Quadruple split

Chapter 1849 Who will wake up first from the big dream?

【Who will wake up first from the big dream】

Category: Special Mission

Quality: Excellent

Content: Managed to escape Jiuquan City after ‘Little Duke’ Voris was assassinated.

Additional conditions: Before the mission is completed, the player's character panel will be replaced by the character panel of [Tao]. Except for talents, the player's basic attributes, skills, and specializations will not take effect, and he will continue to be affected by DEBUFF [Void]. Effect, the physical energy consumption speed is increased by 200% and the recovery speed is reduced by 50%.

Success reward: Unlock the panel and obtain the buff effect [Clarity I], which lasts for three hours of game time or the end of the game. During this period, all the character's existing specialization levels will be +5.

Failure penalty: None

[Remarks: None]

The above is the mission that Futaba received after entering the game. It's just different from Mu Xuejian's [Strike of Outliers]. The content of this mission, which is slightly higher in quality, is very simple, and there is no penalty for failure. At first glance At first glance, it may even make people feel that it is quite loose in every aspect.

But... this is an illusion, a big illusion, a complete illusion!

Admittedly, at first glance, this task does not seem to have any hard requirements, and Futaba's current status is relatively favorable. However, if you read [tanuki]'s work diary carefully, you will find that her current situation is actually very severe, even worse than Mu's. It’s even more serious over there with Xuejian!

If you think about it carefully, a 'fine' quality task should be more difficult than an 'excellent' quality task, and with the system... whether it is the main system of Innocence Realm or the level of System Ji after the update, it is There's no way to make a mistake here.

So what exactly is the difficulty of this task?

First of all, there is the prerequisite, that is, the item 'Futaba's character panel is replaced by [Raccoon]'. This is the basis of everything and an important puzzle piece that constitutes the basic logic system of this battle. It is the same as Mu Xuejian's restriction. The core of it is that they are unable to fully exert their strength, but compared to Mu Xuejian, Futaba is more severely constrained because [Raccoon Dog], who was defeated by [Snake] once in the past, has become an ordinary person. .

Although it does not hinder daily life, he will never be able to fight, let alone protect his own 'ordinary people'.

From Futaba's point of view, [Snake] seems to be trying to use this method to forcefully remove [Raccoon Dog] from the front line. After all, in the world view of the Innocence Realm, ordinary people in the true sense are not qualified to be exposed to 'danger' , in other words, under normal circumstances, if a person like [tanuki] completely loses her fighting ability, then she, who has a good understanding of the institutional system, will most likely be deprived of her status as a beast and transferred to the logistics system to engage in some tasks. Clerical work... In other words, I can only be a good wife and mother who doesn't care about the world.

In this way, even if Raccoon's twisted thoughts have not changed, she has fundamentally lost the ability to continue performing tasks on the front line. In this way, she may be able to reunite with her lover who loves her deeply. .

It may sound ridiculous, but maybe that's what [Snake], who was willing to accept a severe punishment and forcibly destroyed [Raccoon] at that time, thought like this.

Although there is a huge difference in thinking from ordinary people, [Raccoon], who is very paradoxically good at understanding people's hearts and has top-level emotional and intellectual intelligence, also seems to have guessed the thoughts of the good sisters in the past, so instead of resenting each other, After he recovered from his injury, he went to find [Cat] as soon as possible, sincerely wanting to make peace with him.

As far as Futaba knows, during the days when she was recovering from her injuries, although [Raccoon Dog] still didn’t know what she had done wrong, based on her feelings for [Cat], she still made up her mind to work hard to cater to him in the future, as long as it was not someone else. If you have no choice, don't do things that may cause negative emotions to the other person.

All in all, [Raccoon] made up his mind to do what he wanted to do, and what [Snake] wanted him to do, that is - find [Cat], tell him that he wouldn't make him unhappy anymore, and just take advantage of it in the future. This is an opportunity to leave the front line, do some paperwork in the background, wait for him to come back every day, and live by his side the kind of life that seems happy to others, but [Raccoon] is actually very satisfied with.


