Quadruple split

Chapter 2098: Single-playing Thick Earth Dragon

[Although the physical power is far greater than that of colorful dragons, silver dragons and even blue dragons, thick earth dragons are not good at brute force or physical strength in battle. Compared with black dragons who are good at using their own bodies, Like the red dragon, the thick earth dragon actually does not pay attention to the development of attack methods such as claws, teeth, tail, and wings.

In fact, strictly speaking, this dragon species is not good at fighting, so whether it is the application of its own original qualities or the level of understanding of dragon language magic, the thick earth dragon has no obvious advantages or talents.

However, this does not mean that the combat effectiveness of the thick-earth dragon species is low. On the contrary, according to the official records of the [Natural History Society] organization in the game, except for the black dragon species and the golden dragon species, under the same general conditions, no matter who is proficient in The magical blue dragon and the red dragon, which are good at melee combat, both scored the same as the thick earth dragon in terms of combat effectiveness.

The author believes that this situation is mainly due to the following two points -

1. Although the thick earth dragon is not dominant in terms of movement speed, the crystals that give its scales extra weight can greatly improve its resistance to attack in all aspects. It can not only literally provide this dragon species with Its defense power is far superior to that of other members of its race, and it can continuously absorb seventeen energy forms, including basic elements, to repair itself.

2. The properties of the thick earth dragon's breath are very special. Although it also has the most basic flame lethality, its biggest feature is the 'crystallization' that can change the environment. In the crystallized battlefield, the thick earth dragon's The recovery speed of physical strength will be significantly accelerated, and the 'biomagnetic field' of other creatures (doubtful) will continue to be affected, resulting in various debuff states (also doubtful). It is worth noting that the closer the structure is to the thick earth dragon's The species, the lower the intensity of the negative status it endures (confirmed, refer to "Doctoral Society·Internal Journal No. 861: Excerpts from Investigator Linnell's Exploration Notes").

Based on the above, it is not difficult for us to draw a conclusion, that is, the thick-earth dragon species is very good at protracted battles and has enough capital to delay the battle into a protracted battle.

Next, it is still a cliché. Considering that our player group so far is stuck in the [Epic] level, the author must emphasize again that if possible, never provoke any adult dragon! Whether it is a red dragon, a blue dragon, a black dragon, a silver dragon or a thick earth dragon, those adult dragons are not existences that we can attack head-on and independently now.

Warning again, in the world view of the game [Innocent Bound], dragons are advanced intelligent life forms on the same level as humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and other races. They have a relatively high social status and a long lifespan, and are not the high-ranking creatures in other games. It is a level monster or BOSS setting, so it is not recommended for any player to fight against it unless necessary.

So, if you still want to know how to defeat a thick-earth dragon after reading this, then the author will try my best to talk about it from a professional perspective.

Let me state in advance that the following suggestions are all [guesses] and [inferences] made by the author based on known data and intelligence. The main content is [guessing] and [brain speculation]. The practical value and theoretical value are both [unknown]. There are extreme There is a high possibility that it is just "nonsense" that seems to be well organized and logical, so I do not accept any responsibility and hope everyone knows it.

If you are a warrior professional player...

If you are a player of the Ranger profession...

If you are a thief professional player...

If you are a player of the mage profession, then the first thing you have to do is to remove all defensive means including the [Mage Shield] before the crusade begins, because the crystals on the surface of the thick earth dragon have a strong impact on the magic power. Changes are very sensitive, so while maintaining conventional defense methods, it is almost impossible for us to get close to any normal thick earth dragon within a radius of 100 meters without being noticed. In the process of conquering alone, losing the initiative means that we have half failed. . 】

Game time PM18:10

[Inquisition and Debate·Personal Battle] Competition-specific map S3955-9308

Northeast Continent, Juelong Stream

A vigorous figure was shuttled through the mountain stream at a speed that was not fast, but was definitely not lagging. He had striking white hair, and was wearing an old robe with unknown hands. He was holding a A short staff that was used as a hiking stick. He was obviously a mage. He was not slow at all when walking through the mountain stream, and he was as nimble as a ranger.

