Quadruple split

Chapter 2097 Confident

There was no moment of mourning for the defeat of Xinglong. The four commentators, Zhengtai, Tianshu, Xiao Bingbing and Xianwu, appeared on the screen immediately. Obviously, although many people were still immersed in the afterglow of the battle just now, The official does not intend to extend the interval between games, although allowing public opinion to ferment further is likely to increase tonight's traffic to a higher level.

Ever since, after the commentators' figures appeared on the screens of major public spaces and live broadcast platforms, people immediately realized that the countdown to the next semi-final match had entered, and the objects of discussion also changed from 'Cordoba Wakes Up' Dragon' seamlessly switched to 'Super Mage and Dragon'.

Game time PM18:00

Public space, private rooms in Futaba

"The game is about to start."

Mu Xuejian frowned and looked at the cold cup of Dr. pepper in front of him, which was bubbling happily, and said this casually.

On the bar chair next to him, the 1.6-meter man who was reading an entertainment magazine with his legs folded nodded, and echoed in the same casual tone: "Well, it's indeed about to start."


Mu Xuejian carefully picked up the crystal clear goblet filled with carbonated drinks and asked, "Why hasn't Tan Mo come yet?"

"Who knows, maybe he died in some gutter."

Futaba replied nonchalantly, and then suddenly turned to look at the young heroine with white hair as white as snow next to him with a slight frown on his eyebrows: "Wait a minute, you don't miss him, do you? What's the matter, Ri? Fang Yefang, was his soul seduced away by that bitch?"

Mu Xuejian calmly stared at the other party's eyes that seemed a little anxious, but were actually full of teasing smiles, and said word by word: "Although I'm fairly easy to coax, I'm not going to be fooled by someone like that." People who don’t hide their bad character in front of them are deceived.”

"In other words, if that guy doesn't get along with you with his true nature, there is actually a possibility of you being deceived, Mumu?"

Futaba winked playfully and asked the question innocently.

"I don't know, but since he has no intention of hiding it from me, there is no 'what if'."

Mu Xuejian replied noncommittally, then carefully took a sip of the Dr.pepper in his hand, and his eyes widened in surprise the next second: "It turns out it's just an ordinary bad drink!"

Futaba rolled her eyes at Mu Xuejian, then grabbed the cup from her hand and drank the rest of the drink in it, complaining: "Mumu, can you be more respectful to other people's wishes! What does it mean to be ordinary? It tastes terrible! Hiccup~!”

Perhaps because she drank a little too quickly, she even burped loudly and unladylikely after complaining.

"On the one hand, [Dr. Pepper]'s reputation online is not very good. Although it has some fans, most people still think it doesn't taste good."

Mu Xuejian took out a bottle of juice from behind the bar with familiarity, and while twisting the cap, he said: "On the other hand, it's because you and Tan Mo both like to drink this stuff... Wow!"

"So it's not surprising that this stuff smells like shit? Just because we two like to drink it?"

Shuangye twitched the corner of his mouth, took out a simple bottle opener and handed it to Mu Xuejian: "Use this. You must know that one of the biggest differences between humans and monkeys is that the former can skillfully use various tools. Having said that, Mu Mu, why can’t you even unscrew the bottle of juice?”

Mu Xuejian took the bottle opener, and while taking revenge on the stubborn bottle of juice in his hand, he asked, "You can't unscrew it either?"

"I'm a mage."

Futaba shook her fingers and said seriously: "You are a swordsman!"

"Feel sorry."

Mu Xuejian took an elegant sip of juice and explained in a brisk tone: "Although I am indeed a swordsman in the game, when I am awake, I am just a young female college student. If I only consider the pronunciation, the fate of the word sword Not even as deep as you two.”

It can be seen that after spending some time with the two ghost cards, although she is still essentially a girl with upright views, Mu Nuxia's attainments in verbal confrontation have been cultivated to the point where she has jumped to at least two levels, so that Even Futaba couldn't help but be stunned after hearing what she just said.