It seems that whether it is [Snake] or [Raccoon Dog], or the breeder who acquiesced to the former and abolished the latter, they have overlooked one thing, that is, [Cat] has never intended to regain the part that made him live for a long time. The terrifying feeling of being in hell all the time.

This is actually not a difficult thing to guess, but perhaps because everything [Cat] has shown over the years has shown the depth of his love, no one has thought of his hatred.

So, when everyone thought that things could develop smoothly... [Raccoon] got a solid rejection. [Cat], who had been shutting himself in the room whenever there was no mission for more than half a year, did not give any advice. She opens the door.

For three whole days, [Tao] kept knocking on the door and calling. In the end, not only was the hand that knocked on the door torn to pieces, but her physical fitness was only at the level of an ordinary person, and she almost collapsed.

It wasn't until the morning of the fourth day that [Cat] finally came out.

Wearing a black cloak, with most of his face hidden under the hood, he paused slightly, his eyes lowered.

[Raccoon], on the other hand, smiled happily after meeting [Cat]'s eyes. Just as he was about to say something, he fainted because his body had endured too much burden in the past few days.

And then……

[Cat] just walked past [Raccoon] who was unconscious on the ground with an expressionless face, stopped beside [Snake] who was hiding at the end of the corridor, and took her away to carry out the mission.

From beginning to end, he never looked back to look at the woman he once loved.

These are all the results of [Raccoon]'s investigation at that time, and when the investigation was over, she disappeared from everyone's sight, until the current plan was officially put on the agenda, including [Snake] and [Cat]. Only some members of the organization learned about it again.

As for the news about those two people, [Raccoon] has always been very clear about it, because it was one of the rewards for the mission that she had originally agreed with the trainer.

All in all, from Futaba's point of view, this is really a disgusting story. Compared with the "tanuki" she is playing at this moment, the "Rose" she met in the inherent barrier of the library with Frank Hughes was Fu' actually made her more comfortable.

So, let’s get down to business——

Regardless of the story itself, this mission is undoubtedly full of malicious intent, because the force that [tanuki] is currently committed to has been looking for a deeply hidden spy since several months ago.

There is no doubt that this spy is the [tanuki] played by Futaba. In view of the various reasons mentioned above, she has been leaking secrets at a high intensity in the past six months, so that the plan of this force has been repeatedly frustrated, and it was finally determined There is a powerful spy within himself.

However, given that [Raccoon] was well hidden, even though the force organized many investigations, they were never able to find her out. Not only that, given that the person in charge of the Confidential Section 1 held a high position during the investigation, as his lover Instead, the [tanuki] used this to obtain more information, and then leaked it even more.

Among them, the most important piece of news is the information about the upcoming visit of 'Little Duke' Voris. According to the agency's evaluation, the weight of successfully assassinating the latter is worthy of using both [Cat] and [Snake] at the same time, even at the expense of letting The identity of the dormant [tanuki] was revealed.

As a result, an assassination plan came into being, and the person in charge was the breeder who had a close relationship with [Cat], [Snake], and [Raccoon Dog].

All in all, under the coordination of the old man, the plan was carried out very efficiently, whether it was re-establishing contact with the dead men who had been lurking outside in the past, or asking [Raccoon] to help install the fake identity [Snake] as a performer Getting into the city went very smoothly.

And today is the day to take action——

According to the plan, the [Snake] played by Mu Xuejian will wait for an opportunity to approach the young duke after the banquet begins, and then find a way to use the non-lethal ornamental sword in his hand to suppress his body functions to the level of ordinary people due to drugs. Under such circumstances, he killed Voris, who was closely protected and had an intermediate level of strength himself.

If this link fails, according to Futaba's speculation, not only Mu Xuejian, but also himself and Mo Tan will be punished to a certain extent.

Of course, Futaba also believed that Mu Xuejian would never miss. Even if the snake in history could, his Ace of Spades would definitely be able to accept the little duke's life.

Therefore, the focus of this battle can only be after the assassination is completed.

