown any clues before. She seemed to care about everyone around her equally. Although she cared about [Cat] very much, she did not give him any comparison. More eyes and attention from others.

So, what do you think of [cats]?

It's very simple, that is, everyone has always felt that although [Cat] has a good relationship with both girls, based on his personality, I am afraid he will still choose... the one who is more beautiful.

I have to admit that although [Snake] is also a beauty, she is still a little inferior to [Raccoon], so people are not very surprised by this result.

In short, since that day, many things have changed, but many things have not changed.

For example, [Snake] began to become taciturn, but when alone with the two of them, he could still show his trademark cheerful smile.

For example, [Cat], who was originally thought to be a bit frivolous, has since become quite measured towards most people of the opposite sex, but only in front of [Snake] and [Raccoon Dog], he is no different from before.

For example, [tanuki] suddenly changed from a radio-type girl with a special temperament to a model girlfriend. Her life almost revolved around [cat]. Every day, she was either studying the dishes of the love bento or helping the latter plan exercises. Planning or sewing clothes, gradually turning into an ordinary girl in love.

Everyone seemed to have found a new direction in life, completed the adjustment in a short period of time, and continued their fulfilling and busy daily lives.

It wasn't until the third year of their studies that everyone completed the 'final exam' with excellent results and officially began to perform various difficult tasks under their original trainers. Shortly after, the relationship between the three suddenly changed drastically.

Many times, the three of [cat], [raccoon dog], and [snake] are a sharp and comprehensive combination. Although in the words of the cultivator, they are far from being able to stand alone, when the three of them are together, they can perform well. The energy that came out was such that even the extremely harsh old man couldn't easily find fault with it.

But they don't form a team all the time. After they officially start 'working', as the three most promising and outstanding young people in the organization, it is actually a waste to keep them together. behavior, so in many cases, the three of them are likely to each carry out the tasks assigned to them, and the huge turmoil happened just after [Raccoon] came back from a certain task alone.

Because the breeder was not at the scene that day, the mission report was checked by [Cat] who had been promoted to the organizer level at that time, and [Raccoon] accepted this readily and handed the report to [Cat] before returning. Went to their room to rest.

However, that night, [Cat] never returned to the room to make love with her lover as usual.

The reason is very simple. The mission report handed over to him by [Raccoon] clearly recorded... In order to achieve the goal as safely and efficiently as possible, the former chose to sell his body when it was not absolutely necessary.

No one knows how [Cat] got through that night, and although many people in the organization don't know what happened next, Futaba, who has read [Tanuki]'s diary, knows it very well...

Faced with the lover's questioning, [Tao] said as a matter of course that it would help complete the task.

In her opinion, there is no doubt that she loves [Cat] deeply, but this does not conflict with her tendency to use the fastest way to complete tasks. As for the process of completing tasks, in her eyes, it is just ' It's just the process of completing the task and has no other meaning.

After that...the two broke up.

Three days later, the furious [Snake] rushed into [Raccoon]'s room and slashed the latter seventy-nine times. Although all the vital points were avoided, it still turned [Raccoon] into a person who was not immune to his daily actions. Influenced, but a useless person who can no longer fight.

Nine months later, [Raccoon], who returned from the nursing home, tried to see [Cat] who had resigned as an organizer and returned to the grassroots, but was turned away for three days.

After that, [raccoon dog] disappeared from most people's sight, and [snake] and [cat] soon became an inseparable pair of lovers, but the originally frivolous and laughing man seemed to have changed. He became cold, taciturn and unsmiling.

Later, they learned about a large-scale plan, and also learned that [Raccoon] had lurked into the most dangerous place a few months ago and became an undercover agent. By making [Snake]'s eyes split open, .

One day half a month later, [Cat] lost control during a theoretically not difficult task and fell into a desperate situation.

On the same day, [Snake] disobeyed orders, forcibly interrupted his work, went to the place where [Cat] lost contact, and rescued the latter who was almost alive.

The next day, [Snake] unilaterally announced that it was severing relations with [Cat].

Another half month later, [Cat], who had recovered from his injury, became the cheerful boy who was flirtatious, loved to laugh, and loved teasing others.

To this day——

"What a terrible story."

The girl curled up on the couch, yawned, and slowly closed her eyes.

Chapter 1839: End

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