Quadruple split

Chapter 2217 The Worst Plan

[Aftermath Expert]

Category: Special side quest

Quality: Legend

Introduction: As the most elite aftermath team in the system, although you and your friends are in a state of annihilation in most cases, when the necessary moment comes, the importance of the [Burner Squad] in the eyes of the ruling class is even greater than the lives of political opponents. Now, no matter how reluctant you are, you who are deeply trusted by the upper class must face the deepest and most despicable dark side, and rush to the scene of the incident as an outpost, scout and ranger in the afternoon, ensuring that the experimental base is completely destroyed while recovering relevant files.

Mission objective: After 12:00 AM in the background time of this game, lead the [Burner Squad] and the special forces to break into the third experimental base, clear out all creatures inside, and leave no survivors.

Special objective: Kill the "Dominator".

Advice 1: There is a bottle of special serum in your bag that can be used five times. After use, it can forcibly remove a negative state. This is a special supply for this mission. Please use it properly.

Advice 2: As the captain of the [Corpse Cremator Squad], you have higher authority than all your companions and have absolute command over all special forces.

Advice 3: The captain of the special force [Scavengers] has a limited intelligence, which will be released after the background time of 12:00 AM, and it contains the key information you need.

Advice 4: Deserters will be executed immediately.

Mission Success Reward: None

Mission Failure Penalty: None

Special Target Success Reward: The entire [Card Master] team will receive the buff effect [Shura IV]. Before the end of the game, all basic attributes will be increased by 65%, skill cooldown time will be shortened by 50%, critical strike rate will be increased by 50%, and critical strike damage will be increased by 80%.

Special target failure penalty: None

[Remarks: None]

"At first glance, it seems like a generous mission."

[Leap] On the sand dunes outside the Special Zone, Guo Shi Wushuang chuckled after the captain of the special task force temporarily left, and sighed leisurely: "But if you look a little more, you will know that those penalties written as 'none' are simply a bunch of densely packed and extremely creepy 'death' characters."

Feng Huaxueyue next to him glanced at him and snorted: "Is there anything else that will scare you?"

"That's too much."

Guo Shi Wushuang smiled casually, and then cast his eyes on the dozens of miles away Looking at a building that looked quite glamorous but not at all lifeless, he chuckled and said, "But fortunately, I am relatively helpless with Chinese horror, and I don't have much feeling for this kind of horror and disaster theme."

It can be seen that although the maximum visual range of a normal person is only about 200 meters, it is not difficult for Guo Shi Wushuang to turn himself into a human telescope through some small tricks outside of combat. It's a pity that although he can directly observe the building, he can't sort out what he has through the surface information he observed, so his plan to prepare for a rainy day fell through.

"There's no need to be perfect."

Noticing that Guoshi Wushuang began to rub his eyes, Fenghuaxueyue shook his head and said casually, "Didn't you just say that you want to 'defeat ten skills with one force'? There are only three people on the other side. Even if there are two super strong men, you are not fighting alone. The four of us together can definitely have the upper hand over at least one person, right?"

Guoshi Wushuang shrugged, squinted his eyes and continued to look into the distance, while answering casually, "Maybe, but Sun Tzu once said that those who plan for victory before the battle have to plan more; those who plan for defeat before the battle have to plan less. Those who plan more will win, those who plan less will lose, let alone those who don't plan at all? Even if the core of our strategy this time is to defeat ten skills with one force, it is always good to have the opportunity to calculate and think more. "

"I think that keeping you in good condition as the core combat force will be more conducive to our victory. It is better to use less of the 'magic eye' you learned secretly at this time."

Feng Huaxueyue said lightly, and then raised her hand to cover Guo Shi Wushuang's gradually congested eyes, and said in an unquestionable tone: "The time is about to come, take a break, and relax your brain and eyes."


Guo Shi Wushuang neither insisted nor put on the captain's airs, but just said a meek sentence and stopped the ability with a lot of load, and obediently rested his mind.

