Quadruple split

Chapter 225 Half a day free

What's going on? !

"Upgrade and maintenance..." Mo Tan dragged the page back to the top of the announcement, stared at the title and read it several times, his eyes widened: "I dare you to say that the 12 hours that the game does not allow login every day is just a simple shutdown. Is that all?!”

He always thought that the optimization, maintenance and upgrade of the Innocence Boundary server were completed from 7 am to 19 pm every day, that is, when players are unable to go online, but now it seems that is not the case. , if what this announcement says is true, then today is actually the first official maintenance and upgrade of this game in a month since it was launched!

At first glance, there seems to be nothing unusual about this matter, and most players would not think too much about it, but Mo Tan feels it is particularly incredible. The reason is very simple...

"This is impossible! They must be lying!"

In a room that is messy and dark, but looks very comfortable if you look closely, a black-haired girl with round-rimmed eyes is sitting on the bed in a daze. She has a cute baby face and nothing but... Apart from his underwear, there was only a slightly loose T-shirt. The large area of ​​exposed skin looked extremely pale due to the infrequent exposure to sunlight. His figure was slender and... less than 1.6 meters tall.

On the screen in front of her was the latest announcement from the Innocence Realm.

The girl named Futaba in the game and Muyu in real life was stunned for a few seconds, then clapped her hands vigorously: "NAVI!!"

"Yes~" The soft voice of artificial intelligence came from all directions.

"Do you think it's possible?" Futaba stared at the monitor on the wall and asked fiercely: "Based on the information I gave you before, do you think this broken game is really only maintained once a month?! "

NAVI was silent for a few seconds, and then replied with its electronic synthesized voice: "It is not logical. According to your previous guess, this game requires at least eight to twelve hours of high-precision maintenance every day to operate normally. It’s not realistic to perform a 36-hour maintenance every thirty days, and…”

"And what?" Futaba hugged his knees and pouted, and said displeasedly: "Don't hesitate."

"And if, as you said, the NPCs inside have intelligence above mine, with their huge base, even if it is maintained for 23 hours a day and operated normally for one hour, it is not logical, but the premise is that I The highest level of technology known to us does not involve hardware or systems that may be developed by military or special agencies..."

"Okay, I know what you want to say." Futaba shook his head and interrupted the other party. He slowly climbed to the head of the bed, leaned out half of his body and took out a can of Dr. Pepper from the small refrigerator: "This game It's not normal... Of course I know it's not normal. If it were normal, wouldn't I be able to hack it in?"


She pulled the tab on the drink and took two swigs. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and hummed: "Huh, that guy BLACK can't handle it anyway. His level is not as good as mine!"

"But BLACK's hardware is better than yours..."

"Shut up!"




"Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, Master."

"I haven't been able to play games for the past two days..."

"NAVI recommends that you pay attention to your health and continue to maintain the sleep schedule you have had for a month."

"It's so boring, let's track that bastard~"

"But no signs of BLACK activity have been retrieved in the past two weeks."

"Humph, he is probably working hard to level up and prepare to kill me. After all, he knows his location, appearance, and profession. He will definitely not let this opportunity go..."

"Please be careful, Master."

"Of course, that's a bitch."

at the same time

"Ah sneeze!!"

Mo Tan, who was reading the official announcement carefully, sneezed suddenly, and then heard a cell phone ringing not far behind him.

He stood up and walked to the game cabin and picked up his phone. The words 'Gay Friend A' were flashing on the screen.

"Hey, did you scold me just now?" Mo Tan asked in a bad tone immediately after pressing the answer button.

Yidong on the opposite side was confused at the time: "I didn't..."

"Oh, then I might have caught a cold." Mo Tan sat back at the table with his cell phone, rolling the instant noodles in the paper bucket with a fork and asking, "What's the matter?"

"Did you see the announcement? Innocence has been updated! We can't play tonight!"

Yi Dong's tone was very tangled, and his excitement was mixed with a little pain in his balls.

