Quadruple split

Chapter 2212 Thriller Short Drama

"Ah this..."

In the official live broadcast room, Xue Yin looked at the scene of the five people "Bathing in Fire" a little dumbfounded, and subconsciously said: "What happened?"

"To put it simply, the five people who were in trouble made a series of actions that normal people could not understand immediately after the game started, and rushed forward as soon as they discovered that the Red Constellation Team 2 was shaken."

Shota, one of the official hosts of this game, twitched his lips and said dryly: "Then the two sides started fighting, and then... the five members of the Red Constellation Team 2 were killed head-on."

The Heavenly Book on the other side sighed, shook his head and said: "The background of this game is an underground palace. Although it is complicated, Yuhuo, who has the position of a resident, obtained the topographic map at the beginning, and the mighty player Sarufang is already aware of the terrain. The druid of the Beast School has a great advantage in terms of roads, and coupled with the basic totem of the Drunken Angel players, it is not very convenient for them to find the road. "

"Is such that."

Shota nodded slightly, and then turned to look at the special guest of this game, the previous generation captain of the [Pai Lao] Club, a retired player who was famous in the gaming circle with the name of 'Tian Yuan': "Teacher Tian Yuan, what do you think of this game?" What do you think?"

"Destroy the dead."

Tianyuan, who has a strong build and a square face, retired at a similar age to Lusail, and seamlessly turned into a professional Go player after retirement. Tianyuan, who just won second place in an East Asian Go invitational tournament last month, shrugged, objectively Commented: "The five players of the second team of Red Constellation are not weak, but we must admit that the reason why they were able to break into the top 16, in addition to their good strength, the luck in the matching also accounted for a large part ”

Xue Yin blinked and asked curiously: "What do you mean?"


Seeing that he couldn't continue to be subtle, his rationality told him that he should avoid this topic cleverly, but emotionally he was extremely resistant to avoiding the issue of idols. Tianyuan took a deep breath, and after about 15 milliseconds of ideological struggle, he said resolutely : "The level of the Red Constellation Team 2 is actually a bit worse. Even if the opponent is not in flames, it will be difficult for them to defeat the other top 16 teams head-on."

Only then did Xue Yin realize that she had made a mistake. She quickly covered her mouth and said, "Ah, this...but I think the five members of the Red Constellation Team 2 are also very handsome. Teacher Tianyuan, are you right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right, so handsome!"

Although he is known for his stability and calmness both as a professional player and as a professional chess player, the middle-aged two-dimensional person who was still instantly broken by Xueyin's words of "Teacher Tianyuan" immediately widened his eyes and nodded crazily like a chicken pecking at rice. , echoed without any image: "I have never seen such a handsome team in my life even after losing!"

Shota: "..."

Heavenly Book: "..."

"But since they still won the victory despite being in flames in the end, then they should be super powerful, right?"

Xue Yin pursed her lips and smiled, holding her chin and tilting her head to look at Tian Yuan, and asked curiously: "Teacher Tian Yuan, can you tell me a little bit about it? I haven't played many games before, so I am a little familiar with the name Yuhuo, but there is nothing too special about it. Deep impression.”

"no problem!"

Tianyuan naturally agreed and said seriously: "The Yuhuo Guild, to put it simply, is a group of bastards with no quality, no bottom line, no face, no skin!"

Xueyin: "Eh!?"

Shota frowned and asked in a low voice to Tianshu next to him: "Is this a live broadcast accident?"

"Maybe if we change teams."

The latter shrugged and replied in a low voice as well: "But with the nature of Yuhuo's gang, anyone in the circle basically knows what's going on. Even if they don't know, as long as they can type and surf the Internet, they can do it." After a short period of investigation, everyone will know that Tianyuan is not maliciously slandering, but stating the facts, so it should not be a live broadcast incident. "

Shota, who had not known Yuhuo well before, stiffened and asked, "Are you sure Yuhuo won't protest?"

"If it were a club like Red Constellation or Broken Wind Bird, the first thing would probably be to send a lawyer's letter to our Innocence Company and Tianyuan."

While Tianshu temporarily canceled the system's recording of his and Shota's voices, he replied casually: "But the Yuhuo Guild is just an online gang. It doesn't even have a company. Naturally, it is impossible to have a legal department, so at most it is their president. Go to Tianyuan’s social account and say ‘Ah, I’m in a hurry’.”