Admittedly, Guo Shi Wushuang did not think that this load would weaken him much, but in his opinion, rather than letting his partners worry about him and feel uneasy, it is better to give up arguing and obey obediently, because others are doing it for their own good.

The one who doesn't know the good heart is the dog who has a grudge against Lu Dongbin, not him, Guo Shi Wushuang.

Just like that, time flies, years pass by like a shuttle——

In the blink of an eye, the time to execute the [Clearing] plan has come!


Guo Shi Wushuang stood up, turned his head and smiled at the middle-aged orc who appeared behind him not far away without saying a word: "Give me the information that can be unlocked."

The latter nodded slightly, and then carefully took out a strange rectangular block that looked a bit like amber flakes from the belt with space storage function and handed it to Guo Shi Wushuang.

Feng Huaxueyue, who was standing next to him, suddenly contracted her pupils and subconsciously held her breath. Although she maintained a calm expression on the surface, she had begun to panic in her heart.

There is no other reason. This is obviously a record carrier that did not exist in 9571 of the Holy Calendar, or was no longer mainstream in 9571. In other words, even if the lingua franca of this world has almost never been used in the past hundred centuries, After all, if the person in charge of the special task force next to him could see any clues without knowing enough about the usage of record carriers, the consequences would be disastrous!


[You must pretend to understand even if you don’t understand! 】

Fenghuaxueyue stared intently at the national scholar Wushuang who had taken over the thin cuboid and was looking at it carefully with narrowed eyes, hoping that the latter could seize this glimmer of hope that was actually not difficult to guess.

To put it simply, although you don't understand, you pretend to understand and give some feedback that will not arouse the other party's suspicion. If ideal, you can even ask the other party to help interpret the content, such as 'Tell me about you' views' and the like.

Considering that the status of Guo Shi Wushuang in the 'background' is not low, and even in this 'outpost' team, Fenghuaxueyue believes that the feasibility of this move is very high, and she also knows that if it is Guo Shi Wushuang, it will definitely I can think of this method, so the problem now is actually acting!

There was a saying that 'women are born actors'. Although it is inevitably a considerable degree of exaggeration, in fact, girls who are more emotional in most cases do have a natural talent for 'acting'. Advantages, aside from those popular movie stars in the early years who only had the two expressions "Mom is dead"/"Mom is alive", most normal girls actually have very good on-the-spot acting skills, and even their temperament is sharp. Ji Xiaodao, who looks like a female killer, has also perfectly performed the gentle, restrained, and considerate female companion of the crime lord.

Therefore, Fenghuaxueyue believes that if it were him, there should still be a high probability that he could deceive the captain by pretending not to know how to do it. It would not be a big problem for Old King Shengguang. After all, he is a skeleton and does not need to consider his face and expression. 'Question, but Guoshi Wushuang... it's hard to say.

For some reason, although he was always being fooled by the other party, subconsciously, Feng Huaxue Yue always felt that Guo Shi Wushuang was a very sincere person.

One thing to say, this evaluation is actually not wrong. After all, Guoshi Wushuang is always sincere to his fans, while Fenghuaxueyue was a fan for a long time before becoming a regular colleague, so it is actually quite normal to have difficulty switching roles for a while. , but when it comes to Guo Shi’s unparalleled acting skills...

【What the hell are you doing! 】

Seeing Wushuang Guoshi turn the rectangular piece in his hand 180 degrees, and then continue to look at it seriously, Fenghuaxueyue couldn't hold back at that moment. For a moment, she was even ready to strike first. Strong, be prepared to knock Ya down first when the captain senses something is wrong.

However, what surprised Fenghuaxueyue was that when she was tense and ready to take action, the unsmiling middle-aged orc did not make any reaction. He just watched calmly as Guoshi Wushuang 'played' with the rectangular carrier.


"Notify all outpost troops that except for a few scouts who are left to wait for the [Destroyers] to be in place, the others must be prepared immediately. In ten minutes, we will go directly to the target location to carry out 'work'."