"I saw the announcement. Is it weird for a game to be maintained and upgraded occasionally?" Mo Tan crooked his neck and held the phone between his hands. While stuffing noodles into his mouth, he had already clicked on the game forum and saw the above as expected. A burst of mourning filled the land.

Yidong choked and laughed dryly: "Okay, actually, I just ordered a bunch of game pods the day before yesterday. I was originally thinking that everyone could play together directly at my house tonight."

"Haha." Mo Tan rolled his eyes and sneered: "Uncle and aunt are too spoiled to you. If you were my son, you probably wouldn't live to be more than a month old."

"Get out! I mean, hurry up and pack up. My parents ran away early in the morning! I'm so bored right now!" Yidong wailed on the other side of the phone.

Mo Tan: "..."

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I heard it." Mo Tan suddenly came back to his senses and said seriously into the phone: "I have to go downstairs to see the cat in a while, and then I have to pay the rent. If nothing else, I will be at your place in about two hours. Bar."

Yidong understood immediately: "You just became more sophisticated again, right?"

"Yeah." Mo Tan shrugged, closed the notebook in front of him, and walked to the kitchen with the noodle bucket: "Is it that obvious?"

"Pretty obvious!"

Real time AM11:20

City B, a villa in Dexin District

Yi Dong opened the door and looked at Mo Tan in front of him with a painful look on his face. His expression was very distorted: "Is this what you call about two hours?!"

"What I said before was probably 'if nothing else happens, it will take about two hours.'" Mo Tan casually pulled Yi Dong aside and walked into the foyer, changed his slippers, entered the living room, turned on the TV, and made coffee. As if he had returned to his own home, he turned to Yi Dong who rolled his eyes and said, "Bring two glasses here."

Yi Dong curled his lips, took out two cups from the cabinet next to him, and placed them heavily in front of Mo Tan: "What accident happened to you?"

"A very serious accident." Mo Tan shrugged, poured a cup of coffee out of the pot, then took out a bottle of Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator at hand, unscrewed the lid and filled another cup: "First of all , I first used the money left over from paying the rent to update the food reserves..."

Yi Dong was stunned for a moment: "Why do you still have money left after paying the rent?"

Mo Tan threw sugar cubes into the coffee carelessly: "Maybe it's because the landlord thinks I'm handsome."


Yi Dong laughed dryly, decided to skip the topic about Mo Tan's appearance, and pointed to the two cups in front of him: "Which one is mine?"

"It's not yours." Mo Tan took a sip of coffee first, then glanced at the other person, as if looking at a stray dog: "Okay, Dr. Perpper can be yours."

Yi Dong rolled his eyes: "You know I don't like drinking this stuff."

"So I don't have it for you." Mo Tan put down the coffee, took another sip of Dr. Pepper, and said with a smile, "I don't have any complaints now."

Yidong was furious at the time: "I'm really complaining! I dare you to believe that the gift you brought when you came here last time was for yourself?! Do you want face!?"

That's right, Yi Dong's family didn't originally have this kind of drink, but when Mo Tan came over some time ago, he brought a whole box of Dr. Pepper, saying that it was the most expensive thing he could afford.

In the end, he drank it himself!

"I didn't let you drink it." Mo Tan shrugged and said leisurely: "What if uncle and aunt like to drink it?"

Yi Dong was expressionless: "My parents drank less than one bottle combined."

"What a pity." Mo Tan smacked his lips and sighed: "Then I can only bother them before they are released..."

Yi Dong felt that there was no need to continue talking about this topic, otherwise Mo Tan, who was in this state of mind, would probably piss himself to death, so he continued to ask about the other party's lateness: "What happened after you replenished the ingredients? ?be lost?"

As his best friend and childhood friend, he knew Mo Tan's sense of direction very well. If the latter was really lost, let alone two hours, it would be reasonable even if he wandered outside until night.

"That's not true." In the end, Mo Tan shook his head slightly and said solemnly: "I just refreshed the mine clearance record a few times~"

"What the hell..."

"Then for the sake of balance, I also played the card games that came with the computer a few times. I also had a flash of inspiration and made two mini-games with viruses. I will pass them on to you and use them as lucky money." Mo Tan said seriously. Yi Dong said.