From Futaba's point of view, although the system will give the other player a chance to make a comeback as Mo Tan said, it will not expose Mu Xuejian's intention to assassinate Voris. It has been the most important issue in the past month, so the risk factor on my side is definitely not much lower.

If nothing unexpected happens, soon after Wallis dies, the news that the murderer is Mu Xuejian will spread, and the latter will start to flee. After the strength restrictions are gradually lifted, there is a high probability that he will be supported by Mo Tan. Mu Xuejian will only become safer and safer, and correspondingly, the risk factor on his side will become higher and higher.

You don't need to think about it to know that when the other party is chasing Mu Xuejian, he will definitely deduce his identity. In this way, [Li]'s identity will soon be exposed. Considering that the geographical location of the Second Confidential Office is in the administrative district, that is, The hinterland of the entire city, so it is extremely difficult to escape. Leaving early will not only arouse additional suspicion, but may even affect the tasks of the other two teammates. In addition, Futaba's physical fitness at this moment is almost It is no different from her outside the game. If she is caught in an isolated and helpless situation, she will die. If nothing else, the person in charge of the confidential department who has leaked an unknown amount of information like [Raccoon] will definitely feel pain immediately. Killer.

Given the above information, Futaba can easily make a judgment that the most suitable time for him to leave is ten minutes before the 'little duke' is assassinated, and the relatively safe path is the administrative area → trade area → back alley →In the old neighborhood, if nothing goes wrong, as long as you can reach the back alley smoothly, you can meet up with the responder as soon as possible. As long as there are no big loopholes in Tan Mo's arrangement, half of the task will be completed.

Shuangye believes that there will be no problems with Mo Tan's arrangement, so as long as he follows this process, he will be able to complete the task without any danger, and Mu Xuejian will probably have an easier time. In this way, according to the In the best case scenario, it is expected that the three members of the [Harlequin Card] will be able to complete the rendezvous within half an hour at most, and by that time, the opponent's chance of winning will basically be infinitely close to zero.

Of course, since the system in principle gives the opponent a comeback point, in addition to counting on the three of them to make mistakes, the opponent also has room to seize the opportunity to win through hard work. Strictly speaking, in the next period of time, the two teams will either compete with each other in a battle of wits or a battle of wits. Brave.

Considering that the strength of Futaba and Mu Xuejian has been greatly weakened and banned, and the opponent's team name "Iron Gate Bolt" is still a tactic in chess, the possibility of a 'match of wits' between the two sides is very high.

Futaba did not think that a team with both himself and Tan Mo would lose in a 'fight of wits'.

In other words, although this game looks difficult, it is actually not difficult to win, as long as the three of them adopt the optimal solution at the same time.

Futaba and Mo Tan need not worry. Mu Xuejian was clearly told by Mo Tan long before the game that there was a high probability that he would not make any mistakes.


"What if I don't cooperate?"

Futaba curled up into a ball and yawned lazily, pursed her lips and muttered: "What if I just want to be willful? What if I just want to cause trouble for you?"

Because the guard had been here before, Futaba, who had received an obvious time reminder, knew very well that at this moment, it was the best time for him to leave the Second Confidential Office, turn left and take the main road to enter the trade area. Even in the process If you bump into someone, you can use shopping as an excuse to pass them by. The safety factor can be said to be quite high.

However, despite the truth, Futaba had no intention of getting up and setting off. Instead, he huddled lazily on the soft bed, like a lazy cat.

Obviously, she did not intend to go against what she had said before the game officially started, and was prepared to carry it out to the end.

Not only that, Futaba even had an inexplicable intuition in the dark, that is, whether the real [tanuki] in history also did not choose to escape as planned, but was handling everything properly and that was all. A man huddles here alone, waiting for death that is getting closer and closer.

Futaba was suddenly curious. If the [tanuki] in history really made such a decision, then how did the [cat] do it?

Is he coming?

Didn't he come?

Has he forgiven you?

Does he still hate it?

Even though it was a terrible story that made people feel physically uncomfortable, the girl still wanted to see the end of the story.

Chapter 1840: End

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