Guo Shi Wushuang casually put away the thin rectangular body, nodded to the captain of the [Scavengers], and said calmly: "Let the scouts left behind send a message to the [Exterminators]. If there is an unexpected situation that cannot be solved, we will Conduct resonance guidance in the target area as soon as possible, so they must maintain synchronized casting with the highest lethality throughout the process, and last for at least three hours at the critical point without interruption.”

The orc wearing heavy black armor frowned and spoke for the first time: "Of course synchronized casting with maximum lethality can be achieved. After all, that is the primary mission of the [Destroyer], but it can last for at least three hours at the critical point... Is there some..."

"Forcing someone to do something difficult?"

Guoshi Wushuang smiled peacefully and said leisurely: "I don't think so, man, you must know that whether it is us [Corpse Burners], you [Scavengers], or the [Destroyers] who are about to arrive here, 】, the work content is actually no different. In other words, none of us is nobler than the other. What is certain is that in the worst case scenario, we may sacrifice, you may sacrifice, but [The Destroyer] No, in fact, it's just the opposite. After all, the very act of conducting resonance guidance means summoning a large-scale strike at the cost of life. That may be one life, two lives, or the lives of all our two teams. You Do you understand what I mean?"

Although it was called a [Squad], the captain of the scavenger squad, which had nearly three figures under his command, did not speak, but nodded silently.

"So my logic is very simple. Since we are the ones risking our lives, then as the 'insurance' behind the comfortable rear, those [Destroyers] must also show corresponding sincerity, such as responding to our strike requests at any time. "

The national scholar Wushuang looked at the other party steadily and said word by word: "This is fair."

The other party did not insist anymore. After a brief silence, he nodded slightly and said, "You are an expert, I will listen to you."

"Thank you for your understanding."

The national scholar Wushuang nodded slightly, then turned around and looked again at the target location that was very far away from here, his eyes were calm and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The captain of the scavengers bowed to Guoshi Wushuang and Feng Huaxueyue respectively, and then slowly left, passing by the Holy Light Old King, Sanse Tongke and Liuju Slam who were walking towards this side.

"How's it going?"

Shengguang Laowang shook his cervical vertebrae and asked Fenghuaxueyue, who was still confused, "Are you planning to cause trouble?"

The latter also shook his head, raised his hand and pointed at Guo Shi Wushuang: "You have to ask him, I don't know."


Upon hearing this, Lao Wang immediately turned to Guo Shi Wushuang, who had just turned around, and said curiously: "Tell me about it."

"The situation is not much different from what we speculated before. The target location is an inhumane test area, and it has been out of control for more than twelve hours."

Guo Shi Wushuang raised his chin towards the 'forbidden zone' behind him and explained: "According to the information I just saw, if nothing else happens, everyone in the test area should have had an accident, and the people we visited this time The purpose is to recover the research data in the experimental area, search for and rescue those who were not involved in the accident, and ensure that those who were martyred but had some accidents during the process were completely martyred. Can you understand that?"

Sanse Tongke smiled, shrugged and said, "I have seen at least a dozen movies of this type."

"I haven't seen it much!"

Liuju Slam showed the 'smile of a single-celled organism' that King Shengguang called him, and said excitedly: "It seems very interesting!"

"Is it interesting? The more interesting things are yet to come."

Guo Shi Wushuang raised his eyebrows and laughed: "According to the confidential information records, there is a very special 'experimental body' hidden in that experimental area. Although the specific information was not given to me, I can tell from the meaning between the lines. , the higher-ups seem to think that thing has the strength to kill us easily. In other words, although it is not enough to be a legend, if that thing really comes to life, the guarantee must be an epic or an awakening dragon."

"The description of "awakening dragon" is really profound."

Old King Shengguang laughed dryly and complained.

"Then, knowing that the three [Harlequin Cards] are probably contrary to our position, we must prepare for the worst."

Guoshi Wushuang narrowed his eyes and showed a refreshing and bright smile to his team members——

"My advice is, break up with them."

Chapter 2208: End

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