Quadruple split

Chapter 2216 Contaminated Area

[Alien Rebellion]

Category: Special Side Mission

Quality: Legend

Introduction: Under the series of grandiose, amazing, alcohol-excessive, stupid, crazy, and suicidal illegal operations by the new head of the Third Experimental Base, Director Semiro, who had just taken office half a month ago, a leak accident of very serious nature, but destined not to let the only son of Mr. Semiro Speaker take the main responsibility, happened. The bad news is that the entire experimental base was completely infected in just five minutes. The good news is that you, who have the alienation qualification, did not die. Although you are destined to be cleared by those well-equipped and irresistible aftermath experts, before that, you have plenty of time to make the bastard who may be able to hide safely to the end pay a different price, or you want to fight to the death to defend your life.

Mission goal: survive.

Special target [Power of Domination]: The Domination is waking up. Please protect it and Ms. Megan, the former director of the First Research Laboratory, whose existence form has been transformed into the ‘Thinking Core’, to ensure that the Domination that will not actively attack special mutants and obey the thinking core wakes up smoothly.

Advice 1: Strange mutations are spreading, and your biological structure is changing every minute and every second. However, compared to those poor people who lost their lives at the first time, you survived by relying on your immune system to successfully coexist with mutations. As a price, you will gradually lose the characteristics of humanoid creatures, and your existence itself will become poisonous, and it will become more and more deadly as time goes by.

Advice 2: When the accident happened, Director Megan, who was handling official business in the first research room, reacted very quickly. Almost immediately after the situation became irreversible, she immediately injected herself with the ninth type of alienated biomass and completed the connection with the "master" through a simple mind beacon. Because of this, despite her weak physical fitness, Director Megan, who was protected by the master in the form of "symbiosis" at the first time, is still alive in a sense. Not only that, because the radiation range of the mind beacon perfectly covers the entire institute, Ms. Megan can contact all mutants, establish a mind network and help maintain the mutants' minds.

Advice 3: Almost all the victims are undergoing disturbing mutations. You notice that many "corpses" are doing activities that "corpses" should not do, such as standing, howling or wandering. However, these bodies do not seem to be hostile to you as a mutant. I don't know if it is an illusion. They seem to be gathering towards the gate as soon as possible.

Mission Success Reward: For every five minutes you survive, your positive mutation will be strengthened.

Mission Failure Penalty: None

Special Target Success Reward: The epic mutant "Dominator" will join your camp.

Special Target Failure Penalty: ? ? ?

[Note: None]

"So, the current situation may not be that bad."

Mo Tan turned the three pupils in his left eye with interest, and said leisurely: "At least we don't have to spend extra time thinking about how to win."

Holding the dark purple magic sword in his hand tightly, with a frown on his face, Mu Xuejian nodded slightly, and then turned to look at the "cocoon" that was a little creepy and was shrinking at this moment, separated from the biomass protecting Shuangye's body by a layer of glass, and asked lightly: "Waiting for the master to wake up?"

Mo Tan laughed exaggeratedly and grinned: "Of course, what other options are there? No matter how you think about it, an epic monster that obeys our orders is the only shortcut to pass this game. Of course, I'm talking about shortcuts. If you want to kill the card guys head-on, there is no problem."

"Maybe ..."

Mu Xuejian narrowed his eyes slightly, a seductive purple light flashed in his eyes, and he whispered: "That's not a bad idea."

Mo Tan's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and he asked curiously: "Oh? So do you mind saving your advice? "

He is very clear about his position, and he never goes against the other two in this situation. Mu Xuejian nodded and said concisely: "The upper limit of physical energy and life value has been greatly increased, and the recovery speed of both has also been greatly increased. The three basic attributes of strength, dexterity, and physique will also increase with the passage of time. In addition, there are many positive gains related to critical strikes, explosive damage, and ignoring defense. "

"Is that so..."

