Quadruple split

Chapter 2110 The arrow is ready

Many people know that whether it is the first snowflake that causes an avalanche before a disaster or the first chili that causes a blood avalanche before hemorrhoids break out, they are not inconspicuous at first until they cause irreparable consequences. , people will belatedly notice the seemingly insignificant details.

Precisely because of this, in the eyes of countless people with God's perspective, the sneeze made by Petunias after entering the 'plague zone' was the first snowflake that caused an avalanche and the first chili that detonated hemorrhoids!

Audiences who watched Wenqiu's last round of competition know very well that although the [evil epidemic] controlled by this girl is astonishingly high in terms of coverage, spread speed, and power limit, her fighting style is not the same as The concept of flash sale is actually not related.

In other words, although the girl's method of depriving her life was simple and crude, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was a fighting method that resulted in the death of the target through a snowball-like accumulation of a large number of complex and fatal negative states.

Because of this, when the experts gathered together to discuss how to deal with this [Evil Plague Lord], the consensus was to get close to the latter as quickly as possible, compressing the combat time to the limit, and when the diseases accumulated to It's enough to defeat the opponent with fast attacks and strong attacks before killing yourself!

She has more lethality but less explosive power. In the eyes of real experts, although the girl is the most difficult opponent, she is by no means an unsolvable opponent like Cordoba. In fact, as long as the method is appropriate, even the previous Shuxiang, who was eliminated without injury, might win the competition. In fact, the moment she first encountered Wenqiu was her best chance.

It's a pity that Shuxiang, who doesn't have a God's perspective, made a wrong judgment. After a simple fight, he decided to rely on his rich combat experience and tactical system to fight a protracted war. The result was naturally to shoot himself in the foot and create a super giant for the girl. The scope of the plague zone was so long that when the two faced off for the second time, Wenqiu could easily win by simply detonating a large number of diseases on his body.

All in all, as early as the end of the last round, the strong people have summarized the idea of ​​defeating Wenqiu, so that after Shuxiang falls, the next strong person who faces the evil plague master will take advantage of him, even if he is on the ranking list. If you are not as good as your opponent in the draft, you still have a chance to win.

But the premise is that that person must be a strong person!

And Morning Glory is obviously not a strong person. Although under Xiao Xiaobai's deception, many viewers who don't know the truth regard it as a super master on the same level as Xinglong, Yege, and Cordoba, but even if it is Those who were defined as second-rate by Mo Tan and Futaba, such as Alchemist, Yinyue and others, could all see that Dahua Morning Glory was just a bastard.

So even if we take 10,000 steps back and assume that Dahua Petunia knows how to deal with Wenqiu, it is absolutely impossible for him to transform theory into practice, not to mention that it is impossible for him to analyze how to deal with Wenqiu in a short period of time.

Ever since, when Petunia Grandiflora sneezed loudly and its blood volume directly changed from 100% to 97% at the same time, countless people had already silently sentenced him to death in their hearts.

You know, almost at the moment when the sneeze came out, the close-up face of the morning glory was coated with a layer of blue-grey. Although it was not obvious, combined with the fact that he lost 3% of his health in an instant From this fact, it is not difficult for people to find that he has been eroded by the plague, and in this case, his life will come to an end in just a few minutes at most.

There is a ninety-nine percent chance that Big Flower Morning Glory is unable to resist the desperate plague and falls on the way to ask Qiu. In addition, there is a one percent chance that he will be like the last round of competition. The scholarly character in the book held up to Wenqiu and was killed by the other party while talking and laughing.

At this moment, whether it is professional players like Xinglong and Lusail; outliers like Gu Xiaole, who are no different from supermen in reality and are proficient in various mysterious powers; or Mo Tan, who knows the nature of Wenqiu's power very well, Those who are well aware of its destructive power have made the above judgment.

As for the commentator's seat, perhaps to take care of Xiao Xiaobai's face, or perhaps to avoid slapping themselves in the face, the other three did not express any opinions. After all, in their opinion, they could do it in one minute at most. After the game, I summarized it, so there is no need to put flags on yourself at this time.