Shota's expression was very subtle, and he sighed: "It sounds quite cheap..."

"Just listen to what Tian Yuan said. Okay, stop whispering. I'll turn on the radio."

Tianshu shrugged, and then turned on the radio for himself and Shota again. On the other side, Tianyuan was still conducting popular science for Xueyin with great emotion——

"So, it stands to reason that the Yu Huo Guild should be meaner, dirtier, and more unscrupulous!"

I saw the old and steady former professional player who was tricked by the Yuhuo Guild at least twenty times in the last few years of his retirement. He slapped the table angrily and gritted his teeth and said: "God knows why their guild president is called 'Typing Warrior'" No, let me tell you, that guy is simply the aggregation of all evil virtues, and he walks like a slut. To be honest, since Teacher Xueyin also plays this game, you must pay attention to that guy. If you meet him, You have to run as far as you can. I heard from a friend that he seemed to be the size of Gymboree in the first two years..."


Tianshu, who had a premonition that something bad might happen if he let Tian Yuan finish this sentence, suddenly coughed slightly, interrupted the former professional player who was temporarily short-circuited due to close contact with his idol, and single-handedly promoted the national warrior to Wushuang. The meritorious old captain smiled and said: "Time is limited, dear Teacher Tianyuan, what we want to hear more than the popular science of the leader of Yuhuo Guild is your wonderful tactical analysis of this game. After all... …The deeds of the legendary president are easy to find, but the opportunity to hear Mr. Tianyuan’s personal tactical analysis is very rare.”

Tian Yuan, who knew he had made a mistake, suddenly came back to his senses. While he was still frightened by the fact that he was almost hated by Jin Baobao, he nodded gratefully to the Book of Heaven, and finally... turned to Xueyin to ask for his opinion: " Teacher Xueyin, what do you think?”

Heavenly Book: "..."

"Okay, okay!"

Xue Yin immediately nodded vigorously and said with a smile: "It just so happens that a newbie like me can't understand it. It would be great if Teacher Tianyuan could help explain it!"


Seeing that his idol had spoken, Tian Yuan, who was worried that the other party would not want to listen to the analysis, naturally lost his worries. He immediately pushed up his rimless glasses and said sternly: "Since Teacher Xueyin also wants to hear my humble opinion, let's talk about it a little bit." Let’s take a look at this short and exciting game——”

Having said that, the old captain of the Pai Lao Club, although he did not have as high an achievement as Guo Shi Wushuang, he was still a legend in the gaming circle. He analyzed the game just now clearly and clearly, and Tian Yuan was worthy of his past. Although he has a huge source of interference like Xue Yin sitting next to him, he is still able to analyze all the details of the game in a meticulous and easy-to-understand manner, which even makes many professional players feel that they have benefited a lot.

The process of the entire game is actually not complicated. According to the scenes in the live broadcast, the background is mostly a mixed coalition's crusade against an evil force's nest. Among them, the five members of the Red Constellation Team 2 were given the title of members of the crusade team. Identities, and the five Yuhuo are naturally the evil forces that many people expected.

One detail needs to be mentioned here. Although both sides are not fighting alone, the average combat power of their NPC friends, whether on the Yuhuo side or the Red Constellation Team 2, is not high. They are generally around the mid-level level. Only Some people have advanced to a high level, and they are still a relatively poor, high-level person who has just begun to see the way.

And whether it is the five members of the Yuhuo team or the five members of the second team of the Red Constellation, although they are far inferior to the most powerful ones that Xiao Xiaobai said, as a team that can break into the top sixteen of the team competition, even with those The results of the horizontal comparison between the favorites to win the championship are not impressive. The strength of these ten people is not comparable to that of the NPCs around them. In other words, this is a rare NPC indigenous force after the start of Innocence. In terms of strength, the players have severely crushed them. At the same time, it is also the most familiar and comfortable scene for most professional players.

After all, in countless competitions in the past, there has never been a situation where NPC can directly influence the situation of the battle. In this [Battle of Punishment], even a strong man like Xinglong, who is carrying the legacy left by Emperor Solacha behind his back, After the scandal and the love debt, he had to run around in the early stages of the game. Even in the final battle with Rebecca, he had to be on guard at all times to see if a powerful Supervisor would suddenly pop up and pin him down.

