Quadruple split

Chapter 2108: Life is worse than death

【A deal? ! 】

Ji Xiaoge was shocked on the spot. After reacting for a long time, she blinked her bright almond eyes and asked hesitantly: "Do you know what I am talking about? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know."

Cordoba nodded vigorously, speaking quickly and loudly for fear that Ji Xiaoge would regret it: "Isn't it just to prohibit me from using the rune body state, and to fight you in the energy-saving mode with almost no combat power and only low-level panel attributes? ?no problem."

"Ah this..."

Seeing that Cordova completely understood what he meant, Ji Xiaoge was stunned. Not only she, she had seen Cordova's energy-saving form in Academy City... which is also the kobold-style Yu Chen. He was stunned, and although Mo Tan could not reveal the identity of [Mo], who was familiar with Cordova, but since Hei Fan had also seen Cordova's kobold form in Academy City, he could also justifiably follow Yu. Chen was in a daze together.

As for Zhou Lan, Yi Dong, Huo Yanyang and Gu Xiaole, who had never seen the Cordoba kobold form, they all asked in unison: "What is that?"

By the way, even though my sister had learned about the characteristics of Cordoba's rune body, Ji Xiaodao, who was being held in Ji Xiaoge's arms, did not react at all. His expression was neither happy nor sad, and his eyes were fixed on the ancient well. No waves.

"Oh yes, you guys don't know yet."

Cordoba turned to look at Yidong and others, and said in a brisk tone: "You all know my [Rune Body], right? It is the so-called 'complete state', which is characterized by opening two sets of basic runes. To be able to have an epic level of physical strength, you can just understand it as a character panel. In addition, in the 'full state', I can also activate various special runes, and even enter the [overload] state in extreme circumstances, allowing me to My combat effectiveness has been further improved.”

Zhoulan smacked his lips and asked curiously: "So Xiaoyu, how much force did you use when you woke up the dragon?"

"This statement is too general. To be honest, the battle between me and Awakening Dragon was not a question of 'how much strength' I had."

Cordoba shook his head and shrugged: "But to put it bluntly, aside from the special runes and overload status, I probably exerted about 60% of the power in the full status, but let me declare in advance that I can defeat His main reason lies in the [Combat Data Module] that the old goblin installed for me. In other words, if I didn't do 'special training' in the arena during this period, even if I have overwhelming panel data, With the advantage, the probability of winning the Awakening Dragon is only 70%."

Hearing this, Huo Yanyang immediately took a breath of cold air and exclaimed in surprise: "Damn it, is that so exaggerated?!"

"This is actually not an exaggeration at all. You must know that I can only get the character attributes. To put it bluntly, the guy Awakening Dragon is actually standing in front of the epic threshold and just missed being kicked in. So the gap must be Yes, but if I am too bad, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that he has a 30% chance of winning the game."

Cordoba explained it very seriously, and then brought the topic back: "The complete state also has advantages and disadvantages, that is, any action consumes energy, and as long as the energy of the rune body is exhausted, it will I turned into a pile of broken metal, the kind that any wild boar could crush me to pieces."

"It's too much to consume energy for any action."

Hiran smacked his lips and asked, "How long can the so-called full power keep you moving?"

"My current model can run stably for about a month without fighting."

Cordoba, who knew his own parameters very well, raised an index finger and shook it, and continued: "The battle endurance, if it is the same intensity as when fighting the Awakening Dragon in the last round, it will be seventy-two hours."

Yidong was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "Been beaten for seventy-two hours?!"

"Don't think this time is very long."

This time, without waiting for Cordoba to explain, Ji Xiaoge, who has the authority to maintain and repair the rune body and knows much more about the relevant parameters than Cordoba, rushed to say: "For the rune body, it takes a lot of effort." Exhausting energy is equated with 100% complete damage. Although Xiaoyu has a special nature and can be stored in the teacher's soul black box, this still does not change the fact that losing energy equals death. It is just a non-destructive resurrection. .”

Gu Xiaole clapped his hands vigorously and asked, "So Yujiang has to go back to his hometown at least once a month to recharge his batteries?"