However, after hearing the "mutation" effect obtained by Mu Xuejian, Mo Tan not only did not show his joy, but his expression was even more solemn than before. After a long time, he closed his mouth tightly and asked softly through the newly established mental network: [What do you think?]

[It's a big trouble. 】

Futaba's voice immediately rang in their minds, her tone quite serious: [I was just about to tell you that the bonus I got here is also very exaggerated. Although it is very fragile and cannot move, it can not only establish a mental network in a fairly large range to keep in touch with you, but can even directly control those corpses after they have been mutated to a certain stage. I just explored a random corpse in depth, and the conclusion is that as long as that thing completes the mutation, it can at least have the strength of the high-level peak level. ]

Mo Tan nodded, and then asked in his heart like a machine gun: [How many corpses are there? How long does it take to complete the mutation? How big is your control range? How long will it take for the master to wake up? ]

[There are about 1,500 corpses, but only 60% to 80% can successfully mutate. Some unsuitable bodies have been disabled. As for the time to complete the mutation, it should not exceed 20 minutes at most. ]

[Okay, then what? ]

[Unlike the mind network, it is not easy to directly control those mutated corpses. Although my control will become stronger and stronger with the passage of time, the maximum should not exceed the range of one mile around this research institute. However, when those things are completely mutated, if nothing unexpected happens, they should indiscriminately attack all units except their own kind, instead of being out of my control and starting to be dazed like a fool like many RTS games. ]

[Got it, how long will it take to dominate? ]

[At least one hour, maybe one and a half hours. ]

[Yes. ]

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then fell silent while stroking his chin.

Futaba stopped talking and began to concentrate on building a mind network that could integrate more mutated corpses as subordinate units.

Seeing that both of them had fallen silent, Mu Xuejian leaned on the huge [Demon Sword] in his hand and fell into silence, feeling that he was becoming more and more 'powerful'.

After a while——

"Shuangye, give me navigation."

Mo Tan, who was too lazy to continue using the mind network, said lightly, then turned to look at Mu Xuejian: "You just wait here, don't move."

The latter nodded slightly, agreed, and then asked casually: "Where are you going?"

"Make some traps, or make some trap drafts."

Mo Tan smiled casually, and then walked out while waving his hand without looking back: "From now on, talk in your mind all the time. If nothing unexpected happens, I will probably not come back."

In this way, Mo Tan left the first research room as the center of the base, and Mu Xuejian fell into silence again.

In the next half an hour, the former performed a textbook trap setting, completing a large number of murder designs with exquisite materials, exquisite workmanship, numerous steps, unique, original, and malicious in a short period of time. Given that the materials in this research institute are very complete, and he had already obtained a high-level certification from a beautiful corpse on the way to find Shuangye, Mo Tan, who can enter and exit the warehouse at will and has a high-level space storage device such as a bag, has no shortage of materials. With sufficient materials, his efficiency in making those counter-intuitive traps is comparable to buying goods at the wholesale market!

If I have to describe it, it is that the typing warriors and Yuhuo, the group of wretches, were stunned. You know, the Yuhuo team just used similar means to severely mess up the opponent's mentality in the last game, but after seeing the craftsmanship of Tan Mo, the five people couldn't help but feel that they were inferior to him, and the typing warriors who had met the character of 'Tan Mo' in the individual competition before showed a look of mutual appreciation.

To be honest, the live broadcast gave fair shots to both sides, but because Xue Yin's shocking confession before the game was too explosive, more than 90% of the people watching the game were paying attention to [Joker Cards], but [Card Man], which was much more popular than the former, became less popular.

"Is it not good to have less attention?"

At the same time, in the simple stone fortress outside the [Leap] Special Zone, Guo Shi Wushuang smiled and shook his head at the angry Feng Hua Xue Yue, sighing: "You are still young, and you have never experienced the scene of being asked by someone next to you if you are a celebrity when you go to the toilet."