So in this case, the already strong psychological advantage of the Red Constellation Team 2 immediately skyrocketed again. There is no other reason. Although the [Bathing in Fire] guild has a good reputation, everyone in the circle knows that those guys hardly participate. Any game involving offline, even online games, if the price/performance ratio is slightly lower, they will 100% choose to watch the excitement.

In other words, at least in terms of competition experience, the red constellation is inferior to the fire!

And this game is precisely the one that is most like an 'offline competition' rather than an 'online game' among the key events since the start of [Battle of Crimes]!

Let me put it aside, if you put aside the facts, the idea of ​​the Red Constellation Team 2 actually has a certain logic to follow. After all, the biggest difference between competition players and online players is the mentality, equipment, tacit understanding and style of the former. They are all more suitable for the stage of [Inquisition and Debate]. It is true that Yuhuo is a guild with a notorious reputation, but when Kokonoe and others were transferred to the main team in the [Innocent Realm] project, these new professional players Obviously, he didn’t know much about the guild Yuhuo.

You must know that professional players who have the opportunity to enter the Red Constellation as official players, even in the second team, are definitely the top talents in the industry. In the eyes of Flash Sniper, Destruction Behemoth, Explosion Catcher and Crimson Prince, even if they are just some Tokiwa The Four Heavenly Kings are far inferior to themselves, the regular members of the first club.

As for the only senior member of the team who had dealt with Yuhuo, the team leader Sweeper, who was entrusted with important tasks by Jiuchong, did not throw a drop of cold water on his friends and maintained a laissez-faire attitude visible to the naked eye throughout the process.

In this way, the second team of Red Constellation, with the above mentality, made two fatal mistakes in the process of defining this game.

First of all, they ignored a key point, that is, although this game is indeed a [big competition], in this game, the upper limit of each player is determined by his or her own quality, regardless of the illusory "luck" Putting aside their own issues, the opposite team composed of two vice-presidents + three senior cadres completely beat them in terms of average quality.

Secondly, they relaxed their vigilance because Typing Warrior, who was demonized by countless people, was not in the team. But in fact, the existence of Typing Warrior itself was an excellent cover for the rest of the Yufeng Guild, because he was so dirty that Other people who are dirty, cheap and unscrupulous will be made "ordinary" or even "simple" by him.

But just looking at the feat of the five members of Yuhuo who killed all the 'partners' around them within two minutes of the official start of the game, you will know that their mental state and mental health are far from 'average'.

That's right, the first thing Yu Huo did after the game started was to clear the field!

After that, Sarufang Mighty transformed into a giant bear, dragged a large number of corpses that were quickly packed by several other people, and began to trek. He used the topographic map he had just obtained to 'place' these corpses one by one, and arranged the 'placement site' As weird as you want, each of the five people counts, and their methods are even worse than those of a cultist.

For example, before being killed, an old cultist who was bragging about how many children he had molested was penetrated by a huge thorn from the back yard, and after it came out of his mouth, seven or eight new branches branched out, making him look like a martyr. Hanging on the wall like a human being, there is a strange totem drawn with blood and excrement on the floor beneath him and on the wall behind him, and a very strange smiley face was DIYed with a sharp tool.

Ever since, after the Red Constellation Team 2 and their companions stormed into the underground palace with great momentum, what they saw were not the cultists who were desperately resisting, but a large number of corpses in horrific death conditions, evenly distributed in a large number of traffic arteries.

Fear naturally grew at an alarming rate under such circumstances, and reached its first climax after everyone chose to divide their forces in order to improve search efficiency.

The second climax is when everyone begins to discover their own corpses during the exploration process!

The partners who had been separated for just two minutes died tragically at the next fork in the road in the blink of an eye. This series of horrific experiences quickly destroyed the psychological defenses of the survivors.

In the end, when only five members of the Red Constellation Team 2 were left as survivors, the five Yuhuo people who came out of the blind spot of their vision killed four of them with little effort, and finally killed the cursed one with a slightly more serious attitude. scavenger.

A thrilling skit that only lasted nine minutes tore into pieces the pride of the Red Constellation Team Two.

Chapter 2203: End

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