"Am I some kind of beast..."

Cordoba twitched his lips, and then said quite proudly: "The first two generations of rune bodies were indeed like this, but now this version has made a major breakthrough in energy issues."

Huo Yanyang reacted quickly and asked immediately: "Energy saving mode?"

"That's right, it's energy-saving mode."

Cordoba grinned and talked eloquently: "Before upgrading to the V3.0 version, Rune Body was poorly optimized in terms of energy. In most cases, it had to go back to the workshop for maintenance and battery replacement. During this period, I usually use the mechanical kobold body created by the immortal Lu Wei out of bad taste. That thing has no combat capabilities and its range of activities is limited to Tianzhu Mountain."

Ji Xiaoge, who was also involved in the upgrade of the Rune Body to a certain extent, nodded and said: "But in this version, the teacher has made a transformative upgrade to the Rune Body, which is to use subspace replacement technology to replace the latest version of the Rune Body. The rune body has become a 'one body with two sides'. One side is what you usually see, a 'complete state' that is very energy-consuming although it has an epic level of intensity; while the other side is not only able to fully realize 0 It consumes energy, and at the same time, it can also charge the 'main body' with energy by absorbing free elements in the air, which is the so-called 'energy-saving form'."

"It still looks like a kobold, and its strength is less than that of an entry-level professional, but it can operate perfectly outside Tianzhu Mountain and continue to provide spatial anchoring for the 'main body' mounted in subspace."

Cordoba grinned proudly and said cheerfully: "In addition, you can also use the [portable mass-produced eternal crystal] in the shape of a candle to convert energy at high speed to charge the 'right body' at super high speed, from 5 It only takes two hours to reach 100%. Although the cost is that the 'main body' cannot be activated before the charging is completed, the battery life becomes a truly long standby!"

Ji Xiaoge shrugged and added: "However, because the output of [Portable Mass Production Eternal Crystal] is very low, even if the workshop is operated at high intensity day and night, it can only produce one piece every half a month, and increasing The production capacity of eternal crystals is one of the topics we have recently studied.”

"Good, I totally understand."

Zhou Lan nodded and said sternly to Ji Xiaoge: "So Xiaoge, what you are saying is that it is okay to not forcibly turn off Xiaoyu's hook-up device, but he must ensure that he does not use the 'full state', but uses his strength to only have the initial I'm going to fight you when I can't reach the 'energy-saving state', right?"

Ji Xiaoge nodded slightly: "Ang."

"Then Xiaoyu you..."

Ji Lan turned to look at Cordoba again and hesitated: "Don't you have any objection to this?"


The latter answered without hesitation, spreading his hands and saying: "I have repeatedly emphasized that I have no objection."

"Oh, don't be so contemptuous of others."

Huo Yanyang crossed his arms and said with a narrow expression: "Brother Yu, do you think that some energy-saving mode that doesn't even have an elementary level can deal with Xiaoge? Let me tell you the truth, we just played in that game But after watching it from beginning to end, if nothing else, I think, not to mention the basic level, even if it is a high-level peak, a half-step epic, etc., as long as the character strength is not as buggy as Brother Yu, you will be bombarded by her. Turned into ashes.”

Ji Xiaoge was startled and exclaimed: "Wow, am I so powerful!"

Gu Xiaole nodded: "It's amazing!"

Yi Dong also seemed not to know that Ji Xiaoge had just defeated her own sister and glanced at her, echoing: "It's quite impressive."

Zhou Lan looked up to the sky and sighed: "It's like cheating."

Yuchen said honestly: "I don't quite understand it, but I think it's very handsome."

Mo Tan said in a serious voice: "One hundred kobolds are not enough for you to kill!"


Ji Xiaodao turned his attention to Cordoba and said in a cold voice with an unkind tone: "You promised so happily, what kind of conspiracy are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, you are wronged!"

Cordoba immediately raised his hands with an innocent look on his face and said with great sincerity: "There is nothing I can do about it. Let's say it with conscience, as long as the pigeon sacrifices the magic weapon, my rune body will be ignored by humans and dogs. It's turned off, and you've never seen the power-off standby posture before. That's so 'OTZ'. You're kneeling to death! But if I fight pigeons in energy-saving mode, even if I die, I can still stand. Aren't you going to die?"