And this is not because A Sang was given away by a colleague named Jadeka, nor is it because he is a parkour enthusiast. The reason why my brother is able to do this is actually very simple. First of all , his physical fitness is "healthy", not the "sub-health" of many spellcasters who have more or less problems with their cervical spine, lumbar disc, hips, and ankles. Secondly, he is familiar with the terrain. .

Yes, even though this place has long since disappeared in the long river of history and has been almost forgotten by people in the year 9571 of the Holy Calendar, for A Sang, this place is no different, if not as good as his own backyard. How much.

So he is very familiar with this place, so familiar that he can even vaguely guess where Christina will be refreshed.

"You are particularly sensitive to magic power..."

Ah Sang, who was standing under the shade of a certain tree, smacked his lips, then took a step on the spot, 'walking' up about twenty centimeters out of thin air as if going up steps, and then took another step -

One step, two steps, one step, two steps.

Under the stunned gaze of the people, Ah Sang walked up step by step as if walking on a spiral staircase, but there was nothing under his feet.


Mu Xuejian tilted his head and looked at Shuangye, who was also a mage, looking for knowledge.

"What a devil's trick."

Futaba twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "I can probably guess that this guy probably used magic power to create two composite wind element arrays under his feet, and then continued to lock his feet and fix them with movements like walking up steps. The 'air' in the area turns it into a temporary platform for landing, allowing oneself to break the shackles of gravity and complete vertical ascent."

Mu Xuejian nodded: "It's quite impressive."


Futaba rolled his eyes and said angrily: "If he wants to rise vertically, he won't fly directly? Why do he need to consume at least ten times the magic power and take off his pants and fart in a method that is at least three levels higher in difficulty?"

Mu Xuejian casually tore open a pack of crispy noodles, and while looking at the gift [Flower Picking Monk Shuangye] inside, he said, "Maybe there are some restrictions imposed by the system? The kind that only he can see."

"There is only one explanation."

Futaba rubbed her chin and muttered softly: "But I always feel that something is wrong."

"Something is definitely wrong."

Mu Xuejian handed the small card to Futaba and asked curiously: "When did you become a monk? And when did you break the vow?"

Futaba took a look at the card and immediately thought of a series of snacks that someone had "kindly" put here out of his own pocket. He immediately let out an angry scream, then opened the friend panel and asked "Tan Mo" inside After sending a lot of harmony only garbled, garbled and garbled text remains.

As for Ah Sang on the screen, he had stepped on the air and reached an astonishing height.


Ah Sang, who appeared quietly beside the cliff and covered his white hair with a hood, slowly poked his head out of the cliff, with two faint blue lights flowing in his eyes.

It was not that he was possessed by Cordoba's soul. The reason why Ah Sang's eyes glowed blue was because he forcibly overlapped the two mage's eyes with his own pupils, and locked the magic fluctuations and arcane energy in them. Locked firmly behind the eye socket, in this case, although the effect of the spell is slightly reduced and it will cause some damage to the body, it is enough to ensure that no magic wave will spill into the air.

Obviously, as a mage, A Zang had no intention of giving up his professional advantage. Even if the opponent was a thick earth dragon that could easily capture the magic power fluctuations, he still did not give up casting spells. He just chose the one that could suppress the hidden dangers to a minimum. Way.

Of course, he is not stubborn enough to bless himself with resistance or defensive magic with extremely obvious magic fluctuations. As a survival mage, A Sang's grasp of the scale in this area is undoubtedly that of a master, and he knows very well what should be done. What not to do.

Because of this, when he took in the figure of the other party, who was slender and graceful among his kind, but absolutely huge in the eyes of normal people, Christina, who had already been observed, was not aware of A Sang's existence at all. She just huddled quietly at her refresh point, a stream on the cliff.