But she was just stunned for a moment. The next second, the beautiful girl who drank most of the cup of Dr. Pepper sighed regretfully and said faintly: "Oh, I thought you were outside the game, Mu Mu." He is also the kind of swordsman who is dressed in white as snow and looks like a flying fairy from the sky."

“White clothes can’t help but get dirty.”

Mu Xuejian shook his head, expressionlessly took two sips of the juice, and then added: "Besides, I'm not strong enough to even hold a spoon, let alone those cold weapons that weigh a lot of pounds."


Futaba, who was sure that Mu Xuejian was indeed just an ordinary person outside the game, nodded vigorously, and then brought the topic back in a brisk tone: "So why did you suddenly mention that guy?"

Mu Xuejian raised his chin towards the big screen in the center of the room and said calmly: "The next game will be Sang and Christina's dragon, right?"


Futaba nodded slightly, and then his eyes widened: "Do you think Tan Mo has anything wrong with that big lizard that you can tell is a female dragon just by looking at its name?"

"I've never felt anything like that."

Mu Xuejian shook his head in denial without hesitation, and then answered before Futaba opened his mouth to say those contents that could not be broadcast without coding: "I mean, you became the miserable subordinate in the last round of the competition. Defeated general, I didn’t take this opportunity to come over and make you pretend to be angry, it’s not like Tan Mo’s style.”

Futaba lay lazily on the bar, looking sideways at the very attractive little clever advertisement on the screen, and said casually: "I think it's not bad, after all, even you know that I am." Pretending to be angry, so without seriously intending to anger me, it makes sense whether he comes here or not, and that bitch has been doing all kinds of shameful things. , it’s hard to say whether I’m watching the game or not at the moment.”

Mu Xuejian touched his chin gently and sighed in a complaining tone: "You really understand him well."

"That would be too bad luck."

Futaba pursed her lips and smiled, then lazily pushed herself up, staggering towards her very spacious bed, and suggested without looking back: "Let's talk about something else, there is still time. Wealthy, but that person is not worth wasting even one more word of our saliva."

She was afraid of the tacit understanding and hostility between the two ghost cards. Mu Nuxia, who emerged from the mire without being stained, washed the ripples without being evil, followed the good example and immediately changed her words and asked: "Then what do you think about this game now?" Which side can win?”

"Hard to say."

Futaba shook her head and asked, "What do you think?"


Mu Xuejian gave an answer casually and irresponsibly, and explained in an even more irresponsible way: "After all, he can even defeat you."

It can be seen that since A Sang and Christina...or one person and one dragon have nothing to do with Leng Weapon, Mu Xuejian is completely watching the fun at this moment.

When there was no Mo Tan within a hundred miles, Futaba immediately shook his head and made a very fair statement: "Although there are not many players who can beat me, they are not much less. This alone is not convincing. force."

Mu Xuejian turned to look at Futaba with some curiosity: "So you are optimistic about that Christina?"

"All I can say is that I hope Sang continues to win."

Futaba shrugged and explained casually: "On the one hand, that guy eliminated me after all. If I fall here, my personal gold content will be reduced along with it. On the other hand, I hope that I can learn from that non-mainstream person." The more I learn from the traditional mage, the higher his appearance rate, the more knowledge I can absorb."

Mu Xuejian nodded slightly and frowned: "But you seemed to have said before that the strength shown by the player Christina is very limited, and there are even fewer players who have actually dealt with the Dragon Clan. She wants to win. If so, it shouldn’t be too easy, right?”

"That's what I say, but after all, he has been jumping left and right on the timeline, and his gaming experience is definitely not comparable to that of mainstream players, so even if he masters some dragon-slaying secrets, it is not too much, right?"

"Brother, after all, you have been jumping around the timeline, and you also know the Dragon King named Boha. You must be very good at dealing with dragons, right?"

This is what Lu Jiang said to Ah Sang when it was confirmed that Christina was the opponent.