Ji Xiaodao, who didn't believe a word of what Cordoba said, looked away without comment, turned to Ji Xiaoge, who was hugging him, and asked, "Sister, what do you think?"

The latter agreed happily, and nodded immediately: "Okay, after all, if Xiao Yu uses the rune body, even if I can cut off his power in half a second, but if he uses overload mode to sneak attack me, I may not be able to do it." If you react, you'll be killed, just listen to him."

Cordoba's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly: "Then it's a deal?"

"It's a deal."

Ji Xiaoge nodded, wrinkled his nose and reminded: "But if you don't keep your promise..."

"You cook me a Man-Han banquet and let me die with my eyes closed."

"Don't use other people's food as punishment! Hey... what are your expressions!? Why do you look like Xiaoyu has just sworn a poisonous oath!"

at the same time

Public space, Wenqiu’s private room


Gahres looked steadily at the girl in front of him who was lying on the cartoon cushion with her mouth pouting, and said with a gloomy face: "Abstain, log off, and cooperate with the treatment!"

And the answer he got was extremely firm -

"don't want!"

The pale girl folded her arms angrily and muttered forcefully: "If you don't want it, you don't want it! Brother Lei is lying. He clearly promised that as long as Qiu Qiu tells you what the doctor said, he won't care about Qiu playing games!" "

Gaheres clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "That's because I didn't expect your current situation to be so bad..."

"A lie is a lie!"

Wenqiu stared at Gaheres with red eyes and said angrily: "Sir, you can't keep your words!"


Gahres sighed, walked up to the girl helplessly, half-knelt on the carpet, took the girl's cold hand, and persuaded her earnestly: "You also said that now you should cooperate with the treatment and enter the machine, at least continue the infusion. Stable situation, how can I trust you to continue playing games under such circumstances?"

"It's not what I said, it's what the doctor said. They like to lie the most. They always tell Wenqiu that as long as they obey, things will get better. But no matter how obedient or cooperative Wenqiu is, things will only get worse. It’s uncomfortable!”

The girl threw Gahres' hand away, covered her ears and shouted, "I just don't want to go out!"

Gahres took a deep breath, and after a while he managed to soften his stiff face, and said softly: "What about during the day?"


Wenqiu blinked, pouted and asked, "What daytime?"

"It's the time from 7 a.m. to 19 p.m. when you can't play [Innocent Bound]."

Gahres made eye contact with the girl and asked seriously: "During that time, you should listen to the doctor and cooperate with the treatment, right?"

"I will."

Wenqiu nodded and said with a smile: "There is no way to play games anyway. If everyone wants Wenqiu to cooperate, Wenqiu will be obedient, and then they will all praise Wenqiu!"

"In that case, if you agree to Brother Lei's three conditions, Brother Lei will stop bothering you."

Gahres raised his hand to wipe away the fine cold sweat on the girl's forehead, and smiled reluctantly: "First of all, you must ensure that you listen to the doctor when you can't play games during the day; secondly, if you are gamed because of your poor health, If the cabin is forced to go offline, then you are not allowed to act recklessly until the doctor allows you to go online; third... phew..."

The girl who nodded repeatedly saw that Gaheres suddenly hesitated, and immediately asked: "What is the third one?"

"Tell Brother Lei the truth first. Will your body become more uncomfortable than usual when you use... the Necromancer's ability?"

"Yes, but it only started during this period, and it's not particularly uncomfortable. It's much better than when I felt uncomfortable outside the game!"


"Brother Lei?"

"Third, if you feel too uncomfortable when fighting, don't show off and just admit defeat."

"Ah, Wenqiu can't do this."


"Because this game is so troublesome. If you feel a little bit uncomfortable, Wenqiu will be kicked off the line!"

"You mean a little bit uncomfortable?"

"It's just...it's just that the bones all over the body seem to be broken, the skin seems to be cracked, and I want to die more than live, so I won't let Wenqiu continue to play..."


Chapter 2099: End

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