After confirming the opponent's position, Ah Sang immediately extinguished the [Mage's Eye] in his eye socket, and quietly approached Christina with the help of the maroon bushes scattered on the outer edge of the dangerous cliff. His movements were concealed and His pace was so agile that some viewers who didn't know the truth even thought he was a thief.

In this way, under people's nervous gaze, the distance between one person and one dragon gradually began to get closer, closer, and closer again...

[Well, since you don’t mind facing a giant dragon standing at the top of the food chain with your undefended and weak body, let’s start the next step of preparation.

Assuming that you successfully bring the thick earth dragon into the field of vision before it is discovered, and the opponent happens to be in the dragon form, then please be sure not to be nervous at this time, because in the dragon form, even if you accidentally step on a few pieces, A dead branch or a loud sneeze will hardly reach the other party's ears.

The reason is simple. Although the crystals around the scales make the Earth Dragon very sensitive to magic, they also affect its hearing. Although it can subjectively limit the crystals near the hearing organ to render it ineffective, there is no A normal dragon would put himself in a state of high tension all the time.

At this point, all you need to do is observe, observe the surrounding environment, observe the state of the dragon, observe the information highlighted at the beginning of this post, and convince yourself that now is the perfect time to defeat a giant dragon. Pay attention, This may be your last chance to regret it. Again, if you can, please don't make an enemy of any dragon.

So, if you have made up your mind, start preparing your best spell!

Remember, since your target is the Earth Dragon, you may only have one chance. If you cannot hit it hard through the first move, once the situation is brought to a stalemate, the consequences will be disastrous.

Here is a good news to share with the spellcasting friends who have seen this. Although we mentioned before that the thick earth dragon is very sensitive to magic fluctuations, the extremes of things must be reversed, because its crystal scales can continuously absorb the characteristics of free elements, and there are always around the thick earth dragon. It has a more obvious magic disturbance phenomenon than the silver dragon and the azure blue dragon, and this phenomenon will become an excellent protective umbrella for you to prepare a fatal blow.

That's right, what you have to do at this stage is very simple, which is to walk into the range of the 'Magic Disturbance Phenomenon' without being discovered, which is within a ten-meter radius centered on the Earth Dragon.

It is worth mentioning that although you can theoretically cast spells normally within this range without being discovered by the "dark under the light" thick earth dragon, there is also the risk of being directly targeted through smell or vision, and once you lose the initiative , if you are aware of hostility, it may be difficult for you to escape from the claws of an adult dragon. 】

Resisting the urge to use arcane and wind magic to hide his figure, Ah Sang tiptoed around to a position about fifteen meters diagonally behind the giant dragon. When the latter inadvertently moved its tail, he jumped out and was caught. Covered by the movement she created, Christina hid in a berry bush.

At this time, the distance between the two parties was less than eight meters. Although it was not that far under normal circumstances, considering Christina's race, people couldn't help but sweat for A Sang.

I don’t know why, with A Sang’s series of operations, including the commentary, people seemed to have forgotten that this was a PVP game, and all entered the PVE script of ‘high-end players trying to single-handedly farm epic monsters’.

So far, the initiative has always been in the hands of the ‘players’.


The brave man A Sang, who was about to challenge the dragon, took a deep breath, and finally gave up the urge to apply several sets of defensive magic on himself. Although in theory, casting spells in the 'magic disturbance zone' would not attract the opponent's attention, but After struggling under the wheel of history for more than half a year and encountering countless life and death crises, he decided not to take the risk.

Ever since, the mage under the berry bush waved his staff secretly and began to prepare the most powerful magic within his knowledge.

The dragon, who was completely unaware of the approaching crisis, continued to lie on the cliff blankly and look at the scenery, looking not very smart.

Chapter 2089: End

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