Ah Sang's answer at that time was: "Bullshit! I'm a little shrimp who can't reach the epic level. I can't even put oil on the soles of my feet when I encounter those monsters, so how can I fucking deal with them? Do you think you have a long life or something?" "

After that, Lu Jiang realized that although Ah Sang had a close friendship with Bosh, the last Dragon King, that friendship was forged when the latter transformed into a human form and traveled around to pick up girls. After Bosh officially became the Dragon King, Ah Sang The only advantage that Mang gained was that he was allowed to build a mage tower near the Pride of the Dragon Clan.

As for the experience of dealing with dragons...

In Ah Sang's words, he was playing a survival game rather than Wushuang mowing the grass. Against the background that almost any adult dragon could achieve a semi-epic level, he was not so unimaginable as to take the initiative to cause trouble for others.

As for whether any giant dragon took the initiative to cause trouble for A Sang...

Considering that he has survived to this day in good health despite being in a mess, it doesn't seem to be the case.

All in all, although Ah Sang said that he does know more than normal players in many aspects. For example, after the rainbow dragon turns into a human form, each one has an unconventional appearance that is unbearable to look at, but how can he fight with the giant dragon? The thing is, even though he has experienced countless generations, he still has no clue.

As a result, Ah Sang, who was originally a little nervous because he had been playing single-player for more than half a year, immediately fell into severe anxiety. In the end, he even left his public space where no other players could interact, and went offline to collect information on the forum. News from Christina.

And guess what?

Hey, he really found two related posts.

The author of the first post is a blue-collar professional player under Joban Studio. The content may be vague because of his job. In short, a group of them accidentally offended someone who is highly suspected of being Christie during a certain task. A small group belonging to Na' was attacked by a giant dragon at the end of the mission. It was Christina who turned into a dragon and stepped forward to fight the enemy regardless of past suspicions, allowing everyone to successfully retreat.

This article gave Ah Sang a very important piece of information, that is, 'Christina' has the physical fitness to compete head-on with an adult dragon, and is not some 'young dragon' or 'young dragon' who is strong on the outside but in vain.

The second post is from the authoritative boss of the [Ecological Zone] sub-section of the knowledge section, and is called "Dragon ecology expert peels back the veil of the big lizard for you and discusses how each professional department should deal with the mysterious seven... Practical information on "Growing Dragons".

Ah Sang was pleasantly surprised to find that this post was not the kind of headline-grabbing post with a large number of relatives to consume, but a super science popularization that took readers to gradually understand different dragon species through a professional perspective. As for the various methods of dealing with giant dragons, although The author has repeatedly emphasized that he is 'talking on paper', but combined with a large amount of textual research and calculations, the methods provided in this post are actually feasible, and a small number of them can only be 'brain tests' due to the author's limited strength. A Sang can also use his own experience to make up for the "blindly made up" content.

Ever since, after relying on his own experience of nearly a year to confirm that this post was not a castle in the air, Ah Sang, who felt like he had found a treasure, immediately transformed into a sponge and efficiently absorbed the knowledge inside.

And when he went online again, compared to the previous state of confusion and panic because he was about to fight against the giant dragon, the old god who was at ease and calm seemed to be a different person. It could be said to be——

"You are confident and confident."

Tianshu in front of the commentator smacked his lips and sighed: "It seems that the previous victory over Futaba's player has allowed Mang player to find confidence, so that even if he is about to face a real dragon player at this moment, he can still uphold the Be elegant and stay calm.”

"Contestant Christina also looks very calm, although it is difficult for us to see her mental outlook in dragon form."

Shota shrugged and said seriously: "Then, as the two players are loaded, the game will start immediately after the preparation time is over."

"As for you, you have already proven your magic skills in the last round."

Xiao Bingbing took over and said with a smile: "Until now, contestant Christina has maintained a considerable degree of mystery. You know, excluding the third-place match, this is already the penultimate round of the match. How can she be hidden? When your strength reaches this level... tsk tsk, is this the dragon's margin?"

"Who knows."

Tianshu spread his hands and said sternly: "If you want to talk about having a lot of time, the mourning player seems to be doing well."

"It's going to be a great game no matter what."

The good wife glanced at the time, interrupted the discussion with a phrase that was not offensive at the right time, and smiled after coughing lightly——

"here we go."

Chapter 2088: End

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