And the facts have proved that their caution is very correct!

If you want to ask why, it is that after the loud sneeze, Petunia Grandiflora just rubbed his nose and continued on his way as if nothing happened. Although his pace was not hurried or slow, he was not the kind of person who was terminally ill. Hold on, it's not just a flashback of a few breaths at most, but... it's really okay.

This can be reflected in his health value. After sneezing and knocking off 3% of his health value, the health value of Petunia grandis was fixed at 97%, as if the blood was locked firmly. It didn't move. Although it didn't fill up in a few seconds like Cordoba, it didn't continue to fall down. Even the originally gloomy complexion returned to rosy.

It's like... it's enough to make thousands of lives within a radius of more than ten miles lose their vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye. The terrifyingly powerful plague can only cause a sneeze plus 3% of the health of the morning glory.

Is that really the case?

Yes, but not entirely, because although Wenqiuna's fastest-spreading and most contagious plague [Death Apoptosis] did cause 3% damage to the morning glory, and also caused that sneeze, But this is not actually a one-time event. In fact, at this moment, the morning glory is losing blood every two seconds, but the number of blood lost is [1].

That's right, it is neither a prime number nor a composite number. The Nth power is itself, and the reciprocal is also itself. The smallest positive odd number is the Arabic numeral [1].

If you want to ask why it is 1, the reason is actually not difficult to guess——

[Today is a good day. Please use all your means. Don’t pity this delicate flower like me. Flog me vigorously. You really don’t need to be merciful. Try harder. I can still stand it. Don’t stop. Come on, you can do it. Ahhhhhhh. 】

Passive talents

Effect 1: The first time the same skill (including normal attack) from the same target causes damage to you, it will be a critical hit and cause true damage.

Effect 2: When you are attacked by the same skill (including normal attack) from the same target source, the damage value is forced to 1, and a small amount of physical energy is restored. The specific value is 10% of the physical energy consumed by the skill.

Trait: The attack skills recorded by this talent are reset at 07:00 AM every game time

[Note 1: The activation conditions for this talent are: → With the minor protection system turned on, endure physical or mental torture with a pain level of no less than 6 for more than nine rounds in a short period of time, and ensure that the health value is not low at the end above 70%, and the happiness level exceeds 9. ——Developer Diary]

[Remark 2: Omitted]

[Remark 3: Omitted]

[Remark 4: Omitted]

Yes, it was this morning glory that was unlocked after being severely tortured by Gu Xiaole. The conditions for obtaining it were very harsh. It seemed useless but had great tactical value. The talent with a particularly long name made the question Qiuna's terrifying disease, which is extremely lethal and has almost no conventional solutions, only caused such a small amount of damage and it was difficult to make any achievements.

After all, plagues, to put it bluntly, are infectious diseases caused by all highly pathogenic substances, such as bacteria and viruses. Although [epidemics] in the world view of the Innocence can also be given occult bonuses, In essence, this thing is still a [disease].

As we all know, the vast majority of [diseases] will not take away the life of the infected person at the beginning. Even the most feared cancer in reality will take a long time to kill a person. Time, and even the so-called 'terminal disease' means literally [can definitely kill the patient]. As for something that can kill the patient instantly, it may be called poison or shot, but it is basically impossible anyway. It’s [disease].

Therefore, although the diseases introduced by Wenqiu are quite difficult to deal with, and the [Death and Apoptosis Disease] contracted by the morning glory is even more severe, it still takes time to fully demonstrate its power. After all, this kind of thing The destructiveness of living things increases with time.

As a result, when it came to Petunias, the record of [Apoptosis] became that it was directly forced to complete a wave of 'critical hits' + 'real injuries' at the beginning of the infection. However, given that the state of Petunias at that time was the initial Infection period, so even if it is a critical hit, even if it is real damage, the effect is only to make him sneeze and lose 3% of his blood. After that, because the morning glory has not been cured [Withering [Death Disease], he has been suffering continuous damage that is forcibly limited to 1, and each round of damage will restore him a small amount of physical energy in proportion.

