Quadruple split

Chapter 2109 Prelude to Decline

Game time PM19:24

Public space, private room of Petunia grandiflora


Sitting in the middle of the lobby of the private room that he spent a lot of money to renovate, about 2,000 yuan, Dahua Petunia, who was watching football highlights on the virtual big screen, opened the menu and looked at the time, then stretched out. He stood up, turned off the screen, walked to the refrigerator and took out a glass bottle of Ice Kuo Luo that looked so pleasant just by looking at it. He quickly opened the cap with a bottle opener and started drinking.



After downing half a bottle of Coke, the morning glory covered her mouth and let out a comfortable burp, then started walking around the house with her hands behind her back.

At this moment, there are still about 5 minutes left before the start time of the last game of the semi-finals. Although the map can be loaded at this moment, Big Flower Morning Glory is not in a hurry and plans to wait for time. Public space loading contest.

It's not because of serious reasons such as strategy and tactics, he is just... being lazy.

It is true that for a long period of time, Dahua Petunia was still in a state of tension from reaching the top 64 to the last round. To put it simply, they wanted to win so much that they made a lot of things that were not in line with it. Behavior that is inconsistent with a Buddhist character.

As for now, that's not to say that Big Flower Petunia doesn't want to win. The main reason is that after watching the game between Awakening Dragon and Cordoba, he directly entered a state of "heartbroken".

In other words, through that game, he completely realized that he was just an ordinary lucky person. Lucky is really lucky, but ordinary is also really ordinary.

In the following games, there is no room for ordinary people.

Ever since, after figuring this out, Petunia dahua did not give up on herself and quit the game, but she no longer had any hope of going further. Even when everyone was watching the live broadcast of the game, she found a star to surpass her. Highlights, eating snacks while watching with relish those muscular figures making various criminal moves on the green field.

Morning Glory is not a person who is addicted to games. Although he does like to play games, he is different from those who are devoted to it because of the cross-generational technical power of [Innocence Boundary], and spend all day just for the trivial things in the game. People who are worried are different. Although my buddy also loves to play, he only regards games as a part of his life. In his opinion, [Innocence Boundary] is a very good tonic, supporting sleep login and daytime server control. The operating mode of the game is also very popular with me. Compared with those people who sincerely feel that "there is no innocence and I will die if I play" every day, Dahua Petunia's attitude towards this game is actually quite Buddhist.

He will drop out of [The Bound of Innocence] because of a football game he follows, a TV series he likes to watch, a barbecue stall after dark, a morning run on a whim, a good book, editing a job resume, or simply wanting to sleep normally. I don’t pay attention to it, but I just don’t regard it as the main theme of life.

In fact, this is the style that normal people, real casual players, and landscape party members should have.

People like Xinglong and Lusail devote themselves to games because they want to make money by playing games; people like Zhou Lan, Huo Yanyang, and Cordoba are seriously addicted because of the high technology of "Innocence Realm" The fanatics who used to be called Internet addicted teenagers; Mo Tan, because of serious mental illness and other reasons, locking himself in the game cabin is considered a contribution to society.

They have never been the mainstream, and they are definitely not the so-called majority. The Innocence of Innocence has become popular in the field of games. In terms of absolute popularity, the number of game enthusiasts is comparable to that of people who like to listen to music. There are too few people, so Xueyin is really popular.

To sum up, although the online rate remains high due to the thoughtful reason of "only supporting sleep state login", online and active cannot be equated with obsession, so it often appears in our field of vision. In essence, compared to the people in Mo Tan and Big Flower Morning Glory, they are more like the people in the "Yuhuo Guild". The main character likes to have fun, but the main focus is still on their own lives.

The only difference between the two sides is that although the members of the [Yuhuo Guild] are partial to science, they are strong in at least one or two areas, while the Big Flower Morning Glory is weak from all angles.

He is very self-aware and knows exactly how much he weighs, and after watching the match between Awakening Dragon and Cordoba, he no longer has any illusions about going further.