Feng Hua Xue Yue glared at him and said unhappily: "I think it is difficult for me to experience the scene you just mentioned with the structure of the women's toilet."

"It's just a metaphor. In short, high attention is not a good thing. I just hope that brother Tan Mo Don't play the game with your true self, otherwise..."

Guo Shi Wushuang smacked his lips and said faintly: "The so-called sack and bricks may not be a joke in some cases."

Feng Hua Xue Yue was stunned and said in astonishment: "Not really? You mean someone might really go to trouble Xue Yin because of her confession to Tan Mo? Sack and bricks?"

"That's too much."

The old king of Shengguang, who happened to push the door and walked in, laughed loudly, and the two soul fires in his eyes floated towards Guo Shi Wushuang. Lepiao: "For example, Wushuang."

Fenghuaxueyue: "...Eh?"

"Hahahaha, Xueyue, don't you know? The captain is a fanatical fan of Miss Xueyin."

Just then, Liuju Manguan, who never likes to think before speaking, also walked in with a big laugh and said happily: "I wanted to say it before, is it because there is a "Xue" in your name that he is so cute... Ugh!"

"There is a live broadcast, don't talk nonsense and ruin the reputation of the club."

After using a fierce knee strike to physically silence Liuju Manguan, Fenghuaxueyue went to the squatting The twitching senior in front of him asked coldly: "Did you remember?"

Liuju Manguan, who had lost 3% of his health points, nodded like pounding garlic and said repeatedly: "I remember, I remember-"

"What's so lively?"

The last one to come back, Sanse Tongke, asked curiously after opening the door. Then he saw Fenghuaxueyue with a cold expression and Liuju Manguan squatting on the ground with his hands on his stomach. He immediately gave up his curiosity and said to Guoshi Wushuang seriously: "No, I walked around outside for a long time, but I still can't find our affiliation."

"It's the same here."

Old King Shengguang also nodded in agreement, the soul fire in his eyes swaying slightly: "Although we are considered to be the top leaders of this outpost force, with the existing information in our hands, at least I cannot restore the current historical background and geography. information."

Liuju Slam stood up unsteadily, holding his stomach, and said with difficulty: "Me too, I didn't ask anything."

"Well, forget it if you can't ask. Anyway, the current situation is actually quite clear."

As the backbone of the team, Guoshi Wushuang did not panic at all. He just flipped through the mission briefing in his hand that he could almost memorize, and said calmly: "The front is a 'contaminated area' with a very high degree of confidentiality. There are many people in the contaminated area. Even if they are not rescued, the evidence must be destroyed, and these projects are generally shady, it’s that simple.”

The three colors nodded slightly and said: "And this team we are in is the special force used by the 'higher-ups' to solve some sensitive situations. It is precisely because of this special nature that we even have an official designation and There are no marks, no national emblem, divine emblem or even lord’s coat of arms.”

"We can't ask any more questions anyway."

Fenghuaxueyue frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Since it is a force of this nature, even if we directly inherit the identity of a senior officer, Wushuang is the person in charge in the eyes of others. If we continue to investigate, it will easily arouse suspicion. The consequences will be It’s unimaginable.”

"Yes, since we have confirmed that this matter is very deep, there is no need to continue to complicate the situation. After all, the only purpose of this game for both sides is to simply 'kill' It’s just the other side, and the existing information is enough for us to see the situation clearly.”

Guoshi Wushuang shrugged and said in a brisk tone: "And if you think about it carefully, with this level of confidentiality, even if we know our affiliation, it is probably impossible to leave any traces in history that can increase our chances of winning. ah."

Old King Shengguang moved his mandible and asked, "So?"

"In ten minutes, the limit time left for the survivors of the third experimental base will be up."

Guo Shi Wushuang stood up and looked around at his friends surrounding him, his expression calm and calm——

"Go straight in and defeat ten enemies with one force."

Chapter 2207: End

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