To be honest, the physical energy value returned is not much, but even if it is not much, I can't bear to keep returning. Therefore, after driving for a while, the physical energy value of Dahua Petunia has been consumed to about 92%, so it is full.

As for the little blood he lost...

Let's put it this way, Morning Glory is a bit of a dish, but this dish is a conclusion drawn after comparing it with those T0 and T1 level players. No matter how bad it is, my brother is still a high-level professional, and he is second only to the knight. For a warrior player who is fighting against a Paladin, if you say that he loses 1% of his health every two seconds, it may cause him some trouble, but if he loses 1 health every two seconds, there is a saying, but no one has said it. Returned quickly.

To sum up, Petunia grandiflorum walked into the plague zone like nothing happened, and was infected with more than ten kinds of plague in the next few minutes under the admiration and dumbfounded gaze of countless people!

【Blue ant sores】, 【Medullary disease】, 【Este's syndrome】, 【Nihe poison】, 【Death·Confession flower】, 【Death·Panthematous rash】, 【Death·malaria ghost cold】, [Living Prison, Talisman of Life and Death], [Great Evil, Drowning], these combined can almost destroy any flesh and blood body with strength below the epic level except the rune body, so that the victim is enough to be killed before the disease takes away his life. Painful and fatal illnesses followed one after another. Through the accumulation of real damage, the health value of Petunia Grandiflora suddenly dropped to 83%, and then... then there was no more achievements.

For Petunia grandiflorum, the accumulated continuous damage caused by these diseases is just a little bit worse than its self-recovery ability, but there are no new plagues in this plague area.

It’s not that I’m asking Qiu Qian donkey’s skills, it’s mainly that Qiu doesn’t know what the routine of Big Flower Morning Glory is. In fact, to this child, Big Flower Morning Glory is just an opponent with a cute name. As for the level of this opponent, She doesn't care about reputation or strength at all.

The girl is just here to play. She may care about winning or losing, but she only cares about it. So after noticing that the morning glory has entered her own field, but always survived, the girl just spread it out. Contain the plague, continuously increase the concentration and power while stopping its expansion, and use the form of 'refining' to cause indiscriminate damage to all life in the area except itself.

As a result... it is naturally of no use, because no matter how the toxicity of these plagues is increased, their damage to the morning glory is only 1.

At the same time, Big Flower Morning Glory also realized that he seemed to have entered the other party's control. After all, since not long ago, there were no living creatures anywhere he could see. Not only that, even the plants and land were gone. It presents an indescribable and terrifying morbidity.

In addition, there are three rows of negative statuses in the character panel!

【You can survive this...】

After closing the character panel, Big Flower Petunia twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

Although he was not a genius, he was by no means a fool. So after being briefly confused, the buddy quickly thought of the talent he had just received based on the actual situation, the talent with a particularly long name, and realized that he could withstand so many The truth about living in a negative state until now.

Of course, although this truth surprised him, it was not enough to surprise him. After all, 'surviving' never equals victory. And based on the ending of the book, it is not difficult to imagine that he will probably see the petunia. After arriving at the child, he was quickly killed.

[Well, at least living for a while longer is more profitable than rushing to death on the street. 】

While soothing himself, the morning glory pushed aside the bushes and came to an open space that was rarely lush and full of life in this desperate situation.


Morning Glory cleared her throat, raised her hand to say hello to the girl not far away who happened to turn around and look at him, her face was so pale that it was almost bloodless, and her eyes were bloodshot, and then she asked with concern: "You do not……"


In the end, it didn't happen before he could do anything, right? ' As soon as these two words were pronounced, the girl's legs softened and she disappeared into a ray of white light.

Morning Glory: "...?"

Game time PM19:51

Big flower morning glory surrendered without a fight, and persuaded [anonymous] to retreat and advance strongly.

At this point, the top four were born——

First half: Cordoba VS Night Song!

Lower half: Christina VS Big Flower Morning Glory!

The semi-finals are about to begin!

Chapter 2101: End

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