It is worth mentioning that before the game with Gu Xiaole started, Dahua Petunia's mentality was to 'win a lot and earn a lot'. Now, although his thoughts have not changed, he no longer has any luck. Psychologically, a strange mentality of watching a movie gradually emerged.

Due to limited space, let us put aside the thousands of words of psychological analysis and directly draw the conclusion.

One word - Buddha.

Two words - crappy.

Three words - it doesn't matter.

Four words - break the pot and break the pot.

"Tsk, tsk, lord of evil plague."

Turning the screen back to the live broadcast and taking a look at the warm-up for the next game, Big Flower Petunia smacked her lips and sighed: "This is what they say, people should not be judged by their appearance. Who would have thought that that cute little girl could be so strong? Who would have thought that Big Flower Petunia, which can go all the way to the semi-finals, would be so good."

After that, he made a face, drank the remaining half of the bottle of Coke, teleported himself to the public space very calmly, and then seamlessly loaded into the game, briefly losing consciousness in a sense of detachment.

The next moment, the big-flowered morning glory appeared in a lush, vibrant forest with birds singing and flowers fragrant, like a fairyland on earth.

[Good guy, it’s so beautiful, it must be the legendary Elf Forest. 】

By accident, he mistook the undeveloped area in the center of the Fairy Wilderness fifteen centuries ago as the Fairy Forest. However, because he was restricted from speaking by the system during the preparation period, he did not show any timidity. He blinked and sighed in his heart. I cleared my mind and waited for the game to start.

Soon, with the end of the preparation time, the petunias returned to their freedom, and almost at the same time, a large area of ​​withering and decay began to appear somewhere more than ten miles away, and spread in all directions at an incredible speed. Madness spreads.

"Hmm... I feel like it won't be surprising if I die suddenly from now on."

Petunia dahurica casually pulled out the long sword from her waist, and sighed with self-mockery, although under Xiao Xiaobai's misinterpretation, the emotion became "Unfathomable Petunia dahurica has seen through the opponent's point" The trick left three thin noodles for minors, but in fact, he simply felt that he might throw himself into the street and die at any time.

You know, even the young lady with a fashionable fighting style in the last round of the game couldn't withstand the pervasive and ubiquitous viruses, plagues or other bad things. The legendary Warcraft is even more The death was so miserable that it made Petunias goosebumps all over their bodies. It was enough to show that the other party was not only ruthless, but also brutal in his killing methods.

To be honest, after knowing that his opponent in the semi-finals was this lolita, there was a moment when Petunia dahua wanted to quit the competition. After all, although he was not afraid of death, in principle he still didn't want to die so miserably.

But then he thought, since he has come so far with this good luck, giving up directly would be too unfair to Qiuyue who sacrificed his luck, Gu Xiaole and others who gave up the promotion spot to him, and more importantly What's more, if you give up or admit defeat early, you won't make any profit from the game!

Ever since, due to a series of very practical reasons, even though Petunias had already acquiesced that they would die miserably in this game, they still entered the game resolutely and prepared to fight to the death with their opponents.


【Where should I go? 】

The morning glory looked around at the beautiful and unusual scenery around it, and rubbed its forehead with some embarrassment. Although it was translated by Xiao Xiaobai, who was simultaneously commenting, as 'a moral struggle that cannot bear to do anything to minors', he was really just I simply don't know how to find enemies.

You must know that Dahua Petunia is a very pure fighter. Although his frontal combat ability... well, although his frontal combat ability is almost non-existent in this level of competition, it is even better than his frontal combat ability. What can't be used is his ability to find enemies.

As we all know, although professions such as warriors and knights are very strong and durable, their potential in the field of scouting is almost zero. They are completely incomparable with professions such as thieves and rangers, and even cannot be compared with monks who can capture breath.