Yi Dong collapsed weakly on the sofa, gritted his teeth and said: "You must be sick..."

Mo Tan raised his glass and said, "You just know?"

Yi Dong: "..."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Mo Tan drank the Dr. Pepper in one gulp and said seriously: "Have you and Xiao Ai found that guy?"

Yidong chuckled: "I found it. We found it on the first day we arrived in Salamoen."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows: "Be more specific."

"Didn't you say that girl's profession is a mage?" Idong stretched out his index finger and shook it, smiling: "So I got into the Magician's Guild in Salamoon that day, and guess what happened?"

Mo Tan took a sip of coffee: "And you saw a girl with orange hair, glasses, strong strength, and less than 1.6 meters tall?"

"That's right." Yi Dong nodded and affirmed: "The name is Futaba. I found out after a little inquiry. That girl is now famous. No middle or low-level mage in the city does not know her. It is said that he was accepted as a disciple by Tarasha, the great mage of the N series who is stationed in the Salamun Mage Guild. He is so powerful!!"

Mo Tan picked his ears: "It's expected. I would be surprised if she couldn't do this. Do you know how strong she is?"

"I don't know, I don't have any detection attributes or skills." Yidong shook his head and spread his hands: "But many people in the Mage Guild said that she already has the strength of an intermediate mage. Based on the summary of the forum bosses According to the strength system table, she should have at least one profession above level 18."

Mo Tan yawned: "I know, you can do your own thing in the city during this period of time, doing tasks to level up and so on."

"What about Xiao Ai?" Yi Dong asked worriedly: "That girl has been a bit nagging recently, saying that you once asked her... Well, let me think about it, oh yes, it seems that you asked her to... She tried to cast divine magic without thinking about God, and now she feels like sleepwalking every day."

[Not against faith, but against instinct... She is really obedient...]

Mo Tan thought for a moment, then shook his head at Yi Dong and said: "If there is no obvious abnormality in her mental state, just ignore her for now and wait until I get there."

"Okay." Yidong nodded and said with a smile: "I recently took on a task chain, which is quite interesting. It contains some daily tasks for Salamun. The rewards are also good. Do you want to do it then? ...Hey, you won't..."

He keenly felt that the painting style of his friend in front of him seemed to have changed again.

In fact, this is also the case. Mo Tan's elusive... or rather calm temperament has been completely gone, replaced by an indescribable sense of warmth and a little... nervousness?

"Hey, how are you?"

Yi Dong waved his hand in front of Mo Tan.

"I'm fine. We'll talk about your mission chain later." Mo Tan straightened up awkwardly, then coughed lightly: "What do you think of my outfit today?"

Yi Dong was shocked at that time: "What?"

Mo Tan took a sip of coffee, then frowned and threw two more sugar cubes in. He shrugged and said, "What I mean is, please tell me carefully about the plague specialization in necromancy."

"No! That's not what you just said!" Idong jumped and shouted.

"Well, that's what I'm talking about." Mo Tan turned his head to sip his coffee and said with wandering eyes: "Isn't my priest recently helping to deal with the plague in Misha County, a pretty reliable alchemist girl? Tell me those things are essentially undead creatures, so I wanted to ask your opinion.”

Yi Dong nodded pretendingly: "I think your outfit is okay. There's nothing wrong with it except that it's cheap."

"That's okay..." Mo Tan nodded, then suddenly froze.

"Pfft hahahaha~" Yidong couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, patted the table and said loudly: "I finally tricked you once, tell me what happened..."

Bang bang bang~

A series of knocks on the door sounded outside, breaking Mo Tan's dilemma.

"Go and open the door." Mo Tan glared at Yi Dong and whispered: "Remember, don't let out anything you shouldn't say. Mo Tan is the priest Hei Fan. The other characters are with me. 'It doesn't matter, understand?"

Yidong snapped his fingers: "Don't worry, I've been covering you for so many years~ Remember to explain what happened just now when you go back."


Chapter 222: End

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