As for spellcasters, warrior professions are not the only ones that can hit the mark. You must know that whether they are regular spellcasting professions such as wizards, warlocks, priests, summoners, druids, shamans, and necromancers, or mediums, charioteers, etc. For those special spellcasting professions such as magicians and onmyojis, anyone who studies mysticism will definitely have no shortage of skills related to detection and counter-reconnaissance.

Ever since, when he couldn't even hold back the Mage's Eye, let alone listen to the wind, identify his position, and sense the breath, the Big Flower Morning Glory was a bit paralyzed.

Of course, given that he has no expectations for himself, the so-called 'sitting on the wax' is only relative. After all, without considering victory, the only concern of Morning Glory is that he is looking in the wrong direction. The perspective would just look stupid.

[Oh, it doesn’t matter. 】

However, after only hesitating for a short while, Big Flower Morning Glory decided with relief and decided to go in any direction. Anyway, there were four directions in total, as long as he didn't select the quarter with his back to the enemy. One, it should all be interpreted as tactical positioning.

[No, even if I really walked with my back to the kid... If there was that little white sister as the commentator for this game, I'm afraid I would be accused of being in a tactical position. 】

After watching two videos of his own games, Xiao Xiaobai held him up until his scalp went numb and his whole body became almost square. Dahua Petunia twitched the corners of his mouth (at the same time, Xiao Bai interpreted his facial expression as a match) I was dissatisfied with the result, and concluded that Petunia dahua actually wanted to face Cordoba and the Awakening Dragon more than the anonymous lolita.) I muttered this in my heart.

Then, just when the morning glory was about to take a step in the opposite direction to Wenqiu's position, a flying bird suddenly passed over the head of the morning glory with a whooshing sound like a bullet.


The big-flowered morning glory that stopped blinked, and turned its head curiously to look in the direction where the bird was flying.

And guess what?

In just less than half a minute, a large number of birds and beasts that were basically unseen before the morning glory ran over from a certain direction like crazy, and whether they were grass-eating, carnivorous, human or animal, harmless or vicious Cruelly, they all ran into the distance without even thinking about it. They didn't have any time to stop and kill the morning glory before continuing on their way. They were peeing and crawling all over.

It can be seen that compared to the map of the previous round, the natural resources of the two sides in this game are much richer and the strength is much stronger, so that they can not only detect the changes in the environment, but also be able to spread the changes. They flee in front of themselves. Although it is not yet known whether this kind of fleeing can actually allow them to escape, but compared to the small animals in the last round of competition that were already half corpses when they realized something was wrong, these The performance of the native Warcraft in the Spirit Wilderness is already quite good.

[Over there... After finding out the result, I don’t want to go there...]

With a subtle sigh on his expression, Big Flower Petunia couldn't turn a blind eye to this situation after all. He turned around, took the high-quality long sword in his hand and walked forward to face the monsters who were casting frightening looks at it.

[I will probably die on the road. If possible, it would be best to die quickly. 】

While complaining like this in his heart, Petunia dahurica walked towards 'death' unhurriedly. At the same time, those who were still not deceived by Xiao Xiaobai and were sure that Petunia dahurica was just a vegetable also made a decision. Same judgment.

From a God's perspective, the girl with pink sculptures and a Gothic skirt was leaning against an ancient tree that had turned gray-white with all the branches and leaves withered, while hugging her knees and shaking her head while humming a pleasant and messy tune. While transforming everything around him at an incredible speed into some kind of terrible existence, infinitely close to death but forced to maintain the vitality of corruption.

That's the plague.

The plague is spreading.

Spread, multiply, engulf, and assimilate faster than people think!

According to the spread speed of this plague from God's perspective, within five minutes at most, the morning glory will be included in this area full of decay.

Although it may be just ordinary discomfort at first, as time goes by, this discomfort will take away the life of the morning glory with the most insane efficiency, just like those birds and animals that have no time to escape.


In the seventh minute after the start of the game, Petunia dahua stepped into the "evil epidemic" without realizing it.

"Ah sneeze——"

A seemingly ordinary sneeze is the silent prelude to 'decline'.

Chapter 2100: End

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